
Migration and Struggle in Greece

Athens court rules more than 18 months detention of migrants is illegal

Posted by clandestina on 29 May 2014

The appeal against detention that was brought to court by the Greek Council for Refugees is of broader significance as it was the first case of its kind against the “endless detention duration. The decision 2255/23.5.2014 says that the endless detention defined as measure of compulsory stay in a detention centre by the states Legal Council Opinion 44/2014 is not according to law.

It states:

“it is not founded on any legislative provision”
“the compulsory measure imposed on the affected person is actually a continuation of his detention”

The case affects an Afghan refugee who was detained until May 5th 2014 a total of 18 months. Three days before that date (not even three months before as the Councils Opinion had defined) he received a documented informing him that his detention would be continued until he would “cooperate” to his “voluntary” deportation. The court decision was ruled on May 23rd and the refugee was released.

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Igoumenitsa: immigrant dies inside a truck

Posted by clandestina on 22 May 2014

Igoumenitsa port police has discovered the dead body of an Afghan refugee inside the cargo ares of a truck. The truck was going to board on a ship departing for Italy.

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Many immigrants dead and missing in the Aegean

Posted by clandestina on 5 May 2014

Two immigrants were found dead and 36 rescued after a new shipwreck in the Aegean, in the area north of Samos. Later. divers spotted 14 more dead bodies trapped in one of the two capsized boats.

The exact number of immigrants aboard the two boats that capsized is still unknown. According to the rescued immigrants, up to 65 people were trying to enter Fortress Europe on the two boats.

UPDATE: The number of dead immigrants pulled from the sea by Port Police has risen to 22…


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Shipwreck near Izmir: Another 8 refugees found dead up to now, yet 5 missing

Posted by clandestina on 17 April 2014

8 dead, 3 rescued wounded and 5 missing. The boat which sank near Menderes district close to Izmir carried 16 refugees.
Among the dead a mother and a small girl of 4-5 years. Most of them were seemingly from Syria.


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One dead in cost guard pursuit in the Aegean

Posted by clandestina on 15 April 2014

A man lost his life during the chase of a vessel carrying undocumented immigrants by a coast guard high speed boat. The killing took place this morning near the island of Kos.
According to preliminary information, the vessel had earlier debarked seven immigrants on the beach of Psalidi, Kos.  It was spotted by the military watchtower of the island, who notified port police officials. During the chase of the vessel one man was shot dead.

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Private security firms bid on Greek asylum centres

Posted by clandestina on 4 April 2014


BRUSSELS – Private security firms are bidding to guard EU-funded migrant detention centres in Greece amid a report by Medecins Sans Frontiers (MSF), which says poor conditions in some of the facilities are causing disease.

Greek authorities received EU money to refurbish and renovate Fylakio Oresteiadas, a pre-removal detention centre located in a remote area near the Turkish border.

Greece now wants to outsource its security, along with two other pre-removal centres in Corinth and Paranesti Dramas, to a private security firm for €14 million a year.

Fylakio was among others included in a scathing MSF report out on Tuesday (1 April). Read the rest of this entry »

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Greece wants to detain migrants now more than 18 months

Posted by clandestina on 27 March 2014

Detention centres are called “pre-removal centres”; indefinite detention duration is called “protection from the poverty of freedom.

The Legal Council of State on February 11th issued a disgraceful opinion the detention duration of migrants / refugees (No. 44/2014). It pretty much says that after the expiry of the 18-month (maximum) detention of aliens, they can still be held for an indefinite period. This extended detention which is against European Law is called “caveat of compulsory residence in a pre-removal centre” and as such is only ending in case of co-operation for voluntary return.

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Boat carrying 8 migrants sinks

Posted by clandestina on 18 March 2014

18 March 2014. A boat carrying eight migrants sank 1.5 miles off the coast of the Karaada island in the southwestern province of Muğla’s Bodrum district, on Tuesday.

According to the authorities three people were rescued and four people were killed when the boat sank. Coast guard is still searching for one more migrant believed missing from the boat.

Three coast guard vessels and two private boats were involved in the search.

The rescued migrants have been taken to the hospitals in Bodrum.

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New deadly shipwreck in the Aegean

Posted by clandestina on 18 March 2014

7 immigrants have died, 8 have been rescued and at least two are missing in a new shipwreck in the Aegean, near the island of Lesvos.

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3 immigrants shot in the Aegean

Posted by clandestina on 6 March 2014

Cost police spotted a boat carrying refugees from Syria. Under undefined circumstances, 3 immigrants ( two men and one woman) were shot. The incident took place thi nnoon, close to the island of Oinouses ( near Chios island) in the Aegean.

