
Bad Meets Evil - Fast Lane ft. Eminem, Royce Da 5'9
Play the Bad Meets Evil game on Facebook now! http://bit.ly/prt4nf http://apps.facebook.co...
published: 08 Jun 2011
author: BadMeetsEvilVEVO
Bad Meets Evil - Fast Lane ft. Eminem, Royce Da 5'9
Bad Meets Evil - Fast Lane ft. Eminem, Royce Da 5'9
Play the Bad Meets Evil game on Facebook now! http://bit.ly/prt4nf http://apps.facebook.com/badmeetsevil?ref=yt Buy now: http://glnk.it/4p Music video by Bad...- published: 08 Jun 2011
- views: 48857456
- author: BadMeetsEvilVEVO

Zeljko Joksimovic - Lane Moje (Serbia & Montenegro) 2004 Eurovision Song Contest
We are already counting down to the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest in Baku. We do that by lo...
published: 19 Oct 2011
author: Eurovision Song Contest
Zeljko Joksimovic - Lane Moje (Serbia & Montenegro) 2004 Eurovision Song Contest
Zeljko Joksimovic - Lane Moje (Serbia & Montenegro) 2004 Eurovision Song Contest
We are already counting down to the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest in Baku. We do that by looking back to recent editions of Europe's favorite TV show. We star...- published: 19 Oct 2011
- views: 960664
- author: Eurovision Song Contest

Tyga - Switch Lanes ft. The Game (Finished Version) [HD 1080]
"Switch Lanes" Tyga performing Switch Lanes featuring The Game Switch Lanes Tyga - Switch ...
published: 02 Mar 2013
author: HipHopAvenueTV
Tyga - Switch Lanes ft. The Game (Finished Version) [HD 1080]
Tyga - Switch Lanes ft. The Game (Finished Version) [HD 1080]
"Switch Lanes" Tyga performing Switch Lanes featuring The Game Switch Lanes Tyga - Switch Lanes Tyga - Switch Lanes Switch Lanes - Tyga Tyga - Switch Lanes S...- published: 02 Mar 2013
- views: 11203228
- author: HipHopAvenueTV

First Aid Kit - Cedar Lane
"Stay Gold", the new album from First Aid Kit, available June 10th.
Pre-Order the Album an...
published: 06 May 2014
First Aid Kit - Cedar Lane
First Aid Kit - Cedar Lane
"Stay Gold", the new album from First Aid Kit, available June 10th. Pre-Order the Album and download track "Cedar Lane" First Aid Kit Store: http://smarturl.it/FAK_StayGoldStore?... iTunes: http://smarturl.it/FAK_StayGold?IQid=... Amazon: http://smarturl.it/FAK_StayGoldAMZ?IQ... Director - Neil Krug Makeup- Georgie Hamed Cedar Lane Video Piece. (C) 2014 Jagadamba, under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment Music video by First Aid Kit performing Cedar Lane. (C) 2014 Jagadamba, under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment- published: 06 May 2014
- views: 1806

James Glickenhaus's Garage, P4/5 Competizione Exclusive - Fast Lane Daily
Fast Lane Daily interviews American investment professional, film director, and car collec...
published: 21 Jun 2014
James Glickenhaus's Garage, P4/5 Competizione Exclusive - Fast Lane Daily
James Glickenhaus's Garage, P4/5 Competizione Exclusive - Fast Lane Daily
Fast Lane Daily interviews American investment professional, film director, and car collector James Glickenhaus in his garage with jewels of automotive history. We talk about his passions, the development of his SCG P4/5, P4/5 Competizione, and get exclusive insight into his next project - SCG003.- published: 21 Jun 2014
- views: 21633

Lane Brody- Over You (tradução).wmv
Tradução de Over you de Lane Brody. E claro com minhas imagens juntas para homenagiar minh...
published: 22 Dec 2009
author: tania mara Lelis
Lane Brody- Over You (tradução).wmv
Lane Brody- Over You (tradução).wmv
Tradução de Over you de Lane Brody. E claro com minhas imagens juntas para homenagiar minha familia querida!- published: 22 Dec 2009
- views: 172915
- author: tania mara Lelis

