I awoke from a disturbed sleep, dead whores dancing in the walls
I looked into a blackened mirror and it was not me I saw
My destiny was sorrow, my plan was to kill
And hatred it came from nowhere with a need to fulfilled
Among the streets I roamed, with a burning pang
My blood boiled with a mast provoking flame
I found myself in her coppery blood, and I almost felt alright
Bu then it came back, my bloodlust, my loathsome appetite
Under the blackened sky I awoke from a sleep
And what I saw in the mirror it was no longer me
My destiny was sorrow, my fate was to kill
And hatred slipped in with a need to be fulfilled
I should've been dead, I was but still alive
Walking among these endless streets to make others die
From my death I arose anew to bring a message of sorrow
The blood that runs through my veins is rotten and hollow
My suffering is the only thing that drives my lifeless body
I witness my old life fading away, decaying in the dust of time
No one will come to save me, no mercy will I ever know
My eyes bleed sorrow, my heart seeps blackened decay
I am dying more every day, every painful second of this cursed life
I wait for the darkness to consume me in it's essence
My only hope for salvation -
I cannot bare another moment of this pain
Writhing in the sickness of the world, the vermin and ailments that bleed forth
Righteous engagement of thoughts set forth the crumbling of our souls.
Business knows no end, even to the death.
Friend or foe, raising it's unnerving head, tormented by the gestures unknowing.
I see the lies behind your eyes.
Puzzling how it comes to this, but I guess I had it coming.
Stabbed in the heart again,
The charade of life and a knife from a friend watching our dreams fall apart.
Caught up in the parade of scars.
Humanity only breeds death, yet continue to believe in each other.
Put my life out on the table and let them feast upon it.
Inked in pain, a reminder of what they do, heading not by contrast.
Is this the course never ending?
If this isn't hell then bow me now.
I lay my life out for the vultures.
Among the shadows of domain
I fell the powers flowing in my veins
Your blood falling in the ground
The axe is opening your brain
Cutting you all in pieces
I drift through the dreams
A savage animal has awaken
To glorify the day of blackness
I've found th stairways to Hell
A dark unknown dimension
To be the one to control the departures
I've discovered the words of night
Humans nature decay
Into damnation all we fall
Destruction's our second name
Violence is our way
You are falling into black silent slumber
But you still fell your wounds
Through coldness the soul fly
Your brain is open
By the light of the fullmoon
We embrace the shadows
By the fire of Hatred
We torture the Light
We conquer the world
The calling of redemption
The future of worms
By night we conquer
The Heaven's our playground
Master Fire
The Fire God
People Dying
You play with their souls
Humans lay down and fall asleep
Forever you will obey
You will serve the Fire God
Ruller of Life and Death
The rise of the flaming impiety
Burning Sun so high above
Will you ever hurt Me
When I see you, my hands seem to die
If I see you I begin to fall
I am as a rock so cold and dark
When you touch me, I burn inside
For all this ages you've been a god
You represent knowledge and fertility
A fragile kingdom you've constructed
Made of Nature and much more
An obsolete side of torture was born
Star of might you shall fall now
It's time you lay down to sleep
All your work is now finished
Broken bones protrude through my flesh, as blood soaks my skin
With every breath I die a little more
As life drips from my wounds death consumes me in all it's glory,
And coldly invites me in
I cannot see any longer, I cannot taste, I know I shall be ash soon
Torturing myself in my private hell, I fear pain no more
Cutting myself to the bone,
I feel pleasure through my affliction I desire to hurt others,
So I won't have to feel anymore
I long to make others feel the pain that is my addiction
Melting flesh rotting from my bones, I can rest at last
I have hundreds of corpses rotting around me
My throat is closing up and my life should now be past
Hope reigns in a drowning song tonight,
Gives way to the possibility that no childhood thoughts were true.
No bodily pain so cold as the knowledge of ones own faults.
Seeing you is a mirror to myself.
The night is black and the TV's blue.
Torment the hand that writes these words.
Will tomorrow a new voice be heard?
Maybe this existence is a dream.
Or maybe this dream is existence.
How could this be?
The night and the stars speak for themselves.
The light at the end of the tunnel is strong.
I can see your face as it guides the way.
Reach out the hand that holds me near.
When you speak, it's truth I hear.
When the music fades and the romance decays
And the buildings have fallen down, you'll find me...
One day at a time now, to figure out my mind.
Rigorous mind games of American kind.
Get out, stand up, give us something to believe in.
Find me, pick me up now.
I know it's not another dead end ride.
I have seen and I have tasted all that you have shown.
I have followed, I have led and this is what I know.
You have nothing I need.
Can't you see that this is something to be taken serious?
You have set us up to fail.
Step out face what you know.
The door is wide open.
