
The Century: America's Time - 1941-1945: Homefront
Part seven of a 15-part series of documentaries produced by the American Broadcasting Comp...
published: 29 Dec 2013
The Century: America's Time - 1941-1945: Homefront
The Century: America's Time - 1941-1945: Homefront
Part seven of a 15-part series of documentaries produced by the American Broadcasting Company on the 20th century and the rise of the United States as a superpower. When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in December of 1941, America was a country steeped in isolationist policies and ill prepared for war. Within a matter of weeks, the country made an amazing turnover from a peacetime nation suffering the final throes of a depression to the most efficient and productive "arsenal for democracy" that the world had ever seen. This was accomplished by the unity and sheer willpower of the American people, who backed the war effort almost unanimously. This episode examines the American homefront during World War II, how it came together in a unified effort, and the ways in which the war changed the lives of those left behind, especially the women whose contributions to the war effort helped to win the war.- published: 29 Dec 2013
- views: 6

Истребители ВВС РККА и РККФ 1939-1945 Грозовые годы
Студия «Крылья России», 2007 год Режиссёры: Андрей Кулясов, Алексей Поляков В фильме предс...
published: 08 May 2012
author: Andrei Rusavin
Истребители ВВС РККА и РККФ 1939-1945 Грозовые годы
Истребители ВВС РККА и РККФ 1939-1945 Грозовые годы
Студия «Крылья России», 2007 год Режиссёры: Андрей Кулясов, Алексей Поляков В фильме представлены истребители: Як-1, МиГ-3, ЛаГГ-3, Як-7, Як-9, Ла-5, Як-3, Л...- published: 08 May 2012
- views: 23469
- author: Andrei Rusavin

Germany after the War, 1945-49
This powerful documentary explores the condition of Germany when the fighting stopped in 1...
published: 02 Mar 2014
Germany after the War, 1945-49
Germany after the War, 1945-49
This powerful documentary explores the condition of Germany when the fighting stopped in 1945 and the subsequent four years of occupation and reconstruction. Views are taken from all sides, but German voices are given predominance. With some remarkable footage and moving testimony, this film is an important addition to the history of post-war Europe. Uploaded for educational purposes only. Comments are welcome but restricted. Any aggressive assertions or use of inappropriate language will be immediately deleted.- published: 02 Mar 2014
- views: 1048

HD Historic Archival Stock Footage Post WWII Life in Berlin 1945 - Potsdam Conference
Purchase Link: http://www.buyoutfootage.com/pages/titles/pd_dc_445.html True HD direct fil...
published: 25 Jul 2013
author: BuyoutFootage
HD Historic Archival Stock Footage Post WWII Life in Berlin 1945 - Potsdam Conference
HD Historic Archival Stock Footage Post WWII Life in Berlin 1945 - Potsdam Conference
Purchase Link: http://www.buyoutfootage.com/pages/titles/pd_dc_445.html True HD direct film transfer historic archival stock footage Life In Berlin 1945 Scen...- published: 25 Jul 2013
- views: 238
- author: BuyoutFootage

BERLIN - May 14, 1945 (HD)
http://digilander.libero.it/romanoarchives/ http://www.webalice.it/romanoarchives May, 14 ...
published: 07 Nov 2010
author: UnknownWW2InColor
BERLIN - May 14, 1945 (HD)
BERLIN - May 14, 1945 (HD)
http://digilander.libero.it/romanoarchives/ http://www.webalice.it/romanoarchives May, 14 1945. Berlin in ruins (including aerial shots). Music score (Demo O...- published: 07 Nov 2010
- views: 1473010
- author: UnknownWW2InColor

Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]. The first atom bomb to be u...
published: 01 Aug 2011
author: britishpathe
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]. The first atom bomb to be used as a weapon, "Little Boy" (as was its codename) was dropped on ...- published: 01 Aug 2011
- views: 1165208
- author: britishpathe

