
EGYPT 232 - MAAT & SESHAT *Egyptian Goddesses II * (by Egyptahotep)
MAAT was the Goddess of truth and justice. The name Maat means truth in Egyptian. Her foll...
published: 09 Jul 2012
author: Egyptahotep
EGYPT 232 - MAAT & SESHAT *Egyptian Goddesses II * (by Egyptahotep)
EGYPT 232 - MAAT & SESHAT *Egyptian Goddesses II * (by Egyptahotep)
MAAT was the Goddess of truth and justice. The name Maat means truth in Egyptian. Her followers believed that after death their hearts would be weighed again...- published: 09 Jul 2012
- views: 1648
- author: Egyptahotep

The CANNABIS MATRIX: Seshat Appendix - Rastafari Book Club & Publishers Notes by Rasiadonis
Get Your Copy, goto http://lojsociety.org/books Ras Iadonis Tafari discusses the new volum...
published: 19 Apr 2012
author: EthiopianWorldNET
The CANNABIS MATRIX: Seshat Appendix - Rastafari Book Club & Publishers Notes by Rasiadonis
The CANNABIS MATRIX: Seshat Appendix - Rastafari Book Club & Publishers Notes by Rasiadonis
Get Your Copy, goto http://lojsociety.org/books Ras Iadonis Tafari discusses the new volume, entitled: The CANNABIS MATRIX: Seshat Appendix - Rastafari Book ...- published: 19 Apr 2012
- views: 766
- author: EthiopianWorldNET

Seshat. (Mitología egipcia).
Seshat, esposa del dios DJEHUTY (THOT), "Señora de la Casa de los libros", diosa de la esc...
published: 02 Nov 2011
author: neburhekau
Seshat. (Mitología egipcia).
Seshat. (Mitología egipcia).
Seshat, esposa del dios DJEHUTY (THOT), "Señora de la Casa de los libros", diosa de la escritura y la historia, protectora de las bibliotecas . También medía...- published: 02 Nov 2011
- views: 459
- author: neburhekau

Who is Seshat?
In Egyptian mythology, Seshat (also spelled Safkhet, Sesat, Seshet, Sesheta, and Seshata) ...
published: 13 May 2013
author: SeshatCU
Who is Seshat?
Who is Seshat?
In Egyptian mythology, Seshat (also spelled Safkhet, Sesat, Seshet, Sesheta, and Seshata) was the Ancient Egyptian goddess of wisdom, knowledge, and writing....- published: 13 May 2013
- views: 73
- author: SeshatCU

Dau Seshat 2011
Actuación con Sharon Kihara, Barcelona 2011, organizado por http://www.almaoriental.com Sh...
published: 17 Mar 2011
author: AlmaOriental1
Dau Seshat 2011
Dau Seshat 2011
Actuación con Sharon Kihara, Barcelona 2011, organizado por http://www.almaoriental.com Sharon Kihara perfomance, Barcelona 2011, organized by http://www.alm...- published: 17 Mar 2011
- views: 1151
- author: AlmaOriental1

Seshat's Secret--Art, Beauty and You, Black Goddess
Meri-T Seshat of Udja Temple Ministries expresses gratitude and appreciation for the Divin...
published: 31 Dec 2012
author: susandianemitchell9
Seshat's Secret--Art, Beauty and You, Black Goddess
Seshat's Secret--Art, Beauty and You, Black Goddess
Meri-T Seshat of Udja Temple Ministries expresses gratitude and appreciation for the Divine Inspiration of the Great Mother (Great MWT) to live HER life fina...- published: 31 Dec 2012
- views: 149
- author: susandianemitchell9

Dau Seshat en la Farinera
Dau Seshat: Laia Ros y Àngela Rodríguez....
published: 31 Dec 2010
author: Dau Seshat
Dau Seshat en la Farinera
Dau Seshat en la Farinera
Dau Seshat: Laia Ros y Àngela Rodríguez.- published: 31 Dec 2010
- views: 265
- author: Dau Seshat

Udja Temple Presents... HP, Meri-T Seshat--"Red Kangaroo, Responsibility and Black Goddess"
"One of the most powerful messages delivered by our High Priestess, Meri-T Seshat, very pe...
published: 27 Jun 2013
Udja Temple Presents... HP, Meri-T Seshat--"Red Kangaroo, Responsibility and Black Goddess"
Udja Temple Presents... HP, Meri-T Seshat--"Red Kangaroo, Responsibility and Black Goddess"
"One of the most powerful messages delivered by our High Priestess, Meri-T Seshat, very personal and very, very controversial issues are covered here, many things that many Black Women, Women of Color and Women are forced to deal with under Patriarchy! I commend HER on the courage SHE expresses here, incredible!" (Rev. Majadi Baruti) Please support the artist...Meri-T Seshat (Susan Diane Mitchell) at Divine Inspiration http://www.susandianemitchell.com Udja Temple Ministries http://www.udjatemple.webs.com- published: 27 Jun 2013
- views: 72