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1500 Migrants attempt to storm Ceuta – Guardia Civil beat them on Moroccan Soil

Posted by clandestina on 6 March 2014

In the early hours of Tuesday morning, around 1500 people tried to storm the Ceuta border fence. They were heavily beaten by Spanish Guardia Civil forces who were operating on Moroccan soil. There are rumours of three people dead or at least heavily injured.
The following is from an eye witness account.
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Demonstration and assault against the detention camp of Rome

Posted by clandestina on 17 February 2014

Yesterday, around 10.000 people marched against the detention center for migrants (CIE) of Rome Ponte Galeria. In the days before police arrested 17 comrades from the movement for the right to the house very active in the mobilization against the CIE and deported back to their countries several migrants that did the hunger strike against the detention. The same day of the march cops confiscated the truck with the amplification, making impossible to communicate during the demonstration.


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Migrants saved in Greek boat accident mourn relatives – and dispute claims

Posted by clandestina on 29 January 2014

Survivors say coastguards refused to help them as vessel sank and stamped on hands of those clinging to Greek boat

  • in Athens
  • The Guardian, Monday 27 January 2014 20.14 GMT
    Afghan migrant Fadi Mohamed, who lost his wife and children when the boat sank off Farmakonisi

    Fadi Mohamed, an Afghan who lost his family when the boat sank, describes seeing coastguards kicking a refugee. Photo: Nikolas Georgiou/Demotix/Corbis

    Even now, eight days later, they can both still taste the sea. Just as they can still feel the water slipping through their fingers as they desperately tried to bail out the boat. Read the rest of this entry »

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Boat Carrying Sans-Papiers Immigrants Sinks In Aegean, Killing Four

Posted by clandestina on 27 January 2014

At least four sans-papiers immigrants died and two were lost at sea while 13 were rescued from a boat which sank off Kuasadasi Gulf of Aydin province in Turkey’s Aegean coast on Friday, according to initial reports from the governorate of Aydin. Read the rest of this entry »

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Greek Coast Guard drowned refugees near Farmakonisi during push-back attempt

Posted by clandestina on 22 January 2014


Eyewitnesses accuse the Greek Coast Guard of drowning migrants off the coast of the island of Farmakonisi on January 20th, 2013. 9 children and 3 women died!
As UNHCR reports: “According to survivors’ testimonies, the Coast Guard boat towing their vessel was heading, at high speed, towards the Turkish coast, when the tragic incident happened amid rough seas. The same witnesses said people were screaming for help, since there was a large number of children on the boat”.
 International organisations have condemned, several times, the refoulement policy against migrants entering Greece without papers.
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12 immigrants missing in the Aegean

Posted by clandestina on 20 January 2014

1.5 miles from Pharmakonisi island (near Leros island) a fishing boat, transporting undocumented immigrants, capsized today. 16 immigrants have been rescued and 12 are reported missing (9 children and 3 women).

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Greek police demands the deportation of an immigrant who was arrested during poster sticking for a demonstration against detention centers!

Posted by clandestina on 31 December 2013

Greek police demands the deportation of an Albanian immigrant who was arrested along with 11 other comrades on 28/12 in Victoria Square in Athens during a public intervention and poster sticking for the demonstration against immigrants detention centers that will take place in Athens on January 11 2014.

On Monday, December 30, the trial of our comrades was postponed for January 8, 2014 due to the absence of witnesses. They were all set free until the trial, except for the immigrant. Despite the judge’s decision to set him also free, the immigrant was illegally detained by the police on the pretext of “administrative reasons”, although he had all the required documents (meaning that he is a “legal” immigrant). The greek police used once more the legal loophole which allows the authorities to extend the detention of migrants, regardless of whether they have papers, having as an excuse their “potential threat to public order and safety”.

The albanian immigrant was transferred to the infamous Petrou Ralli police headquarters for immigrants. Police has already requested his deportation.

UPDATE: after lawyers’ pressure, the comrade has been released.

This is the poster:


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New shipwreck in the Aegean: 3 dead, 9 missing

Posted by clandestina on 10 December 2013

On Monday December 9 a boat carrying Sans-papiers immigrants (mainly refugees from Syria) sank near the island of Chios. 27 immigrants were rescued, 3 found dead and 9 are missing.

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Thessaloniki: 13-year-old Serbian girl dies in a tragic accident, her mother to be deported

Posted by clandestina on 3 December 2013

A 13-year-old girl of Serbian origin has died of carbon monoxide poisoning in an apartment in Thessaloniki, northern Greece.
The young girl and her mother used indoors a barbecue apparatus in order to heat themselves, as DEI (the electricity supply company in Greece) has cut-off electricity because of unpaid bills.
The mother was arrested for involuntary homicide. Given the circumstances, the prosecutor let her free for the criminal part of the case. But then … the Immigration Police came in: they discovered the mother had not renewed her residence permit, and they gave her 30 days to leave the country …

After the scandal generated, the ministry of public order decided to grant a 6-months residence permit for humanitarian reasons…

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3 immigrants missimg in Evros river

Posted by clandestina on 1 December 2013

A group of immigrants who crossed the Greek-Turkish borders on a small boat via Evros river, reported to the police that three more immigrants who were traveling with them are missing.

