4 min 15 sec
Kurds-Kurdish Culture
I made a video to present the kurdish culture. Of course there are more clothes, writers p...
published: 14 Jun 2014
Kurds-Kurdish Culture
Kurds-Kurdish Culture
I made a video to present the kurdish culture. Of course there are more clothes, writers poets dances etc I did it just with the most important.. Kurdish people, kurdish language, kurdish literature, kurdish art, kurdish clothes, kurdish tattoos, kurdish food, kurdish dance- published: 14 Jun 2014
7 min 7 sec
Kurdish people in Turkey, Part 1
This is a true story documentary about the Kurdish woman in Turkey and the Kurdish people ...
published: 14 Jun 2014
Kurdish people in Turkey, Part 1
Kurdish people in Turkey, Part 1
This is a true story documentary about the Kurdish woman in Turkey and the Kurdish people in General. Unbelievable story about how Turkey violates human rights and international law on the Kurds living there. Yet the world is silent. Part 1. Part 2 can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUgZKxFkLZk http://themissingcountry.com/- published: 14 Jun 2014
23 min 51 sec
CrossTalk: Kurd State Soon?
Will the Kurdish people have a state of their own in the near future? With the Middle Eas...
published: 14 Jun 2014
CrossTalk: Kurd State Soon?
CrossTalk: Kurd State Soon?
Will the Kurdish people have a state of their own in the near future? With the Middle East in turmoil, can they exploit this instability? What are the chances of a positive outcome for Syria's Kurds? And will Turkey be forced to compromise on the Kurdish issue? CrossTalking with Edward Joseph, Ibrahim Dogus and Fevzi Bilgin. Follow Peter Lavelle on Twitter http://twitter.com/PLCROSSTALK Watch all CrossTalk shows here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL75A81D67D2955F81 (Sep 2009 - Feb 2011) http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPszygYHA9K12YqkZDcnaHfDd5cptKhs9 (Mar 2011 - Jul 2012) http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPszygYHA9K1wI7Kcpxfq6NviCKYKjXAn (Jul 2012 - current) RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com Follow us on Google+ http://plus.google.com/+RT RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.- published: 14 Jun 2014
6 min 12 sec
Sad Song Kurdish People From Iraq ( The X Factor ) 2011
This song Will make you to Cry.
Sing By Emmanuel who Find in Halabja, the time when Saddam...
published: 14 Jun 2014
Sad Song Kurdish People From Iraq ( The X Factor ) 2011
Sad Song Kurdish People From Iraq ( The X Factor ) 2011
This song Will make you to Cry. Sing By Emmanuel who Find in Halabja, the time when Saddam Hussein Attack Kurdistan. Added Me on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/ehsan.kurdish Follow me on Twitter:https://twitter.com/EHSKURDuhok Subscribe For More Videos.- published: 14 Jun 2014
8 min 22 sec
published: 14 Jun 2014
THOSE PEOPLE HAS NO INFO OF KURDISH HISTORY MADE ME TO DO THIS VIDEO SPECIALLY ARAB,TURKS,FARS SO HERE SOME EDUCATION LESSONS FOR YOU PEOPLE. KURDISTAN FROM 2000 BC TILL NOW WHICH'S WE HAVE MORE THAN 4000 YEARS OF HISTORY , the audio is ( 1- Elefteria -kurdish&greek; song by singers( Diyar & Sofia Papazoglou ) 2- Ey Reqîb - Kurdistan National Anthem, 3-Raparin (kurdish Revolution song).. those information all from wikipedia.org.- published: 14 Jun 2014
1 min 16 sec
Christopher Hitchens talk about Kurdish people
We Love you Christopher... Kurdistan will proud of your support for ever......
published: 14 Jun 2014
Christopher Hitchens talk about Kurdish people
Christopher Hitchens talk about Kurdish people
We Love you Christopher... Kurdistan will proud of your support for ever...- published: 14 Jun 2014
25 min 1 sec
Talk to Al Jazeera - Massoud Barzani: Flying the Kurdish flag
There are more than thirty million Kurds - most of them living in an overlapping area of I...
