Korean Philosophy, Unity of the Universe : the number 3, Sam-Taeguk, Unity
Samjogo and Sam Taeguk....
published: 30 Aug 2008
author: Cheon1Son
Korean Philosophy, Unity of the Universe : the number 3, Sam-Taeguk, Unity
Korean Philosophy, Unity of the Universe : the number 3, Sam-Taeguk, Unity
Samjogo and Sam Taeguk.- published: 30 Aug 2008
- views: 2695
- author: Cheon1Son
Korean War Philosophy Project
YISS Mr. King's Philosophy Class Project- Korean War
By: Saron S. and Jasmine L....
published: 18 Apr 2014
Korean War Philosophy Project
Korean War Philosophy Project
YISS Mr. King's Philosophy Class Project- Korean War By: Saron S. and Jasmine L.- published: 18 Apr 2014
- views: 3
100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep65C02 Hwajaeng Philosophy
Great Priest Wonhyo, the revolutionary in Korean Buddhism and the initiator of Bud...
published: 07 Mar 2014
100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep65C02 Hwajaeng Philosophy
100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep65C02 Hwajaeng Philosophy
Wonhyo Great Priest Wonhyo, the revolutionary in Korean Buddhism and the initiator of Buddhism for commoners. He dreamed of a world where everyone lives in equality. It is now 2011, but there's a reason why we must take note of this great thinker. Great Priest Wonhyo is considered one of the greatest thinkers of the Silla Dynasty and of the entire history of Buddhism in Korea. Born as a son of an aristocrat, Wonhyo leaves to study in China at the age of 45. On the way, he finds himself in a grave to take shelter from rain. This experience makes him realize that everything is determined by one's mind. He decides not to go to China and instead lives amongst commoners. He sheds his robes and hangs out in drinking houses to spread Buddhism at their level. He believes that everyone is equal regardless of their status or riches, and this becomes the essence of his "hwajaeng" philosophy. The teachings of Wonhyo suggests a solution to those of us living in the 21st century, tormented by wars, divisions and countless conflicts. 원효 한국 불교 사상의 혁명가이자, 대중 불교의 창시자로 불리는 원효 대사. 모든 사람들이 평등한 세상에 살기를 꿈꿨다. 2011년, 우리가 원효 대사를 다시 주목해야 하는 이유는 무엇일까. 신라 시대 최고의 지성인이자, 한국 불교 역사상 손꼽히는 승려였던 원효대사. 그는 귀족 집안의 아들로 태어나, 45세 되던 해에 당나라 유학길에 오르게 된다. 그때 비를 피해 무덤 속에서 잠을 청하게 되는데, 원효는 이 사건을 계기로 '모든 것은 마음에 달렸다'라는 깨달음을 얻게 된다. 곧 유학을 포기한 그는 대중 속으로 들어가게 된다. 승복을 벗어던지고 주막에 드나들며 대중과 어울렸고 그들의 눈높이에 맞춰 포교 활동을 하게 된다. 지위의 높고 낮음, 재물의 있고 없음을 떠나 누구나 부처의 말씀 안에서 평등하다고 생각한 그의 '화쟁' 사상. 21세기, 전쟁과 분열, 수많은 갈등에 힘겨워하는 현대인들에게 원효의 가르침은 새로운 대안으로 떠오르고 있다.- published: 07 Mar 2014
- views: 11
100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep86C03 Design philosophy Courage
King Sejong
The great king who designed Chosun. We discover more about his philosophies r...
published: 08 Mar 2014
100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep86C03 Design philosophy Courage
100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep86C03 Design philosophy Courage
King Sejong The great king who designed Chosun. We discover more about his philosophies related to the significant designs for his nation, through 3 people who were close to him - two of his retainers Hwang Hee and Huh Jo, and Princess Jeong-eui. Sadness, devotion and courage were the 3 keywords found in King Sejong's designs, which are passed down through cultural heritages such as Hangul. King Sejong was truly a great king to be respected throughout Korean history. 세종대왕 세종대왕조선을 디자인한 위대한 왕, 세종대왕의 국가 디자인 철학을 그의 충실한 지인이었던 3인, 신하 황희와 허조, 정의 공주의 증언을 통해 알아본다. 슬픔과 정성, 용기 3가지 코드로 대변되는 세종의 국가 디자인 철학은 한글 등 인류적 유산으로 남아 오늘날까지 내려온다. 거대한 유적을 남긴 것은 아니었으나 세종대왕이야말로 역사에 길이 남을 위대한 왕이었던 것이다.- published: 08 Mar 2014
- views: 7
100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep86C01 Design philosophy Sorrow
King Sejong
The great king who designed Chosun. We discover more about his philosophies r...
