
What Is A Quasar?
In this short video explainer, Universe Today publisher Fraser Cain investigates the most ...
published: 12 Aug 2013
author: Fraser Cain
What Is A Quasar?
What Is A Quasar?
In this short video explainer, Universe Today publisher Fraser Cain investigates the most powerful objects in the Universe: quasars. In just the last few dec...- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 2499
- author: Fraser Cain

Quasar Documentary and the Death Star
A documentary all about quasars. Death Star technical comentary:
published: 02 Sep 2013
Quasar Documentary and the Death Star
Quasar Documentary and the Death Star
A documentary all about quasars. Death Star technical comentary: http://www.geeksbasement.net/vince/ https://skydrive.live.com/embed?cid=2A31E9B83807AFD2&resid;=2A31E9B83807AFD2%21118&authkey;=AOaf0szavNDWWjM&em;=2 A typical quasar generates e39 watts of power (e39 joules per second) which happens to be the exact same order of magnitude of power the Death Star must handle when discharging its superlaser, and the level of power delivered by the superlaser to Alderaan. The Death Star must be so very powerful in order to accelerate an entire planets mass to thousands of times escape velocity - as Alderaan's mass was accelerated to percentages of lightspeed when it was mass-scattered by the Death Star. The yield of the superlaser and the power generation of the reactor is confirmed in official (C-Canon) sources; according to official sources the reactor generates power comparable to the combined output of several hundred supergiant stars and requires a full twenty-four hours to fully charge the superlaser. The supergiant star Deneb generates e32 watts of power, several hundred thousand times more power than the Earths Sun. Several hundred supergiants such as Deneb combined would have an output of e34 watts. In twenty-four hours, the energy generated would amount to e39 joules. These numbers happen to be exactly consistent with the energies calculated from the canon movie, based on the velocity of Alderaan's debris field and backwards acceleration! Deneb: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders_of_magnitude_(power) Quasars: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quasar "In order to deliver a spectacular, planet-destroying burst, the station's hypermatter reactor would have to have been able to generate power equivalent to hundreds of super-giant stars." Inside the Worlds of STAR WARS Trilogy FAIR USE!- published: 02 Sep 2013
- views: 92

Big Bang Theory Wrong Again - Lagest known quasar group or "object" confirms Halton Arps predictions
Big Bang Theory (No, not the retarded hit TV show that confuses having a decent vocabulary...
published: 04 Feb 2013
author: Zeno Effect
Big Bang Theory Wrong Again - Lagest known quasar group or "object" confirms Halton Arps predictions
Big Bang Theory Wrong Again - Lagest known quasar group or "object" confirms Halton Arps predictions
Big Bang Theory (No, not the retarded hit TV show that confuses having a decent vocabulary with humor) takes another major hit as quasar cluster confirms Ele...- published: 04 Feb 2013
- views: 5887
- author: Zeno Effect

Most Powerful Quasar Discovered | Video
Astronomers have found a quasar that's more than five times more powerful than any previou...
published: 28 Nov 2012
author: VideoFromSpace
Most Powerful Quasar Discovered | Video
Most Powerful Quasar Discovered | Video
Astronomers have found a quasar that's more than five times more powerful than any previously seen. Quasars are mega-bright geysers of matter and energy powe...- published: 28 Nov 2012
- views: 35059
- author: VideoFromSpace

Meraviglie Del Cosmo - Quasar, Galassie E Buchi Neri ( Astronomia)completo
published: 05 Aug 2011
author: neroomo
Meraviglie Del Cosmo - Quasar, Galassie E Buchi Neri ( Astronomia)completo
Meraviglie Del Cosmo - Quasar, Galassie E Buchi Neri ( Astronomia)completo
- published: 05 Aug 2011
- views: 71466
- author: neroomo

The Centre of a Galaxy "Supermassive Black Hole in the Heart of a Galaxy" & Quasars Part 2
How the Universe Works is a mini-series that originally aired on the Discovery Channel Apr...
published: 04 Dec 2010
author: LebaneseNostalgia
The Centre of a Galaxy "Supermassive Black Hole in the Heart of a Galaxy" & Quasars Part 2
The Centre of a Galaxy "Supermassive Black Hole in the Heart of a Galaxy" & Quasars Part 2
How the Universe Works is a mini-series that originally aired on the Discovery Channel April 25, 2010 to May 24, 2010. It was narrated by Mike Rowe. This is ...- published: 04 Dec 2010
- views: 87125
- author: LebaneseNostalgia