Wywiad z DGE: Kroniki Betonowego Lasu - Memory Lane III/III
Jeśli zastanawiacie się co Was czeka po przesłuchaniu kompilacji "Kroniki Betonowego Lasu"...
published: 25 Jun 2014
Wywiad z DGE: Kroniki Betonowego Lasu - Memory Lane III/III
Wywiad z DGE: Kroniki Betonowego Lasu - Memory Lane III/III
Jeśli zastanawiacie się co Was czeka po przesłuchaniu kompilacji "Kroniki Betonowego Lasu", Gural może Wam naświetlić temat. UWAGA : Wersja PRE-ORDER z limitowanym pakietem naklejek i autografem GURALA do zamówienia tylko na www.el-polako.com! Kroniki Betonowego Lasu to nie tylko rodzaj muzycznego podsumowania dotychczasowej kariery muzycznej donGURALesko, ale pewna historia. Historia miłości do rapu i przyjaźni nawiązywanych na scenie z wieloma przedstawicielami gatunku hip-hop w naszym kraju. Na przygotowanej przez Szpadyzor Records kompilacji słuchacze Gurala będą mogli usłyszeć numery, w których raper pojawiał się gościnnie, a które nigdy nie ukazały się na autorskich krążkach muzyka. Odtwarzając dwie płyty CD wydawnictwa, odbędziemy więc szybką podróż po piętnastu latach polskiego rapu, spotykając się m.in. z takimi postaciami jak Grubson, Tede, Fokus, Waldemar Kasta, Pezet, Pih, Paluch czy też Trzeci Wymiar. Na albumie nie zabraknie również całkowicie premierowego utworu "AL BUNDY", którego klimat bezbłędnie oddaje podejście Gurala do otaczającej rzeczywistości : jest luźno, wesoło, ale też dosadnie i bezkompromisowo. Do numeru powstał również teledysk, którego główni bohaterowie z pewnością mogą zaskoczyć przeciętnego słuchacza muzyki rapowej, a sam donGURALesko wciela się w legendarną rolę tytułowego AL'a. Pełna tracklista wydawnictwa KRONIKI BETONOWEGO LASU : TRACKLISTA: CD 1 1. donGURALesko - Al Bundy 2. donGURALesko, Waldemar Kasta, Verte - Musisz 3. donGURALesko, Shellerini, Rafi - Robimy Hity 4. donGURALesko, Shellerini - Wstań i Idź 5. donGURALesko, Gruby MIelzky - Milczenie 6. donGURALesko, Ry23 - Płoną wersy 7. donGURALesko, Mass Cypher aka Marian Wielkopolski - Blunt 8. donGURALesko, Dj Soina, Qlop - Globtrotter 9. donGURALesko, Beat Squad - Familia, kuzyni 10. donGURALesko, Beat Squad, Ceka - Absynt 11. donGURALesko, RR Brygada - Mam to co mam 12. donGURALesko, PWS - Flow Show 13. Killaz Group, Miodu - Dla Ulic 14. donGURALesko, Frenchman - Po Co Komu Diss? 15. donGURALesko, Paluch - Wokół mnie 16. donGURALesko, GrubSon - Moc CD 2 1. donGURALesko - Niesiemy Dla Was Bombę 2. donGURALesko, Pezet, PIh, Donatan - Budź Się 3. donGURALesko, Tede - 300 sekund 4. donGURALesko, Fokus, White House Records - Wyrok 5. K.A.S.T.A. Skład, Dj 600v - Wychylylybymy 6. donGURALesko, Chada, Hukos, Sitek, Pezet, Pih, Jarecki - Niesiemy prawdę 7. donGURALesko, DJ 600V - To jest ten bit ha! 8. donGURALesko, Waldemar Kasta, Esee, Trzeci Wymiar - Wuuuf 9. donGURALesko, Waldemar Kasta - Król 10. donGURALesko, White House Records - W górę jadę windą 11. donGURALesko - Grube Jointy 12. donGURALesko - Boomboxy 13. donGURALesko - Raperzy Cwani 14. donGURALesko. Vienio, Tony Jazzu - Na Zajawie 15. donGURALesko - Jak Mam Nie Przeklinać (Pierdolić refreny!) 16. Killaz Group - Blaoew! (Ol' Skool Bonus)- published: 25 Jun 2014
- views: 7520

Nikki Lane - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
http://KEXP.ORG presents Nikki Lane performing live in the KEXP studio. Recorded May 12, 2...
published: 25 Jun 2014
Nikki Lane - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
Nikki Lane - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
http://KEXP.ORG presents Nikki Lane performing live in the KEXP studio. Recorded May 12, 2014. Songlist: Good Man You Can't Talk To Me Like That Seein' Double Right Time Host: Larry Rose Audio Engineer: Kevin Cole Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Luke Knecht & Justin Wilmore Editor: Luke Knecht http://nikkilane.com http://kexp.org- published: 25 Jun 2014
- views: 1973