published: 14 Jun 2014
Talk to Al Jazeera - Massoud Barzani: Flying the Kurdish flag
Talk to Al Jazeera - Massoud Barzani: Flying the Kurdish flag
There are more than thirty million Kurds - most of them living in an overlapping area of Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey. It is said to be the biggest ethnic community in the world without a homeland. In some of the countries in which they live, they are prevented from speaking their language or obtaining citizenship. Saddam Hussein, the former Iraqi leader, used chemical weapons against the Kurds, destroyed their villages and killed tens of thousands of them during his rule. The bodies are still being unearthed. The US encouraged them to rise up against Saddam when his forces were driven out of Kuwait in 1991 but then left them hanging. And thousands died fleeing to Turkey as refugees. But the no-fly zone that the US, British and French established to protect them from Saddam's attacks, allowed them to break away from Iraqi government authority, while remaining part of Iraq. Since 2003, the Kurdish region has become the most stable and prosperous part of Iraq, fuelled by oil and Turkish investment. And while relations with Turkey have improved, they have worsened with Baghdad - with disagreements over oil, land and politics that some fear could turn violent. Massoud Barzani, the Kurdish president, has emerged as a crucial player in Iraqi politics and as the leader of Kurdish aspirations in the region. He has warned that Iraq's Kurds could seek independence if they do not get what they need from Baghdad. And that his region will not be dragged down by the rest of Iraq. On this episode of Talk to Al Jazeera, we sit down with Barzani to find out how far he is willing to go to protect and promote the interests of the Kurdish people.- published: 14 Jun 2014
2 min 59 sec
HPG Kurdish People's Defence Force
HPG Kurdish People's defense forces
PKK Gerilla Guerilla Kurdis...
published: 14 Jun 2014
HPG Kurdish People's Defence Force
HPG Kurdish People's Defence Force
http://www.hpg-photo.com/ HPG Kurdish People's defense forces PKK Gerilla Guerilla Kurdish Freedom Fighters Hêzên Parastina Gel, HPG- published: 14 Jun 2014
1 min 43 sec
Kurdish people struggle 4 their rights to vote in Iraq election 2010, London
Kurdish people in London tried to participate in the Iraqi election from 5-th March.
But m...
published: 14 Jun 2014
Kurdish people struggle 4 their rights to vote in Iraq election 2010, London
Kurdish people struggle 4 their rights to vote in Iraq election 2010, London
Kurdish people in London tried to participate in the Iraqi election from 5-th March. But many were disqualified because the Iraq Election commission did not accept their British passports and other documents issued by the British government. Then these voters who were their just to exercise their rights to vote like any other people who believe in democracy tried to talk sense with the people in charge of the election process in London. When that failed, they sat in front of the gates not to allow the organisers to get in or out. that was when the police intervened and it became ugly. many police officers in my view used excessive force, i know at least of someone's hand broken, a finger broken and many got arrested. There were about 3-5 young men who decided they had enough of police behaviour and started throwing things at the police van and the officers invloved. after the situation calmed down at least three people apologised to the police about the behaviour of the 3-5 young men. all these people wanted was to vote and have their vopice heard.- published: 14 Jun 2014
7 min 27 sec
This shocking movie recorded during Saddam's massacre operation called "Enfal" againist Ku...
published: 14 Jun 2014
This shocking movie recorded during Saddam's massacre operation called "Enfal" againist Kurds in 80's. During these years, more than 180.000 kurdish people slayed with various methods including chemical weapons. This massacre operation was covered by neighbouring states : Turkey, Iran and Syria. Saddam is dealing with the court now.- published: 14 Jun 2014
Vimeo results:
The satellite dish army - NEW demo
Roj tv is the voice of the Kurdish people, a nation divided on earth but reunited on air.
published: 01 Oct 2010
author: Allieta Melchioni
The satellite dish army - NEW demo
Roj tv is the voice of the Kurdish people, a nation divided on earth but reunited on air.
It's a satellite channel based in Belgium and has a Danish broadcasting licence.
Through women, a minority's minority, we will experience Roj tv's fight for freedom of expression, that goes down to the basic need of not disappearing.
Meet the 3 characters of the 52' documentary: Necibe, Sebelan and Zilan
is a creative documentary by Allieta Melchioni
produced by Diaviva
supported by Lab8
Abdulaziz Mohammed Rasho - Moqoble Refugee Camp
Abdulaziz has lived in the Moqoble Refugee Camp for five years. He was forced to leave his...
published: 18 Jun 2009
author: Jon Vidar
Abdulaziz Mohammed Rasho - Moqoble Refugee Camp
Abdulaziz has lived in the Moqoble Refugee Camp for five years. He was forced to leave his children behind in Syria after increased violence towards the Kurdish people threatened his welfare. This is the story of Abdulaziz and what happened in March of 2004 after a football match sparked a mass riot between the Syrian government and the Kurdish people.
