- published: 15 Mar 2013
- views: 155
- author: Carl Barrentine
Ring-necked Dove (Columbidae: Streptopelia capicola)
Photographed at Beach, North Dakota (10 March 2013)....
published: 15 Mar 2013
author: Carl Barrentine
Ring-necked Dove (Columbidae: Streptopelia capicola)
Ring-necked Dove (Columbidae: Streptopelia capicola)
Photographed at Beach, North Dakota (10 March 2013).- published: 15 Mar 2013
- views: 155
- author: Carl Barrentine
Tekukur - Hybrid Columbidae
Tekukur - Hybrid Columbidae - Research UPM....
published: 24 Jun 2011
author: Yenzikov Al Yapmeowski
Tekukur - Hybrid Columbidae
Tekukur - Hybrid Columbidae
Tekukur - Hybrid Columbidae - Research UPM.- published: 24 Jun 2011
- views: 23650
- author: Yenzikov Al Yapmeowski
Paloma blanca limpiandose (columbidae)
Los colúmbidos (Columbidae) son una familia de aves del orden Columbiformes que incluye la...
published: 30 Sep 2011
author: areaturistica
Paloma blanca limpiandose (columbidae)
Paloma blanca limpiandose (columbidae)
Los colúmbidos (Columbidae) son una familia de aves del orden Columbiformes que incluye las palomas, las tórtolas y formas afines, siendo en total unas 308 e...- published: 30 Sep 2011
- views: 2402
- author: areaturistica
Duva Columbidae 0405
fågelfilm från Falköping....
published: 23 Sep 2012
author: missulla1956
Duva Columbidae 0405
Duva Columbidae 0405
fågelfilm från Falköping.- published: 23 Sep 2012
- views: 81
- author: missulla1956
Columbidae Trailer - Behind The Scenes
Directed by Malachi Tekur Whitten. Behind the scenes video edited and filmed by Dorian Rob...
published: 04 Jul 2013
author: Malachi Tekur Whitten
Columbidae Trailer - Behind The Scenes
Columbidae Trailer - Behind The Scenes
Directed by Malachi Tekur Whitten. Behind the scenes video edited and filmed by Dorian Robinson. April 14th - to 17th.- published: 04 Jul 2013
- views: 126
- author: Malachi Tekur Whitten
Franco Narro - Columbidae - Casa Huayamilpas
published: 31 Oct 2011
author: TheRubenti
Franco Narro - Columbidae - Casa Huayamilpas
【HD】KISSING PIGEONS Galambfélék Güvercingiller 鳩 (Original Video)
THUMBS UP!!! for kissing pigeons Feral Pigeons Kissing Wikipedia: E:Pigeons and doves cons...
published: 14 Jan 2013
author: TheYTphenom
【HD】KISSING PIGEONS Galambfélék Güvercingiller 鳩 (Original Video)
【HD】KISSING PIGEONS Galambfélék Güvercingiller 鳩 (Original Video)
THUMBS UP!!! for kissing pigeons Feral Pigeons Kissing Wikipedia: E:Pigeons and doves constitute the bird clade Columbidae, that includes some 310 species. T...- published: 14 Jan 2013
- views: 308
- author: TheYTphenom
Columbidae-Güvercingillerden kumru ve yavruları
"Kumru, güvercingiller (Columbidae) familyasından park, bahçe ve ufak koruluklarda çiftler...
published: 10 Sep 2009
author: Erol KINIK
Columbidae-Güvercingillerden kumru ve yavruları
Columbidae-Güvercingillerden kumru ve yavruları
"Kumru, güvercingiller (Columbidae) familyasından park, bahçe ve ufak koruluklarda çiftler halinde yaşayan güvercine benzer bazı kuş türlerinin ortak adı. Ku...- published: 10 Sep 2009
- views: 5937
- author: Erol KINIK
How to Pronounce Columbidae
Learn how to say Columbidae correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutori...
published: 13 May 2013
author: Emma Saying
How to Pronounce Columbidae
How to Pronounce Columbidae
Learn how to say Columbidae correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. http://www.emmasaying.com Take a look at my comparison tutoria...- published: 13 May 2013
- views: 11
- author: Emma Saying
Ave Columbidae Zenaida asiatica (Linnaeus, 1758) White-winged Dove ,Paloma ala blanca,
Mide 27 cm. y pesa 145 grs. Es mediana, parduzca, con una lista alar blanca prominente y l...
published: 29 Apr 2013
author: INBio
Ave Columbidae Zenaida asiatica (Linnaeus, 1758) White-winged Dove ,Paloma ala blanca,
Ave Columbidae Zenaida asiatica (Linnaeus, 1758) White-winged Dove ,Paloma ala blanca,
Mide 27 cm. y pesa 145 grs. Es mediana, parduzca, con una lista alar blanca prominente y la punta blanca de la cola redondeada El adulto es principalmente ca...- published: 29 Apr 2013
- views: 179
- author: INBio
Mourning Dove (Columbidae: Zenaida macroura) Singing Male
Photographed near Kellys Slough NWR, North Dakota (24 June 2009)....