published: 08 Mar 2014
100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep86C01 Design philosophy Sorrow
100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep86C01 Design philosophy Sorrow
King Sejong The great king who designed Chosun. We discover more about his philosophies related to the significant designs for his nation, through 3 people who were close to him - two of his retainers Hwang Hee and Huh Jo, and Princess Jeong-eui. Sadness, devotion and courage were the 3 keywords found in King Sejong's designs, which are passed down through cultural heritages such as Hangul. King Sejong was truly a great king to be respected throughout Korean history. 세종대왕 세종대왕조선을 디자인한 위대한 왕, 세종대왕의 국가 디자인 철학을 그의 충실한 지인이었던 3인, 신하 황희와 허조, 정의 공주의 증언을 통해 알아본다. 슬픔과 정성, 용기 3가지 코드로 대변되는 세종의 국가 디자인 철학은 한글 등 인류적 유산으로 남아 오늘날까지 내려온다. 거대한 유적을 남긴 것은 아니었으나 세종대왕이야말로 역사에 길이 남을 위대한 왕이었던 것이다.- published: 08 Mar 2014
- views: 3
The Philosophy of Genesis Pure (Korean Subtitle).mp4
제네시스 퓨어 창립자 린지 박사(Dr. Lindsey Duncan)의 회사 철학 강의 영상입니다....
published: 18 Jun 2012
author: William Gwak
The Philosophy of Genesis Pure (Korean Subtitle).mp4
The Philosophy of Genesis Pure (Korean Subtitle).mp4
제네시스 퓨어 창립자 린지 박사(Dr. Lindsey Duncan)의 회사 철학 강의 영상입니다.- published: 18 Jun 2012
- views: 310
- author: William Gwak
Korean Teacher in America
American high school class full of bad, disrespectful kids gets set straight by Park Ing a...
published: 01 Apr 2012
author: JustKiddingFilms
Korean Teacher in America
Korean Teacher in America
American high school class full of bad, disrespectful kids gets set straight by Park Ing and Park Yu. The Parks give this American classroom a taste of Korea...- published: 01 Apr 2012
- views: 1781760
- author: JustKiddingFilms
100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep86C02 Design philosophy Devotion
King Sejong
The great king who designed Chosun. We discover more about his philosophies r...
published: 08 Mar 2014
100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep86C02 Design philosophy Devotion
100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep86C02 Design philosophy Devotion
King Sejong The great king who designed Chosun. We discover more about his philosophies related to the significant designs for his nation, through 3 people who were close to him - two of his retainers Hwang Hee and Huh Jo, and Princess Jeong-eui. Sadness, devotion and courage were the 3 keywords found in King Sejong's designs, which are passed down through cultural heritages such as Hangul. King Sejong was truly a great king to be respected throughout Korean history. 세종대왕 세종대왕조선을 디자인한 위대한 왕, 세종대왕의 국가 디자인 철학을 그의 충실한 지인이었던 3인, 신하 황희와 허조, 정의 공주의 증언을 통해 알아본다. 슬픔과 정성, 용기 3가지 코드로 대변되는 세종의 국가 디자인 철학은 한글 등 인류적 유산으로 남아 오늘날까지 내려온다. 거대한 유적을 남긴 것은 아니었으나 세종대왕이야말로 역사에 길이 남을 위대한 왕이었던 것이다.- published: 08 Mar 2014
- views: 2
자유주의의 철학 (Philosophy of Liberty- Korean Version)
자유로운 사회를 만들기위해 해야할일들을 제시한다. 원본 버전: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muHg86Mys7I 영어 버전: http:...
