World's 5 Mega Construction Projects
World's 5 Mega Construction Projects - as part of the travel series by GeoBeats. Around th...
published: 03 Sep 2012
author: geobeats
World's 5 Mega Construction Projects
World's 5 Mega Construction Projects
World's 5 Mega Construction Projects - as part of the travel series by GeoBeats. Around the world, we keep building structures that are taller and bigger tha...- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 404303
- author: geobeats
Dad Draws Intricate Cartoons on Children's Sandwich Bags
A dad draws intricate cartoons on his children's sandwich bags. To checkout David's work -...
published: 28 Apr 2013
author: GeoBeats Arts
Dad Draws Intricate Cartoons on Children's Sandwich Bags
Dad Draws Intricate Cartoons on Children's Sandwich Bags
A dad draws intricate cartoons on his children's sandwich bags. To checkout David's work - http://www.flickr.com/photos/dlaferriere/ One exceptionally talent...- published: 28 Apr 2013
- views: 2890
- author: GeoBeats Arts
How to Make Perfect Miso Soup
How to Make Perfect Miso Soup - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Today I am going...
published: 02 Sep 2011
author: geobeats
How to Make Perfect Miso Soup
How to Make Perfect Miso Soup
How to Make Perfect Miso Soup - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Today I am going to show you how to make perfect miso soup; now miso soup for the j...- published: 02 Sep 2011
- views: 108537
- author: geobeats
10 Weird Things People Do
Here are 10 weird things that people do all the time.
No matter how together some people...
published: 26 Mar 2014
10 Weird Things People Do
10 Weird Things People Do
Here are 10 weird things that people do all the time. No matter how together some people seem, one thing all humans have in common is the completely out there behavior we exhibit more often than we acknowledge. Here are 10 weird things that people do all the time. Number 10. Reading over emails right after you send them. 1, it's too late, and 2, you're just torturing yourself. Number 9. Answering calls from nowhere. How many times a day do you pick up your phone only to realize it never rang? Thought so. Number 8. Seeing faces in things that have none. You name it, clouds, rocks, buildings, grilled cheeses -- anything's game. Talking to them is perfectly OK. Hearing a response, on the other hand, is cause for calling in professional help. Number 7. Looking for the closest parking spot at the gym. Aren't you there to get some exercise in the first place? Walking a few extra steps will only help the cause. Number 6. Rescuing some animals but eating others. Yes, cats and dogs are loveable and enrich people's lives. For that, calling in fire trucks and helicopters to rescue one from a tight spot is perfectly understandable. Who knows - if you'd given your turkey sandwich a chance to love you when it could, it might have made you smile, too. Number 5. Snooze button abuse. Some actually set their alarms early so they can indulge the behavior. Number 4. Walking around with a constant sense of impending doom. For example, coming home and being relieved to find your house isn't on fire or hasn't been broken into. Number 3. Pretending to be otherwise occupied to avoid talking to people. There are so many tactics -- faking phone calls, putting ear buds in but not turning on the iPod, pretending to be engrossed in a book about the science of how paint dries... Number 2. Avoiding somebody's gaze so you don't have to say hi to them. That gets particularly awkward when you at least sort of know the person and are approaching one another in an otherwise empty hallway. Yet, we do it. Number 1. Smelling ourselves. Considering how much time we spend stewing in our own aromas, the odds we're getting an accurate, first-encounter impression of what somebody else is sniffing is highly unlikely. It also looks really strange. So, now that you know you're not alone on those counts, is there anything else you'd like to share? Chances are, there are scads of other people who do the same thing. ------------------ published: 26 Mar 2014
- views: 2316
10 Fun Facts About Coffee
Grab a cup, sit back, and enjoy these 10 fun facts about coffee.
