Guyana's economy has been dubbed as a favorable for foreign investments by Canada.
Guyana's economy has been dubbed as a favorable for foreign investments by Canada. In this...
published: 13 Aug 2012
author: inews Guyana
Guyana's economy has been dubbed as a favorable for foreign investments by Canada.
Guyana's economy has been dubbed as a favorable for foreign investments by Canada.
Guyana's economy has been dubbed as a favorable for foreign investments by Canada. In this regard, the local Canadian envoy will be looking at opportunity ar...- published: 13 Aug 2012
- views: 186
- author: inews Guyana
Guyana's booming private sector under PPPC rule
"Despite external and domestic shocks, the Guyanese economy demonstrated resilience and re...
published: 26 Jul 2011
author: Newguymedia
Guyana's booming private sector under PPPC rule
Guyana's booming private sector under PPPC rule
"Despite external and domestic shocks, the Guyanese economy demonstrated resilience and registered a fifth consecutive year of robust growth in 2010. Real Gr...- published: 26 Jul 2011
- views: 736
- author: Newguymedia
CDB hails Guyana's economic performance, lauds fiscal reforms, predicts further growth
THE Barbados-based financial institution, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), projects t...
published: 17 Feb 2014
CDB hails Guyana's economic performance, lauds fiscal reforms, predicts further growth
CDB hails Guyana's economic performance, lauds fiscal reforms, predicts further growth
THE Barbados-based financial institution, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), projects that Guyana, along with Suriname and Haiti, will take the lead amongst the regional economies, in terms of accelerating growth in the next two years.This is according to the CDB's President, Dr William Warren Smith, during the bank's annual press conference last Tuesday at its headquarters in Barbados. The bank has projected that the Caribbean Region will, in 2014, experience an overall growth of 3.7 per cent, with much of Guyana's growth being driven by its mining sector. Vibrant economy "Guyana is a good example of a country that has done some of the right things, and at the same time has also benefitted from good fortune. They have come a very, very long distance in terms of their fiscal situation. They have been responsible in terms of addressing it," Dr Smith said, adding: "Guyana has a very vibrant mining sector, and even though gold prices might be somewhat down at this particular point in time, there are still a lot of investments that are taking place in the mining sector generally, and in gold in particular. "Generally, there is a lot of vibrancy in the Guyanese economy. Just by casual observation, one can see that there is a lot of construction that is taking place in the country. I'd like to say that whenever I go to Guyana, you can almost see the country changing in front of your eyes, and so that is just a casual indication of the extent to which economic activity is vibrant and buoyant in that country," he told regional journalists Tuesday. Good lessons He went on to say that there were some very good lessons to be learnt from Guyana's experiences, as although Guyana has followed a very tough road, the good news is that it has shown resilience and responsibility in the management of its economy, in that it has taken advantage of the breaks it has been fortunate to have. "...and that is an important lesson, because, sometimes, countries which were in a much better position that Guyana in the past did not take advantage of those opportunities. So just from this standpoint of lesson learnt, Guyana is a study," Dr Smith said. Guyana, for the CDB, he said, also represents real opportunity, as "if we want to sustain ourselves as an institution, we have to have a very close working relationship with Guyana, because Guyana, Suriname the large countries represent opportunity for growth diversification and expansion; and that is very critical for the longevity and the sustainability of the Caribbean Development Bank." Guyana continues to benefit from its partnership with the financial institution, having been a founder-member since the institution came into being on January 26, 1970. In 2012, 33% of the US$166M in loan approvals by the institution was for projects in Guyana. "Even through the most difficult of times that Guyana has experienced through the years, Guyana has met its obligation to the Caribbean Development Bank, and we are very grateful for that," Dr Smith said. CDB funding in Guyana has been used for financing social and economic infrastructure such as schools, roads and water projects, building more disaster-resistant structures, community skills training and support for small and medium-sized enterprises.- published: 17 Feb 2014
- views: 5
Guyanas green economy | Global Ideas
Many countries home to lush rainforests sell off timber to make way for industry, agricult...