Unknown is the next day.
Give me passion.
I know that you don't see the same.
This is harder than it seems.
I know that you don't see the same as me but we do agree on this.
Instinct speaks loudest.
Guidance from the heart.
I have seen and I have tasted all that you have shown.
I have followed I have led and this is what I know.
You corrupt the innocent and smile, laughing as you go.
You have nothing I need.
Tear me down.
I have no restraint, not a shred of sympathy
This blood that runs through my veins is cold with hatred Sorrow is long behind me,
I feel nothing
Drunken on pure disgust for humanity and all of it's flaws
Not a worthy face in the streets of slums
Not a worthy name to roam this century
I vow to kill them all in utter disregard
Blanketing them with my corruption
I have no hope for this scum we call ~ humanity
I have no sense of love or empathy Petty feelings are long behind me in a pile of dust
The blood that covers the land around me, the bodies I have killed out of lust
The empire has long fallen, dead with it's ancient ways
I have nothing good left inside of me
I want to see them all slaughtered like the cheap meat they are
How do you measure cost of that which can't be bought or sold?
The giving of which bears the price, this is my sacrifice.
The price I'll pay for you alone... sacrifice.
Let not winter's ragged hand decay the beauty of the heart.
Not even such a thing as death can keep our souls apart.
And I pledge my devotion to you.
In life or death, my all for you.
There's no price too high, this is my sacrifice.
Live and die for you, no hesitation.
Live and die for you, no reservation.
Were it mine to give, I'd give you the world and seal it with a kiss goodnight.
Conspiracy! Reflex of within
I see the future in icy abyss
Monstrosity! Reflex of within
Dark winds fade the silent obey
I here by sentence you all to die
Regarding your thoughts
No more freezing lies
No more damnations
I am tired of all little humans
Trying to be known
And being regarded
By their impious Acts
Die die decayed people
You are nothing but shades of Hope
In clouds above I see you all waiting
I am the Master Demon
God of torture and pain
Hear my fullmoon chant
And prepare to be wasted
Infernal storms
Appears from winter breeze
I am eternity
The centuries are mine
Kneel before the God
Pussy licker
I have your body
And bloody soul
The reaper has born
For all existence
I am the One
The Penetrator
Fallen Nature
Lust and sins
Destroyed and Damned
You are all shit (crap)
For the mark of the beast
Is the sign of Truth
For the victory of the abyss
Is the sign of Belief
The true Satanist is the one
That believes in his own extermination
Cause the almighty god created
The rage that has nothing to give
The Devil has it's own ways
Of doing it's magic
Forces of negativity
Have a way of making justice
To control the rage
Is to control the world
Almighty god now dead
We've been transfixed before our encounter will ever take place.
We've heard the stories and the words that have entered our hearts forever.
And with every effort we make preparations and pursue on with the passion and the love.
The love You've shown us with no end.
The death of every passing day is only another step closer to uniting lovers separated by this wicked world and wicked men.
United souls screaming, "How long," over the sound of our hearts breaking.
How long until the day we become one?
How long until the day? When it all comes together, we'll know.
Our time was spent accordingly.
We've been forgiven, set free.
We'll know it's true love.
Death it did not take me, death it did not want me
My time to come is never, but to kill again, maybe I will be free
Your fatal wounds can not put me down or stop my destiny
I will arise in an hour with the gift of suffering
In my own blood, drowning in my own agony
Death left me alone, to heal, to fulfill my prophecy
I am left with nothing but this "life"
In my mind a stranger, in my gut a knife
And death it could not take me, even though I begged
On my knees with blood in my eyes, I could not be saved
And I have nothing but this unwanted devoir
This inability to die, this deadened fervor
All was stolen by my murderer
And that of actual value was stolen so long before
My wounds are now healed and clean
I will kill another until I find what should have been
... My death, my peace, my long awaited demise
All hail the shrine to the apex of self-absorption.
All hail the shrine, you worshippers of corruption.
You're so impressed with yourself.
Self-centered and unaware.
You bask in your own decline.
Your stench pollutes the air.
You're a monument to yourself.
And the monuments you've made to yourself, will one day come crashing to the ground.
You are your own demise.
Just look at what you've made us; greedy, bloated, shameless whores.
Integrity is sold so cheaply to feed the greedy and rob the poor.
And the monuments you've made to yourself, will one day come crashing to the ground.
And the crowns you wear that you gave yourself so we would stare will one day fall around your neck as you draw your final breath.
You are your own demise.
All your kings will be made low. (x3)
You would not see but you were shown.
And the monuments you've made to yourself, will one day come crashing to the ground.
And the crowns you wear that you gave yourself so we would stare will one day fall around your neck as you draw your final breath.
You are your own demise.