For many, coffee is a d...
published: 25 Apr 2014
10 Fun Facts About Coffee
10 Fun Facts About Coffee
Grab a cup, sit back, and enjoy these 10 fun facts about coffee. For many, coffee is a daily need that ranks up there with oxygen and food. Thankfully, one rarely has to travel far to find some be it hot, iced, frothed, or blended. So, grab a cup, sit back, and enjoy these 10 fun facts about coffee. Number 10. The most expensive kind comes from dung. Elephant dung, to be specific. The digestion process breaks down the proteins in the beans, resulting in what's said to be a far superior cup. At 50 dollars a serving, it should be. Number 9. It can power a truck. A man in the UK used bean waste and a special converter to get his vehicle to go over 60 miles an hour and set a new Guinness World Record. Number 8. Drinking coffee was at one time punishable by death. In 17th --century Turkey, Sultan Murad the fourth dictated that people caught drinking a cup of joe be decapitated immediately. Number 7. Decaf doesn't mean it's caffeine free. Decaf just means that it's gone through a decaffeination process, not that it's all be removed. It doesn't contain much, but it's still in there. Number 6. Hawaii is the only US state to grow coffee. The specialty there is Kona, one of the priciest varieties in the world. Number 5. Coffee was discovered by Ethiopian goats and their keeper. Maybe. Legend has it that after eating a bunch of the berries, a group of goats was jumping around so much their herder went to check the plant out. After eating a few, he had a similar reaction. Number 4. People drink a lot of coffee. Worldwide, around 2.25 billion cups are consumed every day. 400 million of those are downed in the US alone. Number 3. People in the Netherlands drink the most. They average 2 and a quarter cups per person per day. Finland comes in second at about 1.8 cups. Third place goes to Swedes and their 1 and a third cup a day habit. The US is ranked 16th. Number 2. Europeans used to call it 'Arabian wine'. They were actually spot on, as the word from which coffee was eventually extracted translates as 'wine of the bean'. Number 1. The world's most caffeinated brew is called Death Wish. Their trick is using robusta beans instead of the typical Arabica variety. They have 200 percent more kick. Don't worry about brewing one up by accident. Their logo features a skull and crossbones, making it pretty clear what a person is about to get themselves into.- published: 25 Apr 2014
- views: 1207
10 Unusual Company Names Explained
Check out meanings behind 10 names of companies.
Let's face it. A lot of companies have ...
published: 24 Apr 2014
10 Unusual Company Names Explained
10 Unusual Company Names Explained
Check out meanings behind 10 names of companies. Let's face it. A lot of companies have strange names. Sure, often they're recognizable because the company is a famous one, but beyond than that, are they really decipherable? To help clear up some of the confusion and mystery, here are the explanations behind 10 weird ones. Number 10. Lego. This one's particularly tricky because it's in Danish and it's been shortened. The name is derived from the words leg godt, which means to play well. Number 9. Reebok. It's a variation on rhebok, the Afrikaans word for a local antelope. It was picked from a South African dictionary one of the founders won in a race as a child. Number 8. Pepsi-Cola. The drink was named both for an enzyme called pepsin to highlight the drink's superior ability to aid in digestion, and after the kola nut extract it contained. Not exactly the hip image they promote today. Number 7. Kia. For those who know how to speak Korean, this one is pretty straightforward. In the language KIA translates as 'rising Asia'. Number 6. Panera. They could have just called it pan, which in slight variations means bread in a few languages, but their vision was much grander. Instead they chose Panera, the Latin way of saying the 'time of bread', which is definitely more encompassing. Number 5. Google. If you've long thought that Google was really a subtle command to go ogle stuff on the Internet you're not alone. The name, however, is really a take on Googol, the math term for a 1 that's followed by a hundred zeros. It reflects the founders' desire to make order out of endless amounts of information. Number 4. Volkswagen. Literally, it means the people's car, but it represents the realization of a long-pursued goal in Germany. For years, automakers tried but failed to make a car all could afford. Eventually, Volkswagen succeeded. Number 3. Canon. Back when it was called the Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory, trial cameras were named Kwanon after the Buddhist goddess of mercy. When it came time to market the brand, the similar sounding option Canon came into play -- and favor -- as it means the standard by which others are judged. Number 2. Sony. A combination of Latin and slang, the name is a blend of 'sonus', the root of sound and sonic and 'sonny boy' a 1950s Japanese street term for forward-looking youth. Number 1. Nokia. The company has always been in the business of enabling communication, but when it started in 1865 their product was paper. A second mill built a few years later along the shore of Finland's Nokianvirta river resulted in the company's new name in 1871.- published: 24 Apr 2014
- views: 1441
10 Little Known Facts About Beer
Here are 10 little known facts about beer.
