
April 16 2014 Breaking News ProMoscow Ukraine seized arms&declared; separatist republic in another
April 16 2014 Breaking News Pro-Moscow protesters in eastern Ukraine seized arms in one ci...
published: 05 Mar 2014
April 16 2014 Breaking News ProMoscow Ukraine seized arms&declared; separatist republic in another
April 16 2014 Breaking News ProMoscow Ukraine seized arms&declared; separatist republic in another
April 16 2014 Breaking News Pro-Moscow protesters in eastern Ukraine seized arms in one city and declared a separatist republic in another, in moves Kiev described on Monday as part of a Russian-orchestrated plan to justify an invasion to dismember the country http://news.yahoo.com/pro-moscow-protesters-declare-separatist-republic-kiev-warns-123108634.html April 1 2014 Breaking News New NATO head's tough task: dealing with a resurgent Russia http://news.yahoo.com/nato-heads-tough-task-dealing-resurgent-russia-122029102.html March 26 2014 Breaking News REUTERS On CBS Evening News USA President Barack Obama urges Russia to pull back troops from Ukraine border http://news.yahoo.com/obama-urges-russia-pull-back-troops-ukraine-border-110455725.html March 26 2014 Breaking News Associated Press Pro-Russian forces stormed a Ukrainian air force base in Crimea, firing shots and stun grenades and smashing through concrete walls with armored personnel carriers http://news.yahoo.com/pro-russian-forces-storm-ukrainian-crimea-161626492.html March 20 2014 Breaking News USA Ukraine to join international military drill in Bulgaria http://news.yahoo.com/u-ukraine-join-international-military-drill-bulgaria-174548019.html March 18 2014 Breaking News Now Russian Military stage Two Ukraine Military soldiers Killed in Crimea crisis A step closer to all-out-war http://news.yahoo.com/conflict-russia-entering-military-stage-ukraine-pm-161159986.html March 18 2014 Breaking News Ukraine A step closer to all-out-war: Ukrainian officer shot dead and dozens rounded up by masked gunmen at under-siege Crimean army base http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2583225/Putin-signs-Crimea-annexation-bill-Ukraine-announces-fight-Russia-enlists-hundreds-men-National-Guard-training.html#ixzz2wLSh2S1b March 18 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk said on Tuesday that the conflict in its Crimea peninsula, now under Russian control, had entered a military phase and accused Russia of committing a "war crime" by firing on Ukrainian servicemen http://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-pm-crimea-conflict-enters-military-stage-161432770--sector.html March 18 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Ukrainian troops at a base in Crimea's main city, Simferopol, said on Tuesday that they were being attacked by Russian forces and one soldier had been injured, Interfax news agency said quoting a Ukrainian military spokesman http://news.yahoo.com/ukrainian-troops-being-attacked-russian-forces-interfax-153146736.html March 18 2014 Breaking News Defiant Putin signs treaty, adds Crimea to map of Russia http://news.yahoo.com/putin-signs-treaty-adds-crimea-map-russia-135744802.html March 18 2014 Breaking News Defiant Putin says Crimea will become Russian http://news.yahoo.com/u-eu-set-sanctions-putin-recognizes-crimea-sovereignty-014333998--finance.html March 18 2014 Breaking News Associated Press After Crimea, world anxious about next Putin move - TV host ominously reminded viewers of his weekly news program Sunday that Russia is the only country that is capable of reducing the U.S. to "radioactive ashes." http://news.yahoo.com/crimea-world-anxious-next-putin-move-083447212.html March 18 2014 Breaking News Associated Press Russian President Putin recognizes Crimean independence http://news.yahoo.com/putin-recognizes-crimean-independence-211342330.html March 17 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Russia's lower house of parliament will pass legislation allowing Ukraine's Crimea region to join Russia "in the very near future", Interfax news agency quoted the chamber's deputy speaker as saying on Monday http://news.yahoo.com/russias-parliament-pass-laws-needed-crimeas-accession-quickly-052841887.html March 15 2014 Breaking News Associated Press Ukraine Russian forces backed by helicopter gunships and armored vehicles Saturday took control of a village near the border with Crimea on the eve of a referendum on whether the region should seek annexation by Moscow, Ukrainian officials said http://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-says-russian-forces-move-outside-crimea-153116949.html March 15 2014 Breaking News MOSCOW Associated Press Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters marched in central Moscow Saturday against a Kremlin-backed referendum in Crimea on whether to break away from Ukraine and join Russia http://news.yahoo.com/thousands-march-moscow-protest-crimea-vote-150812036.html March 14 2014 Breaking News Media squeeze tightens as Russia harks back to WW2 http://news.yahoo.com/media-squeeze-tightens-russia-harks-back-ww2-051258503--sector.html March 4 2014 Breaking News President Putin press conference Russian Intervention Ukraine part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTZ6y8L78ZQ March 2 2014 Breaking News Russian Troops Take Over Ukraine's Crimea Region Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oh3G_2K9wU March 1 2014 Breaking News REUTERS New York Putin orders military drills on Ukraine border part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPNjhOknSAg- published: 05 Mar 2014
- views: 73601

May 2 2014 Breaking News Ukraine helicopters downed - 30+ die Fire - March Nuclear ICBM test
May 2 2014 Breaking News Ukraine helicopters downed 30+ die Fire March Nuclear ICBM test -...
published: 03 May 2014
May 2 2014 Breaking News Ukraine helicopters downed - 30+ die Fire - March Nuclear ICBM test
May 2 2014 Breaking News Ukraine helicopters downed - 30+ die Fire - March Nuclear ICBM test
May 2 2014 Breaking News Ukraine helicopters downed 30+ die Fire March Nuclear ICBM test - REUTERS Russia test-fires Nuclear ICBM amid tension over Ukraine http://news.yahoo.com/russia-test-fires-icbm-amid-tension-over-ukraine-193003190--sector.html;_ylt=A0LEV1UoNmRT5hAAat5XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzNzNhMGNtBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDQxOV8x May 2 2014 Breaking News Russian separatists down 2 Helicopters, fighting spreads to Odessa fire kills 30+ http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/05/02/gunfire-blasts-in-insurgent-held-ukraine-city/ May 2 2014 Breaking News China to conduct naval drills with Russia in East China Sea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ARXIvo_bX0 ICBM - An Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) is a ballistic missile with a minimum range of more than 3,400 miiles primarily designed for nuclear weapons delivery (delivering one or more nuclear warheads). Similarly conventional, chemical and biological weapons can also be delivered with varying effectiveness. Most modern designs support multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs), allowing a single missile to carry several warheads, each of which can strike a different target accuracy to the point where even the smallest point targets can be successfully attacked. May 2 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy and current events bible shows todays news https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBQyl31-92A May 2 2014 Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Pro-Russian mob attacks building in Ukraine's Donetsk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA9x8SwOU48 May 2 2014 Breaking News Explosions ground-skimming helicopter gunships https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF3Xt7WT8e4 May 2 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy wars leading to Armageddon last days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jH2BaC73Sw- published: 03 May 2014
- views: 301