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New shipwreck with dead refugees in the Aegean

Posted by clandestina on 1 December 2013

Five refugees from Syria have lost their lifes in a new shipwreck in the Aegean, amongst them a 2-months-old baby. The boat capsized close the island of Lesvos. Nine refugees were rescued.

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Two Greek coast guard officers convicted over 2007 migrant abuse

Posted by clandestina on 27 November 2013

Two coast guard officers were found guilty and one cleared on Tuesday of
torturing Moroccan migrants on Chios in 2007.

The navy tribunal handed the two men suspended jail sentences of three
and six years.

One of their two victims appeared in court and said he was subjected to
waterboarding and fake executions. Read the rest of this entry »

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Ship wreck with dead immigrants in the Ionian sea

Posted by clandestina on 15 November 2013

Another ship wreck with dead immigrants occurred in Greece, this time near the island of Lefkada in Ionian sea. The boat capsized and according to initial reports there are at least eight dead immigrants. A greek coastguard vessel spotted the overturned boat. Fifteen immigrants had managed to reach the beach, but eight others were found dead. Rescued immigrants reported that more undocumented were aboard and are now reported missing.

Update: The final death toll is 12 immigrants dead, four of them children…

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Pushed Back – refoulement of refugees at the Greek-Turkish land and sea border

Posted by clandestina on 8 November 2013

On the Greek-Turkish land border refugees are systematically refouled with brutal, shocking and systematic violations of human rights: ‘When they left us in the Turkish waters they made waves again and six of us – all men – fell into the sea. The Greeks saw that, but they didn’t help, they just left.’ PRO ASYL documents these systematic pushback in the report “Pushed Back - systematic human rights violations against refugees in the aegean sea and the greek-turkish land border”. With few exceptions, all documented pushback took place in the area of ​​operations of Frontex. PRO ASYL raises the question of the involvement of Frontex on the human rights violations and calls: Frontex must end its operations in Greece.

Report:” target=”_blank”>
Summary (in German):

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is this just a hypothesis?

Posted by clandestina on 7 October 2013

is this just a hypothesis?

no, it is the simple truth (from an Athens wall)

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Wasim’s story and the cruel fate of refugees in Greece

Posted by clandestina on 5 October 2013

Many men, women and children continue to die at the borders of Europe as they flee their homeland. If they survive, they will be treated as criminals.

By Sofiane Ait Chalalet and Chris Jones

Wasim is a refugee from Syria. In late July he was dropped by boat on a remote, densely wooded and rocky shore of Samos island, with his wife, young son and baby daughter. Without enough water or food, he swam to find help. Ignored by passing boats, he eventually found help, and from there went to the police. He was immediately arrested and held for a subsequent six weeks. Throughout this time and despite, from the beginning, pleas that someone look for his wife and children, he heard nothing from or about them. Six weeks later he would find them dead.

We first met Wasim Abo Nahi at the beginning of September. He had just returned to Samos island in the eastern Aegean from Athens, where he had been held for processing as an undocumented refugee. He was accompanied by his nephew, Abdalah and Mohammed, a friend from Athens. All of them are Palestinian refugees. Read the rest of this entry »

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Migrants: another political carnage

Posted by clandestina on 3 October 2013

The following one is the English translation of the statement published by the Coordinamento Migranti after the death of hundreds migrants in the Sicily channel on October 3rd, 2013. 

Hundreds migrants dead today add thousands migrants dead in the last twenty years. Besides numbers, these carnages are “normal” since the Europe of Schengen, celebrating the internal freedom of movement, homogenized the system of residence permit while pretending that the countries on the border “filter” migrants’ movement. The true face of Schengen was exposed by the European Council few hours before this carnage took place: Italy is too “sweet” in managing arriving migrants. This discourse is certainly appreciated by the right-wingh parties of Europe but also by the Italian president Napolitano. He is so happy that Italy has a government, that he pretends to govern foreign coasts. The father of the law which paved the way to the Bossi-Fini is consistent with himself, just like the Lega nord – usually racist – and the Movimento 5 stelle, which opposed the jus soli and now reaffirms its State politics by calling an help of European Union in controlling Italian borders. Read the rest of this entry »

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Amygdaleza Concentration Camp: “Well, sorry to bother you, but we thought we’d revolt here…”

Posted by clandestina on 12 September 2013

Reporter: You live in a container. Is it nice here or would you like to return to your country?

Immigrant: No here it’s a mess, but I don’t want to go back.

Minister of Police and Suppression Dendias (smiling ironically): It takes time. In a month, a month and a half, he will have changed his mind.