When it comes to beer, most people know it's ...
published: 04 Apr 2014
10 Little Known Facts About Beer
10 Little Known Facts About Beer
Here are 10 little known facts about beer. When it comes to beer, most people know it's brewed, it's great on a hot day, and that there's a lot of it out there. Among the things many may not know is how much history it has or how versatile it can be. Here are 10 little known facts about beer. Number 10. There's one that's made with meteorites. The people at Dogfish Head Brewery in Delaware have a brew infused with crushed lunar meteorites. To get their hands on the stuff, they partnered with ILC Dover, a company that makes space suits and has an in with NASA. Number 9. It's good for your hair. To get the conditioning and cleansing benefits, the beer must be applied directly to the tresses, so going out and throwing back a few won't help with split ends. Number 8. Beer can be made from facial hair. A brewer in Oregon used yeast he harvested from his own beard to whip up a batch. Number 7. Ancient Egyptians were paid with it. At least the ones working on the pyramids, anyway. Evidence has been found suggesting they were compensated with loaves of bread and a serving of beer. Number 6. Beer and marijuana are related. Hops, used to flavor beer, and cannabis hail from the same plant family. The answer to your question, by the way, is yes. People have attempted to make beer from pot. Number 5. In Prague, it's cheaper than water. There, a bottle of water can cost more than double what a pint of beer does. Number 4. Beer is good for you. It's one of the few consumables that contains bone-benefitting silicon. A beer a day can also keep kidney stones away. Number 3. 51 million cases of beer are sold on Super Bowl Sunday. Well, people have to wash down the billion chicken wings eaten on that weekend with something. Number 2. There was a beer with a 55% alcohol content. It was called 'The End of History' and holds the Guinness record as the world's strongest. It's sold out now, but ran about 800 dollars a bottle. 11 hundred if you wanted it packaged with a taxidermied squirrel. Normal beer is about 4 and a half percent. Number 1. They make home brew at the White House. President Obama got the ball rolling a while ago when he bought a kit.- published: 04 Apr 2014
- views: 304
10 Things You Didn't Know About Diamonds
Sure, everybody has heard diamonds are a girl's best friend, but there are also a few thin...
published: 11 Feb 2014
10 Things You Didn't Know About Diamonds
10 Things You Didn't Know About Diamonds
Sure, everybody has heard diamonds are a girl's best friend, but there are also a few things about them you may not know. Check out these 10 uncommon facts. $60 Billion - that's the annual size of the diamond industry. And regardless of gender, we have all seen those ads by diamond retailers, especially around Valentine's Day. But how much do you really know about them? Here are 10 uncommon facts. Number 10 -- Diamonds are basically fireproof. While they can technically be burned, it doesn't happen until the temperature reaches a scorching 1292 degrees Fahrenheit. Number 9 --Diamond crystals were brought closer to the Earth's surface by deeply rooted and violent volcanic eruptions a long time ago. Number 8 -- The Cullinan diamond is the largest rough one ever found on Earth, and weighed a little over 1.3 pounds or 3106 carats to be precise. Number 7 -- Diamonds aren't just used for necklaces and rings. Some saw blades are constructed of diamond particles. Due to the gems' strength, the outfitted saws can cut through rocks, brick and concrete easily. Number 6 -- What makes a diamond so special? If you said because they are in short supply, you'd be wrong. According to the Washington Post, clever marketing claims and an artificially controlled supply keeps those hefty prices up. Number 5 -- In 2012, it was reported that a Russian asteroid crater holds over $1 quadrillion worth of diamonds. The 62 mile crater in eastern Siberia contains trillions of carats, large enough to satisfy markets' demand for 3000 years. Number 4 -- Dead bodies can be morphed into diamonds. Last year, a father in Italy had his deceased son cremated and the remains sent to a Swiss company which compressed his ashes into a gem called a "remembrance diamond". Number 3 -- India has a long history with diamonds. Up until the 18th century, the only diamond mines in existence were in India. Number 2 -- The majority of diamonds discovered in nature are anywhere from 1 to 3 billion years old. Number 1 -- Beyond Earth, there are other places where diamonds can be found in abundance. Scientists at Yale University claim that a planet, called 55 Cancri e, which is twice as big as Earth, is literally a diamond planet. The head researcher notes - "The surface is likely covered in graphite and diamond rather than water and granite."- published: 11 Feb 2014
- views: 1057
Top 10 Prague Attractions - A Travel Video
Top 10 Prague Attractions - A Travel Video Postcard - as part of the travel series by GeoB...
