- published: 18 Jul 2014
- views: 548113
Melian [ˈmeli.an] the Maia is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. She appears in The Silmarillion, the epic poem The Lay of Leithian and the novel The Children of Húrin.
A visual description of Melian is given in the Lay of Leithian:
and dark and long her tresses lay,
beneath her silver girdle seat
She is a Maia of the race of the Ainur, akin to Yavanna. Before the First Age, in the Years of the Trees, she left the gardens of Lórien and went to Middle-earth, and there she fell in love with the Elven-king Elu Thingol, King Greymantle, and with him ruled the kingdom of Doriath. She had a child with Thingol, a daughter named Lúthien, said to be the fairest and most beautiful of all the Children of Ilúvatar. Melian's line of descent is the half-elven and Kings of Númenor.
Her name Melian means Beloved in Tolkien's invented language of Sindarin. In Quenya, another of Tolkien's languages, it translates to "Melyanna", either "Dear Gift" or "Gift of Love" (Q. melya, "dear, lovely" < Q. mel-, "love"; Q. anna, "gift").
Time is a common term for the experience of duration and a fundamental quantity of measuring systems.
Time also may refer to:
Buenos Aires (/ˈbweɪnəs ˈɛəriːz/ or /ˈaɪrɪs/,Spanish: [ˈbwenos ˈaiɾes]) is the capital and largest city of Argentina, and the second-largest metropolitan area in South America. It is located on the western shore of the estuary of the Río de la Plata, on the continent's southeastern coast. The Greater Buenos Aires conurbation, which also includes several Buenos Aires Province districts, constitutes the third-largest conurbation in Latin America, with a population of around fifteen and a half million.
The city of Buenos Aires is neither part of Buenos Aires Province nor the Province's capital; rather, it is an autonomous district. In 1880, after decades of political infighting, Buenos Aires was federalized and removed from Buenos Aires Province. The city limits were enlarged to include the towns of Belgrano and Flores; both are now neighborhoods of the city. The 1994 constitutional amendment granted the city autonomy, hence its formal name: Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Autonomous City of Buenos Aires). Its citizens first elected a chief of government (i.e. mayor) in 1996; before, the mayor was directly appointed by the President of the Republic.
Semper fidelis is a Latin phrase that means "always faithful" or "always loyal". In the United States it is best known as the motto of the United States Marine Corps. Elsewhere, it is a common motto for towns, families, schools, and military units.
The earliest definitively recorded use of semper fidelis is as the motto of the French town of Abbeville since 1369. It has also been used by other towns, and is recorded as the motto of various European families since the 16th century, and possibly since the 13th century or earlier. Records show many families in England, France and Ireland using this motto.
The earliest recorded use of semper fidelis by a military unit is by the Duke of Beaufort's Regiment of Foot, raised in south-western England in 1685. This is apparently linked to its use as a motto by the city of Exeter since no later than 1660. Subsequently, a variety of military organizations adopted the motto.
This phrase was used in Europe, at least in Great Britain, Ireland and France and probably in other countries as well. A more recent adoption is by Senator Joe Doyle, in arms granted by the Chief Herald of Ireland in 1999.
Javier Casas Cuevas (born 9 May 1982) is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a left back.
His seven-year professional career was closely associated with Athletic Bilbao, with which he appeared in five La Liga seasons.
Born in Bilbao, Biscay, Casas came through the ranks of Athletic Bilbao and made his professional debuts during 2004–05. He gained first-choice status the following season after the departure of Asier del Horno to Chelsea, managing 24 league appearances and scoring twice during the campaign, at Getafe CF (1–1 draw) and Deportivo de La Coruña (2–1 win).
Ironically, Casas was left out of the first-team squad at the start of 2007–08, after Athletic re-signed del Horno on loan from Valencia CF. Unable to find a new club in the January 2008 transfer window, and still without a squad number at Athletic, he was not eligible to play competitively during the entire season, but was reinstated for the following campaign, appearing in the 1–3 home loss against UD Almería on 31 August 2008.
