Eternal Summer of the Black Feminist Mind TV

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day: The Extended Remix (Mothering Ourselves)

The complexity and crucial energy of Mother's Day is too big to fit in just one holiday.   This post-mother's day week as we all take the opportunity to meditate on what aspects of our experiences of mothering we want to amplify and which ones we are ready to evolve past, Audre Lorde's concept of mothering ourselves is as relevant as ever!
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So here are some  special treats for the motherful massive:
Download my Mother Ourselves Manual a curriculum that includes the Mother Ourselves Manifesta and a beautiful set of activities based on Audre Lorde's theorization of mothering ourselves that an amazing group of women and children of color brought into practice at the Mother Ourselves Bootcamp in Durham, NC!   These activities are especially helpful for folks who have experienced any sort of trauma related to mothering or mother figures and are ready to transform that energy into clarity and insight.

And this week if you email your scribd receipt for the Mother Ourselves Manual or any of my other scribd downloadable publications (to brokenbeautifulpress at gmail dot com)
or become an Eternal Summer of the Black Feminist Mind Monthly Sustainer  I will also send you the Mother Ourselves Mediation and Dance Party Mixtape which includes an extended guided meditation and some of my favorite healing music to dance to...we used this meditation/dance mix for the Mother Ourselves Bootcamp and the Thicker Than Whatever: Unstoppable Mother/Daughter Relationships workshop that my mama and I co-facilitated at MotherHouse in Atlanta, GA.
Liberated beings in boas at the MotherOurselves Bootcamp photobooth in Durham, NC!
Liberated beings in boas at the MotherOurselves Bootcamp photobooth in Durham, NC!
Sending you love as you use these love-filled resources for your personal growth and reflection, your classrooms and community gatherings and the motherful whirlwind of transformation we all deserve!

Monday, May 05, 2014

Black Feminist Film School Summer Session! Apply by May 15th!

Black Feminist Film School – Summer Session

Black Feminist Film School Summer Session is the answer to a prayer whispered by those who believe another world is possible as long as we can imagine it. It is an answer, a vision, a liberation. Black Feminist Film School is an initiation journey that will transform all involved toward the possibility of love and light amplified through film.
I invite you to join in and support in the ways that make sense for you. We are now accepting applications for our Summer Session. The application is due May 15th. The first in-person session is the weekend of June 6-8, 2014..

for more information and the application – CLICK HERE

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Trifecta Tribe Interview about Black Feminist Breathing Practices!

Start your day by listening to this love filled conversation between Marsha from Trifecta Tribe and yours truly about Black Feminist Spirituality and my mantra practice for self-love!
AND if you want hands on practice…come to the Black Feminist Breathing Retreat!!!

AND if you want to participate in my online 21 day Black Feminist Breathing Exhale sign up for updates here:

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Be there! Black Feminist Breathing Retreat (Magnolia, Mississippi July 4-6th)

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This is a weekend retreat to practice and celebrate the technology of black feminist breathing. We will use breathing, mantras and poetry rooted in short wise sayings from black feminist teachers and writers as a resource for mindfulness, sustainability and connection to legacy and purpose.  This retreat builds on a successful national (plus Canada) Black Feminist Breathing Tour through which Sista Docta Time Traveller Space Cadet visited schools and community centers around North America.   It also builds on 5 years of retreats by Eternal Summer of the Black Feminist Mind in North Carolina and South Carolina.  We are excited to bring this energy to Magnolia Mississippi.  We will be gathering about 21 participants (including facilitators) for a weekend full of LOVE!