published: 30 Sep 2010
author: deutschewelleenglish
Guyanas green economy | Global Ideas
Guyanas green economy | Global Ideas
Many countries home to lush rainforests sell off timber to make way for industry, agriculture and mining of natural resources, with the ultimate goal of boos...- published: 30 Sep 2010
- views: 554
- author: deutschewelleenglish
Guyana in 2013- The Economy in 2012 & After
published: 21 Mar 2013
author: Devon Stephens
Guyana in 2013- The Economy in 2012 & After
Guyana in 2013- The Economy in 2012 & After
- published: 21 Mar 2013
- views: 119
- author: Devon Stephens
APNU/AFC sabotages Guyana's economy with vote against Anti-Money Laundering Bill - Finance Minister
IN a highly-charged debate with fierce representations on both sides of the House, Members...
published: 08 Nov 2013
APNU/AFC sabotages Guyana's economy with vote against Anti-Money Laundering Bill - Finance Minister
APNU/AFC sabotages Guyana's economy with vote against Anti-Money Laundering Bill - Finance Minister
IN a highly-charged debate with fierce representations on both sides of the House, Members of Parliament (MPs) wrangled over procedural issues in considering the third reading of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Amendment Bill, since there has never been a debate at the stage of a Bill's third reading. And eventually MPs moved to a vote that saw the joint-Opposition defeating the Bill, which cannot be considered again in this session of the National Assembly. Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, noted that it could be possible for ways to be found to bring the Bill back to the House, but added that there has to be a clear indication of support from the Opposition -- a reality he was very doubtful of. Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, in moving the motion for the Bill to be read for a third time and passed, urged MPs to consider the bigger picture and the consequences looming if the Bill is not passed. Prior to the vote, Speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman, met with Government and Opposition MPs, but no consensus position was reached, hence his call for the vote to proceed -- a call that was preceded by intense debate- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 26
Cheap power key to Guyana's development -- Former President Jagdeo
THE debacle with the Amaila Falls Hydro Power (AFHP) Project has been described by former ...
published: 16 Aug 2013
Cheap power key to Guyana's development -- Former President Jagdeo
Cheap power key to Guyana's development -- Former President Jagdeo
THE debacle with the Amaila Falls Hydro Power (AFHP) Project has been described by former Head of State Bharrat Jagdeo as a significant loss to the entire nation due to 'partisanship and ignorance', as the opportunity for Guyana to press forward with its development has been scuppered. The recent pull out of major international partner Sithe Global, due to lack of political consensus, has placed the AFHP in jeopardy. Financial closure to the project with the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) was within reach, and the US$30M government funded road to the Region 8 site was expected to be completed by the end of this year. Delivering brief remarks during the closing of the National Economic Forum at the Guyana International Conference Centre yesterday, the former head of state said that some of those who opposed the transformational project employed 'charlatan economics' and cited the figures given by activists such as Christopher Ram, Ramon Gaskin and Professor Clive Thomas as being completely off the mark. "They killed the hydro because of that," he said. With respect to criticisms being touted of the debt that would be incurred and which would become the taxpayers' burden, he said, "There is not a single cent of debt, outside of the money that we are spending on the road and the equity that we are taking that will accrue to this country, and yet we heard that is too high a debt that we are worried about, that's why we didn't approve the project." The former president said that funds for projects such as those of the magnitude of AFHP were not easily available, and as such, it was a lost opportunity for the nation. He used the example of proposed changes by the United States of America's Federal Reserve in the way it may intervene in the stock market.- published: 16 Aug 2013
- views: 13
PPP says recent APNU/AFC actions a repeat of when Greenidge destroyed Guyana's economy
published: 13 Nov 2013
PPP says recent APNU/AFC actions a repeat of when Greenidge destroyed Guyana's economy
PPP says recent APNU/AFC actions a repeat of when Greenidge destroyed Guyana's economy
- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 45
Guyana and the EU entered into a voluntary forestry agreement to boost efforts in this regard.