published: 30 Nov 2011
author: geobeats
Top 10 Prague Attractions - A Travel Video
Top 10 Prague Attractions - A Travel Video
Top 10 Prague Attractions - A Travel Video Postcard - as part of the travel series by GeoBeats.- published: 30 Nov 2011
- views: 48531
- author: geobeats
Mercury Pollution From Gold Rush Might Affect Ecosystem for 10,000 Years
According to data from researchers at the University of California in Santa Barbara,mercur...
published: 31 Oct 2013
Mercury Pollution From Gold Rush Might Affect Ecosystem for 10,000 Years
Mercury Pollution From Gold Rush Might Affect Ecosystem for 10,000 Years
According to data from researchers at the University of California in Santa Barbara,mercury left over from gold mining operations could poison the ecosystem for up to 10 thousand years into the future. According to data from researchers at the University of California in Santa Barbara, mercury left over from gold mining operations could poison the ecosystem for up to 10 thousand years into the future. The California gold rush from 1848 to 1884 left behind river valleys filled with sediment contaminated with toxic mercury. Miners used mercury to bind with gold while they were sifting through eroded earth looking for the precious metal. Michael Singer, a geologist and hydrologist who studied the mercury levels in California said: "This is a big deal because at the moment, there's quite a bit of mercury contamination that's in the ecosystems of the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento Delta." Fish in the polluted water are eaten by other animals, and the mercury levels accumulate and increase in toxicity up the food chain. There is no easy solution to the problem of mercury pollution as it is difficult to extract, and is usually exposed when the 150 year old gold rush sediment is stirred up by periodic floods. Levels may also be increasing as gold mining operations continue in certain areas.- published: 31 Oct 2013
- views: 187
A Floating City Concept
A Floating City Concept - as part of the news series by GeoBeats. In future, could we live...
published: 19 Sep 2012
author: geobeats
A Floating City Concept
A Floating City Concept
A Floating City Concept - as part of the news series by GeoBeats. In future, could we live on water if needed? Architect Vincent Callebaut has envisioned an ...- published: 19 Sep 2012
- views: 5912
- author: geobeats
10 Most Populated Counties in the U.S.
According to Census data, 50 percent of U.S. residents live in the largest 146 of those co...
published: 07 Sep 2013
10 Most Populated Counties in the U.S.
10 Most Populated Counties in the U.S.
According to Census data, 50 percent of U.S. residents live in the largest 146 of those counties. Here are the top 10. The U.S. has more than 3,000 counties. According to Business Insider, 50 percent of U.S. residents live in the largest 146 of those counties based on the Census data. Here are 10 of the most populated counties in the county: Number 10 -- Queens County, New York, is the world's "most ethnically diverse urban area" with more than 138 foreign languages spoken there. Number 9 -- Dallas County, Texas, had its population triple between 1950 and 1990. Number 8 -- Kings County, New York, has about 82,000 students enrolled in 16 universities. Number 7 -- Miami-Dade County, Florida, has a third of its 2,000 square miles located in Everglades National Park. Number 6 -- Orange County, California, is a popular vacation spot with everything from scenic views to Disneyland. Number 5 -- San Diego County, California, boasts a low crime rate, comfortable weather, and 70 miles of beaches. Number 4 -- Maricopa County, Arizona, continues to be one of the country's fastest growing areas for families and businesses. Number 3 -- Harris County, Texas, features the city of Houston, which is the biggest in Texas and the southern United States. Number 2 -- Cook County, Illinois, features Chicago's world-famous architecture and entertainment. And Number 1, the country's most populated county - Los Angeles County, California, can please everyone from outdoor enthusiasts to Hollywood legends.- published: 07 Sep 2013
- views: 237
10 Incredible Facts About WhatsApp
Facebook recently announced its acquisition of WhatsApp for 19 billion dollars. Here are 1...