published: 02 Feb 2012
author: CFEorg
자유주의의 철학 (Philosophy of Liberty- Korean Version)
자유주의의 철학 (Philosophy of Liberty- Korean Version)
자유로운 사회를 만들기위해 해야할일들을 제시한다. 원본 버전: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muHg86Mys7I 영어 버전: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJTLJp_Y6dA 음악: The Soul by Petite Viking...- published: 02 Feb 2012
- views: 229
- author: CFEorg
Ayurveda Philosophy - Korean Symposium 1.wmv
This invited lecture was given by Prof. Dr. K. Sasidharan MD(Ay) Chief Physician, Sreepada...
published: 11 Nov 2011
author: sreepadamayurveda
Ayurveda Philosophy - Korean Symposium 1.wmv
Ayurveda Philosophy - Korean Symposium 1.wmv
This invited lecture was given by Prof. Dr. K. Sasidharan MD(Ay) Chief Physician, Sreepadam Ayurveda Chikitsalayam in Seoul, South Korea. 'Ayurveda philosoph...- published: 11 Nov 2011
- views: 91
- author: sreepadamayurveda
Guide to Eastern Philosophy and Religion
Eastern philosophy includes the various philosophies of Asia, including Indian philosophy,...
published: 03 Feb 2013
author: realindians
Guide to Eastern Philosophy and Religion
Guide to Eastern Philosophy and Religion
Eastern philosophy includes the various philosophies of Asia, including Indian philosophy, Chinese philosophy, Iranian/Persian philosophy, Japanese philosoph...- published: 03 Feb 2013
- views: 808
- author: realindians
Philosophy on Appreciate (Korean subtitled)
Korean translation for Philosophy on Appreciate....
published: 21 Nov 2008
author: ChosonNinjaINTL
Philosophy on Appreciate (Korean subtitled)
Philosophy on Appreciate (Korean subtitled)
Korean translation for Philosophy on Appreciate.- published: 21 Nov 2008
- views: 2697
- author: ChosonNinjaINTL
Ayurveda Philosophy - Korean Symposium 2.wmv
Part 2 of the invited lecture was given by Prof. Dr. K. Sasidharan MD(Ay) Chief Physician,...
published: 11 Nov 2011
author: sreepadamayurveda
Ayurveda Philosophy - Korean Symposium 2.wmv
Ayurveda Philosophy - Korean Symposium 2.wmv
Part 2 of the invited lecture was given by Prof. Dr. K. Sasidharan MD(Ay) Chief Physician, Sreepadam Ayurveda Chikitsalayam in Seoul, South Korea. 'Ayurveda ...- published: 11 Nov 2011
- views: 91
- author: sreepadamayurveda
Youtube results:
05 ChosonMusa Philosophy (Korean Subtitled)
Korean Translation....
published: 08 Dec 2008
author: ChosonNinjaINTL
05 ChosonMusa Philosophy (Korean Subtitled)
05 ChosonMusa Philosophy (Korean Subtitled)
Korean Translation.- published: 08 Dec 2008
- views: 398
- author: ChosonNinjaINTL
Philosophy on 3 wishes (Korean subtitled)
Korean translation on Philosophy on 3 wishes....
published: 26 Nov 2008
author: ChosonNinjaINTL
Philosophy on 3 wishes (Korean subtitled)
Philosophy on 3 wishes (Korean subtitled)
Korean translation on Philosophy on 3 wishes.- published: 26 Nov 2008
- views: 1090
- author: ChosonNinjaINTL
Korean Fake Ninja Tells Some Philosophy
published: 25 Jan 2012
author: sarabajamaica
Korean Fake Ninja Tells Some Philosophy
Korean Fake Ninja Tells Some Philosophy
reuploaded.- published: 25 Jan 2012
- views: 165
- author: sarabajamaica
Korean Taekwondo ( 태권도 ) -1
Taekwondo is Korea's most famous martial art. It has been selected as an Olympic sport and...
published: 23 Dec 2009
author: arirangnews
Korean Taekwondo ( 태권도 ) -1
Korean Taekwondo ( 태권도 ) -1
Taekwondo is Korea's most famous martial art. It has been selected as an Olympic sport and has a massive international following. Some 70 million people prac...- published: 23 Dec 2009
- views: 309968
- author: arirangnews