Guyana's forestry conservation efforts have been lauded by the European Union. Today Guyan...
published: 31 Jul 2012
author: inews Guyana
Guyana and the EU entered into a voluntary forestry agreement to boost efforts in this regard.
Guyana and the EU entered into a voluntary forestry agreement to boost efforts in this regard.
Guyana's forestry conservation efforts have been lauded by the European Union. Today Guyana and the EU entered into a voluntary forestry agreement to boost e...- published: 31 Jul 2012
- views: 68
- author: inews Guyana
Brazil #039;s struggling infrastructure amid its economic growth
Guyana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Modern Guyana is b...
published: 06 May 2014
Brazil #039;s struggling infrastructure amid its economic growth
Brazil #039;s struggling infrastructure amid its economic growth
Guyana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guyana Modern Guyana is bordered by Suriname to the east, by Brazil to the south and .... said to have been the inspiration for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's 1912 novel The Lost World. .... to more serious tourists thereby assisting in its economic development. ... In 2008, the economy witnessed a 3% increase in growth amid the global ... The global economy: Welcome to the post-BRIC world | The ... www.economist.com/blogs/freeexchange/2013/05/global-economy May 6, 2013 - Last year Brazil, China, India, and Russia accounted for a quarter of ... Rapid, resource-intensive, investment-led growth is giving way to a more ... Newly developing economies, in sub-Saharan Africa, for instance, could struggle amid .... shaun39 in reply to Curate's Egg May 7th 2013 0:26 GMT. Clean energy's small gains on the 2013 battlefield ... www.businessspectator.com.au/.../clean-energys-small-gains-2013-battlef... Dec 18, 2013 - In Japan in November, the government greatly weakened its .... broader environment or economic development concerns, rather than climate. [DOC] China CP - GDI 2013 Ev Packet - Georgia Debate Institutes www.georgiadebateinstitutes.org/files/download/105 WorldCrunch 5/6 (2013, Wang xiaoxia, staffwriter, economic observer, ... Latin America" http://worldcrunch.com/china-2.0/in-america-039-s-backyard-china-039-s-rising- ... By providing funds and assisting in infrastructure constructions, China .... the two sides as some European countries are struggling with their debt crises. [PDF] World Economic Situation and Prospects 2013 www.un.org/en/development/desa/policy/wesp/wesp.../2013wesp.pdf 2013 and return to near its long-term average growth rate of 5 per cent in 2014. However, ... Signs of an economic slowdown in Brazil, China and India have. [DOC] 2NC—China Growth Strong - Atlanta Urban Debate League atlantadebate.org/wp-content/uploads/.../Novice-China-DA-Paperless.doc As part of their nation's economic expansion, Chinese companies have been investing ... Infrastructure -- Physical structures that support a society, such as roads, .... http://www.worldcrunch.com/china-2.0/in-america-039-s-backyard-china-039-s- ..... a $10 billion loan to Brazil's Petrobras for the development of its offshore oil ... Laura Alfaro - Faculty - Harvard Business School www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=6629 by L Alfaro - 2010 She is also a Faculty Research Associate in the National Bureau of Economic Research's International Macroeconomics and Finance Program, Member of the ... The Budget This Time: Taking the Measure of China's ... www.theasanforum.org/the-budget-this-time-taking-the-measure-of-chin... Apr 11, 2014 - 31 posts - 1 author Early last month, China announced its projected 2014 defense budget of ... The post-2008 real net growth of the defense budgets of India (+3.0%), Brazil (+10.0%), and ... China's rapid economic growth has facilitated military spending far ... States struggling to maintain preeminence amid declining defense ... Australia's States Are Turning Blue | newmatilda.com https://newmatilda.com/2014/.../australias-states-are-turning-blue by Ben Eltham - in 52 Google+ circles Mar 13, 2014 - In Victoria, Daniel Andrews is a good chance to unseat the struggling first-term government ... They also retain critical regulatory powers in all sorts of economic and ... in the provision of services and the development of capital cities. .... vote for their best personal economic outcome in the Australian election ... [PDF] E spírito S anto R esearch - BES https://www.bes.pt/sitebes/cms.aspx?plg=d2432f4d-d560-485d-9149... Santo Research does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. ... Recovery of global economic activity and growth of foreign direct investment bode positive ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next- published: 06 May 2014
- views: 0
The CDB and Guyana
The CDB plays an essential role in Guyana's efforts: helping to make many of its industrie...