May 5 2014 Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Russian Nuclear bombers&fighter; jets Crimea
May 5 2014 Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Russian Nuclear bombers and fighter jets seen over...
published: 05 May 2014
May 5 2014 Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Russian Nuclear bombers&fighter; jets Crimea
May 5 2014 Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Russian Nuclear bombers&fighter; jets Crimea
May 5 2014 Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Russian Nuclear bombers and fighter jets seen over Crimea http://news.yahoo.com/russian-bombers-fighter-jets-seen-over-crimea-143320553.html;_ylt=A0LEVyL8nGdT9XMAra5XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0N3BmZjdrBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDI4Ml8x May 5 2014 Breaking News Russian Nuclear bombers & fighter jets seen over Crimea Ukraine - According to Russian media, President Vladimir Putin is poised to visit Crimea on Friday after overseeing the main military parade on Red Square when Russia celebrates its victory over Nazi Germany in World War II http://glblgeopolitics.wordpress.com/2014/05/04/russian-bombers-fighter-jets-seen-over-crimea/ February 28 2014 Russian attack helicopters invade Ukraine http://www.foxcrawl.com/2014/03/01/video-russian-helicopters-invasion-ukraine-crimea/ May 25 2011 Huffington Post Canadian Jets Intercepted Russian Bomber Before Obama's Visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/obama-canada-visit May 5 2014 Breaking News Ukraine ProRussians rebels separatists storm Odessa police station https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aepzeNnHbo May 5 2014 Breaking News China to conduct naval drills with Russia in East China Sea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ARXIvo_bX0 May 5 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy and current events bible shows todays news https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBQyl31-92A May 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Putin orders military drills Ukraine border Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPNjhOknSAg May 2014 Breaking News Russian Troops Take Over Ukraine's Crimea Region Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oh3G_2K9wU May 2014 Crisis in Ukraine Russian military troops settle in no signs Putin going to retreat part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVBqcJOcfHA May 2014 Breaking News USA Pentagon Russian jets passes near USA ship Black Sea Part 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTZ6y8L78ZQ May 2014 Breaking News ProRussians Ukraine declared separatist republic Part 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_UizStisn0 May 5 2014 Breaking News Ukraine sends elite force to key port of Odessa Part 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_rO_G7Jn9Y May 2014 Breaking News Russian facebook type social media CEO forced to quit flees country Part 8 https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video;_id=WxfWg0Mltf8 May 2014 Breaking News Hundreds ProMoscow stormed government buildings Part 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqyw7YP9ue8 May 2014 Russian President Putin tests USA Barack Obama called Putin Weak Part 11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-OyzM9OrDY May 2014 Breaking News Putin Russia Outraged by Deadly Ukraine Shootout Part 12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWrXKeliE44 May 5 2014 Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Russia to USA halt Kiev crackdown Part 14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF3Xt7WT8e4 May 5 2014 Breaking News USA states Russian aircraft violated Ukraine's airspace part 15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNjTJkziEq0 May 5 2014 Breaking News 40+ killed in fire clashes in Ukraines Odessa part 16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lONL_AmnfQ May 5 2014 Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Pro-Russian rebels down Ukraine helicopters Part 17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA9x8SwOU48 May 5 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy and current events bible shows today's news Part 18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBQyl31-92A May 5 2014 Breaking News China to conduct naval drills with Russia in East China Sea Part 19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ARXIvo_bX0 May 5 2014 Breaking News Ukraine ProRussians rebels storm Odessa police station Part 20 https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video;_id=7aepzeNnHbo May 5 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy wars leading to Armageddon last days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jH2BaC73Sw- published: 05 May 2014
- views: 301

April 17 2014 Breaking News Associated Press NATO ups military presence amid Russian threat
April 17 2014 Breaking News Associated Press NATO ups military presence amid Russian threa...
published: 11 Mar 2014
April 17 2014 Breaking News Associated Press NATO ups military presence amid Russian threat
April 17 2014 Breaking News Associated Press NATO ups military presence amid Russian threat
April 17 2014 Breaking News Associated Press NATO ups military presence amid Russian threat http://news.yahoo.com/nato-ups-military-presence-amid-russian-threat-111923074.html April 16 2014 Breaking News USA President Barack Obama & NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen discussed additional steps NATO could take in response to Russia's annexation of Crimea - These included updated defense plans, enhanced exercises and appropriate deployments http://news.yahoo.com/obama-natos-rasmussen-discuss-enhanced-exercises-172746946.html March 26 2014 Breaking News Russia holds MORE war games Russia's military started large-scale aviation exercises in the northwest close to Baltic ex-Soviet republics jet fighters & bombers 40+ Sukhoi & MiG warplanes & Bombers in Leningrad, which borders NATO-member Estonia and Finland, and Karelia http://news.yahoo.com/russian-military-starts-aviation-exercises-northwest-125944634.html March 18 2014 Breaking News Associated Press Ukraine crisis gives NATO alliance new purpose http://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-crisis-gives-nato-alliance-purpose-152109745.html March 14 2014 Breaking News REUTERS - pro-Russian force opened fire in seizing a Ukrainian military base in Crimea and NATO announced reconnaissance flights along its eastern frontiers as confrontation around the Black Sea peninsula showed no sign of easing http://news.yahoo.com/confrontation-ukraine-diplomacy-stalls-011314222.html March 11 2014 Breaking News USA navy destroyer maneuvers with Romanian and Bulgarian warships in the Black Sea across the water from the Crimean Peninsula - Poland, USA fighter jets are also to take part in joint exercises http://news.yahoo.com/bad-weather-delays-u-black-sea-naval-drills-093540576--finance.html March 11 2014 Breaking News USA NATO United Nations Russia China Globalization stepping Stones NWO New World Order March 11 2014 Breaking News NBC News USA Moves Six Fighter Jets to Baltics More USA Airmen to Poland amid tensions of Russian Military dominance in Ukraine Crimea http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/ukraine-crisis/u-s-moves-six-fighter-jets-baltics-more-airmen-poland-n45386 March 11 2014 Breaking News consequences of Nuclear War not if but when Last days news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv_X9Dzjl_Q March 11 2014 Breaking News USA deploys fighter jets to Poland, Lithuania http://news.yahoo.com/us-deploys-fighter-jets-poland-lithuania-200314022.html March 11 2014 Breaking News regional war in Syria Russia Iran USA Israel Saudi Arabia escalating http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6gpuLT4CVU March 11 2014 Breaking News Russia conducts test of Nuclear ICBM missile near Ukraine border http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyAQd50NRKQ March 11 2014 Breaking News Russian Iranian supported Syrian troops kill 150+ USA Al Qaeda rebels http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_rO_G7Jn9Y March 11 2014 Breaking News Russian President Putin press conference Military involvement in Ukraine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTZ6y8L78ZQ March 2014 Breaking News Russian Troops Take Over Ukraine's Crimea Region Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oh3G_2K9wU March 11 2014 Breaking News NWO Webcams worldwide face recognition software big brother data base http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTzVDFyFKDU March 11 2014 Breaking News F 35 - 400 billion $$$ national security? policing worldwide?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5u1WSag0A0 March 11 2014 Breaking News is the Rise of COMMUNIST China a threat to Japan USA and the world??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5YjAIWt4SI March 11 2014 Breaking News Russia's Foreign Minister stating USA policy on Syria aids terrorism http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjLOVpRgGDM March 2014 Breaking News USA Police State Martial law NSA DHS Fema Camps Last days news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uym2r6tVJ2Y March 2014 Breaking News Hagel calls Air Force nuclear officers in bunkers Last Days News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFAB9I2nWlk March 2014 Breaking News Islamic Republic seeks world domination Last Days news http://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video;_id=tGw-E0bXVWk March 2014 Breaking News Not if but when Armageddon Final Hour Last Days News Prophecy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rivbe_bM4OQ March 2014 Breaking News Asia Pacific Nuclear Threat Last Days Final Hour News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4Fqzz9dpzg March 2014 Breaking News Explanation How did we get to 2014 United Nations Globalization NWO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MptYr-xJoZk March 2014 Breaking News Agenda 21 United Nations New World Order Last Days News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq6cRxhX1NM- published: 11 Mar 2014
- views: 105594