Seshat visits Ryugyong Hotel - A preface to a bedtime story for Baby Corrinne by @joehills
This video is the preface to bedtime story for baby Corrinne, in which the Egyptian goddes...
published: 22 May 2013
author: JoeHillsTSD
Seshat visits Ryugyong Hotel - A preface to a bedtime story for Baby Corrinne by @joehills
Seshat visits Ryugyong Hotel - A preface to a bedtime story for Baby Corrinne by @joehills
This video is the preface to bedtime story for baby Corrinne, in which the Egyptian goddess Seshat visits the Ryugyong Hotel and is approached repeatedly abo...- published: 22 May 2013
- views: 1927
- author: JoeHillsTSD

Susan Diane Mitchell, Meri-T Seshat: Divinely Inspired Watercolor Art
A slideshow collection of watercolor art by Susan Diane Mitchell creating as Meri-T Seshat...
published: 05 Jan 2014
Susan Diane Mitchell, Meri-T Seshat: Divinely Inspired Watercolor Art
Susan Diane Mitchell, Meri-T Seshat: Divinely Inspired Watercolor Art
A slideshow collection of watercolor art by Susan Diane Mitchell creating as Meri-T Seshat, her spiritual name. These pieces are divinely inspired interpretations of "The Eggplant Faery", a garden fae spirit resting within a lovely Japanese eggplant; "Marie Laveau," a 19th c. African American Vodoun High Priestess; "Mother Meera," a 20th c. Indian incarnation of the Divine Mother; "Paschal Beverly Randolph," a 19th.c African American Master Esoteric Spiritualist and Sex Magician; and "Sibyl," an interpretation of the Afrikan Mami Wata Oracular Priestesses. Visit http://www.susandianemitchell.com/ for information on purchases and commissions. Divine Inspiration Webstore: http://www.susandianemitchell.com/apps/webstore/- published: 05 Jan 2014
- views: 26
Youtube results:

Akashic Inspirations - METATRON, THOTH AND SESHAT JOY AND MIRACLES January 28, 2013
Messages from the Akashic Records of Love, Joy and Miracles Angels of Atlantis - Archangel...
published: 28 Jan 2013
author: Akashic Inspiration
Akashic Inspirations - METATRON, THOTH AND SESHAT JOY AND MIRACLES January 28, 2013
Akashic Inspirations - METATRON, THOTH AND SESHAT JOY AND MIRACLES January 28, 2013
Messages from the Akashic Records of Love, Joy and Miracles Angels of Atlantis - Archangels Michael, Sandalphon and Metatron.- published: 28 Jan 2013
- views: 129
- author: Akashic Inspiration

F.M.4tet "HomeMade Live Session" - Thot-Seshat
F.M.4tet - HomeMade Live Session
Thot-Seshat (F.Minutello)
Francesco Minutello - tromba
published: 20 Feb 2014
F.M.4tet "HomeMade Live Session" - Thot-Seshat
F.M.4tet "HomeMade Live Session" - Thot-Seshat
F.M.4tet - HomeMade Live Session Thot-Seshat (F.Minutello) Francesco Minutello - tromba Gianpaolo Rinaldi - fender rhodes Simone Serafini - basso elettrico Alessandro Mansutti - batteria feat. Attilio Pisarri - chitarra elettrica Registrato il 23/11/2013 a San Michele al Tagliamento (VE) e mixato da Marco Melchior at Saojo Studios, riprese video realizzate con iPhone 5 e 4s, montaggio video realizzato da Francesco Minutello. L'F.M. 4tet nasce nel 2009 dalla collaborazione fra il trombettista e band leader Francesco Minutello ed il pianista Gianpaolo Rinaldi, e nel corso degli anni si è avvalso della collaborazione di vari musicisti ed amici, fino a trovare una propria identità e direzione musica con l'attuale formazione, stabile dal 2010 al 2013 e con l'ingresso di un nuovo batterista nel 2014. Il repertorio proposto è prevalentemente composto da brani originali che si rifanno indubbiamente alle sonorità del jazz moderno newyorkese con qualche accenno di funk e rock. Nel corso degli anni hanno partecipato a diversi festival e rassegne come "Jazz by the Pool", "Mescolanze Musicali", "The Nightfly Jazz Festival on the Beach" "Udine Jazz" oltre ad aver collaborato con musicisti come: Dario Carnovale, Rudy Fantin, Paolo Corsini, Filippo Orefice e Alessandro Turchet. Dal 2012 inoltre collaborano intensamente con alcuni fra i più grandi musicisti nel panorama jazzistico nazionale ed internazionale come Mauro Negri ed Alfonso Deidda. All'attivo due progetti discografici: "One Way EP - 2011" e "Dune - 2013, Ultra Sound Records". www.facebook.com/FM4tet- published: 20 Feb 2014
- views: 109

Seshat AUC
Seshat travel, Seshat, AUC, AUC seshat, Travel Egypt, ES Seshat....
published: 08 Dec 2011
author: SeshatTravel
Seshat AUC
Seshat AUC
Seshat travel, Seshat, AUC, AUC seshat, Travel Egypt, ES Seshat.- published: 08 Dec 2011
- views: 128
- author: SeshatTravel