Conheça o Quasar o Maior Buraco Negro que existe
published: 05 Feb 2010
author: Ricardo Silva
Conheça o Quasar o Maior Buraco Negro que existe
Conheça o Quasar o Maior Buraco Negro que existe
quasar.- published: 05 Feb 2010
- views: 450252
- author: Ricardo Silva

Hard Rock Sofa - Quasar (Original Mix)
Go to my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/BangBangPlaylist if you want more good musi...
published: 13 Feb 2012
author: TheMusicDrop
Hard Rock Sofa - Quasar (Original Mix)
Hard Rock Sofa - Quasar (Original Mix)
Go to my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/BangBangPlaylist if you want more good music. Subscribe to me if you want to get best electro & house songs. S...- published: 13 Feb 2012
- views: 489373
- author: TheMusicDrop

I quasar-1a parte
VISITA IL BLOG http://mida999.wordpress.com/ I quasar sono tra gli oggetti celesti piu' mi...
published: 05 Jun 2010
author: mida999
I quasar-1a parte
I quasar-1a parte
VISITA IL BLOG http://mida999.wordpress.com/ I quasar sono tra gli oggetti celesti piu' misteriosi dell'universo conosciuto.Si tratta delle galassie piu' dis...- published: 05 Jun 2010
- views: 30542
- author: mida999

The Most Distant Quasar Ever Discovered
From ESO-Cast and the European Southern Observatory. Astronomers have discovered the most ...
published: 29 Jun 2011
author: SpaceRip
The Most Distant Quasar Ever Discovered
The Most Distant Quasar Ever Discovered
From ESO-Cast and the European Southern Observatory. Astronomers have discovered the most distant quasar found to date. This brilliant beacon, powered by a b...- published: 29 Jun 2011
- views: 67011
- author: SpaceRip

L'Univers Et Ses Mystères - Épisode 52 - Pulsars et Quasars [1/3]
L'Univers Et Ses Mystères - 52 - Pulsars et Quasars [Partie 1 sur 3] Série de documentaire...
published: 16 Feb 2012
author: PlaneteAstro
L'Univers Et Ses Mystères - Épisode 52 - Pulsars et Quasars [1/3]
L'Univers Et Ses Mystères - Épisode 52 - Pulsars et Quasars [1/3]
L'Univers Et Ses Mystères - 52 - Pulsars et Quasars [Partie 1 sur 3] Série de documentaires passionnants sur l'astronomie et l'astrophysique, L'Univers et se...- published: 16 Feb 2012
- views: 10894
- author: PlaneteAstro

44.- Quasares - El Universo
Los quasares son astros difíciles de estudiar, ya que se encuentran muy alejados tanto en ...
published: 20 Dec 2007
author: lexandro777
44.- Quasares - El Universo
44.- Quasares - El Universo
Los quasares son astros difíciles de estudiar, ya que se encuentran muy alejados tanto en el espacio como en el tiempo. Se nos presentan tal como eran hace m...- published: 20 Dec 2007
- views: 109672
- author: lexandro777
Youtube results:

The Smashing Pumpkins Oceania: Quasar
The Smashing Pumpkins Oceania: Quasar Get it on on itunes: http://bit.ly/Q2Nr3v On Tour: h...
published: 27 Jun 2012
author: PumpkinsMediaMilitia
The Smashing Pumpkins Oceania: Quasar
The Smashing Pumpkins Oceania: Quasar
The Smashing Pumpkins Oceania: Quasar Get it on on itunes: http://bit.ly/Q2Nr3v On Tour: http://bit.ly/SPOCtour.- published: 27 Jun 2012
- views: 205788
- author: PumpkinsMediaMilitia