Karapetê Xaço
Karapetê Xaço'nun en çok bilinen klamı Lawikê Metînî, bu kez Gökçe Gürçay'ın davulu eşliği...
published: 14 Jan 2014
author: karapete xaco
Karapetê Xaço
Karapetê Xaço'nun en çok bilinen klamı Lawikê Metînî, bu kez Gökçe Gürçay'ın davulu eşliğinde, Ararat'ın, yani Ağrı dağının iki ayrı yanında kalmış sesleri buluşturmak, dağları duvarlara dönüştürenlerin kulaklarını çınlatmak niyetiyle SESlendirildi.
Diyarbakırlı Ermeni bir aileden gelen Karapetê Xaço, 1915'te ailesini kaybettikten sonra, Kürt toplumu içinde yetişmiş ve Kürt coğrafyasındaki kadim hikâye anlatıcılığı olan vokal geleneği "Dengbej"liği öğrenmiştir.
Kimliklerin yok sayıldığı yıllarda, Kürt hanelerinde oldukça popüler olan Yerevan Radyosu'ndan okuduğu 'klam'larıyla, 1955'ten beri Kürt halkının kalbinde taht kurmuş ve bir efsaneye dönüşmüştür. Tüm hayatı boyunca Anadolu, Ortadoğu ve Kafkasya hikâyelerini, destanlarını, acılarını, aşklarını sözlü aktaran dengbej -aynı kelime manasında olduğu gibi- sese biçim, hayat ve renk vermiştir.
1903 yılında Diyarbakır-Beşiri'de başlayan hayatı, 1915'te İttihat ve Terakki hükümetinin tertiplediği kıyımda ailesini yitirerek altüst olan Xaço, 1946'da Yerevan'a yakın Sovxoza Çaran köyüne kadar uzanan yolculuğunun yorgunluğuyla, yerleştiği bu yeni yurttan bir daha ayrılmamış, kopup geldiği toprakları ise sesiyle beslemiştir. Kürtlerin kültürünü, acılarını, sevinçlerini, aşklarını, kavgalarını günümüze taşıyan bir köprü olmuştur.
Karapetê Xaço, hafızası çok güçlü olduğundan, saatlerce ve zorlanmadan 'klam' söyleyebilmesiyle de tanınıyordu. 90 yıl boyunca Kürtçe 'stran' ve 'klam' söyleyen bu büyük ses, 15 Ocak 2005’e kadar yoksulluk içinde olmasına rağmen hiç susmadan, tam 103 yaşında, aramızdan ayrıldı.
Karapetê Xaço’nun ölümünün 9. yılı anısına, sesine ve nefesine saygıyla!
Lawikê Metînî
Vokal: Karapetê Xaço
Davul: Gökçe Gürçay
Ses Kayıt: Sinan Sakızlı - Hayyam Stüdyoları
Video Kayıt: Ezgi Kaplan - Mihran Tomasyan
Kurgu: Ezgi Kaplan
Teşekkürler: Zeynep Köprülü, Atalay Yeni, Fehmican Gözüm, Barış Özbiçer, Tunç Erenkuş, Azra Deniz Okyay
The most well-known 'klam'* of Karapetê Xaço “Lawikê Metînî” has been given voice again, accompanied by Gökçe Gürçay (drums); with the intention of bringing together the sounds that have fallen apart on two different sides of the mountain (named Ararat or Ağrı) and to burn those people's ears who have turned the mountains into walls.
Karapetê Xaço was born into an Armenian family from Diyarbakır. After losing his family in 1915, he grew up within Kurdish society and learned the unique ancient way of story telling tradition of the Kurdish geography called ‘dengbêj’.
In an era when the existence of many identities were denied, he was enshrined in the hearts of the Kurdish people and became a legend through the 'klam's he recited from 1955 onwards on Radio Yerevan, a very popular radio station among Kurdish households. Throughout his life he told stories, legends, sagas, loves and the sufferings of Anatolia, Mesopotamia and Caucasia; shaping and giving life and color to voice – exactly as suggested by the word ‘dengbêj’.
His life had started in the town of Beşiri near Diyarbakır in 1903, and was ruined in 1915 during the massacres organized by the Committee of Union and Progress which led the government at that time. The journey that took him to the village of Sovxoza Çaran -close to Yerevan- in 1946 kept him in his new homeland forever. He kept on feeding the lands he has left behind with his voice; he became a bridge from the past to the present, bringing the culture, sufferings, joys, loves and fights of the Kurdish people.
