%s hours 54 min 11 sec

THE WAR OF 1812 (PBS Documentary/2011) FULL
For two and a half years, Americans fought Against the British, Canadian colonists, and na...
published: 07 Jun 2014
THE WAR OF 1812 (PBS Documentary/2011) FULL
THE WAR OF 1812 (PBS Documentary/2011) FULL
For two and a half years, Americans fought Against the British, Canadian colonists, and native nations. In the years to come, the War of 1812 would be celebrated in some places and essentially forgotten in others. But it is a war worth remembering—a struggle that threatened the existence of Canada, then divided the United States so deeply that the nation almost broke apart. Some of its battles and heroes became legendary, yet its blunders and cowards were just as prominent. The film shows how the glories of war became enshrined in history -- how failures are quickly forgotten -- how inconvenient truths are ignored forever.- published: 07 Jun 2014
29 min 58 sec

Who Really Won the War of 1812?
Canada did. No, America. No, Canada. The War of 1812 seems to have ended in a draw. The Ag...
published: 07 Jun 2014
Who Really Won the War of 1812?
Who Really Won the War of 1812?
Canada did. No, America. No, Canada. The War of 1812 seems to have ended in a draw. The Agenda examines who really won, and what the war's legacy has meant for North America.- published: 07 Jun 2014
56 min 53 sec

War of 1812 in the Old Northwest
In 1812, a very young United States of America had its sights set on expansion to the nort...
published: 07 Jun 2014
War of 1812 in the Old Northwest
War of 1812 in the Old Northwest
In 1812, a very young United States of America had its sights set on expansion to the north and the west. But the British wanted to keep its former colony tightly contained. In the balance were the lands of the Northwestern Frontier. England's Canadian provinces wanted a buffer zone between their lands and what they perceived as a hostile United States. The native peoples who called this land their home, wanted it declared a self-governing Indian territory; an independent nation. The United States wanted to settle the frontier, as they felt they had been promised at the end of the Revolutionary War. The frontier was a gateway to further western expansion; a Great Lakes highway to natural resources; and a military challenge to the combatants. The War of 1812 would decide who controlled the lands of the Northwestern Frontier, and the future of a continent.- published: 07 Jun 2014
5 min 36 sec

Causes of the War of 1812
A video explain...
published: 07 Jun 2014
Causes of the War of 1812
Causes of the War of 1812
http://americanhistory.suite101.com/article.cfm/causes_of_the_war_of_1812 A video explaining why the United States declared war on Britain in 1812 and proceeded to attack Canada.- published: 07 Jun 2014
1 min 3 sec

War of 1812 - The Fight for Canada
This advertisement was produced by the Government of Canada and features four heroes of th...
published: 07 Jun 2014
War of 1812 - The Fight for Canada
War of 1812 - The Fight for Canada
This advertisement was produced by the Government of Canada and features four heroes of the War of 1812: Major General Sir Isaac Brock, Lieutenant Colonel Charles-Michel d'Irumberry de Salaberry, Laura Secord and Shawnee leader and War Chief Tecumseh. The advertisement will be presented on our website, in movie theaters, and on television throughout the summer.- published: 07 Jun 2014
2 min 0 sec

The War of 1812
To get the best out of this video, try to answer the following questions while watching:
published: 07 Jun 2014
The War of 1812
The War of 1812
To get the best out of this video, try to answer the following questions while watching: *Who served as Jefferson's Vice President who soon became President after Jefferson's term ended? *How did England and France violate the Free Trade Policy? *Congressman from the south and west who wanted the U.S. to go to war with England and defend American free trade were known as: *Why was the US not ready for the War of 1812? *What was the purpose of the Treaty of Ghent and what effect did it have on the war? *Who led American troops to victory in the Battle of New Orleans? Here is the script of the video: Dewey- During Jefferson's presidency, James Madison served as his Vice President. James Madison later became President himself, and his term lasted from 1808-1816. He followed in Jefferson's small foreheaded footsteps and continued to reduce the government's power and size. During this time, the war between France and Europe continued to cause problems for America. England and France continued to violate the free trade policy by capturing and enslaving American seamen. Congressmen, going by the name of "war hawks" demanded war against Britain to defend their HONOR. This caused a surge of patriotism and Madison eventually asked congress for a declaration of war in June of 1812. This became known as the War of 1812(Big surprise). The US, however, was not ready for war because Jefferson had reduced the size of the army drastically just a few years back. Not only did the British army ravage Baltimore, but they had the audacity to burn down the White House. After the battle of Baltimore Francis Scott Key wrote a little ditty called "The Star Spangled Banner". Sound familiar? He wrote it emphasize national pride. Britain did not want to keep being bothered by America, so they agreed to sign the Treaty of Ghent in 1814 which ended the war with a truce, so they could focus on fighting France. Back in America the fighting continued because no one knew the treaty was signed yet.See if they all had cell phones, everything would have been so much easier. A true American hero by the name of Andrew Jackson, by the way he's the guy on the $20 bill, led troops into New Orleans and totally creamed the British troops. Because of the victory in New Orleans, and the news of the treaty that had come back; the Americans thought they had won the war. However, the treaty had had nothing to do with solving the violation of the free trade, which is what started the war in the first place! War money well spent.- published: 07 Jun 2014
3 min 49 sec