MELIAN · Atlas (Video Oficial)
MELIAN · Mil Horas (Cover Los Abuelos de La Nada)
MELIAN · Valar Morghulis (Video Oficial)
MELIAN · Mis Últimas Palabras (Video Oficial)
MELIAN · Praga (Video Oficial)
MELIAN · Montañas (Video Oficial)
Melian - Juntos Movemos Montañas (Full DVD)
MELIAN · Memento Vivere (Primer Adelanto de "Epitafios")
Melian - Semper Fidelis Full Album
Entrevista a Alejandro Picardi (MELIAN) - Maximus Festival 2017
Ficha Técnica: Artista: Melian Canción: Atlas Album: Semper Fidelis Dirección: Guido de la Vega y Nicolás Figueroa Asist. Dirección: Magali Ayala Dirección de Fotografía: Guido de la Vega Asistente general: Diego Barbich Edición/Color: Nicolás Figueroa Actores: Iara Weiman y Jose María Bourdillón Make Up: Alessandra Rodriguez Agradecimientos: Jhonny Mel Audio: Grabado, mezclado y masterizado en Infire Studio por Javier Casas Label Record: Pinhead Records / Burning The Time / Rock y Reggae Argentina Filmado en Buenos Aires / Argentina en Junio 2014
Ficha Técnica: Artista: Melian Canción: Mil Horas Autor: Marcelo Scornik/Andrés Calamaro Dirección: Mariano Patrucco DF: Max Ruggieri Camaras: Federico Gianotti, Max Ruggieri y Mariano Patrucco. Montaje y Color: Mariano Patrucco Audio: Grabado, mezclado y masterizado por Mauro De Tommaso Label Record: Rock y Reggae Argentina / Ediciones Clandestinas Management: Burning The Time / burningthetime@yahoo.com.ar Grabado en Buenos Aires / Argentina entre Marzo y Abril 2015 Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips...
Tercer adelanto de su 3er disco "Epitafios" Ficha Técnica: Artista: Melian Canción: Valar Morghulis Album: Epitafios Realización: Instante (www.facebook.com/Instantemultimedia.face) Make Up: Silvina Castro Audio: Grabado, mezclado y masterizado en Infire Studio por Javier Casas Label Record: Burning The Time / Rock y Reggae Argentina / Ediciones Clandestinas Grabado en Buenos Aires / Argentina entre Agosto y Septiembre 2014 03. VALAR MORGHULIS. Es hora ya de preguntarme si tengo lo que hace falta para triunfar, Qué clase de marca estoy buscando dejar? Cuando este todo dicho y haya que juzgar, Lo que haga con el tiempo es lo que el mundo va a recordar. Es inmortal el legado que quiero dejar. Solo van a quedar epitafios. Es inmortal el legado que quiero dejar. Solo van a quedar epitafios....
Ficha Técnica: Artista: Melian Canción: Mis Últimas Palabras PRODUCTORA: Vasko Films ACTRIZ: Anabella Bacigalupo DIRECCIÓN: Julia Baglietto/Elías Díaz PRODUCCIÓN EJECUTIVA: Iñaki Echeverría/Jorge Echeverría VESTUARIO: Rigoberta del Tesouro DIRECCIÓN DE FOTOGRAFÍA Y CÁMARA: Elías Díaz DIRECCIÓN DE ARTE: Julia Baglietto MAQUILLAJE: Carla Vigo ASISTENTE DE DIRECIÓN: Florencia Cammilleri CÁMARA 2: Alejandro Bonilla "Larry" ASISTENTE DE CÁMARA: Juan Pablo Florián UTILERO: Chelo López Acevedo ASISTENTE DE PRODUCCIÓN: Gonzalo Colombo EDICIÓN: Iván Putincew POST PRODUCCIÓN: Eva Irungaray FOTO FIJA: Camila Trejos Cobo AGRADECIMIENTOS: Pablo González Galetto, Belén Miller, PROVIDEOGRIP, RAW CINE, Familia Echeverría Audio: Grabado, mezclado y masterizado por Mauro De Tommaso Filmado en Chivilcoy, B...
Ficha Técnica: Artista: Melian Canción: Praga Album: Epitafios PRODUCTORA: Vasko Films ACTRIZ: Anabella Bacigalupo DIRECCIÓN: Julia Baglietto/Elías Díaz PRODUCCIÓN EJECUTIVA: Iñaki Echeverría/Jorge Echeverría VESTUARIO: Rigoberta del Tesouro DIRECCIÓN DE FOTOGRAFÍA Y CÁMARA: Elías Díaz DIRECCIÓN DE ARTE: Julia Baglietto MAQUILLAJE: Carla Vigo ASISTENTE DE DIRECIÓN: Florencia Cammilleri CÁMARA 2: Alejandro Bonilla "Larry" ASISTENTE DE CÁMARA: Juan Pablo Florián UTILERO: Chelo López Acevedo ASISTENTE DE PRODUCCIÓN: Gonzalo Colombo EDICIÓN: Iván Putincew POST PRODUCCIÓN: Eva Irungaray FOTO FIJA: Camila Trejos Cobo AGRADECIMIENTOS: Pablo González Galetto, Belén Miller, PROVIDEOGRIP, RAW CINE, Familia Echeverría Filmado en Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires / Argentina en Mayo 2016 Audio: Grabado, mezcl...
