We're Building the Climate Movement

Climate-focused campaigns, projects and actions led from the bottom-up by people in 188 countries. Email is how 350 connects — Join in and get started:

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350 Global Map

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Civil society at UN climate negotiations in Bonn: “We Choose: Renewable Energy. Peoples’ Power. Be with us or step aside.”

    More than 100 people held a demonstration in Bonn today, outside the venue where the  Ministers of Environment are meeting for the UN climate negotiations. Organisations from every continent – including trade unions, social movements, environmental groups, gender and youth groups, indigenous groups and NGOs –are demanding action by the more than 198... (More...)
Actions/Demonstrations Climate Justice Global Renewable Energy

La Caravana Climática: a voice for our local movements

By Fernanda Canas On May 19th the Climate Caravan (Caravana Climática) through Latin America arrived to El Salvador. The Climate Caravan is a bus traveling from the north of Mexico all along Latin America in order to arrive to their final destination Lima, Peru where the UN Climate Change Talks (COP 20) will be held in December... (More...)
Latin America Power Shift

Shifting Power in Argentina: Today is the day

By GPS Argentina team. This morning the first action of our GPS phase 2 plans will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We call it “Aclimatando” or in English “Acclimatizing”.  It is an effort to acclimate people to confronting the reality of climate change.  The goal of the meeting this morning is to thrust forward... (More...)
Latin America Power Shift

We’re Building Canoes

In April 2014, 350 Pacific Climate Warriors across the region performed and rallied to mark the start of building canoes for the Pacific Warrior Campaign. Since then, the teams have been working hard on preparing the canoes. In Vanuatu, as you can see in the video below, the team have been donated a specially selected tree... (More...)
Actions/Demonstrations Pacific

The Science of 350

Find out what 350ppm means and why we need a global movement to get the planet on a path back to below 350.
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Climate Movement Videos

Check out some of the amazing videos profiling the growth of the global climate movement.
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