May 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Putin orders military drills Ukraine border Part 1
May 2014 Breaking News REUTERS New York Post Russian President Putin orders military drill...
published: 19 Feb 2014
May 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Putin orders military drills Ukraine border Part 1
May 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Putin orders military drills Ukraine border Part 1
May 2014 Breaking News REUTERS New York Post Russian President Putin orders military drills on Ukraine border Part 1 http://nypost.com/2014/02/26/putin-flexes-military-muscle-amid-ukraine-tensions/ March 1 2014 Breaking News Russian Troops Take Over Ukraine's Crimea Region Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oh3G_2K9wU March 3rd 2014 Crisis in Ukraine Russian military troops settle in no signs Putin going to retreat part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVBqcJOcfHA March 1 Breaking News CBS News Russian President Vladimir Putin puts troops on high alert near Ukraine Moscow claims the 150,000 troops assembling near their restive former territory don't have to do with their ally's overthrow http://www.cbsnews.com/news/russian-president-vladimir-putin-musters-troops-near-ukraine-puts-them-on-high-alert/ February 26 2014 Breaking News NBC news Russian President Putin alerts Russia Military Drill Putin's Message on Ukraine http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/ukraine-crisis/analysis-russia-military-drill-putins-message-ukraine-n39176 February 26 2014 Breaking News ASSOCIATED PRESS - MOSCOW Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday ordered massive exercises involving most of its military units in western Russia amid tensions in Ukraine http://www.aol.com/article/2014/02/26/putin-orders-military-tests-amid-ukraine-tensions/20838583/?icid=maing-grid7|maing8|dl1|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D447672 February 25 2014 Breaking News Ukraine's interim President Olexander Turchynov has warned of the dangers of separatism following the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-26333587 February 23 2014 Breaking News Ukrainian protesters seized control of the capital Kiev on Saturday http://news.yahoo.com/rapturous-welcome-freed-tymoshenko-kiev-square-194921670.html February 21 2014 Breaking News Associated Press KIEV, Ukraine Protesters advanced on police lines in the heart of the Ukrainian capital on Thursday, prompting government snipers to shoot back and kill scores of people in the country's deadliest day http://news.yahoo.com/kiev-protest-violence-kills-scores-221951211.html February 21 2014 Breaking News Reuters - link to video Kiev protesters appear to take riot police hostage and next video Raw Truce Fails Gun Battles Rage in Kiev http://news.yahoo.com/video/kiev-protesters-appear-riot-police-030949872.html February 21 2014 Breaking News REUTERS - USA President Barack Obama's Syria 'red line' has echoes in his warning to Ukraine http://news.yahoo.com/obama-39-syria-39-red-line-39-echoes-232522765.html February 2014 Ukraine The country is on the verge of all-out civil war. George Weigel wrote in National Review Online that "it is self-evident that Ukraine's future looms large in the strategic master plan of Russian president Vladimir Putin, which involves nothing less than the reconstitution of the USSR, de facto if not de jure, in a reassembly of the former 'Soviet space' as an exclusively Russian sphere of influence. In advancing that grand design. On one side is Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich and his pro-Putin government. Last fall, Yanukovich abruptly rejected a trade agreement that would have strengthened ties between the former Soviet republic and the European Union. Instead, Yanukovich lurched in the other direction, choosing closer ties to the Kremlin, a decision sealed by a $15 billion package of loan guarantees and discounts on natural gas purchases that Putin offered to sweeten the deal and draw Yanukovich away from the West. Ukraine's civilian protestors hate the memories of Soviet domination, fear the Kremlin. The key to understanding what's really happening is understanding who Putin is, what he wants, and why the Ukrainians fear him. "Given Ukraine's size, strategic location and potential for Westernization, there is no doubt America should strongly and visibly oppose Putin's policy," Bolton notes. "Instead of developing a strategy, however, both the Obama administration and Congress are merely discussing potential sanctions against Kiev's current government....What independent-minded Ukrainians really need is NATO membership — the sole realistic way to induce Moscow to scale back or cease its predatory conduct In 2008 the alliance failed dismally when timorous Western Europeans blocked the path to NATO membership for both Ukraine and Georgia. Leaving space between NATO's eastern edge and Russia's border all but invited Moscow to take advantage of the vacuum we ourselves created. NATO's 2008 mistake also convinced Russia, a few months later, that it could safely invade Georgia, dismember it and ultimately orchestrate a pro-Moscow government. http://flashtrafficblog.wordpress.com/2014/02/19/ukraine-is-on-fire-people-are-dying-in-the-streets-why-at-the-core-its-a-battle-against-vladimir-putin/- published: 19 Feb 2014
- views: 218163

April 24 2014 Breaking News Ukraine forces kill five ProMoscow Putin will take action Part 2
April 24 2014 Breaking News Ukraine forces kill up to five ProMoscow Separatists , Putin w...
published: 24 Apr 2014
April 24 2014 Breaking News Ukraine forces kill five ProMoscow Putin will take action Part 2
April 24 2014 Breaking News Ukraine forces kill five ProMoscow Putin will take action Part 2
April 24 2014 Breaking News Ukraine forces kill up to five ProMoscow Separatists , Putin warns of consequences Part 2 http://news.yahoo.com/russia-says-respond-ukraine-interests-attacked-051534882--finance.html April 24 2014 Breaking News Russia Agenda Part 1 Ukraine crisis, Iran & Syria wont back down military ready https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNjTJkziEq0 April 24 2014 Breaking News Russia Agenda Ukraine crisis, Iran & Syria wont back down - military ready - Associated Press Russia's foreign minister warned Wednesday that attacks on Russian citizens or interests in Ukraine would bring a firm response and drew a comparison to the circumstances that opened the war with Georgia in 2008 Sergey Lavrov said, a day after Ukraine announced it was re-launching a campaign against pro-Kremlin insurgents occupying government facilities in the mostly Russian-speaking east. If we were attacked we could certainly respond Lavrov said http://news.yahoo.com/amid-russia-warning-ukraine-security-bind-222307939.html April 23 2014 Breaking news United Kingdom on high alert two Russian bomber aircraft which flew close to the coast of Scotland as it emerged that a Royal Navy warship met and tracked a Russian naval vessel after it approached Scottish waters http://www.scotsman.com/news/uk/russian-planes-and-warship-put-uk-on-high-alert-1-3385404 April 23 2014 Breaking News British military aircraft were scrambled to investigate Russian planes which flew close to UK http://www.burnhamandhighbridgeweeklynews.co.uk/news/national/news/11167619.Russian_planes_shadowed_by_RAF/ April 2014 Breaking News Russian Military Flights Put Bulgaria on High Alert http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/russian-military-flights-put-bulgaria-on-high-alert/497267.html April 23 2014 Breaking News USA troops arriving in Eastern Europe. Is it more than symbolic? Pentagon insists that its reply to Russian troops movements near Ukraine is not just a symbolic gesture. Anytime you put troops on the ground and doing exercises in this case for a month at a time -- it's more than symbolic - stated Admiral John Kirby http://news.yahoo.com/us-troops-arriving-eastern-europe-more-symbolic-213943185.html April 23 2014 Breaking News USA boots on ground Eastern Europe warning Putin to stand down - REUTERS East Ukraine Pro Russian militants confirm they are detaining USA reporter http://news.yahoo.com/east-ukraine-militants-confirm-detaining-u-reporter-183910079--sector.html April 23 2014 Breaking News USA Army paratroopers arriving in Poland to begin a series of military exercises in four countries Eastern Europe http://news.yahoo.com/us-troops-head-exercises-eastern-europe-171638690--politics.html April 23 2014 Breaking News Ukraine Crisis USA Army paratroopers military exercises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_rO_G7Jn9Y April 23 2014 Breaking News USA Defense Secretary Hagel Promises More Non-Lethal Aid to Ukraine http://www.military.com/daily-news/2014/04/17/hagel-promises-more-non-lethal-aid-to-ukraine.html April 23 2014 Breaking News RUSSIA response if citizens attacked Ukraine's vow anti-terror campaign https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqyw7YP9ue8 April 17 2014 Breaking News Russian President Putin tests USA Barack Obama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-OyzM9OrDY April 21 2014 Breaking News Putin Russia Outraged by Deadly Ukraine Shootout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWrXKeliE44 April 17 2014 Breaking News Pro Moscow Ukraine seized arms & declared separatist republic in another https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_UizStisn0 April 2014 Russia conducts test of Nuclear ICBM missile near Ukraine border https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyAQd50NRKQ April 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Kremlin hopes Ukraine crisis will not start new Cold War https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVBqcJOcfHA April 17 2014 Breaking News USA Pentagon - Russian jets passes near USA ship Black Sea provocative https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTZ6y8L78ZQ April 17 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Ukraine looks to Europe for gas as Russia ups pressure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oh3G_2K9wU April 23 2014 Breaking News Associated Press NATO ups military presence amid Russian threat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdYTeYC9Fv8 April 23 2014 Breaking News Watch Blood moon eclipse 3 more to go thru 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E6dD8sp9LM April 23 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy wars leading to Armageddon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jH2BaC73Sw- published: 24 Apr 2014
- views: 301