All hail the shrine (x3)
My suffering is my only possession
Pain, my lover, cruelty, my master
Your flesh, my loyal obsession
Your pain, my salvation I'm after
The evening moon witnesses all
From my gutted stomach to my bashed head
Pleasure shall be my downfall
And agony, my glorious death
My suffering is all I have left over
Pain, my only friend
Your flesh, my rotten lover
Your pain, my final end
The morning sun sees all
From the shredded skin to my broken bones
Pleasure shall be my downfall
The silence echoes through the empty halls.
No salutations, something was very wrong.
She went searching for signs of life, but nothing was found.
As she turns to face her life she says, "I will not run away,"
And as she soaks the ground with tears she says, "I will not run away."
On the floor he lay.
All the air went cold, the gravity of all her fears taking hold.
The bitter tears of despair streaming down her face.
Shattered by the mourning cry, his soul taken away.
When Tthe humans were created
The almighty God failed
When God tought he controlled things
Master Satan was pulling the strings
We were created to build perfection
To build earthly paradise
But we have minds, we do what we want
No God's will control our thoughts
Satan's children will dismember
Will torture the human kind
Doomed by the night
Earth is destined to die by human hands
By the serpent's smile
Most seeming virtue
By delight of others pain
We will fall in Hell
It does not matter how small are your sins
You will be away from the light
Forever lost paradise
My burden is more than I can bare
This suffering has stripped me to the bone
Shacking in utter pain, at death I have stared
My aching soul can't ache anymore
The countless years I have lived have brought me nothing
The only gift I have ever received is a lifetime of suffering
I cannot let another day pass to torture me further
I slit my throat with broken fervor
The weight of my pain could collapse me
This deadening depression eats me whole
Pulsating agony has forever trapped me
My soul just can't take it anymore
The driving minutes pass so slowly with dread
The only comfort of mine is the surrounding death
I just can't bare my burden any longer
I just can't conjure the will to be stronger
My burden is more than I can bare
This suffering has stripped me to the bone
Shaking in utter pain, at death I have stared
Tonight I take my chance.
Tonight I make my own fate.
Tonight another statistic makes the gravest of mistakes.
I wonder if they'll even notice when I'm gone.
I wonder if they'll even care.
Temptation... it taunts me.
The urge for escape, the taste of cold steel on my lips, the rope around my neck.
These bitter pills and razorblades seal my fate.
Demons resolve me.
Another voice whispers,
"This is not your choice, there is more to this if you hold on."
Temptation... it taunts me.
The urge for escape.
Hesitation means something.
Am I stronger than this?
I choose to hold on.
I am not my own.
You cut the chord between us.
The knife is bloody in your hands.
The blame's on both our shoulders.
But you cut and ran.
You have forsaken everything we shared.
All the pain that you can't forget is all the same as all of my regrets.
I will never forget you.
The look on your face said a thousand words.
And when you walked away silence was all I heard.
The last day I saw, you never even said goodbye.
I will never forget your face.
So sorry I made you cry.
I have killed yet another, and now I sit in my black hole
Waiting for another victim that I can behold
And not even that will feed this horrid need
I live for my own pain and suffering
I have beaten many before, and that would kill my pain
But this rotting feeling in my gut won't seem to go away
No matter how many I kill, it isn't enough
So I sit in agony in my little black box
For a mere second when I had her in my reach
I almost felt cured and almost felt free
She clawed and she fought yet I did not bleed
No blood can be drawn from pure agony
I stabbed her flesh and said my farewell
I left to find another pawn to kill
But there seems to be no to this horrid suffering
I am not him and he is not me
I am somehow forgotten and left behind
This life it has cruelty cast me aside
And fate it gave to me a horrid plot
I've fought the fight, I'm black and blue.
If only now just to pursue the things I thought were right.
My only fear is you'll see right through me at all the things I have to hide.
What has this cost me now?
Full-fledged denial, self-gratifying,
To live and die with no regret would be just fine for me.
I have fear in deep emotions.
Come and lift me out of the dark.
Blissful, ignite the battle.
We know it's not eternal.
We know.
Our father, in heaven, we know.
I fought the fight, I'm black and blue.
This is the way we are.
Beat down and scared it's nothing new.
We choose now just what to do.
This is the way we are.
Live trying, die fighting.