Lochead Quasar Covered Motorcycle
The Quasar Story The concept of the Quasar was first mapped out in 1968 by Malcom Newell a...
published: 11 Oct 2009
author: HAFUVideo
Lochead Quasar Covered Motorcycle
Lochead Quasar Covered Motorcycle
The Quasar Story The concept of the Quasar was first mapped out in 1968 by Malcom Newell and Ken Leaman when they met up in Scotland on holiday. The design i...- published: 11 Oct 2009
- views: 76739
- author: HAFUVideo

Yugioh Laval Quasar Deck Profile January 2014
Yugioh Laval Quasar Deck For the January 2014 Format . if you enjoyed the Laval Quasar Dec...
published: 28 Dec 2013
Yugioh Laval Quasar Deck Profile January 2014
Yugioh Laval Quasar Deck Profile January 2014
Yugioh Laval Quasar Deck For the January 2014 Format . if you enjoyed the Laval Quasar Deck for the new Yugioh January 2014 Format Click the Like Button :3 !!, can we get 28+ Likes on this video :D If you have any suggestions be sure to tell him in the comments :3 His Channel http://www.youtube.com/neilsugg Thanks for watching! and Be Sure to Like the Video If you enjoyed the Deck and Subscribe ✓ for more Yugioh Videos ✰ http://bit.ly/Sub-Arko-Sub-YGO ♥ Yugioh Chain Beat Deck Profile January 2014 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L_Jz_35aCY Laval Quasar Deck List Monsters: 3x Laval Cannon 3x Laval Volcano Handmaiden 2x Laval Lakeside Lady 2x Laval Magma Cannoneer 3x Battle Fader 2x Boost Warrior 2x Cardcar D 1x Laval Miller 1x Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos Spells: 3x Rekindling 2x Molten Conduction Field 2x Mystical Space Typhoon 2x Dark World Dealings 2x Upstart Goblin 2x Pot of Duality 1x Dark Hole 1x One Day of Peace 1x Burial From a Different Dimension Traps: 1x Mirror Force 1x Compulsory Evacuation Device 1x Royal Decree 1x The Transmigration Prophecy 1x Solemn Warning Extra Deck: Xyz Monsters: 1x Slacker Magician 1x Acid Golem Synchro Monsters: 1x Ally of Justice Catastor 1x Armades, Keeper of Boundaries 1x Formula Synchron 1x T.G. Hyper Librarian 1x Laval Dual Slasher 1x Lavalval Dragon 1x Stardust Dragon 1x Puralis, the Purple Pyrotile 1x Ancient Flamvell Deity (Can cut for 2nd Quasar) 1x Mist Wurm 1x Star Eater 1x Black Rose Dragon 1x Shooting Quasar Dragon --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My FaceBook Fan Page https://www.facebook.com/Arkoffusion649 Duelingnetwork: ark_of_fusion Friend me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arkoffusion Get Your Video Seen By 1000+ Yugioh Player: https://www.facebook.com/groups/yugi.tubing.promotion/ Get a Text When i Upload http://motube.us/arkoffusion WARNING! DO NOT READ Yugioh Deck Laval Quasar Deck 2014 Yugioh Laval Quasar Deck Yugioh Laval Quasar Deck 2014 Yugioh Deck Laval Quasar January 2014 Yugioh Laval Quasar Yugioh Laval Quasar Combo Tutorial Yugioh Deck Profile Today Yugioh Deck Profile this Week Yugioh Today Yugioh Laval January 2014 Yugioh Laval Quasar Deck Profile Yugioh Laval Quasar vs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxT745vg9bg WHY DID YOU READ ALL OF THIS :O !!!- published: 28 Dec 2013
- views: 716

"Céu na Boca" -- Quasar Cia de Dança no Auditório Ibirapuera
Quasar Cia. de Dança apresentou "Céu na Boca" no Auditório Ibirapuera. Temas da existência...
published: 10 Apr 2012
author: Auditório Ibirapuera
"Céu na Boca" -- Quasar Cia de Dança no Auditório Ibirapuera
"Céu na Boca" -- Quasar Cia de Dança no Auditório Ibirapuera
Quasar Cia. de Dança apresentou "Céu na Boca" no Auditório Ibirapuera. Temas da existência humana, criando paralelos entre o céu (como lugar ideal, mas inati...- published: 10 Apr 2012
- views: 23559
- author: Auditório Ibirapuera