Artista: Melian Canción: Montañas Album: Semper Fidelis Director: Matias Cugat / Nicolas Figueroa Make Up: Carla Vigo Productora: Moztro Films (www.vimeo.com/moztro) Audio: Grabado, mezclado y masterizado en Infire Studio Label Record: Pinhead Records / Burning The Time Filmado en Buenos Aires / Argentina Junio 2013
Lista de Temas 1* Intro 00:00 2* Siete Segundos Antes de Partir 01:20 3* Oceano 04:19 4* Perdida Total de la Esperanza Pt. 2 08:17 5* Heroes 12:20 6* La Imagen del Silencio 15:39 7* Errores 19:45 8* Voces (con Ale Richter ex bajista de la banda) 24:14 9* Alaska 27:57 10* Perdida Total de la Esperanza Pt. 1 30:52 11* Como Detener A Un Hombre Bomba 33:29 12* Atlas 37:02 13* Yo, La Muerte 39:30 14* Anatomia De Un Corazon Roto 43:30 15* III (con Tery de Carajo) 47:56 16* La Iniciativa Fenix 51:20 17* El Problema de Guardar Secretos 56:11 18* Avanzar, Avanzar, Avanzar 1:00:43 19* Entre Espectros y Fantasmas 1:05:10 20* Montañas 1:10:55 Consegui el DVD "Juntos Movemos Montañas" a través de http://www.pinheadrecords.com.ar/ envios a todo el pais (Solo Argentina) Facebook: https://www.face...
Primer adelanto de su 3er disco "Epitafios" Ficha Técnica: Artista: Melian Canción: Memento Vivere Album: Epitafios Audio: Grabado, mezclado y masterizado en Infire Studio por Javier Casas Label Record: Burning The Time / Rock y Reggae Argentina / Ediciones Clandestinas Grabado en Buenos Aires / Argentina entre Agosto y Septiembre 2014 Video: Julen Keoni 01.Memento Vivere Con cada golpe comenzás a dudar si es este el camino a transitar. Tenes un solo propósito: seguir de pie. No te atrevas nunca a ceder. No bajes los brazos. Si nada de esto va a cambiar, vos elegís por que pelear. No vayas a olvidar: No se trata de cuan fuerte crees que podes golpear, Sino cuantos son los golpes que vas a soportar. Con cada golpe comenzás a dudar si es este el camino a transitar. Tenes un solo propósito...
Banda/Band: Melian Album/Disco: Semper Fidelis Released/fecha de Lanzamiento: 2012 Genre/Genero: Post-Hardcore Tracklist/ Lista de Temas : 1 - Alaska [00:00 - 03:04] 2 - Oceano en llamas [03:05 - 06:15] 3 - Montañas [06:15 - 08:53] 4 - III [08:53 - 13:07] 5 - Errores [13:07 - 17:07] 6 - Avanzar.Avanzar.Avanzar.[17:07- 20:10] 7 - Atlas [20:10 - 23:46] 8 - Yo, La muerte [23:46- 26:52] 9 - Heroes [26:52 - 30:00] 10 - La iniciativa fenix [30:00 - 32:40] si te gusto el disco, comprarlo seria la mejor opcion ;)
Estuvimos en el backstage del Maximus Festival ARG 2017 y entrevistamos a Alejandro Picardi, vocalista de Melian que nos contó sobre los preparativos del show, la actualidad de la banda y lo que les espera para el futuro. www.intheflowpress.com.ar
Once I bought a curious bottle,
Once I bought a bottle for fun.
Tell me what you gonna do with the bottle
When the curiousity's done.
Well I brought it out to the Bo Bo's party
Then I got it in to the company,
Then I brought it up to the boys in the backroom,
They got the knack to tune in on me,
Then I brought it up to the boys in the backyard.
I find it hard to hold on me,
I find it hard to hold, I find it hard to hold,
I find it hard to hold on me, I find it hard to hold on me,
I find it hard to hold, hard to hold, hard to hold.
You know, I've been bad, but
I would be good instead.
Ah, if my man did half of the things that he said,
I wouldn't have to go to the Bo Bo's party
I wouldn't have to go to the company,
I wouldn't have to go to the boys in the backroom,
With their knack to tune in on me,
I wouldn't have to go to the boys in the backyard.
I find it hard to hold on me,
I find it hard to hold, I find it hard to hold,
I find it hard to hold on me, I find it hard to hold on me,
I find it hard to hold, hard to hold, hard to hold.
You know, I've been bad, but
I would be good instead.
Ah, if my man did half of the things that he said,
I wouldn't have to go to the Bo Bo's party
I wouldn't have to go to the company,
I wouldn't have to go to the boys in the backroom,
With their knack to tune in on me,
I wouldn't have to go to the boys in the backyard.
I find it hard to hold on me,
I find it hard to hold on me,
I find it hard to hold.