- published: 22 Oct 2014
- views: 134
The kit fox (Vulpes macrotis) is a fox species of North America. Its range is primarily in the southwestern United States and northern and central Mexico. Some mammalogists classify it as conspecific with the swift fox, V. velox, but molecular systematics imply that the two species are distinct.
The northernmost part of its range is the arid interior of Oregon. Its eastern limit is southwestern Colorado. It can be found south through Nevada, Utah, southeastern California, Arizona, New Mexico, and into western Texas.
The kit fox is the smallest species of the Canidae family that can be found in North America. They have large ears, between 71–95 mm (2.8–3.75 in), that help the fox lower its body temperature and give it exceptional hearing. This species exhibits sexual dimorphism, with the male being slightly larger. The average species weight is between 1.6–2.7 kg (3.5–6 lbs). The body length is 455 to 535 mm (18 to 21 in). The tail adds another 250–340 mm (9.85–13.4 in) to their length.
It usually has a gray coat, with rusty tones, and a black tip to its tail. Unlike the gray fox, it has no stripe along the length of its tail. Their color ranges from yellowish to gray. Their back is usually darker than the majority of their coat, and their belly and inner ears are usually lighter. They have distinct dark patches around the nose.
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Swift Fox (Vulpes velox)
Swift fox - Vulpes velox
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Desert Kit Fox