
Latest Postings

Reading Thomas Piketty: a Critical Essay – Zoltan Zigedy

Rolling Back Affirmative Action, Step by Step
Supreme Court: White Majorities Uber Alles – Glen Ford

How Fares the Republic?
Democracy is Dead – Margaret Kimberly  

Labor Movement
A Strategy to Fight the Anti-Transit Forces – Larry Hanley
May Day Declaration – World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)
WFTU and the Unions of the Arab World – George Mavrikos

British Labour Party
Labour: Is The Party Over? – Robert Griffiths

US Imperialism
National Endowment for Destabilization in Venezuela – Eva Golinger
Gaitán Anniversary Recalls History Sought by FARC – W. T. Whitney, Jr.

The Carnation Revolution, April 1974
Portugal's Revolution 40 Years on: Five Voices

Political Economy
War Spending in 2013 Was $1.7 Trillion – Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

Communist Forum
The Unity of the International Communist Movement – Giorgos Toussos

Outrageous Language
An Open Letter to Participants in the “Socialist Economics” Listserv  –  Zoltan Zigedy

Highlights of Pre-Convention Discussion
"Regrets, I've Had a Few, But Then Again..."  - Transit Club, NYC
In Support of Leninism and the Organizational Department
David S. Bell
CPUSA Scores Low on Internationalism Tom Whitney
The Communist Party and the Road Ahead Garon Archer
No to Social Democracy Jim Lane

From the Classics
On Work in the Two-Party System – William Z. Foster


Recent Postings

Book Reviews
Steve Early's Save Our Unions 
Ed Grystar
Frances Goldin’s Imagine a Socialist USA  Mark Anderson
Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century
Charles Andrews
Walter Johnson’s River of Dark Dreams
– W. T. Whitney, Jr.

Labor Movement
Partnership and the Two-Party Treadmill   – Joe Greene
WFTU Leader Speaks to French Unions – George Mavrikos

What Really Happened in Ukraine?
Jack A. Smith
The Kosovo Precedent   – World Peace Council & Others
Reflections on Ukraine and Regime Change – Michael Parenti
U.S-Instigated Violent Coup Against Ukraine - Executive Board U.S. Peace Council

“Dark Money” in US Elections
How Sean Noble Moved the Kochs’ Cash into Politics and Made Millions  – Kim Barker

Struggles for Equality
Reinstate Dr. Anthony Monteiro and Reinvent Higher Ed
Glen Ford

World Communist and Revolutionary Movement
Issues of Relevance in the Ideological Struggle 
Albano Nunes

Cuba and Cuban Five
Report of International Commission of Inquiry on the Five, London Voices for the Five

US Brazenly Admits Intervention in Venezuela
La Alborada

Obama: “The More Effective Evil”
Putin-Basher and Preventive Detainer
Glen Ford

Hypocrisy on Human Rights
UN Report on North Korea Stephen Gowans

Earlier Postings

Communist Unity and Its False Friends – Zoltan Zigedy

Ukraine and the Peril of Major War
USA and EU Launch Destabilization Strategy – CP Ireland
Ukraine: a Very Western Coup – Tomasz Pierscionek
On Reactionary Developments in Ukraine – Communist and Workers Parties
Hillary and Other Assorted Barbarians at Russia’s Gate – Glen Ford
War on the Horizon? – Zoltan Zigedy

Marxist Theory
The Poverty of Ideology – James Thompson

Don't Be Fooled –  Eva Golinger
Fight Fascism in the Street – CP Venezuela

Cuba and the Cuban Five
The “Giant” Returns Home – W. T. Whitney, Jr.
Unequivocal Cuban Solidarity with Venezuela – Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla

At AIPAC Netanyahu Launches Attack on BDS – Ali Abunimah

US Labor Movement
Delusional Top Labor Leaders – E. J. Dewey

International Women’s Day
Equality for Women is Progress for All – CP Canada

Human Rights Compared
People’s China Issues Report on US Human Rights – Xinhua