931151_10100780662472942_390673411_nWho: This retreat is for black-identified people who breathe or who want to breathe and who would cherish a space to breath in the queer affirming, gender transforming, loving and abundant context of black feminist legacy and practice!   We are especially excited for people who live and work in the deep south and people with roots in the deep south who are breathing elsewhere to participate in the reality of what it means to breathe in the legacy of freedom and struggle in this geographic area.
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Where:  The retreat will take place at the Flowering Lotus Retreat Center founded by a visionary black woman named Dolores Watson in Magnolia, Mississippi.  We will be using their meditation hall and two of their large houses for our retreat. They will also be providing us with vegetarian meals prepared by a gourmet chef for the duration of the retreat.  There are directions to the retreat center here:
Magnolia, Mississipi is 90 minutes away from Louis Armstrong International Airport in New Orleans.  We are intending that the majority of attendees will be within driving distance from Magnolia (6 hours or less), but there will be ONE shuttle with 10 spaces for people who fly in between 10am and 1pm on Friday, July 4th and who fly out on Sunday July 6th between 4pm-9pm.
When:  The retreat will take place starting at 3pm on Friday July 4th and ending at 12pm on Sunday July, 6th.  Please plan to attend the entire retreat.


The retreat costs $500 per participant and includes housing, all meals, and world-renowned facilitation and transportation from the airport for a limited number of participants.   The organizers are working hard to secure scholarships from aligned organizations and donors.  We are also able to work with you if you are interested in being funded by your workplace, school or organization to attend or if a loved one wants to make a tax-deductible donation in order for you to attend.   In order to reserve a spot fill out the application above and deposit $175.   The $175 deposit is non-refundable UNLESS the retreat is full by the time you register or you do not meet the criteria to participate and register by mistake (see "who" above).  Full scholarship recipients will also 
have their deposits refunded by the retreat date.  Partial scholarships recipients will not have their deposits refunded.
Make your deposit here:
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Flowering Lotus also has a 30 minute work meditation policy which means that each participant will (mindfully) do something for 30 minutes that supports the functioning of the washing dishes.  You will not miss any retreat programming during this time.
Why?  You tell us!  To apply to attend this life-changing and love-filled event please let us know a little bit about your vision and your needs here (this is also where you can apply for full and partial scholarships!):

Cosponsor this life-giving event:
If you or your organization want to be listed as a co-sponsor of this event and have your work publicized as part of what makes it beautiful and worthwhile for black feminist visionaries to BREATHE you can offer a donation of $50 or more here:
or go to our donation page.
If you want to be a retreat partner and either send members of your organization to the retreat or fund scholarships for other participants you can offer a donation of $500 or more here:
or go to our donation page.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Alexis and Audre in Cuba!!!!

Audre Lorde Resurrection Sunday #8: Diaspora from Alexis Pauline Gumbs on Vimeo.

In January 1985 Audre Lorde went to Cuba as part of a National Black Writers exchange along with other writers and artists including Alexis DeVeaux, Toni Cade Bambara, Jayne Cortez, Gloria Joseph, Mari Evans and Rosa Guy.
This January Lorde scholar/disciple Alexis Pauline Gumbs will be following in Lorde's footsteps when she goes to Cuba on a people to people license with visionaries Zachari Curtis, Ajamu Dillahunt, Rukia Dillahunt, Ed Whitfield and Laxmi Haynes to learn about Afro-Cuban culture and religion, sustainable agricultural practices and cooperative structures at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center in Havana.
lordeThis is an exciting moment in contemporary black transnational feminism and an opportunity for the Eternal Summer of the Black Feminist Mind and the School of Our Lorde to deepen the transnational accountability of our work.
In celebration of this historic moment and this intergenerational communion we are collecting donations to support Witness for Peace (the organization that is making this trip possible), to recoup travel expenses and to support buying educational materials to add to the Eternal Summer of the Black Feminist Mind Lending and Reference Library in Durham, NC.
You can make a tax deductible donation to Witness for Peace here
and where it say "would you like to leave a message" please be sure to put the name Alexis Pauline Gumbs and send an email to notifying us of the amount of your donation so we can add it to the total on this page and you can get your School of Our Lorde perks!!

Perks:  (everyone gets a cartoon thank you from Lex!)