May 2 2014 Breaking News ProMoscow Ukraine seized arms&declared; separatist republic in another
May 2 2014 Breaking News Pro-Moscow protesters in eastern Ukraine seized arms in one city ...
published: 03 May 2014
May 2 2014 Breaking News ProMoscow Ukraine seized arms&declared; separatist republic in another
May 2 2014 Breaking News ProMoscow Ukraine seized arms&declared; separatist republic in another
May 2 2014 Breaking News Pro-Moscow protesters in eastern Ukraine seized arms in one city and declared a separatist republic in another, in moves Kiev described on Monday as part of a Russian-orchestrated plan to justify an invasion to dismember the country April 1 2014 Breaking News New NATO head's tough task: dealing with a resurgent Russia March 26 2014 Breaking News REUTERS On CBS Evening News USA President Barack Obama urges Russia to pull back troops from Ukraine border March 26 2014 Breaking News Associated Press Pro-Russian forces stormed a Ukrainian air force base in Crimea, firing shots and stun grenades and smashing through concrete walls with armored personnel carriers March 20 2014 Breaking News USA Ukraine to join international military drill in Bulgaria March 18 2014 Breaking News Now Russian Military stage Two Ukraine Military soldiers Killed in Crimea crisis A step closer to all-out-war http://news.yahoo.com/conflict-russia... March 18 2014 Breaking News Ukraine A step closer to all-out-war: Ukrainian officer shot dead and dozens rounded up by masked gunmen at under-siege Crimean army base http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/artic... March 18 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk said on Tuesday that the conflict in its Crimea peninsula, now under Russian control, had entered a military phase and accused Russia of committing a 'war crime' by firing on Ukrainian servicemen http://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-pm-crim... March 18 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Ukrainian troops at a base in Crim- published: 03 May 2014
- views: 1

Ukraine Burning
Check out more episodes of VICE News here: http://bit.ly/PILfBe
Kiev's Euromaidan protest...
published: 20 Feb 2014
Ukraine Burning
Ukraine Burning
Check out more episodes of VICE News here: http://bit.ly/PILfBe Kiev's Euromaidan protesters began 2014 the same way they ended 2013: by rioting in the streets in an attempt to bring down their government. Key victories have already been won, with Prime Minister Mykola Azarov and his cabinet resigning. The demonstrators also forced the annulment of a new anti-protest law that was, ironically, the cause of much of their protesting. The protesters haven't been contented by this, however, and are still out in the streets, demanding the head of President Viktor Yanukovych and the staging of fresh elections. What began as a protest against the Ukrainian government's close ties with Russian leader Vladimir Putin has become a focus for wider discontent. However, Yanukovych seems in no mood to relinquish his power. As the social unrest spreads across the country, its first post-Soviet President, Leonid Kravchuk, has gone as far as to warn that Ukraine is on the brink of civil war. Dozens of people have lost their lives in just the last two days of violence. At the end of January, VICE flew to Kiev as rioters hurled Molotov cocktails at police and the city turned into a battlefield. Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News Sign up for the Beta at http://vicenews.com Follow VICE News here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vicenews Twitter: https://twitter.com/vicenews Tumblr: http://vicenews.tumblr.com/- published: 20 Feb 2014
- views: 923583