The Spanish Main 1945 historical movie full movie
www.imdb.com http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0038108/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
www.filmweb.pl ...
published: 17 Dec 2013
The Spanish Main 1945 historical movie full movie
The Spanish Main 1945 historical movie full movie
www.imdb.com http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0038108/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 www.filmweb.pl http://www.filmweb.pl/film/The+Spanish+Main-1945-160154 Paul Henreid, Maureen O'Hara, Walter Slezak, Binnie Barnes, John Emery, Barton MacLane. The best actors in historical films IMDB list : Marlon Brando, Laurence Olivier, Katharine Hepburn,Meryl Streep, Charles Laughton, Al Pacino, Ingrid Bergman, Robert De Niro, Toshiro Mifune, Jack Lemmon, Audrey Hepburn, Jack Nicholson, Edward G. Robinson, Peter O'Toole, Marcello Mastroianni, Grace Kelly, Henry Fonda, James Stewart, Gérard Depardieu, Kirk Douglas, Alain Delon, Richard Burton, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Gregory Peck, Peter Sellers, Alec Guinness, Cary Grant, Burt Lancaster, Spencer Tracy, Anthony Quinn.- published: 17 Dec 2013
- views: 47

Парад победы 1945 г. (фильм)
«Парад Победы» — название двух советских документальных фильмов 1945 года, посвящённых Пар...
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: kinorussia
Парад победы 1945 г. (фильм)
Парад победы 1945 г. (фильм)
«Парад Победы» — название двух советских документальных фильмов 1945 года, посвящённых Параду Победы в 1945 году. 19-минутный цветной фильм был снят под руко...- published: 01 Nov 2012
- views: 7157
- author: kinorussia

Deutsche Wehrmacht ╬ 1945 Das Ende ╬
STRICTLY UNPOLITICAL VIDEO.please DO NOT post any abusive / insulting , ultra nationalisti...
published: 17 Jan 2011
author: HCTerrorist
Deutsche Wehrmacht ╬ 1945 Das Ende ╬
Deutsche Wehrmacht ╬ 1945 Das Ende ╬
STRICTLY UNPOLITICAL VIDEO.please DO NOT post any abusive / insulting , ultra nationalistic , silly , religious ,communistic nor neo nazi comments , many tha...- published: 17 Jan 2011
- views: 683814
- author: HCTerrorist