The War of 1812 Canadian Edition
This is a video I made for my grade 11 Social Studies class.
I do not own any of the pict...
published: 07 Jun 2014
The War of 1812 Canadian Edition
The War of 1812 Canadian Edition
This is a video I made for my grade 11 Social Studies class. I do not own any of the pictures or music in this video. The song is "The War of 1812" by Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie- published: 07 Jun 2014
Vimeo results:

Canadian Heritage, "Trailer"
Here is the Government of Canada’s "War of 1812" commercial campaign. Credits to Ogilvy Mo...
published: 05 Jul 2012
author: Rodeo FX
Canadian Heritage, "Trailer"
Here is the Government of Canada’s "War of 1812" commercial campaign. Credits to Ogilvy Montreal and production house La Calvalerie.

Sackets Harbor Brewing Co.
In an idyllic town on the shores of Lake Ontario lies one of the oldest continuously opera...
published: 15 Oct 2012
author: Show Love
Sackets Harbor Brewing Co.
In an idyllic town on the shores of Lake Ontario lies one of the oldest continuously operating microbrew pubs in New York state, the Sacket's Harbor Brewing Company. This family-owned brew pub housed in an old railroad station is home to award-winning Thousand Islands Pale Ale and War of 1812 Amber Ale. Hear how owner Tom Scozzafava and brewmaster Andy Gersten find ongoing inspiration to create truly delicious well-balanced beers season after season.
For more visit www.sacketsharborbrewpub.com
For more information on the filmmakers, contact Peter or Chauncey: showlove@showloveworld.com
Show Love LLC
Music by This Will Destroy You

Richard Pierpoint
Richard Pierpoint was a formerly enslaved Black Loyalist who, at age 68, enlisted Black me...
published: 11 Oct 2012
author: Historica Canada
Richard Pierpoint
Richard Pierpoint was a formerly enslaved Black Loyalist who, at age 68, enlisted Black men to fight with the British in the War of 1812. The Coloured Corps fought in a number of battles in the Niagara region (including Queenston Heights) and were instrumental to the war effort.

Ravens rule the skies
By now most of Canada’s magnificent migrating geese have followed their instinct and raced...
published: 07 Nov 2011
author: Jason Reed
Ravens rule the skies
By now most of Canada’s magnificent migrating geese have followed their instinct and raced away from winter’s bite in search of warmth and southern comfort; leaving behind a trail of frosted orange leaves and cool air…the perfect weather combination for anyone who loves watching football in America.
But the Maryland skies warms quickly once the National Football League’s Baltimore Ravens stunt cheerleaders soar above the field on game day.
Red, white and brunette all-American beauties fearlessly twisting with acrobatic daring giving hometown fans fireworks not seen locally since Frances Scott Key watched a night battle during the War of 1812. He later penned those observations with mighty words known now as the nation’s national anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner.”
Cheerleader talent is strong along the east coast and hundreds of candidates drive to Baltimore each March to tryouts hoping to prove their “look” compliments Ravens purple. Competitors face three humbling days of sudden-death eliminations against those cheerleaders expecting to return to the squad.
Judging is swift, and within hours only the top dancers and strongest acrobats are invited back by the Director of the NFL Ravens Cheerleaders Tina Galdieri to battle on the final selection night called “Making the Cut.”
Only sixty men and women are selected and travel to their quiet training camp in Western Maryland beginning a physically bruising road while becoming an NFL cheerleader.
The Raven Cheerleaders are the exception in a sport known mostly for fabulous faces and sizzling dance performances. No teams in the NFL fielding professional cheerleaders fly like the Ravens…leaving little doubt which one rules the skies above American football.
Slip into the Cinderella world of an NFL cheerleader and watch this exclusive report by Reuters’ photographers Jason Reed, Larry Downing and Molly Riley….