September 2012, Amygdaleza concentration camp


And indeed the incarcerated immigrants soon changed their minds. But they didn’t ask to return back because they couldn’t endure the unlivable conditions of detainment and the inhumane means the greek state so eagerly uses. They turned their despair into rage and revolt.

On the night of August the 10th 2013, at the isolated and enclosed concentration camp for immigrants without papers in Amygdaleza, the biggest of its kind in Greece and after a year of psychological and physical torments, the damned set fire on walls and consciousness and become visible even for a while with their bodies and voice.

25 kilometers far from the center of Athens, at a vast, unapproachable and desolated land, where barbed wire succeeds cops and cops succeed barbed wire, the insurgent immigrants set containers-cages on fire, attack their prison guards with plastic bottles and gravel, try to break the iron doors and fences. Ten of them –temporarily- find the way to freedom, outside what they call “the greek Guantanamo”.

“For an hour and a half we gave battle, 8 people against 1000. All of us took a very hard beating and we are nearly crippled. If they wanted and had a better plan they would have killed us”. (An obviously false testimony of a police officer from the team of direct intervention.)

Nobody saw a “crippled” cop. But we saw battered immigrants dragged around court in chains. Nobody managed to meet the heavily wounded on whom prison guards took vengeance and who remain “missing” inside the camp. On the outside, cops of all forms and fascists patrol the area for days. Lowlife scumbag “greyhounds” chase after human-preys with dark color skins who pose a threat to none and nothing, except for S. Douros the mayor of Acharnon (municipality where Amygdaleza belongs to) and his keen who are “locked inside their houses because they fear the runaways”. They can stay there as long as they want. Let them stay there forever.

Revolt and solidarity inside and outside the walls will crush brutality

Immigrants, who are arrested as responsible for the riot, are taken to the foreigners’ center at Petrou Ralli and at a local police station, where they are “greeted” with beatings and humiliations. The detainees of Amygdaleza’s camp aren’t allowed to come out of the containers, which due to the very high temperatures get extremely hot. In a place where it still reeks of tear gas, most of the containers don’t have electricity or water. They aren’t allowed to communicate with lawyers; instead they are forced to clean the grounds of the concentration camp, even the cops‘ cars. An immigrant, who had nothing to do with the events, gets bruised legs just because a few minutes earlier he had managed to talk to his lawyer.

At Petrou Ralli torture and racist terror is next. Every night. “And now for some love”, says the perverted being which is called a cop, as he gives a scarce and awful portion of food, waiting for the immigrants to finish so that he can take them out of their cells, one by one, and kick the hell out of them with 6-7 of his colleagues.

On Monday August 12th, 57 immigrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Morocco are transferred to Evelpidon courthouse in Athens. Without lawyers -except for two who came on their own without being able to participate at the procedure-, without translators, with one appointed translator, without being able to understand what’s going on or what is going to happen; the immigrants are accused with felony crimes: stance with aim to violently escape, violent unprovoked physical injury, attack to guards, escape attempted and finite, arson, unprovoked damage of property, insult.

In reality the “charge” is only one: revolt against their daily living hell.

After two days 24 of them are held under police custody, which means that they are held in isolation at the basements of Petrou Ralli. Shortly after, they are sent to various prisons around they country.

The rest will be sent back to Amydgaleza or other detention centers. The case remains open. Until now 65 immigrants remain under prosecution. Of the ten that managed to escape, 4 have been arrested.

For three days, immigrants thirsty, hungry and beaten, some barefoot but with dignity and standing, are dragged from building to building inside a courthouse packed with cops but empty of solidarity and support.

The district attorney forbids the solidarity turnout. Police squads drive out with force a team of 30 people anti-authoritarians, anarchists, and autonomists, people from local assemblies that came to show their solidarity. These people remain outside the courthouse where the put up banners and shout slogans when the immigrants arrive.

A lawyer is needed in order for a few bottles of water and some orange juices to reach the immigrants. The straw is not allowed. “They could escape using that”, says the commanding officer of this hideous operation. “Apart from that, it’s an insult to greek police. We provide them with whatever they need”.

(Indeed… Amygdaleza and all the other detention centers are, among other things, a huge business, with direct committals to certain providers… who prey on European funding. For the 1600-2000 detainees on Amygdaleza –their exact number is not known- EU pays everyday 120.000 euro!, money which is turned into miserable portions of food and nonexistent cleaning supplies.)

There’s no law. The accused have no “rights”. There are no reporters, sensitive but absent pen pushers, there are no teams, no networks or organizations “for the rights of immigrants and refugees”, suddenly there is an absence of hundreds of organizations with heavy names and even heavier mouthfuls. There are no “immigrant communities”, no NGOs which are fund to be silent. NOONE. The desolation and the barbed wire have expanded everywhere. There are only some “orders from above” and plain mockery. There are only the orderly lies of authority, the inversion of words, which make way for the horror of deeds, that name “Xenios Zeus” the daily manhunt of immigrants around the cities and the countryside, that name “hosting centers” the crypts of abolishment for people whose only “fault” is their existence. There is also the pounding of the dominant media and mainstream shapers of public opinion, who aim consciously and systematically at the most “dangerous” enemy of the greek society, the “intruder”, the “uncivilized”, the “impure”, the immigrant, those men and women, with or without papers.