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Donors of $10-50 and up will get a special audio archival treat.  Years ago an Eternal Summer of the Black Feminist Mind Audio project in honor of ancestors lost to cancer and also to cancer survivors featured cancer survivor and activist Mary Anne Adams reading an excerpt of Lorde biographer Alexis DeVeaux's essay "Searching for Audre Lorde" about meeting Audre Lorde during that 1985 trip to Cuba and working with her spirit to write her biography. 

$51-100 (or monthly sustainers of $5-10)

Donors of $51-100 or monthly sustainers of $5-10 will get the audio archival treat described above AND an emailed personalized alphabetized poem blessing from Audre Lorde's poem "Diaspora" which was published in her 1986 collection of poems "Our Dead Behind Us."  Just include a note with your favorite letter of the alphabet and if you like share some information about who or what in your life you would like the poem to bless.  (And make sure your current email address is linked to your donation!)

$101+ (or monthly sustainers of $15-$20 or more)

Donors of over $100 will receive the audio treat, and emailed poem blessing and a one-on-one 30 minute phone or video chat conversation with Dr. Alexis Pauline Gumbs interpreting your custom poem and providing advice based on the context of the poem in Audre Lorde's life and in our contemporary moment.
Image by Dagmar Schutlz

$500+ (or monthly sustainers of $25+)

Donations of $500 and up (or monthly sustainers of $25+) get a Cuba report back from Alexis Pauline Gumbs for your organization, class or group in person (if you are within one hour of Durham, NC or are in a city that she happens to be traveling through already in 2014 (e.g. Grand Rapids, NYC, Houston) or via video conferencing anywhere in the world!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Queer UMOJA: U-N-I-T-Y from the Mobile Homecoming Project

Happy Kwanzaa!!!! Here is our first Queer Kwanzaa music video!

And show your unity and support our collective self-determination by donating to our Mobile Homecoming post-production fundraiser! ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT!!!

U-N-I-T-Y Kwanzaa (Umoja) from J. Roxanne on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Audre Lorde Resurrection Sunday #4: To A Girl Who Knew What Side Her Bread Was Buttered On

Launched on Nov. 17th 2013 on the 21st anniversary of Audre Lorde’s transition from an embodied warrior healer to an ancestral force, this is a weekly series of videos documenting and sharing my process of clarifying survival through a re-immersion in the words of Audre Lorde. To see all the videos so far check out:
This week's poem "To A Girl Who Knew What Side Her Bread Was Buttered On" is a fairy tale and a spurn to the romantic poets and their debate about maidens and gallant youths. The major message of this poem is to tend to our ancestors even in the face of arrogant distractions. This video is special because it is a collaboration by the participants in the Brilliance Remastered Guardian Dead Retreat on Ancestor Accountable Intellectual Practice. You are so blessed because along with hearing the poem you will get to see all of the participants embodying how they nourish their relationships with their ancestors. Your assignment is to think about (and share in the comments if you want) how you butter scones for your ancestors and what distractions seem to come your way. I am thankful for you and the ancestors who protect you!

Every week as part of my practice of resurrecting Audre Lorde in my life and in our communities I will be making an alphabetical oracle from the weekly survival poem which will consist of up to 26 new poems based on the sacred source text. If you would like to receive a custom poem as a blessing for your journey you can with a donation of your choice to Eternal Summer of the Black Feminist Mind’s School of Our Lorde!

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$10-20 one time donation:

A Black Feminist Oracle Poem (aka alphabetical found poem from within this week's poem) sent directly to your inbox!

(Just include the intention you want blessed and a letter of the alphabet so I can distill your poem!)

Photo 128$30-100 (or a monthly sustainer rate of $5-15):

A 30-minute one on one Oracle Reading Session with an interpretation of your Black Feminist Oracle Poem.

(16 available)

$150-300 (or a monthly sustainer rate of $20-25):

An IN PERSON one on one Oracle Reading Session with an interpretation of your Black Feminist Oracle Poem when I am in your neck of the woods or when YOU are in Durham!

IMG_2943$1000-2000 (or $100+ sustainer rate):

A customized Audre Lorde based workshop for you and your crew including an installation of a Black Feminist Oracle activity for all participants when I am in your neck of the woods.