Karapetê Xaço was also known for his ability to sing ‘klams’ for hours without any difficulty, thanks to his stunningly strong memory. For 90 years, this great voice that sang Kurdish 'stran's and 'klan's while toiled without respite in poverty never stopped singing until 15 January 2005, when he died at the age of 103.
In memory of Karapetê Xaço, on the 9th anniversary of his death, and with all our respect for his voice and breath!
* Klam: A poem or form of story that is used by 'dengbej' who tells/sings stories in the unique poetic way (Kurdish traditional story telling).
Lawikê Metînî
Vocals: Karapetê Xaço
Drums: Gökçe Gürçay
Sound Recording: Sinan Sakızlı - Hayyam Studios
Video Recording: Ezgi Kaplan - Mihran Tomasyan
Video Editing: Ezgi Kaplan
" a'y adam'ha "
"Turtles Fly with Yooshij "
created and produced / massod vadiee & arden zahedi-bogucka
published: 16 Mar 2012
author: Az Kolexion \'E London (AKL)
" a'y adam'ha "
"Turtles Fly with Yooshij "
created and produced / massod vadiee & arden zahedi-bogucka
Based on "Turtles Can Fly" by Bahman Ghobadi
Music/ Soheil Nafisi and words / Nima Yooshij
Soho Sound People and Dokumuzik Projekts (Uk) 2012
" this video based on Ghobadi's film and Nima Yushij's poem is from the same team that has created the Bashu piece I posted yesterday--these are amazing musico-visual encounters with Iranian cinema--dast marizad Arden Zahedi-Bogucka, Massod Vadiee, Soheil Nafisi and the rest of their team. "
Hamid Dabashi,the Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia University in New York
Soheil Nafisi
Born in Tehran (1967), is an autodidact musician who spent more than 20 years of his life in the Hormozgan region (mostly Bandar Abbas) which strongly influenced his music. Soheil's deep dedication and respect to Persian contemporary poetries, directed him to compose music based on some of Iran's most memorable poems. The way of his singing (accompanied by is Guitar) could somehow be considered as a kind of Iranian Chanson." His latest album is "Rira". "Yare Aziz" is from his "Tranehaye Jonoob" album
"Turtles Can Fly" - Bahman Ghobadi (2004)
Kurdish Iranian filmmaker Bahman Ghobadi’s third feature film, Turtles Can Fly (Lakposhtha Parvaz Mikonand, 2004) is like his two previous and very successful features, A Time for Drunken Horses (2000) and Marooned in Iraq (2002), again set in Kurdistan and with native, nonprofessional actors speaking in Kurdish. This is a place where international borders separate the Kurdish community into Turkish, Iraqi, Syrian, and Iranian groupings, and they both symbolise and identify the external political oppression under which the Kurdish people suffer. In Turtles Can Fly, the specific setting is Iraqi Kurdistan close to the Turkish border, and the events take place in 2003, just prior to the American invasion of Iraq, when the local Kurdish population was anticipating some sort of liberation that such an invasion might generate.
The story is set mostly inside a Kurdish refugee camp, populated almost entirely by young orphans whose parents have been killed by Saddam Hussein’s military. The children scrounge for everything, and many of them seem to belong to a gang that is led by a resourceful young teenager known as “Satellite†(Soran Ebrahim). Satellite has gotten his nickname on account of his being the only person in the camp who can set up a TV satellite dish and thereby connect the Kurdish inhabitants to the outside world -- an external world which may someday bring “deliverance†(from Saddam Hussein's tyranny -- as a consequence of an American attack on Iraq). Many of the children in the camp are crippled from land mine explosions, and Satellite’s most faithful lieutenant, Pashow, has a deformed leg, forcing him to hop around on crutches. Nevertheless, one of Satellite’s main "businesses" involves organising the camp children to risk further disabling injuries by going out in the countryside to disarm and collect landmines for resale in the black market.Satellite soon becomes enamoured with Agrin, a very young teenage girl accompanied by her older brother, Hengov (who is also known as the “Armless Boy†for obvious reasons). Agrin and Hengov also carry about with them a blind 3-year-old child, who we later learn is actually Agrin’s son, born as a result of her having been raped by Iraqi soldiers. Agrin has been emotionally damaged by that rape, and throughout the film she seeks to get rid of her blind child by abandoning it in the wilderness or drowning it.