Motorcycle Lane Filtering in New South Wales
Fully licensed motorcyclists will be able to lane filter at low speeds on NSW roads with n...
published: 24 Jun 2014
Motorcycle Lane Filtering in New South Wales
Motorcycle Lane Filtering in New South Wales
Fully licensed motorcyclists will be able to lane filter at low speeds on NSW roads with new motorcycle laws taking effect from 1 July. Under these new laws, it will be legal for motorcyclists to lane filter alongside vehicles that have either stopped or are moving slowly at less than 30 kilometres per hour, provided it's safe to do so. The reforms follow a successful motorcycle lane filtering trial conducted in the Sydney CBD in 2013.- published: 24 Jun 2014
- views: 6316

Maggie Lane: Opera Singer Strips Down and Sings in a Bikini - America's Got Talent 2014
An opera singer and personal trainer sings in her bikini! See what the judges think of Mag...
published: 18 Jun 2014
Maggie Lane: Opera Singer Strips Down and Sings in a Bikini - America's Got Talent 2014
Maggie Lane: Opera Singer Strips Down and Sings in a Bikini - America's Got Talent 2014
An opera singer and personal trainer sings in her bikini! See what the judges think of Maggie Lane's beautiful voice--and beautiful body! » Subscribe: http://full.sc/IlBBvK » Watch America's Got Talent Tuesdays 8/7c on NBC! » Full Episodes: http://www.nbc.com/americas-got-talent/video/ More AGT on NBC.com: http://www.nbc.com/americas-got-talent/ Like AGT: https://www.facebook.com/nbcagt Follow AGT: https://twitter.com/nbcagt AGT Tumblr: http://nbcagt.tumblr.com/ AGT Google+: https://plus.google.com/+nbcagt/posts AGT on Pinterest: http://full.sc/LMUw0U AGT Instagram: http://instagram.com/nbcagt Like NBC: http://Facebook.com/NBC Follow NBC: http://Twitter.com/NBC NBC Tumblr: http://NBCtv.tumblr.com/ NBC Pinterest: http://Pinterest.com/NBCtv/ NBC Google+: https://plus.google.com/+NBC YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/nbc NBC Instagram: http://instagram.com/nbctv Maggie Lane: Opera Singer Strips Down and Sings in a Bikini - America's Got Talent 2014 http://www.youtube.com/user/americasgottalent- published: 18 Jun 2014
- views: 24356

Lane splitting California
Lane splitting when this guy calls me out when he has no idea what he is talking about... ...
published: 27 Jun 2014
Lane splitting California
Lane splitting California
Lane splitting when this guy calls me out when he has no idea what he is talking about... please be careful riding out there and watch out for people like this- published: 27 Jun 2014
- views: 3657

T.J. Lane Antics at Sentencing
T.J. Lane flips off the families of his victims during his sentencing for the Chardon High...
published: 19 Mar 2013
author: NewsHeraldinOH Willoughby
T.J. Lane Antics at Sentencing
T.J. Lane Antics at Sentencing
T.J. Lane flips off the families of his victims during his sentencing for the Chardon High School shooting in Geauga County Common Pleas court on Tuesday Mar...- published: 19 Mar 2013
- views: 729962
- author: NewsHeraldinOH Willoughby

bike lanes by Casey Neistat
like me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/cneistat little movie about a ticket i got fo...
published: 08 Jun 2011
author: caseyneistat
bike lanes by Casey Neistat
bike lanes by Casey Neistat
like me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/cneistat little movie about a ticket i got for riding my bike not in the bike lane.- published: 08 Jun 2011
- views: 6637814
- author: caseyneistat
Vimeo results:

bike lanes
like me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/cneistat
i got a tickets for not riding my ...
published: 13 Jun 2011
author: Casey Neistat
bike lanes
like me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/cneistat
i got a tickets for not riding my bike in a bike lane... didn't seem fair.
full disclosure; i do break a lot of laws on my bike (i try to be safe but don't obey 100% of the rules 100% of the time) AND i want to mention what a cool guy this police officer was for letting me film him