April 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Kremlin hopes Ukraine crisis will not start new Cold War
April 2014 Breaking News Kremlin hopes Ukraine crisis will not start new Cold War
published: 03 Mar 2014
April 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Kremlin hopes Ukraine crisis will not start new Cold War
April 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Kremlin hopes Ukraine crisis will not start new Cold War
April 2014 Breaking News Kremlin hopes Ukraine crisis will not start new Cold War http://news.yahoo.com/kremlin-hopes-ukraine-crisis-not-start-cold-war-183714556.html March 4 2014 Breaking News Ukraine Kiev USA Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Kiev Tuesday for talks with Ukraine's new interim government, amid an escalating crisis in Crimea. His visit came as the United States said it would provide $1 billion to financially-stricken Ukraine as part of an international loan. With the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea under near complete control by pro-Russian forces, US officials said Moscow could face sanctions within days http://news.yahoo.com/kerry-arrives-kiev-talks-interim-govt-150548801.html March 3rd 2014 Breaking News KIEV, Ukraine Associated Press Russian troops said to be 16,000 strong tightened their stranglehold on Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula Monday, openly defying the U.S. and the European Union and rattling world capitals and stock markets http://news.yahoo.com/russia-sets-ukraine-agenda-diplomacy-threats-193131760.html March 3 2014 Breaking News A look at Russian vs Ukrainian Military http://news.yahoo.com/look-russian-ukrainian-militaries-210201234.html March 3rd 2014 Breaking News KIEV Ukraine Associated Press Russia issued an ultimatum Monday, demanding that the crew of two Ukrainian warships in Crimea immediately surrender or be stormed and seized, a Ukrainian military spokesman said.Russia demands that two Ukraine warships surrender http://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-russia-demands-2-warships-surrender-173659166.html March 3 2014 Breaking News Secretary of State John Kerry's emergency trip to Kiev Tuesday is meant to demonstrate resolute USA support for the Ukrainian government in the face of Russia's aggression and military occupation of the southern province of Crimea http://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-crisis-proof-obamas-lead-behind-policy-failed-211803646.html March 3 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Dilemma for the West Putin does NOT see the western system as beneficial. Putin doesn't see it, The Chinese don't see it. And the Iranians don't see it. http://news.yahoo.com/china-looks-putin-poses-risky-dilemma-west-174209397.html March 3 2014 Breaking News Ukraine in crisis USA to Russia It is an act of aggression it must stop A day after Ukraine's interim prime minister called Russia's military intervention "a declaration of war," a Russian fleet reportedly issued an ultimatum to Ukrainian forces in Crimea: Surrender or "face storm." Russia later denied issuing such a warning http://yahoonews.tumblr.com/post/78440354349 March 3rd 2014 Breaking News CNN Crisis in Ukraine Russian military troops settle in no signs Putin going to retreat part 3 - Ukraine mobilizes troops amid crisis with Russia http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/01/world/europe/ukraine-politics/index.html March 2 2014 Breaking News Russian Troops Take Over Ukraine's Crimea Region Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oh3G_2K9wU March 1 2014 Breaking News REUTERS New York Putin orders 150 thousand military troop drills on Ukraine border https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPNjhOknSAg Crisis in Ukraine March 3 2014 Breaking News Wall Street Journal The USA and its European allies vowed to isolate Russia's Putin and punish his nation's economy, demanding he withdraw what they called an occupation force from Ukraine's Crimean region. Polish Foreign Minister Weighs In Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski spoke to reporters before a meeting of the nation's National Security Council on Monday http://stream.wsj.com/story/deadly-clashes-in-ukraine/SS-2-457850/ March 3rd 2014 Breaking News WASHINGTON Associated Press News - In a sudden reprise of Cold War sensibilities, the USA and its allies are weighing sanctions on Moscow and whether to bolster defenses in Europe in response to Russia's military advances on Ukraine. Secretary of State John Kerry, soon on his way to Ukraine's capital, said world leaders "are prepared to go to the hilt in order to isolate Russia with respect to this invasion http://news.yahoo.com/cold-war-reprise-us-seeks-moscows-isolation-082648310--politics.html March 3 2014 Breaking News - Ukraine KIEV REUTER NEWS - Russia has started a build-up of armored vehicles on the Russian side of a narrow stretch of water between Russia and the Ukrainian region of Crimea, Ukrainian border guards said on Monday Russia builds up armor near Crimea, Ukraine border guards say http://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-border-guards-report-build-russian-armor-near-071520025.html- published: 03 Mar 2014
- views: 97754

Kiev Ukraine Protest New Explosions Protesters Clashes With Police 14 People Dead.New Current News
Kiev Ukraine Protest New Explosions Protesters Clashes With Police 14 People Dead
Like Su...
published: 19 Feb 2014
Kiev Ukraine Protest New Explosions Protesters Clashes With Police 14 People Dead.New Current News
Kiev Ukraine Protest New Explosions Protesters Clashes With Police 14 People Dead.New Current News
Kiev Ukraine Protest New Explosions Protesters Clashes With Police 14 People Dead Like Subscribe & Share For More Videos - Kiev, Ukraine - Long-simmering tensions exploded anew in Ukraine on Tuesday as clashes between police and anti-government protesters left at least 14 people dead and the capital's central square afire...The fresh violence in Kiev comes amid monthslong turmoil in what is essentially a fight over whether the country's future is alongside Russia or Europe, the latter favored by protesters.Explosions ruptured the night air, but it was unclear whether they emanated from protesters' fireworks or a police action. Protesters fed several fires by tossing wood upon the bonfires in Independence Square, which was under the demonstrators' control. They also built barricades against a potential police offensive Tuesday night or early Wednesday With more than 40 police officers injured in clashes with protesters favoring a European Union pact, ominous warnings were issued by Kiev officials and the U.S. Embassy.City Hall officials warned residents to stay away from the city center to avoid casualties, and the U.S. Embassy said Ukrainian security services may take extraordinary measures following the fiery violence.The U.S. Embassy advises all citizens to maintain a low profile and to remain indoors tonight, the mission said Tuesday.The 14 dead were six police officers, seven protesters and an employee of the government's ruling party, the Interior Ministry said./..Protesters set Independence Square afire Tuesday night by burning tires, spewing black smoke through Kiev.Meanwhile, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, one of the opposition leaders, made a public appeal to President Viktor Yanukovych: Do not let Ukraine become a country covered with blood. Pull back the police and announce a cease-fire. Then we will negotiate.Stefan Fule, the European Union's commissioner for enlargement and European neighborhood policy, expressed alarm at the violence.To learn that there have been deaths and hundreds of injured people makes me shake. I deplore deaths of those people and my thoughts are with their families, Fule said.I was just on the phone with the acting Prime Minister (Serhiy) Arbuzov telling him that ...seeing in the streets Berkut, the special police, with Kalashnikov(s) is source of great concern, Fule added. He assured me that he and the government would do what they can to make sure that those weapons stay silent. For the sake of Ukraine and its future I will pray that he is right.U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry condemned the violence.Rather than issuing ultimatums, the government of Ukraine should immediately resume talks with senior opposition leaders and support dialogue through Ukraine's democratic institutions, including parliament, the Rada, Kerry said. We also call on protesters to refrain from violence of any kind; Ukraine's deep divisions will not be healed by allowing more innocent blood to be spilled.U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt said he hoped the government and opposition will take steps to reduce the escalation of violence and the return to political dialogue.We want to see a Ukraine that is stable and democratic, Pyatt said.The Interior Ministry said metro stations were closed.The protesters' medical service said more than 150 people were hurt in Tuesday's clashes.Thousands of demonstrators have packed Independence Square since November, when Yanukovych reversed a decision to sign a trade deal with the European Union and instead turned toward Russia.The unrest intensified after an anti-protest law went into effect. Throngs of demonstrators took to the streets to protest the law.More than 2,000 people have been injured during the clashes Kiev Fire and Brimstone Live Explosions Protests Reach Chaotic Levels of Unrest New Current News- published: 19 Feb 2014
- views: 28