published: 25 Jun 2009
author: Carl Barrentine
Mourning Dove (Columbidae: Zenaida macroura) Singing Male
Mourning Dove (Columbidae: Zenaida macroura) Singing Male
Photographed near Kellys Slough NWR, North Dakota (24 June 2009).- published: 25 Jun 2009
- views: 2209
- author: Carl Barrentine
Vimeo results:
Zeichnungen: Max Baitinger
Text: Marcel Raabe
Trailer zur 2.+3. Ausgabe der Ausgabe 1 - Z...
published: 11 Dec 2012
author: Ausgabe 1
Zeichnungen: Max Baitinger
Text: Marcel Raabe
Trailer zur 2.+3. Ausgabe der Ausgabe 1 - Zeitschrift für Weltverdopplungsstrategien zum Thema "Überwachen und Strafen"
Pigeons. Columbidae. Young doves and pigeons are called "squabs." Unlike most other birds ...
published: 30 Jun 2011
author: Guy Smith
Pigeons. Columbidae. Young doves and pigeons are called "squabs." Unlike most other birds (but see flamingo), the doves and pigeons produce "crop milk", which is secreted by a sloughing of fluid-filled cells from the lining of the crop. Both sexes produce this highly nutritious substance to feed to the young. (Wikipedia)
Just started playing with after effects - ooiiieee!
Quietly featuring part of a song by Mort Garson, what a dude.
Zenaida auriculata
English name - Eared Dove
Família: Columbidae
Gravado (recorded) 02 Outubro...
published: 03 Oct 2009
author: edsoncaminhosetrilha
Zenaida auriculata
English name - Eared Dove
Família: Columbidae
Gravado (recorded) 02 Outubro 2009
Sra. Cabeça de Ninho (Lady Nesthead)
The lady Nesthead is the place that lays between the dispair and the search for freedom, b...
published: 31 Aug 2011
author: Marta Leite
Sra. Cabeça de Ninho (Lady Nesthead)
The lady Nesthead is the place that lays between the dispair and the search for freedom, between the tyranny and the resistance; it is the viewpoint from where one can observe laridea and columbidae, admirable professionals of reinvention, of the simple answers to the challenges that are constantly posed to them, masters that go through time with the easiness of those that do not fear.
A nest grows around her head, imprisoning her outside herself, more and more closed in the suffocation that she avoids. The irony, the certainty that the fight for freedom requires the infinite impediment. The plot of the one that only in seclusion can feel underway, resisting, free.
A senhora cabeça de ninho é o lugar que se encontra entre o sufoco e a procura da liberdade, entre a tirania e a resistência; é o miradouro de onde se observam larídeos e columbidaes, admiráveis profissionais da reinvenção, da resposta fácil aos desafios que se colocam, mestres que percorrem os tempos com a naturalidade de quem não teme.
Um ninho que cresce à sua volta, encerrando-a cada vez mais fora de si mesma, cada vez mais fechada no sufoco que evita.
A ironia, a certeza de que a luta pela liberdade requer o infinito impedimento. E a trama daquele que apenas no enclausuramento se pode sentir a caminho, a resistir, livre.
Die Frau Nestkopf versteht sich als eine gefangene Frau. Sie sucht den Kontakt mit Tieren, mit Stadtvögeln (Tauben und Enten) sowie mit Küstenvögeln (vor allem Möwen). Diese Tiere, die sich an jede Wetterlage anpassen können, stellen für die Frau eine Widerstands- und Anpassungsfähigkeit dar, die ihr verwehrt bleibt. In ihrer Einsamkeit ist sie nämlich weder geborgen noch frei. Ihre Gegenüberstellung mit den Vögeln steckt somit das Feld der Dichotomien Erstickung/Freiheit, Gefängnis/Zuflucht ab. Auf eine poetisch-subtile Art und Weise wird so die Zerbrechlichkeit der conditio humana allegorisiert.
Youtube results:
Franco Narro-Columbidae----Casa Huayamilpas..
published: 20 Apr 2012
author: TheRubenti
Franco Narro-Columbidae----Casa Huayamilpas..
Vögel - Taube - Columbidae - Pigeon
Vögel in unserem Garten 25 Ringeltaube - Columba Palumbus - Common Wood Pigeon....
published: 09 May 2013
author: Elke J. Lehmann
Vögel - Taube - Columbidae - Pigeon
Vögel - Taube - Columbidae - Pigeon
Vögel in unserem Garten 25 Ringeltaube - Columba Palumbus - Common Wood Pigeon.- published: 09 May 2013
- views: 168
- author: Elke J. Lehmann
Paloma Maraquita - Columbina squammata - Scaled Dove- COLUMBIDAE
Serie Aves del Parque Fernando Peñalver El parque Fernando Peñalver alberga unas 100 espec...
published: 06 Jul 2012
author: Luis Cornejo
Paloma Maraquita - Columbina squammata - Scaled Dove- COLUMBIDAE
Paloma Maraquita - Columbina squammata - Scaled Dove- COLUMBIDAE
Serie Aves del Parque Fernando Peñalver El parque Fernando Peñalver alberga unas 100 especies de árboles, 75 especies de aves, unos 18 mamíferos (diurnos y n...- published: 06 Jul 2012
- views: 35
- author: Luis Cornejo