But despite all, the tortures, the humiliations, the defective and shallow solidarity shown to them, at the courthouse the immigrants seem to have strength and courage, when they can, make the sign of victory when they can and smile.

It’s not even the prolongation of their detainment from 12 to 18 months, without having committed any “criminal offence”, not even the blockage of their legalization by all means, not even the miserable conditions of their lockup and hygiene, it’s not even the despair of isolation or the lack of a rudimentary hopeful perspective that constitute the causes of their revolted dignity. All the above may be really important, but the main reason is the thirst and the will for life and freedom, the spontaneous resistance to modern fully armed brutality.

Amygdaleza, Corinthos, police departments…. Revolts, hunger strikes, suicides

On April 13th 2013, hundreds of immigrants held at various concentration camps and police departments (aka hellholes), stand up by starting a hunger strike, which within 24 hours spread out to confinement centers all over the country and around 1800 people participate.

On April 24th 2013, 12 Afghans, 4 Syrians start a hunger strike at the port of Mytelene, Lesvos by denying the food brought to them by local volunteers, who care for and feed immigrants and refugees that live at the port.

On June 23rd 2013, a twenty year-old immigrant from Ivory Coast commits suicide inside a police station at Grevena, where he was been held waiting to be send back to his country.

On Friday 12th of June, a 26 year-old immigrant from Pakistan is found hanged inside the toilet of the police department at Servia-Kozani. He was arrested because he didn’t have the appropriate papers for his stay in Greece.

On Saturday 27th of July, an Afghan refugee Mohammed Hasan, a prisoner at Corinthos concentration camp, with respiratory infection and respiratory failure, dies, or to be more precise, he is being murdered from a regime which forbid him to be transferred to a hospital for 11 months. At the hospital, after his death, he was given parole with a 6-month suspension of his deportation for “technical reasons”. Truly free, not even in death.

On Saturday 24th of August, a refugee from Afghanistan climbs on the railings of his window on the 2nd floor of the same camp and falls into the void from 5 meters, resulting in multiple fractures and heavy wounds.

On Wednesday 28th of August, 400 immigrants, held for more than a year at a detention center at Orestiada proceed to hunger strike. All of them demand one and only thing: their freedom.

On the last 3 or 4 months there have been multiple suicide attempts at various concentration camps, while many incidents of protest and resistance, followed by hard suppression are being systematically concealed by the police and the government.

And the long line of these murderous anti-immigration policies grows even longer. Immigrants, in their attempts to cross the borders without having the necessary papers find tragic deaths either from drowning at the Aegean sea and the river of Evros, or from the harsh conditions of their tormenting journey. Bit even if they manage to get into the country they face police pogroms, the knives of the fascists, the shotguns of various bosses and the filthy racist “everyday people”.

Minister Dendias: “When you arrest them, you clean them, you vaccinate them, you confine them and you give them the option to return home. Which “option”? Even the immigrants that ask to return to their countries remain prisoners for months without any explanations, because the main aim of the rulers are to make them “disappear” from public space and isolate them on faraway and unreachable facilities.

And he continues: “We closed down Evros. And what to we tell them? If you come to Greece you will not be free, you will not walk around here and there as you wish, you cannot go anywhere else, we will catch you, we will put you in the center, you will stay there and the only way to get out is to sign a form and return to your country, or we send you”. Dead or alive, he “forgets” to add.

Are we with the death that sovereignty carries or with the life that struggle promises?

The revolt of the damned in Amygdaleza, the insurrections that came before that and all that will follow besides all the implicit reason that cause them, clearly show the determination of immigrants not to be “buried alive” inside these confinement facilities, as well as the vigor to stand up to prison guards with all their means. It’s an attack against the racist state, its police deputy Dendias, the diffused racial and social racism that is integrated in the thought and actions of the mainstream right-wing parties, from the constituent of “Democratic Left” to the spineless gang members of Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn), to all who hail and press for the expansion of these hellholes.

Solidarity to the insurrected immigrants, the only part of this society that fights during the “summer still air and the movements’ slackness” is a two-way relation of a fight against exploitation, humiliation, slavery, death, in other words, against sovereignty, bigger or smaller bosses fascists and their lot represent and believe.

Immigrants that revolted defend that part of society that hasn’t still been demoralized. We have to defend them in their daily fight.