published: 20 Feb 2014
10 Incredible Facts About WhatsApp
10 Incredible Facts About WhatsApp
Facebook recently announced its acquisition of WhatsApp for 19 billion dollars. Here are 10 fascinating facts about the company. Facebook recently announced its acquisition of WhatsApp for 19 billion dollars. Here are 10 fascinating facts about the company: Number 10 - Founded in 2009, WhatsApp is worth more than some of the world's largest companies like American Airlines which is valued at around 11 billion dollars and Harley Davidson which is worth 14 billion dollars. Number 9 - WhatsApp's is valued at more than that of the annual GDP of many countries such as North Korea, Iceland, and Jamaica. Number 8 - WhatsApp's co-founder Jan Koum moved to the US from Ukraine when he was 16. At one time, his family lived on food stamps. Number 7 - The company has nearly half a billion monthly users. Number 6 - Every day, 1 million new users join the the service. Number 5 - 500 million photos are sent through WhatsApp every day. Number 4 - WhatsApp only has 55 employees. They all should be millionaires now and the 2 founders will become billionaires. Number 3 - The company is worth more than NASA's entire annual budget of about 17 billion dollars. Number 2 - If the acquisition doesn't go through, Facebook has promised to give WhatsApp 1 billion dollars in cash and additional compensation in stock. Number 1 - WhatsApp's co-founder Brian Acton got denied by Twitter and Facebook for a job in 2009. Soon after, he started WhatsApp. Rest as they say is history.- published: 20 Feb 2014
- views: 12
Top 10 Underrated World Travel Destinations
Top 10 Underrated World Travel Destinations - as part of the travel series by GeoBeats....
published: 23 Dec 2011
author: geobeats
Top 10 Underrated World Travel Destinations
Top 10 Underrated World Travel Destinations
Top 10 Underrated World Travel Destinations - as part of the travel series by GeoBeats.- published: 23 Dec 2011
- views: 5020
- author: geobeats
Youtube results:
Study Says Humans Only Have Four Basic Emotions
A recent study from researchers at the University of Glasgow has shown that humans only ha...
published: 07 Feb 2014
Study Says Humans Only Have Four Basic Emotions
Study Says Humans Only Have Four Basic Emotions
A recent study from researchers at the University of Glasgow has shown that humans only have four basic emotions that can be signified by facial expressions, rather than the six that previous scientific studies had identified. They narrowed the list down to include happy, sad, afraid or surprised, and finally angry or disgusted. A recent study from researchers at the University of Glasgow has shown that humans only have four basic emotions that can be signified by facial expressions, rather than the six that previous scientific studies had identified. They narrowed the list down to include happy, sad, afraid or surprised, and finally angry or disgusted. For the study, subjects were asked to look at facial expressions that were computer generated and identify the emotions being displayed from the accepted range of six. The results of the study show that the initial facial expressions for fear and surprise were so similar that the distinction must be based on a socially conditioned response rather than biological evolution. The same conclusion was reached for anger and disgust: the facial expression is the same, and other complex signals that differentiate between the two are social functions rather than inherited. Evolutionary explanations behind one of the facial expressions says that widening our eyes in response to fear or surprise happens so that we can take in more visual information to assess the possibly approaching danger.- published: 07 Feb 2014
- views: 268
5 Unusual Graduation Dresses from Around the World
5 Unusual Graduation Dresses from Around the World - as part of the news and politics seri...
published: 08 May 2012
author: geobeats
5 Unusual Graduation Dresses from Around the World
5 Unusual Graduation Dresses from Around the World
5 Unusual Graduation Dresses from Around the World - as part of the news and politics series by GeoBeats. You thought your graduation dress was uniquely trad...- published: 08 May 2012
- views: 6827
- author: geobeats
10 Unusual Food Etiquettes Around the World
Food etiquette in the United States is often very different in other parts of the world, c...
