Deutsche Bahn AG (DB AG, DBAG or DB) is the German national railway company, a private joint-stock company (AG) with its headquarters in Berlin. It came into existence in 1994 as the successor to the former state railways of Germany, the Deutsche Bundesbahn of West Germany and the Deutsche Reichsbahn of East Germany. It also gained ownership of former railway assets in West Berlin held by the VdeR. Its name means "German Railway" in German.
DB is organized as a business group and has over 1000 subsidiaries, of which 287 are in Germany. It describes itself as the second-largest transport company in the world, after Deutsche Post AG, and is the largest railway operator and infrastructure owner in Europe. It carries about two billion passengers each year.
DBAG has taken over the abbreviation and logo DB from the West German state railway Deutsche Bundesbahn, although it has modernised the logo. Erik Spiekermann designed the new corporate font DB type.
Originally, DBAG had its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main but moved to Potsdamer Platz in central Berlin in 1996, where it occupies a 26-story office tower designed by Helmut Jahn at the eastern end of the Sony Center and named BahnTower. As the lease was to expire in 2010, DB had announced plans to relocate to Berlin Hauptbahnhof, and in 2007 a proposal for a new headquarters by 3XN Architects won an architectural competition which also included Foster + Partners, Dominique Perrault and Auer + Weber. However, these plans have been put on hold, and the BahnTower leased for at least three more years.
Mathias Richling (born March 24, 1953 in Waiblingen) is a German actor, author, comedian and Kabarett artist.
Richling studied literature, music and theatre. From 1989 to 1996 he had a program called Jetzt schlägt's Richling' on the German TV channel ARD'. Since 1999 he produced the program Zwerch trifft Fell on the German TV channel Südwestrundfunk. Together with Bruno Jonas he was part of the popular German cabaret show Scheibenwischer. He often presents in cabaret high-ranked German politicians.
Rüdiger Grube (born 2 August 1951) was the Chairman of EADS between April 2007 and April 2009[citation needed]. He holds an engineers’ degree in aircraft construction and engineering and a doctorate from the University of Hamburg.
On April 25, 2009, Grube signed a five-year contract to become CEO of Deutsche Bahn AG, starting from May 1st 2009.
Berufseinstieg bei der DB Netz AG
(1/2) Geschäftsmodell Deutsche Bahn - Globalisierung auf Bürgerkosten
Beschwerde Deutsche Bahn AG / Customer Complaint DB AG
Wise Guys - Deutsche Bahn
Einsatzfahrzeug Deutsche Bahn AG
Der Deutsche-Bahn-Check | WDR
Notfallmanager Deutsche Bahn AG + FuStW BuPo
Marklin Dampflokomotive BR 01 150 Deutsche Bahn AG 39017 & BR 01 39011 comparison
Image Video Deutsche Bahn AG Wir sind DB
Deutsche Bahn AG - SMK Regensburg - Vorstellung
Deutsche Bahn AG - ein Ausbildungsportfolio
Notfallmanager Deutsche Bahn AG
Deutsche Bahn AG - Bahn Azubis gegen Hass und Gewalt
Auf dem falschen Gleis - Was läuft schief bei der Bahn? (Doku)
Berufseinstieg bei der DB Netz AG
(1/2) Geschäftsmodell Deutsche Bahn - Globalisierung auf Bürgerkosten
Beschwerde Deutsche Bahn AG / Customer Complaint DB AG
Wise Guys - Deutsche Bahn
Einsatzfahrzeug Deutsche Bahn AG
Der Deutsche-Bahn-Check | WDR
Notfallmanager Deutsche Bahn AG + FuStW BuPo
Marklin Dampflokomotive BR 01 150 Deutsche Bahn AG 39017 & BR 01 39011 comparison
Image Video Deutsche Bahn AG Wir sind DB
Deutsche Bahn AG - SMK Regensburg - Vorstellung
Deutsche Bahn AG - ein Ausbildungsportfolio
Notfallmanager Deutsche Bahn AG
Deutsche Bahn AG - Bahn Azubis gegen Hass und Gewalt
Auf dem falschen Gleis - Was läuft schief bei der Bahn? (Doku)
Birgit Reinhardt über TOTAL E-QUALITY
Deutsche Bahn AG feiert Geburtstag
UHF Notfallmanager Deutsche Bahn AG
UHF Notfallmanager Deutsche Bahn AG
Die Deutsche Bahn AG Mathias Richling Mehdorn Ein Mehdorn im Auge Privatisierung Börsengang
Vortrag von Dr. Rüdiger Grube, Vorstandsvorsitzender Deutsche Bahn AG
UHF Notfallmanager Deutsche Bahn AG Essen
Interview Dr. Volker Kefer, Vorstand Infrastruktur und Dienstleistungen, Deutsche Bahn AG
Beschwerde Deutsche Bahn AG (Scheiß Deutsche Bahn)