We are and we will be on their side.




initiative no lager

August 2013



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400 immigrants on hunger strike in Orestiada detention center

Posted by clandestina on 28 August 2013

The morning of Wednesday, August 28, around 400 immigrants detained in the concentration camp of Orestiada (near the Greek-Turkish land border) staged a hunger strike.
The reason is that yesterday, the detention center authorities announced that the immigrants’ detention time will be extended to 18 months. The prisoners expressed their intense discomfort as many of them are in the camp for over a year without having committed any crime, without even having been in trial in any court of any kind.
Soufian, a refugee from Syria, is on a hunger strike for one week. This morning he fainted and was transferred to hospital. Alois, from Iran, last nigh sewed his lips. They all ask only one thing: freedom.

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Korinthos Detention Center: migrant jumped out of the window

Posted by clandestina on 24 August 2013

kentro-kratisis-495x33024 August, midday: An Afghani migrant jumped out of the window of the detention center in Korinthos and was seriously injured. Earlier, the detainee had climbed the iron bars of the windows, threatening he would jump, to protest his prolonged and inhuman incarceration.

Around 5,000 immigrants have been arrested and detained in Greece since the launching of “Xenios Dias” police operation one year ago.

The injured man has been transferred to the General Hospital of Korinthos. At the moment there is no further information about his condition.

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Amygdaleza uprising suppressed – 41 immigrants on trial

Posted by clandestina on 12 August 2013



41 immigrants are facing various charges after the suppression of the Amygdaleza uprising.

The situation of the immigrants injured during the uprising is unknown, since access to the detention center is denied even to lawyers.

Meanwhile, the mayor of the area, Sotiris Duros, declared that an uprising was “an expected one”, since the conditions in the detention center are inhuman and the temperature in the (made of of metal) cargo containers used for constraining 1650 people, during summertime reaches up to 50 Celsius degrees. This. combined with the fact that a prolonging of their imprisonment to 18 months was announced, led to the uprising.









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Immigrants uprising in Amygdaleza detention center

Posted by clandestina on 10 August 2013

Saturday 10th of August. Immigrants imprisoned at Amygdaleza detention center (near Athens) have revolted this night (around 22.00). They have set on fire mattresses and the cargo containers that are being used as their cells. Fire brigade and riot police are on the spot.

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24 immigrants drown in the Aegean Sea

Posted by clandestina on 31 July 2013

ISTANBUL, July 31  — A total of 24 sans papiers immigrants were found dead in the international waters of the Aegean Sea between Greece and Turkey after a speed boat carrying them capsized on Wednesday.

Antolian news agency first reported that 18 bodies in the sea were found by coast guard teams and then updated the number of dead to 24.

The sans papiers immigrants lost their lives Wednesday when a boat carrying them sank in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Ezine, a district in the northwestern province of Canakkale.

Initial reports said the immigrants were traveling to the island of Lesbos in Greece. Twelve others who were also on the boat during the accident were rescued alive.

The rescue operations are underway and accompanied by planes and helicopters belonging to the coast guards.

However, there is no detail information on the nationalities of the sans papiers immigrants and where they were from as well as their final destination.

This is the second incident in a week happening in the Aegean Sea.

Last Friday Greek Coast Guard found five bodies off the southeastern Aegean Sea island of Kos after the sinking of a boat carrying sans papiers immigrants to Greece from neighbouring Turkey.

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Manolada: Migrant workers shot because they demanded their salaries

Posted by clandestina on 18 April 2013


Manolada strawberry farmers shoot immigrants who demanded 6 months salaries. 28 wounded in hospital.
The immigrant workers had reportedly gathered to demand six-months’ worth of unpaid wages when one of three work supervisors whom they were negotiating with shot them. About 20-30 of the 200 strawberry pickers from Bangladesh got injured. Local media reported that four of them are in a serious health condition. The employer has been arrested and investigations are going on.
Several thousand migrant workers (many of them reportedly undocumented) are empoyed as strawberry pickers in the area.
This is not the first time that immigrants in Nea Manolada have protested against harsh working conditions.
In 2008, immigrant farm workers staged a two-day strike (delaying the shipments of strawberries by at least a few days) to protest against harsh working conditions. Their strike exposed slave wage exploitation, shocking living conditions and prejudice.
The government at the time responded to the strike by ordering labour inspectors to crack the whip on farmers exploiting migrant workers in Nea Manolada.
Despite the country’s soaring rate of unemployment, agriculture is heavily reliant on immigrant labour.
In 2009, two farmers in Manolada, alleged to have tied two Bangladeshi immigrants to a motorcycle and reportedly dragged them through a central square.






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2000 immigrants on Hunger Strike

Posted by clandestina on 9 April 2013

More than 2,000 immigrants held in reception centers in Greece have been on a hunger strike since April 6 to denounce the intolerable conditions.

KEERFA activists said at a press conference on April 8, “The culmination of the poor detention conditions, the mistreatment and tortures migrants have to deal with in reception centers was the three suicide attempts which happened in Amygdaleza center in northern Athens last weekend”.