Durchbruch an der Oder April 1945 - Von den Seelower Höhen nach Berlin
14.1.1945, Georgi Konstantinowitsch Schukow, Marschall, Shukow, Zhukov, Generalstabschef d...
published: 20 Sep 2013
Durchbruch an der Oder April 1945 - Von den Seelower Höhen nach Berlin
Durchbruch an der Oder April 1945 - Von den Seelower Höhen nach Berlin
14.1.1945, Georgi Konstantinowitsch Schukow, Marschall, Shukow, Zhukov, Generalstabschef der Roten Armee, Durchbruch, Vorstoß, Panzer, Flucht, Flüchtlinge, deutsche Ostgebiete, Küstrin, Polen, Winter, zugefrorene Oder, Oderbruch, Reitwein, reitweiner Sporn, Gräben, Gauleiter von Berlin, Reichsminister Josef Goebbels, Abwehrkampf, Theodor Busse, General der Infanterie, Panzervorstoß, Stalin, Ostpommern, Wehrmacht, Ardennenoffensive, Einheiten des Volkssturms, Evakuierung der Zivilbevölkerung, Seelow, Lebus, Brückenkopf, erbittert umkämpftes Schlachtfeld, Vergleich mit Verdun, Klessin, Panzerwracks, Führerbefehl, Festungskommandanten der Stadt Küstrin an der Oder, Heinz Reinefarth, Generalmajor der Waffen-SS, Artillerie, Bleyen, Küstriner Korridor, Kettenfahrzeuge, Versorgung der Soldaten, 22.3.1945, sowjetischen fünften Stoßarmee, achte Gardearmee, kombinierter Angriff, brennender T34-Panzer, gesprengte Brücken, Rückzug, Angriff auf Berlin, Erste Weißrussische Front, 1st byelorussian front, Erste Ukrainische Front, 1st ukrainian front, Marschall Konev, 2nd byelorussion front, Stargard, Marschall Rokossovsky, Hauptquartier, Landsberg, Lagebesprechung, Brücken bei Göritz, Raketenwerfer, Treibstoff, Munition, Schmiermittel, Raketen, sowjetische Überzahl, Übermacht, 14.4.1945, Artilleriefeuer, Feuersturm, Scheinwerfer als Signal zum Angriff, Beobachtungsposten, Vormarsch, Flakgeschütze, Flugabwehrkanone, telefonischer Bericht an Stalin, Fliegerangriffe, Bahnhof von Dolgelin, Döberitz, Ludwigslust, deutsche Frontlinie, Werbig, Krugberg, Verwundete und viele Gefangene wurden sofort erschossen, Panzer-Division Müncheberg, Verteidigung von Berlin, Schlacht um Berlin, Panzerabwehrgeschütze, gefallene Soldaten, Lietzen, Diedersdorf, Lazarett, Jahnsfelde, Angriff sowjetischer Flugzeuge auf das Hauptlazarett, Spürhunde, sowjetische Pioniere, Suche nach Minen, Landminen, Marktplatz von Seelow, Gefechtsposition, Gehöft Elisenhof, Neunte Armee, General Helmuth Weidling, Kommandeur des Artillerie-Regiments 56, 56. Panzer-Korps, Müncheberg, Reichsstraße 1 nach Berlin, Kampftrupps von Hitlerjungen, Spreewald, Studebaker, General Walther Wenck, 12. Armee, Flughafen Tempelhof, Einnahme des Reichstages, Flakturm Zoo, Türme von Friedrichshain und Humboldthain, Kern der Berliner Verteidigung, Endkampf, Panzerfäuste, Siemensstadt, Charlottenburg, Schutt, weiße Fahnen, Flucht aus Berlin, Selbstmord Adolf Hitlers, Selbstmord Josef Goebbels, Ausbruch aus Berlin, Kapitulation, Volkssturm, Verteidigung des Vaterlandes, Kinder, Tony Le Tissier- published: 20 Sep 2013
- views: 12

Парад Победы 1945 года.
Кинохроника Парада Победы в 1945 году в Москве. Если Вас Интересует парад Победы в Кривом ...
published: 07 May 2011
author: Виктор Петренко
Парад Победы 1945 года.
Парад Победы 1945 года.
Кинохроника Парада Победы в 1945 году в Москве. Если Вас Интересует парад Победы в Кривом Роге 9 мая 2011 года, то загляните сюда http://krivoyrog-history.bl...- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 254553
- author: Виктор Петренко

Парад Победы 24 июня 1945 года (ч/б)
Отреставрированное в 1984 году видео Парада Победы 24 июня 1945 года. Режиссер: Беляев В.,...
published: 11 May 2012
author: Дмитрий Перцев
Парад Победы 24 июня 1945 года (ч/б)
Парад Победы 24 июня 1945 года (ч/б)
Отреставрированное в 1984 году видео Парада Победы 24 июня 1945 года. Режиссер: Беляев В., Венжер И., Посельский И. Центральная студия документальных фильмов...- published: 11 May 2012
- views: 27083
- author: Дмитрий Перцев

Nuclear Testing 1945 - 1998 Complete Video HD
"2053" - This is the number of nuclear explosions conducted in various parts of the globe....
published: 06 Aug 2010
author: TitusFlavius79
Nuclear Testing 1945 - 1998 Complete Video HD
Nuclear Testing 1945 - 1998 Complete Video HD
"2053" - This is the number of nuclear explosions conducted in various parts of the globe. Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto has created a beautiful, undeniably...- published: 06 Aug 2010
- views: 224379
- author: TitusFlavius79
Vimeo results:

It’s 1945, and the Allies are on the verge of winning World War II, when suddenly the Nazi...
published: 20 Jan 2010
author: Ryan Nagata
It’s 1945, and the Allies are on the verge of winning World War II, when suddenly the Nazis unleash an arsenal of super weapons straight out of science fiction turning the tides in their favor.