Your blood brought comfort, and a grin came over me
It has been so long since I have been truly free
But your demise brought with it a new life
Devouring your essence, I shall die another night
So close to my death, I must keep slaying
For who knows how long, death it would not take me
I grin at the thought of final peace and death
Devouring your essence so I can finally rest
You may be the last, there seems to be no conclusion
And you meant nothing to me, you are nothing but an illusion
I have blood in my eyes, and a wound that won't heal
I have a knife in my hand and nothing could make me feel
Freedom must be near, for I have waited a long time
Centuries have passed, and I want what is mine
I must kill again
Devouring your essence I must meet my death
The misery of life haunts me, and I have nothing left
I lied in pain, in a dying state and unrest My life trying to escape me,
My body begging... for death
I took that long blade and took a deep breath
I then sliced myself from my hip to my chest
This is the very end of my cries None shall mourn for my demise This is the end and I shall not rise My death is approaching with surmise
I will die with a smile upon my face Awaiting the glory of death's embrace This life is nothing more than a mistake This life I regret with a most raging blaze
I closed my eyes and let it take me away
I'm dislocated from my horrors and pain
I felt death come and give me an embrace
And then I accepted my death and accepted my fate
I lied there dying and bleeding in my bed
My life escaping me and so close to death
I licked the blood from the blade that stole my last breath
Compassion, a possession I do not obtain
I belong to no one, just a lost soul with nothing to live for
I once had a friend, but now she lies in pain
She belongs to only me, I have nothing to live for anymore
Sympathy, I have never known
I belong to my own sorrow
I once had a lover, but she lies alone
She belongs to only me, and I shall not see tomorrow
I guess it was I who murdered her
But she was most deserving
My suffering shall show me the way of murder
I shall lick my wounds and clean the dirt out of me
With my knife in my hand, and blood from my eyes
I walk along this lonely valley
With my heart split open and empty inside
Visions of that no mornings
Light ever will come. I'm to old now
The dark is so near, will I ever reach the land beyond
This is where we go when we have to die
I've been old since the birth of time
Time buried me in earth
Centuries ago, I tasted blood
Buried by time and dust
Many years has pasted since the funeral
Missing the blood of human throats
So many years, ages ago
I must await, feel my body's stench
Wanderings out of space
Wandering out of time
A world out of light, death at the end
Only silence can be heard, silence of peoples tears
No one knows my grave
I raped the souls of the pure & holy
I embrace their cries so melancholy
I stand before a dying civilization
As I gazed upon pure desolation
Standing upon crumbled dreams, I thought
Wondering if only sooner I could have made this world rot
Kneeling down to the distorted faces of beasts so vile
I licked the blood from the cunt of humanity defiled!
A sense of euphoria enshrouded me I embraced my tears of strife so melancholy
I stood to my feet & let a river of blood take me away
Leaving the endless bodies in slaughtered disarray
I kneel before my master, I have served him well indeed
I took a last breath and my mortality withers into nothing
I have found true happiness in malice and scorn
I think I can live like this, murdering and so forlorn
My joy it comes from others suffering and blight
Perpetual blood on my hands and in my eyes, eternal night
Prophecy or not, this is my chosen existence
I shall kill tomorrow, no regret or resistance
I have found my peace in this life of ruin
And I am ready to kill again soon
My hate feeds and drives my damned soul
My hate is my bridge and I have paid my toll
At last I have found peace and tranquility
Through this hatred that shows no civility
My anger and rage have guided me to bliss
With a dead whore's dance and a serpent's kiss
I am one now with my own hate
I am one with this chosen fate
I walk with joy, these eternal nights
Stalking my prey with a insatiable appetite
Blood stained upon my skin and the moon in my eyes
I walk the streets again tonight blinded by the actions of the fight.
The fire biting at my heels,
My God I've forgotten how it feels to live by grace, now in this fallen state.
Once there, this new life can't compare.
My God, where are we?
How can this be?
I've felt the flames and they were cold.
We've been apart so long.
We've been apart for so long.
I'm baptized in fire, sanctified by flames.
This heart of stone breathes new life and beats again.
I walked away from you tonight, denied the knowledge that you're real.
My God, I hate how this feels, the pain of this empty heart.
Please, breathe new life in me.
Born into
A hazy crossfire
The end result of
Innocence and ignorance
Flesh and blood cure
For emotional strife
Vision obscured by a
Soft skin curtain
Torn and ripped
Youth in a glass case
Convinced of divinity
Afflictions for attributes
Living out-of-body life
Crippled cub for crippled life
Vision obscured by a
Soft skin curtain
Window to reality shrouded
Soft skin curtain
Torn and ripped
Battle lost
Casualities ignored
Ignorance victorious
Minority whored
Behind cold stone front
There lived one who cried
He feels like a man, he feels like a child
He feels like a doll, He feels like a living
Dead thing. Empty and dry, lying soaked in the rain
Drowing in lonely tears, dreaming of living
Searching Exploring
Lost in a bottomless whole
To live and fly
Breathe the clouds
Sleep with the stars
Know answers why
Soft skin curtain
Window to reality
No longer clouded
Soft skin curtain
Torn and ripped