KEERFA coordinator, Petros Constantinou, talked about the inhuman conditions in reception centers, adding that hunger strikes have spread across Greece, while many police departments have turned into places of abuse for immigrants and refugees.

Local immigrant community leaders who also spoke at the press conference called on authorities to give them permission to visit with hunger-striking migrants at the detention centers and to provide them access to doctors and lawyers.


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Lesvos: 3 immigrants dead, 12 missing

Posted by clandestina on 18 March 2013

The bodies of  three immigrants, one  young woman, one boy about 5 and a  girl about 8 years old were found in different beaches of Lesvos island.
Relatives of 9 Syrians refugees missing since  the 7th of March, when they tried to cross the Aegean, notified the authorities that their relatives were aboard a vessel carrying 15 immigrants from Dikeli (Turkey). They said that they lost contact with the people in the small boat during their crossing from Dikeli to Mitiliene.

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Doctors Without Borders and Amnesty International: Syria refugees in Greece lack ‘humanitarian’ help

Posted by clandestina on 18 March 2013

Doctors Without Borders and Amnesty International lashed out on Thursday at Greece’s treatment of Syrian refugees fleeing their war-ravaged homeland, with many locked up as illegal immigrants or reportedly facing police brutality.

Source: Read the rest of this entry »

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Fleeing war, Syrians face new misery in Greece

Posted by clandestina on 18 March 2013

(Reuters) – Syrian shopkeeper Osama fled the fighting in Aleppo convinced he would be welcomed in Europe. Five months later, he is stuck in near-bankrupt Greece, where money and sympathy are scarce.

Beaten up and robbed by traffickers when they arrived in Athens, Osama, his wife and two children were arrested as illegal immigrants and thrown into detention when they recounted their ordeal to Greek police. Ordered out of Greece but without any place to go, he rues the day he set foot in the country.

Source: Read the rest of this entry »

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Hunger Strike at concentration camp Amygdaleza, Athens

Posted by clandestina on 24 February 2013

Another hungers strike has started, this time because some ‘illegal’ migrants have been held 94 days and decision has been made that some will be held 1 year more! Also the conditions are inhumane.

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Senegalese street vendor died during police operation in Athens

Posted by clandestina on 2 February 2013

An immigrant from Senegal died falling from a height, on the rails of the subway in Thiseio station in central Athens, during an operation of Municipal Police to remove peddlers from tourist area.

A big operation of Municipal Police started on Friday afternoon on the touristic area of Thiseio, in central Athens, to remove immigrants from the streets, who work as peddlers to live. During this operation Cheikh Babacar Ndiaye a 37 years old immigrant from Senegal, was chased and he died falling from a height, on the rails of the subway in Thiseio station. From the blood seen on the pictures possibly his death resulted from the fall.
Subway metro services were disrupted for at least two hours. First aid assistants removed the body of the immigrant from the rails. Meanwhile his friends gathered at the station, together with other people from Senegal.
copsSome of them mourned, but when they saw the stretcher with the dead body they began to shout and protest. Some of them they shouted that Police is racists. Riot police arrived immediately and attacked the gathered people, and cleared the area around the station. At the same moment of the attack the dead body of immigrant was moved to an ambulance and left the area, for an unknown and undeclared direction, in spite of the questions made ​​on this.

Source & photos:



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Posted by clandestina on 18 January 2013

A young male from Pakistan aged 27 was murdered yesterday late in the morning at approximately 3.30am, in the area of Petralona in the centre of Athens. The perpetrators were two Greek men aged 28 and 24 years old. The young Pakistani was attacked with a knife and died shortly afterwards. After the murder the two men tried to ride away on their motorbike, but the neighbours and eyewitnesses of the murder kept track of their license plates, they were arrested soon thereafter near Syntagma square by the Police. Anti-racist organizations demonstrated this afternoon in the neighbourhood.

One of the accused assassins was serving in the Fire Department. In the appartments of the two arrested the police found batons, butterfly knives, bullets, brass knuckles, an airgun, and, among other things, dozens of election leaflets for the Golden Dawn neonazi party.

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BBC: The tourists held by Greek police as illegal migrants

Posted by clandestina on 10 January 2013


The tourists held by Greek police as illegal migrants

By Chloe Hadjimatheou BBC News, Athens

Hyun Young Jung

Greek police have stepped up efforts to catch illegal immigrants in recent months, launching a new operation to check the papers of people who look foreign. But tourists have also been picked up in the sweeps – and at least two have been badly beaten. Read the rest of this entry »

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Hunger strike in Amygdaleza

Posted by clandestina on 3 January 2013

Yesterday, January 2 2013, 15 kids held in Amygdaleza migrant detention centre for immigrants started a hunger strike to protest the beating of an 11-yr-old boy by police on January 1st, 2013. The kid was asking to go to the toilet…

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Lesvos: 18 Migrants Found Dead, 9 Missing

Posted by clandestina on 15 December 2012

Coast guard police has found the bodies of 18 immigrants who were trying to enter Greece from the Aegean.