How a Bicycle is Made (1945)
The design and manufacture of Raleigh bicycles.
Find out more information about this titl...
published: 29 Mar 2012
author: British Council Film
How a Bicycle is Made (1945)
The design and manufacture of Raleigh bicycles.
Find out more information about this title at britishcouncil.org/film.

Budapest 1945-2008
Budapest városfotók 1945-ből és 2008-ból. A képek pontosan ugyanazon a helyen ugyanolyan s...
published: 19 Feb 2008
author: Szemán Ábel
Budapest 1945-2008
Budapest városfotók 1945-ből és 2008-ból. A képek pontosan ugyanazon a helyen ugyanolyan szögből készültek 63 év különbséggel.
A klip a W. T. zenéjével mutatja meg hogy miben és hogyan változott meg a városkép a főváros ostroma óta eltelt időben.
Pictures of Budapest in 1945 and 2008. The photos were taken on the exact same places and angle with 63 years difference.
The clip shows how the Hungarian capitol has changed since the siege at the end of world war 2, with a background music by W. T.

VJ Day, Honolulu Hawaii, August 14, 1945
Visit www.discoveringhawaii.com for color stills from this amazing day, and other Hawaii-r...
published: 17 Jul 2009
author: Richard Sullivan
VJ Day, Honolulu Hawaii, August 14, 1945
Visit www.discoveringhawaii.com for color stills from this amazing day, and other Hawaii-related films. I have over one hour of beautiful Kodachome 16mm movie footage filmed by my Dad on VJ Day and the three weeks following, which was always intended to be expanded into a documentary, "The Day World War II Ended."
Youtube results:

El principio del fin - 1945, el año que cambió al mundo
El principio del fin - 1945, el año que cambió al mundo En enero, los aliados occidentales...
published: 30 Apr 2013
author: Dogfight5555
El principio del fin - 1945, el año que cambió al mundo
El principio del fin - 1945, el año que cambió al mundo
El principio del fin - 1945, el año que cambió al mundo En enero, los aliados occidentales se recuperan lentamente de la ofensiva de las Ardenas, recobrando ...- published: 30 Apr 2013
- author: Dogfight5555

Парад Победы 1945 года Красная площадь 24 июня
22 июня 1945 года в центральных газетах СССР был опубликован приказ Верховного главнокоман...
published: 02 May 2013
author: Karbafos25
Парад Победы 1945 года Красная площадь 24 июня
Парад Победы 1945 года Красная площадь 24 июня
22 июня 1945 года в центральных газетах СССР был опубликован приказ Верховного главнокомандующего ВС СССР И. В. Сталина № 370: В ознаменование победы над Гер...- published: 02 May 2013
- views: 6397
- author: Karbafos25

Bayern macht Geschichte Kriegsende 1945 Doku über Bayern am Kriegsende Teil 1
Zwei Wochen nach dem Angriff auf Würzburg erreichen die alliierten Bodentruppen an Tauber ...
published: 26 Jun 2013
Bayern macht Geschichte Kriegsende 1945 Doku über Bayern am Kriegsende Teil 1
Bayern macht Geschichte Kriegsende 1945 Doku über Bayern am Kriegsende Teil 1
Zwei Wochen nach dem Angriff auf Würzburg erreichen die alliierten Bodentruppen an Tauber und Main erstmals bayerisches Gebiet. Der Weg der amerikanischen Verbände führt quer durch Franken. Sie wollen den Rückzug der deutschen Truppen in die Alpen verhindern. In einer regelrechten Materialschlacht kämpfen sich die US-Einheiten Stadt für Stadt und Dorf für Dorf voran.- published: 26 Jun 2013
- views: 57