March 11 2014 Breaking News Russia counter proposals Ukraine denouncing Western backed GOVT
March 11 2014 Breaking News Associated Press Russia preparing counter proposals over Ukrai...
published: 07 Mar 2014
March 11 2014 Breaking News Russia counter proposals Ukraine denouncing Western backed GOVT
March 11 2014 Breaking News Russia counter proposals Ukraine denouncing Western backed GOVT
March 11 2014 Breaking News Associated Press Russia preparing counter proposals over Ukraine - Russia said Monday it is drafting counter proposals to a USA plan for a negotiated solution to the Ukraine crisis, denouncing the new Western-backed government as an unacceptable "fait accompli" and claiming that Russian-leaning parts of the country have been plunged into lawlessness. Russia warns Ukraine over 'lawlessness' in east. The Kremlin moves came as Russian forces strengthened their control over Crimea, less than a week before the strategic region is to hold a contentious referendum on whether to split off and become part of Russia. In a televised briefing with President Vladimir Putin, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said proposals made by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry are "not suitable" because they take "the situation created by the coup as a starting point," referring to the ouster of Ukraine's pro-Kremlin president, Viktor Yanukovych http://news.yahoo.com/russia-preparing-counterproposals-over-ukraine-233400399.html March 11 2014 Canada Gives Russia 24 Hours To Get Out Of Their Country Declares Ukraine Invasion An Act Of Aggression http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/russian-soldiers-training-in-canada-given-24-hours-to-leave-country-1.1717172#ixzz2vQuDGHwg March 8 2014 Breaking News Russia tests ICBM near Ukraine Part 8 March 8 2014 Breaking News REUTERS USA Pentagon says 20,000 Russian troops may be in Crimea http://news.yahoo.com/pentagon-says-20-000-russian-troops-may-crimea-220408184.html March 7 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Russians take over Ukrainian military post, no shots fired: witnesses http://news.yahoo.com/russians-over-ukrainian-military-post-no-shots-fired-201515354.html March 7 2014 Breaking News Crimea's new leader has said pro-Russian forces numbering more than 11,000 now control all access to region and have blockaded all military bases that haven't yet surrendered. Since Russia seized control of Crimea, Russian troops have been neutralizing and disarming Ukrainian military bases on the Black Sea peninsula http://news.yahoo.com/report-ukraine-crimea-under-siege-204055557.html March 7 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Ukraine Putin stating that Russia could not ignore calls for help from Russian speakers in Ukraine http://news.yahoo.com/crimea-votes-join-russia-obama-orders-sanctions-005133270--sector.html?vp=1 March 7 2014 Breaking News CNN news Kiev lawmakers in Crimea voted in favor of leaving the country for Russia and putting it to a regional vote in 10 days. http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/06/world/europe/ukraine-russia-tensions/index.html March 7 2014 Breaking News Washington Post Ukraine Russia and Crimea moved to solidify ties Friday as pro-Russia parties in Crimea planned campaigns for a referendum on splitting from Ukraine and Moscow http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/crimea-solidifies-ties-with-russia-ahead-of-referendum-on-leaving-ukraine/2014/03/07/daa96f90-a5eb-11e3-84d4-e59b1709222c_story.html March 7 2014 Breaking News Associated Press Top lawmaker: Russia would welcome Crimea http://news.yahoo.com/top-lawmaker-russia-welcome-crimea-152337948.html March 7 2014 Breaking News Associated Press Crimea would be welcome as an equal part of Russia if the region votes to leave Ukraine in an upcoming referendum, the speaker of Russia's upper house of parliament said Friday http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/03/07/russian-parliament-speaker-crimea-would-be-welcome-as-equal-part-russia/ March 7 2014 Breaking News Huffington Post The House of Representatives Approves $1 Billion Aid Package For Ukraine http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/06/house-ukraine-aid_n_4913495.html March 7 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Putin states military force would be 'last resort' in Ukraine http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/04/us-ukraine-crisis-idUSBREA1Q1E820140304 September 2013 Breaking News RUSSIAN made Nuclear reactor Bushehr 1 the reactor started up on September 2013 http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/Country-Profiles/Countries-G-N/Iran/ February 2014 REUTERS News Iran says Russia could build a second reactor at Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/17/us-russia-iran-oil-idUSBREA1G0DM20140217 March 7 2014 Breaking News USA today News Iran advancing its nuclear program despite pact with West http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/02/28/iran-nuclear-economic-advance/5835935/ October 2013 Iran gives Russia copy of US drone captured last year http://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/Iran-gives-Russia-copy-of-US-drone-captured-last-year-329437 July 2013 New York Times China & Russia Hold Joint Naval Exercises - BEIJING Chinese and Russian warships sailed in ceremonial formation in the Sea of Japan http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/11/world/asia/china-and-russia-in-a-display-of-unity-hold-naval-exercises.html June 2013 Russia sells China 100 Su-35 fighter jets http://chinadailymail.com/2013/06/25/russia-sells-china-100-su-35-fighter-jets/- published: 07 Mar 2014
- views: 14757

Ukraine Crisis -- Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 303
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com
More news visit h...
published: 01 Mar 2014
Ukraine Crisis -- Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 303
Ukraine Crisis -- Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 303
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com More news visit http://thepeoplesnewz.com In this news brief we will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse. The central bank will not stop at just confiscating your wealth they will want your life. They want to enslave the people, they need war to cover up the collapse. Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.- published: 01 Mar 2014
- views: 20105