Their boat capsized early Friday.

A 20-year-old man found alive Friday told authorities there were 28 people on the crowded boat, including its Turkish owner, when it capsized off the northeastern island of Lesvos, near the Turkish coast. The man, who has been hospitalized, is the sole survivor found so far.

A coast guard spokeswoman said the migrants were “of Asian origin” without specifying further.

Last September, in a similar shipwreck in the Aegean, 60 immigrants died, amongst them 31 children…

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Reuters: Tortured, detained and ordered out: a migrant’s tale in Greece

Posted by clandestina on 7 December 2012

By Renee Maltezou and Deepa Babington

SALAMINA, Greece | Thu Dec 6, 2012 11:57am EST

(Reuters) – Egyptian immigrant Waleed Taleb says demanding his unpaid wages in Greece came at a heavy price; 18 hours chained and beaten by his boss, a stint in jail and orders to leave the country he calls home.

One of hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants who toil in Greece’s black labor market, Taleb had just finished cleaning the bakery where he worked one November morning on the island of Salamina when he sparked his boss’s fury.

What followed would end up symbolizing how migrants have become among the biggest and most defenseless victims of Greece’s economic crisis, facing racist attacks, police apathy and a system that punishes them rather than their assailants. Read the rest of this entry »

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Racist Violence Against Migrants By Greek Police

Posted by clandestina on 27 November 2012


Dozens of unknown incidents of racist violence, arbitrariness and abuse of office by members of the Greek Police are publish today in Sunday edition of news paper TO ETHNOS. Torture, insulting and even theft are the among the complaints filed by migrants and migrants human rights organisations.

A list of cases records the appalling detains of fascist practices by member of Greek police, practices that are completely ‘harmonized’ with the practices of extreme right Golden Dawn (Chrysi Avgi).

Among the cases under investigation by the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Police are: torture, insults of sexual dignity, theft, extortion, but also destruction of legal document.

From the preliminary results of the investigation, it looks as if in the majority of the incidents listed, the police officers involved apparently keep -in addition to a common mindset – also ‘loyal’ relations with the Golden Dawn.

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Hunger strike of migrant detainees in Mytilini and racist attacks against homeless newcomers

Posted by clandestina on 24 November 2012


On Tuesday November 20 some of the migrants detained in Mytilini police station for undocumented entry into Greece through the Turkish border started a hunger strike in order to protest against the humiliating detention conditions and the long detention periods. They struggle for freedom. It is not known how many of them continue the struggle and if some have been already released or not.

Arrivals of migrants have started again this summer, fastly exceeding the capacities of detention cells in the local police stations of the island. Due to the general order “to keep them as long as possible in detention” overcrowdedness amongst others has been reported throughout the four months to worsen the detention conditions. Read the rest of this entry »

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Uprising in Komotini detention center

Posted by clandestina on 23 November 2012

Following the events of last Sunday in Corinth detention centre, today the detainees of Komotini started an uprising. reported that gun shots have been heard from within the prison and smoke was seen. A solidarity demonstration was held outside the detention center this afternoon, while extra police forces arrived to “control” the situation.

The new mass detention centres in Corinth, Komotini, Xanthi, amigdaleza and Drama are hosting huge numbers of detainees (200-800) under miserable conditions. Only last month the detainees heard of the new law extending detention periods. Desperate and without any information on the period they will have to survive there they have started protesting first in Corinth and now in Komotini.

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4th antifascist patrol in Athens

Posted by clandestina on 2 November 2012

Despite police brutality (beatings, arrests, tortures) during the third antifascist motorcycle patrol, the 4th antifascist motorcycle patrol took place last Tuesday in Athens. Meanwhile, mass media and the institutional state racism keep promoting the fascist gangs.As a reaction, antifascist initiatives are constantly created throughout Greece, in every neighborhood, town, island while demonstrations, concerts, open discussions, festivals, etc are organized on a daily basis…

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BBC: Greek police accused over racism and asylum rights

Posted by clandestina on 26 October 2012

Newsnight’s report on the Greek far-right party Golden Dawn made headlines across Europe last week.

In it, MP Ilias Panagiotaros claimed Greece was “in civil war” and indeed advocated a new kind of civil war, pitting the far-right against migrants, anarchists, etc.

Within 24 hours Mr Panagiotaros had retracted his claim that Greece was “in civil war”, saying instead “there is no civil war” and accusing Newsnight of “paraphrasing” his words. We had simply broadcast them, un-edited and in English.

Now three new reports cast light on the substance of our story – which was: alleged police torture of anti-fascist detainees, Golden Dawn’s influence inside the Greek police force, and its potential influence on the operational behaviour and priorities of the police in the Attica region around Athens. Read the rest of this entry »

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