published: 15 Mar 2014
10 Unusual Food Etiquettes Around the World
10 Unusual Food Etiquettes Around the World
Food etiquette in the United States is often very different in other parts of the world, confusing both travelers and locals alike. Here are the top 10 dining customs Americans should be aware of when travelling abroad. Food etiquette in the United States is often very different that in other parts of the world, confusing both travelers and locals alike. Here are the top 10 dining customs Americans should be aware of when travelling abroad. Number 10 -- In France the bread basket is not a filling appetizer. Instead, enjoy the bread with your entrée, and remember it is common practice to rest the bread pieces on the table not on your plate. Number 9 -- Americans might think nothing of flipping over a whole fish to get every last morsel. In Southern China however, this is considered bad luck so either enjoy the top side only, or simply remove the bone to get to the bottom. Number 8 -- American waiters see a big tip as a source of pride on a job well done, but to the Japanese, it is insulting or demeaning. The price you paid for your meal includes service so sit back and enjoy! Number 7 -- Also while dining in Japan; do not leave your chopsticks standing upright in your rice bowl as this practice is associated with funerals. Use the chopstick rest if provided or place them together in front of you. Number 6 -- Indians prefer not to use their left hand to touch their food or even their plates as this hand is used for bathroom functions and considered unclean. Parts of the Middle East and Africa also observe this custom. Number 5 -- When in Chile, don't use your hands! Even hamburgers and French fries are eaten with a knife and fork, to do otherwise is bad manners. Number 4 -- The habit of switching the fork to the right hand is quintessentially American, but in Europe is at best a curiosity, and at worse, bad table manners. Try using the fork in your left hand and knife in your right hand for the whole meal. Number 3 -- Americans have become accustomed to eating family style, with multiple dishes passed around and shared by diners. In Ethiopia however, they take it one step further, with everyone eating from a single large plate and without any utensils. Number 2 -- Most Americans aren't up for a tot of neat vodka early in the morning, but if offered to you in Russia, it should be accepted. Doing otherwise is a sign of rudeness, akin to refusing to shake someone's hand. Number 1 -- In Italy, cappuccinos are for breakfast, or at the most, before noon. While American's think the traditional pick-me-up is wonderful after any meal, some Italians think it upsets the stomach that late. What do you think is the worst food etiquette mistakes Americans make when dining in other countries?- published: 15 Mar 2014
- views: 382
Teens in China Use Cabbages as Friends and Pets
People often have pets to ward off loneliness, but a new trend in China has teenagers out ...
published: 06 May 2014
Teens in China Use Cabbages as Friends and Pets
Teens in China Use Cabbages as Friends and Pets
People often have pets to ward off loneliness, but a new trend in China has teenagers out walking heads of cabbage on a leash. Groups of young people were photographed dragging around heads of cabbage at Midi Music Festival in the capital city of Beijing, China. People often have pets to ward off loneliness, but a new trend in China has teenagers out walking around their cabbage pets on a leash. Groups of young people were photographed dragging around heads of cabbage at Midi Music Festival in the capital city of Beijing, China. The teens claim they are expressing their isolation, and trying to find a way to connect and interact with people, or even meet up with other lonely youth. Psychiatric professionals say that in the modern fast paced urban environment, a cabbage companion can be a healthy form of therapy if you're feeling lonely, but they also warn about the effects of becoming too attached to a vegetable and not getting enough human interaction. One of the people walking a cabbage, 17-year-old Da-Xia Sung, is quoted as saying: "I have more interest for my cabbage than I do my parents. I feel it understands me." Other people participating in the trend say that they can put all their negative feelings into the cabbage while dragging it around, and then release them by throwing it away when they're done.- published: 06 May 2014
- views: 545