Mazda 'Incredible World' Director's Cut
My role: design, character design, modeling, layout, lookDev, texturing, lighting
Studio: ...
published: 14 Jan 2013
author: Eric Lane
Mazda 'Incredible World' Director's Cut
My role: design, character design, modeling, layout, lookDev, texturing, lighting
Studio: Absolute Post
Passion NY/Strange Beast
Producer: Eve Strickman
EP: Belinda Blacklock
Creative Director: Pete Candeland
Director: Sam Mason
Designers: Gordon Waltho, Kim Dulaney, Sarah Orenstein, Laura Alejo
Absolute Post NY:
CG Supervisor/ Lead: Jasper Kidd
Previs: Jasper Kidd, Eric Lane, Jim Vidal
Animators: Jim Vidal, Paul Wei, Jasper Kidd, Eric Lane
Modelers: Eric Lane, Paul Liaw, Tom Cushwa, Piotr Glabinski, Kenneth Polonski, Jim Vidal, Jasper Kidd
Rigging: Paul Wei, Gabriela Hernandez
Pipeline TD: Gabriela Hernandez
Textures/ Lighters: Alex Scollay, Eric Lane, Ed Manning, John Volny, Jake Slutsky, Kevin Couture, Jasper Kidd
Compositors: Dirk Greene, Jasper Kidd, Jimmy Bullard, Alex Gabucci, Jason Tsang, Betty Cameron, Jake Slutsky
Producer: Bugs Russell
EP: Melanie Wickham

The Voyagers
A short film about two small spacecraft, an epic journey, taking risks and falling in lov...
published: 04 Jul 2010
author: Penny Lane
The Voyagers
A short film about two small spacecraft, an epic journey, taking risks and falling in love. Also Carl Sagan.
You can read an interview with Penny Lane about this film on The Atlantic's website: http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/01/on-space-love-and-carl-sagans-cosmic-mix-tape/251070/
Thanks for watching! Please sign up for my mailing list to learn about my new projects! http://p-lane.com/contact.htm
In the summer of 1977, NASA sent Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 on an epic journey into interstellar space. Each spacecraft carries a golden record album, a massive compilation of images and sounds embodying the best of Planet Earth. According to Carl Sagan, “[t]he spacecraft will be encountered and the record played only if there are advanced space-faring civilizations in interstellar space. But the launching of this bottle into the cosmic ocean says something very hopeful about life on this planet.” While working on the golden record, Sagan met and fell madly in love with his future wife Annie Druyan. The golden record became their love letter to humankind and to each other. In the summer of 2010, I began my own hopeful voyage into the unknown. This film is a love letter to my fellow traveler.
"First place," FLEX Festival • "Best Experimental Film," New Orleans Film Festival • "Honorable Mention" AFI FEST • "Honorable Mention" Disposable Film Festival • International Film Festival Rotterdam • Festival of (in)Appropriation • Citizen Jane • Oberhausen Festival of Short Film • DOXA Documentary Film Festival • European Media Art Festival • Rooftop Films • Big Sky Documentary Film Festival • European Media Art Festival • Iowa City International Documentary Festival • Directors Lounge, Berlin • Dallas Video Festival
Penny Lane has been making award-winning documentaries and essay films since 2002. Her first feature documentary, OUR NIXON, world premiered in 2013 at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, had its North American premiere at SXSW, and was selected as the Closing Night Film at New Directors/New Films. OUR NIXON went on to win awards at film festivals such as Seattle, Nantucket, Ann Arbor, Traverse City and IFFB, before being jointly released by Cinedigm and CNN Films. Penny is a Creative Capital grantee and was named one of Filmmaker Magazine’s “25 New Faces of Independent Film” in 2012. She has been awarded grants for her work by Cinereach, Tribeca Film Institute Documentary Fund, LEF Foundation, New York State Council on the Arts, Adrienne Shelly Foundation, Experimental Television Center, IFP and the Puffin Foundation. She was named "Most Badass!" at the Iowa City Documentary Film Festival in 2009. Her short experimental films, such as THE VOYAGERS (2010), THE COMMONERS (2009), SHE USED TO SEE HIM MOST WEEKENDS (2007) and WE ARE THE LITTLETONS (2004), have screened and won accolades at film festivals such as Rotterdam, Images, IMPAKT, FLEX FEST, Citizen Jane, New Orleans Film Festival, AFI FEST and Rooftop Films. Her short documentary THE ABORTION DIARIES (2005) has become an important organizing and educational tool across the nation. THE ABORTION DIARIES has screened in 42 states & worldwide at over 350 different community venues, ranging from bars to art centers to clinics to colleges, and also on Yes! Television and Free Speech TV. Previous to coming to Colgate, she taught film, video and new media arts at Bard College, Hampshire College and Williams College. And yes, Penny Lane is her real name! // www.p-lane.com // http://twitter.com/#!/lennypane // // www.ournixon.com // https://www.facebook.com/ournixon //
Penny Lane is currently in post-production on NUTS! The Brinkley Story, a feature length documentary about John Romulus Brinkley, an eccentric genius who built an empire with a goat testicle impotence cure and a million watt radio station. // https://www.facebook.com/NutsTheFilm // http://www.brinkleyfilm.com/