published: 22 May 2012
author: caribbeandevbank
The CDB and Guyana
The CDB and Guyana
The CDB plays an essential role in Guyana's efforts: helping to make many of its industries, the wider economy, and the people of Guyana more productive and ...- published: 22 May 2012
- views: 3288
- author: caribbeandevbank
Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh is reporting a 2.8% growth in Guyana's economy so far for 2012
www.capitolnewsonline.com | www.capitolnewsgy.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/wrhmnews...
published: 04 Sep 2012
author: CapitolNewsGY
Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh is reporting a 2.8% growth in Guyana's economy so far for 2012
Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh is reporting a 2.8% growth in Guyana's economy so far for 2012
www.capitolnewsonline.com | www.capitolnewsgy.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/wrhmnews Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CapitolNewsGY.- published: 04 Sep 2012
- views: 181
- author: CapitolNewsGY
WBA 2010: D&J; Shipping, Guyana
D&J; Shipping focuses on shipping and shipping-related operations such as imports, exports,...
published: 15 Feb 2010
author: UnctadEmpretec
WBA 2010: D&J; Shipping, Guyana
WBA 2010: D&J; Shipping, Guyana
D&J; Shipping focuses on shipping and shipping-related operations such as imports, exports, custom brokerage, packing, and moving. Its range of services has a...- published: 15 Feb 2010
- views: 477
- author: UnctadEmpretec
Youtube results:
Guyana Gospel Music - "Serving Jesus"
Facts of Guyana WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY! 1. People: Six ethnic groups. Amerindians, Chinese,...
published: 17 Feb 2009
author: aflame4God
Guyana Gospel Music - "Serving Jesus"
Guyana Gospel Music - "Serving Jesus"
Facts of Guyana WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY! 1. People: Six ethnic groups. Amerindians, Chinese, East Indians, Afro-Guyanese, Europeans, and people of mixed racial...- published: 17 Feb 2009
- views: 23222
- author: aflame4God
Minister of Agriculture Robert Persaud interview on Let's Talk With Lakshmee
Minister of Agriculture discusses Guyana's agricultural sector is a vital contributor to t...
published: 25 Nov 2011
author: LetsTalkWithLakshmee
Minister of Agriculture Robert Persaud interview on Let's Talk With Lakshmee
Minister of Agriculture Robert Persaud interview on Let's Talk With Lakshmee
Minister of Agriculture discusses Guyana's agricultural sector is a vital contributor to the nation's economy and has played a significant role in its reviva...- published: 25 Nov 2011
- views: 421
- author: LetsTalkWithLakshmee
Bitter Harvest - Guayana
April 2004 An ailing economy and abject poverty is fuelling ethnic violence in Guyana. The...
published: 08 Jan 2008
author: Journeyman Pictures
Bitter Harvest - Guayana
Bitter Harvest - Guayana
April 2004 An ailing economy and abject poverty is fuelling ethnic violence in Guyana. The country is tearing itself apart.- published: 08 Jan 2008
- views: 48768
- author: Journeyman Pictures
October 5th marked the 20th anniversary of the historic 1992 elections which saw the retur...
published: 16 Oct 2012
author: Newguymedia
October 5th marked the 20th anniversary of the historic 1992 elections which saw the return of democracy to Guyana and the elections of the PPP/C alliance to...- published: 16 Oct 2012
- views: 158
- author: Newguymedia