June 2014 Breaking News Battle Donetsk airport new Ukraine leader says no talks with terrorists
June 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Battle at Donetsk airport; new Ukraine leader says no talk...
published: 27 Apr 2014
June 2014 Breaking News Battle Donetsk airport new Ukraine leader says no talks with terrorists
June 2014 Breaking News Battle Donetsk airport new Ukraine leader says no talks with terrorists
June 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Battle at Donetsk airport; new Ukraine leader says no talks with terrorists http://news.yahoo.com/ukrainians-back-poroshenko-way-crisis-044519384.html May 2014 Breaking News Associated Press Ukraine Crisis potential peace deal for Ukraine has emerged after months of political chaos, deadly violence, economic volatility and the worst crisis between Russia and the West in a generation. Here's a look at the plan, crafted by the Organization for Security and Cooperation and Europe, a security and rights monitoring group made up of European countries including Russia http://news.yahoo.com/look-proposed-peace-plan-ukraine-184923496.html May 2014 Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Pro-Moscow rebels fighting in east Ukraine vowed Thursday to press on with a disputed independence referendum, ignoring a call from President Vladimir Putin to postpone the vote in a bid to ease tensions http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/ukraine-rebels-snub-putin/1099272.html May 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Ukraine Crisis Pro-Russian rebels down Ukraine helicopters Part 17 http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/02/us-ukraine-crisis-idUSBREA400LI20140502 May 2 2014 Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Pro-Russian mob attacks building in Ukraine's Donetsk http://news.yahoo.com/pro-russian-mob-attacks-building-ukraines-donetsk-005237402.html April 30 2014 Breaking News CNN Ukraine Prime Minister states Russia wants to start world war 3 III Three and is accusing Russia of provoking war after Russian warplanes flew into Ukrainian airspace seven times http://news.yahoo.com/video/russias-war-games-191539495.html March 2014 Breaking News World War 3 not if but when Last days end times news prophecy update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifMAItGqCK0 April 25 2014 Breaking News Russia Agenda Part 1 Ukraine crisis, Iran & Syria wont back down - military ready - Associated Press Russia's foreign minister warned Wednesday that attacks on Russian citizens or interests in Ukraine would bring a firm response and drew a comparison to the circumstances that opened the war with Georgia in 2008 Sergey Lavrov said, a day after Ukraine announced it was re-launching a campaign against pro-Kremlin insurgents occupying government facilities in the mostly Russian-speaking east. If we were attacked we could certainly respond Lavrov said https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNjTJkziEq0 April 25 2014 Breaking News Associated Press NATO ups military presence amid Russian threat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdYTeYC9Fv8 April 25 2014 Breaking News Russian President Putin tests USA Barack Obama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-OyzM9OrDY April 2014 Russia conducts test of Nuclear ICBM missile near Ukraine border https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyAQd50NRKQ April 26 2014 Breaking News Fox News Ukraine Prime Minister Russia Wants To Start World War III http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2014/04/25/ukraine-pm-russia-wants-to-start-world-war-iii April 26 2014 Breaking News Arseny Yatseniuk, Ukraine Prime Minister, Says Russia Wants To Start World War III By Occupying Ukraine http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/25/arseny-yatseniuk-ukraine-russia_n_5210886.html April 26 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Russia seeks World War Three??? http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/04/25/us-ukraine-crisis-yatseniuk-idUSBREA3O0MU20140425 April 25 2014 Breaking News USA Boots on Ground eastern Europe near Ukrainian border troops land in Latvia amid Ukraine crisis Russian boots on ground in Ukraine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF3Xt7WT8e4 April 25 2014 Breaking News Putin Russia Outraged by Deadly Ukraine Shootout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWrXKeliE44 April 25 2014 Breaking News NATO minesweepers set off on Baltic deployment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZHT-XJS80Y April 25 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Afghan up to 10,000 USA troops could stay in the country beyond 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pky8ryRCEoM April 26 2014 Breaking News Obama Asia pacific clear USA military power against China Chinese aggression https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4Fqzz9dpzg April 2014 Breaking News Israeli airstrikes escalate tensions with Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vvczQzNI10 April 25 2014 Breaking News USA to deliver 10 Apache attack helicopters to Egypt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4CAgN4uS6Y April 25 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy wars leading to Armageddon Last days final hour news Prophecy update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jH2BaC73Sw- published: 27 Apr 2014
- views: 57723
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April 23 2014 Breaking News Russia Agenda Ukraine crisis Iran & Syria wont back down military ready
April 23 2014 Breaking News Russia Agenda Ukraine crisis, Iran & Syria wont back down - mi...
published: 24 Apr 2014
April 23 2014 Breaking News Russia Agenda Ukraine crisis Iran & Syria wont back down military ready
April 23 2014 Breaking News Russia Agenda Ukraine crisis Iran & Syria wont back down military ready
April 23 2014 Breaking News Russia Agenda Ukraine crisis, Iran & Syria wont back down - military ready - Associated Press Russia's foreign minister warned Wednesday that attacks on Russian citizens or interests in Ukraine would bring a firm response and drew a comparison to the circumstances that opened the war with Georgia in 2008 Sergey Lavrov said, a day after Ukraine announced it was re-launching a campaign against pro-Kremlin insurgents occupying government facilities in the mostly Russian-speaking east. If we were attacked we could certainly respond Lavrov said http://news.yahoo.com/amid-russia-warning-ukraine-security-bind-222307939.html April 23 2014 Breaking news United Kingdom on high alert two Russian bomber aircraft which flew close to the coast of Scotland as it emerged that a Royal Navy warship met and tracked a Russian naval vessel after it approached Scottish waters http://www.scotsman.com/news/uk/russian-planes-and-warship-put-uk-on-high-alert-1-3385404 April 2014 Breaking News Russian Military Flights Put Bulgaria on High Alert http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/russian-military-flights-put-bulgaria-on-high-alert/497267.html April 23 2014 Breaking News USA troops arriving in Eastern Europe. Is it more than symbolic? Pentagon insists that its reply to Russian troops movements near Ukraine is not just a symbolic gesture. Anytime you put troops on the ground and doing exercises in this case for a month at a time -- it's more than symbolic - stated Admiral John Kirby http://news.yahoo.com/us-troops-arriving-eastern-europe-more-symbolic-213943185.html April 23 2014 Breaking News USA boots on ground Eastern Europe warning Putin to stand down - REUTERS East Ukraine Pro Russian militants confirm they are detaining USA reporter http://news.yahoo.com/east-ukraine-militants-confirm-detaining-u-reporter-183910079--sector.html April 23 2014 Breaking News USA Army paratroopers arriving in Poland to begin a series of military exercises in four countries Eastern Europe http://news.yahoo.com/us-troops-head-exercises-eastern-europe-171638690--politics.html April 23 2014 Breaking News Ukraine Crisis USA Army paratroopers military exercises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_rO_G7Jn9Y April 23 2014 Breaking News USA Defense Secretary Hagel Promises More Non-Lethal Aid to Ukraine http://www.military.com/daily-news/2014/04/17/hagel-promises-more-non-lethal-aid-to-ukraine.html April 23 2014 Breaking News RUSSIA response if citizens attacked Ukraine's vow anti-terror campaign https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqyw7YP9ue8 April 17 2014 Breaking News Russian President Putin tests USA Barack Obama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-OyzM9OrDY April 21 2014 Breaking News Putin Russia Outraged by Deadly Ukraine Shootout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWrXKeliE44 April 17 2014 Breaking News Pro Moscow Ukraine seized arms & declared separatist republic in another https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_UizStisn0 April 2014 Russia conducts test of Nuclear ICBM missile near Ukraine border https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyAQd50NRKQ April 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Kremlin hopes Ukraine crisis will not start new Cold War https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVBqcJOcfHA April 17 2014 Breaking News USA Pentagon - Russian jets passes near USA ship Black Sea provocative https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTZ6y8L78ZQ April 17 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Ukraine looks to Europe for gas as Russia ups pressure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oh3G_2K9wU April 23 2014 Breaking News Associated Press NATO ups military presence amid Russian threat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdYTeYC9Fv8 April 23 2014 Breaking News Watch Blood moon eclipse 3 more to go thru 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E6dD8sp9LM April 23 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy wars leading to Armageddon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jH2BaC73Sw- published: 24 Apr 2014
- views: 251