Luke Roberts "Unspotted Clothes"
Luke Roberts "Unspotted Clothes"
Directed by James Clauer...
published: 25 Sep 2010
author: Dustin Lane
Luke Roberts "Unspotted Clothes"
Luke Roberts "Unspotted Clothes"
Directed by James Clauer
Youtube results:

Nikki Lane - Right Time [Official Music Video]
"Right Time" off Nikki Lane's latest album 'All Or Nothin'' - Available now on: Amazon - h...
published: 27 May 2014
Nikki Lane - Right Time [Official Music Video]
Nikki Lane - Right Time [Official Music Video]
"Right Time" off Nikki Lane's latest album 'All Or Nothin'' - Available now on: Amazon - http://amzn.to/1mjD8It & iTunes - http://smarturl.it/allornothin Follow Nikki Lane: http://nikkilane.com/ https://www.facebook.com/nikkilanemusic https://twitter.com/nikkilanemusic http://instagram.com/nikkilane77 Lyrics: Right Time Any day or night time, it's always the right time It's always the right time to do the wrong thing It's two a.m. and you're sitting at the bar Wonderin' if you should make it your last call Well, don't call me, oh, don't make my phone ring 'Cause you know what I say Honey, it's always the right time to do the wrong thing Well, we're strolling into your daddy's country club That valet left that Shelby motor running Let's jump inside, oh, let's take her for a ride 'Cause you know what I say Honey, it's always the right time to do the wrong thing Chorus: Any day or night time, it's always the right time It's always the right time to do the wrong thing If you're looking for a good time, you and me will get on just fine It's always the right time to do the wrong thing Ol' Willie's bus is puttin' out some smoke I'll knock on his door and ask him for a toke Just because, hell, we're both outlaws Well, he'll tell you the same Honey, it's always the right time to do the wrong thing Chorus If you're looking for trouble Honey, I can show you how You don't have to wait My favorite time of day is right now Chorus x2- published: 27 May 2014
- views: 235

Braum's Pleasant Bot-Lane Escapade
In case you're wondering:
Blitzcrank's Roc...
published: 28 Apr 2014
Braum's Pleasant Bot-Lane Escapade
Braum's Pleasant Bot-Lane Escapade
https://www.facebook.com/crazyborisproduction In case you're wondering: Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab Mundo's Cleaver Thresh's Hook Gragas Barrel Minion Tibbers Fizz's Fish Teemo Maokai's Sapling Olaf's Undertow Axe and Nidalee's Spear- published: 28 Apr 2014
- views: 553418

Eric Prydz - Liberate (Lane 8 Remix)
Eric Prydz - Liberate (Lane 8 Remix)
Out 27th July
Get 'Liberate' on iTunes now (UK July...
published: 24 Jun 2014
Eric Prydz - Liberate (Lane 8 Remix)
Eric Prydz - Liberate (Lane 8 Remix)
Eric Prydz - Liberate (Lane 8 Remix) Out 27th July Get 'Liberate' on iTunes now (UK July 27): http://po.st/LIBERATE Like: www.facebook.com/EricPrydzOfficial Follow: www.twitter.com/ericprydz Web: www.ericprydz.tv- published: 24 Jun 2014
- views: 4171

America's Got Talent 2014 - Auditions - Maggie Lane [FULL]
America's Got Talent 2014 - Auditions - Maggie Lane [FULL]...
published: 19 Jun 2014
America's Got Talent 2014 - Auditions - Maggie Lane [FULL]
America's Got Talent 2014 - Auditions - Maggie Lane [FULL]
America's Got Talent 2014 - Auditions - Maggie Lane [FULL]- published: 19 Jun 2014
- views: 3903