June 2014 Russian President Putin tests USA Barack Obama called Putin Weak Part 11
June 2014 Russian President Putin tests USA President Barack Obama's ability to stop its a...
published: 16 Apr 2014
June 2014 Russian President Putin tests USA Barack Obama called Putin Weak Part 11
June 2014 Russian President Putin tests USA Barack Obama called Putin Weak Part 11
June 2014 Russian President Putin tests USA President Barack Obama's ability to stop its advances Obama called Putin Weak yet who is the weak one? Part 11 http://news.yahoo.com/russia-tests-obamas-ability-stop-advances-070857110--politics.html April 16 2014 Breaking News REUTERS USA Pentagon states provocative Russian Fighter jet Multiple passes near USA warship destroyer in Black Sea http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/04/14/us-usa-russia-blacksea-idUSBREA3D15Q20140414 April 15 2014 Breaking News USA to send Biden April 22nd to Kiev as conflict with Russia escalates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqyw7YP9ue8 April 15 2014 Breaking News USA Troops NATO Ukraine war games direct proximity Russian forces https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdYTeYC9Fv8 April 15 2014 Nuclear Attack in USA a concern? Barack Obama thinks so - President Barack Obama calls President Putin a Weakling calling the Country Russia weak not out of strength concerning Ukraine Crisis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bihdJz5qfw4 April 15 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy wars leading to Armageddon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jH2BaC73Sw April 15 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Ukraine gives rebels deadline disarm or face military operation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZHT-XJS80Y April 15 2014 Breaking News Final hour Obama more concerned prospect nuclear weapon exploding NYC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibvX52uploE April 15 2014 Breaking News Russian fighter close-range passes near an American warship Black Sea for 90 minutes http://news.yahoo.com/apnewsbreak-russian-jet-passes-near-us-warship-155042130--politics.html April 14 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Russia says expects answers on NATO troops in eastern Europe http://news.yahoo.com/russia-says-expects-answers-nato-troops-eastern-europe-073655974.html March 26 2014 Breaking News Russia holds MORE war games Russia's military started large-scale aviation exercises in the northwest on Wednesday, officials said, close to Baltic ex-Soviet republics The exercises involving jet fighters and bombers more than 40 Sukhoi and MiG warplanes and were being held in regions including Leningrad, which borders NATO-member Estonia and Finland, and Karelia, which shares a long border with Finland http://news.yahoo.com/russian-military-starts-aviation-exercises-northwest-125944634.html March 15 Breaking News REUTERS Russia said on Friday it reserved the right to protect compatriots in eastern Ukraine after clashes in the city of Donetsk in which one person was killed http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/14/russia-reserves-right-ukraine_n_4963220.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular March 14 2014 Breaking News Russia holds war games near Ukraine Merkel warns of catastrophe http://news.yahoo.com/eu-moves-toward-sanctions-russians-obama-meets-ukraine-012708401--sector.html March 12 2014 Breaking News Ukraine appeals to the West as Crimea turns to Russia Despite NATO reconnaissance aircraft patrolling the Polish and Romanian borders and U.S. naval forces preparing for exercises in the Black Sea, Western powers have made clear that, as when ex-Soviet Georgia lost territory in fighting in 2008, they have no appetite for risking turning the worst East-West crisis since the Cold War into a military conflict with Moscow http://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-appeals-west-crimea-turns-russia-034247899--sector.html March 11 2014 Breaking News Associated Press Russia denouncing the new Western-backed government as an unacceptable "fait accompli" and claiming that Russian-leaning parts of the country have been plunged into lawlessness. Russia warns Ukraine over 'lawlessness' in east http://news.yahoo.com/russia-preparing-counterproposals-over-ukraine-233400399.html March 7 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Ukraine Putin stating that Russia could not ignore calls for help from Russian speakers in Ukraine http://news.yahoo.com/crimea-votes-join-russia-obama-orders-sanctions-005133270--sector.html?vp=1 September 2013 Breaking News RUSSIAN made Nuclear reactor Bushehr 1 the reactor started up on September 2013 http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/Country-Profiles/Countries-G-N/Iran/ February 2014 REUTERS News Iran says Russia could build a second reactor at Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/17/us-russia-iran-oil-idUSBREA1G0DM20140217 October 2013 Iran gives Russia copy of US drone captured last year http://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/Iran-gives-Russia-copy-of-US-drone-captured-last-year-329437 July 2013 New York Times China & Russia Hold Joint Naval Exercises - BEIJING Chinese and Russian warships sailed in ceremonial formation in the Sea of Japan http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/11/world/asia/china-and-russia-in-a-display-of-unity-hold-naval-exercises.html June 2013 Russia sells China 100 Su-35 fighter jets http://chinadailymail.com/2013/06/25/russia-sells-china-100-su-35-fighter-jets/- published: 16 Apr 2014
- views: 287308

Russian Troops Take Over Ukraine's Crimea Region
Russian troops took over Crimea as the parliament in Moscow gave President Vladimir Putin ...
published: 01 Mar 2014
Russian Troops Take Over Ukraine's Crimea Region
Russian Troops Take Over Ukraine's Crimea Region
Russian troops took over Crimea as the parliament in Moscow gave President Vladimir Putin a green light Saturday to use the military to protect Russian interests in Ukraine. The newly installed government in Kiev was powerless to react to the action by Russian troops based in the strategic region and more flown in, aided by pro-Russian Ukrainian groups. Putin sought and quickly got his parliament's approval to use its military to protect Russia's interests across Ukraine. But while sometimes-violent pro-Russian protests broke out Saturday in a number of Russian-speaking regions of eastern Ukraine, Moscow's immediate focus appeared to be Crimea. Tensions increased when Ukraine's acting president, Oleksandr Turchynov, made a late night announcement that he had ordered the country's armed forces to be at full readiness because of the threat of "potential aggression." Speaking live on Ukrainian TV, Turchynov he had also ordered stepped up security at nuclear power plants, airports and other strategic infrastructure. Ignoring President Barack Obama's warning Friday that "there will be costs" if Russia intervenes militarily, Putin sharply raised the stakes in the conflict over Ukraine's future evoking memories of Cold War brinkmanship. After Russia's parliament approved Putin's motion, U.S. officials held a high-level meeting at the White House to review Russia's military moves in Ukraine. The defense secretary, CIA director and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were among those in attendance. The U.N. Security Council held a closed-door meeting for the second consecutive day to discuss the current situation in Ukraine. "Russia and the West find themselves on the brink of a confrontation far worse than in 2008 over Georgia," Dmitri Trenin, the director of Carnegie Moscow Center, said in a commentary posted on its website. In Georgia, the Russian troops quickly routed the Georgian military after they tried to regain control over the separatist province of South Ossetia that has close ties with Moscow.- published: 01 Mar 2014
- views: 1644

April 2014 Breaking News China angrily denounces Japan for Russia-Ukraine Crimea invasion analogy
April 2014 Breaking News China REUTERS angrily denounces Japan for Russia-Ukraine Crimea i...
published: 16 Dec 2013
April 2014 Breaking News China angrily denounces Japan for Russia-Ukraine Crimea invasion analogy
April 2014 Breaking News China angrily denounces Japan for Russia-Ukraine Crimea invasion analogy
April 2014 Breaking News China REUTERS angrily denounces Japan for Russia-Ukraine Crimea invasion analogy http://news.yahoo.com/china-angrily-denounces-japan-russia-crimea-analogy-090651195.html March 2014 Breaking News Bloomberg news recent comments by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Philippine President Benigno Aquino two USA allies have escalated tensions at a time when China is pushing its territorial claims in both the East and South China Seas http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-02-09/abe-aquino-views-on-china-unhelpful-says-u-s-general-carlisle.html?cmpid=yhoo February 10 2014 Breaking News New York Times Philippine leader likens China's rulers to Hitler http://news.yahoo.com/philippine-leader-likens-china-39-rulers-hitler-nyt-054955166.html February 4 2014 Breaking News deepening conflict between China&Japan; over a chain of islands in the East China Sea threatens security in the region http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-02-02/kissinger-says-asia-is-like-19th-century-europe-on-use-of-force.html?cmpid=yhoo February 2014 Breaking News Japan-China tensions take center-stage http://news.yahoo.com/japan-pm-abe-urges-military-restraint-asia-swipe-172300974--business.html January 2014 Breaking News Tensions Asia Pacific Set to Intensify Japan claims 280 islands Japan claims 280 uninhabited islands Tokyo announces plan to register 280 isolated isles as state property http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/article/1400180/japan-claims-280-uninhabited-islands January 2014 Breaking News China confirms near miss with USA ship in South China Sea http://news.yahoo.com/china-confirms-near-miss-u-ship-south-china-030206620.html December 19 2013 Breaking News USA Japan high alert USA & Chinese warships narrowly avoid collision in South China Sea http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/12/13/21895875-us-chinese-warships-narrowly-avoid-collision-in-south-china-sea?lite December 16 2013 Breaking News China nuclear war plans land & submarine missile strikes USA cities http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJq0COPVpyo December 16 2013 Breaking News USA Defense analysts tell Congress to devise war plan for China http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/12/13/21895875-us-chinese-warships-narrowly-avoid-collision-in-south-china-sea?lite December 16 2013 Breaking News South Korea expands air defense zone to partially overlap China's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y64oQYGRE0 December 7 2013 Breaking News Remembering Pearl Harbor Japan attacks USA WWII - Next WWIII when? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lg3eFt7HrZE December 16 2013 Breaking News Fukushima worldwide Nuclear Crisis not contained Last Days News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI6fK7kSvTA- published: 16 Dec 2013
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