April 22, 2014

The Facebook experiment...part eight...

The HitC Facebook page has reached 142 likes...only one new like in a week, so this is still work in progress...Easter obviously did not help, as I spent the holiday abroad...

What did you miss since my previous update:

The new single/track by Sleep Party People...

The debut track from new Danish duo Cancer...

Adrian Sieber going disco...

This wonderful track and video from Stærosaurus...

April 7, 2014

Some Facebook thoughts...

A few words I posted on the HITC Facebook page the other day...thought I'd post them here as well:

A few words that aren’t music related at all. I’m simply just trying to figure out Facebook. Are they trying to con/trick me into spending money on promoting the page or the individual posts? In the beginning my posts easily hit 70 or more reaches (which I guess means unique viewers), but the past week, I’ve been struggling to even get to 40 reaches. The number of likes has stalled, but if the “insight” provided by Facebook can be trusted, I haven’t been “unliked” or “hidden” by anyone, so one should expect the number of reaches to be fairly stable. Unless of course the habits of the “likers” have changed dramatically and they’ve all turned their backs on Facebook (and somehow I doubt that). So are Facebook now showing their true face and revealing themselves as the pushers of the technological world? Kind of giving you all the stuff and kicks you need to begin with, and then ever so slowly reducing the number of people you automatically reach, thus making you all sweaty and nervous and over and over again making you wonder if you should perhaps spend just a little hard earned cash on getting your audience back? But trust me; I won’t be conned and Facebook will never ever get any of my money. It’s still kind of frustrating though!

And the mandatory music content...nice catchy track Gold Crowned Eagle by Icelandic duo KAJAK...Electro-pop with "big tribal drums"

April 2, 2014

The Facebook experiment...part seven...

Was planning to go on and on whining and complaining, because the number of Facebook likes has stalled at 130. But I won't...

Instead I'll just post a few highlights from the past seven days (as always everything posted is a fucking highlight)...

A nice electro-pop track from Twintapes...

A nice electro-pop track Monogem...

A nice and very, very cool electro-pop track from French trio The Division...

Finally the debut video from The Minds of 99...

March 26, 2014

The Facebook experiment...part six...

Another 20 "likes" in 6 days, so the number of thumbs ups has now reached 124! Trying to make up my mind, when it's time to stop calling it an experiment...200 likes perhaps?

Some stuff I think you should check out, unless of course you have already done so...

The stunningly brilliant Open Wounds by French new-wave trio The Division. One of the band members was so kind to share the Facebook post, which by far is the one with the highest total reach (207)...thank you!

The gorgeous debut single Distant Drive (which for some reason cannot be embeded) from new act The Luxembourg Signal. Stream.

The really, really wonderful All The Time from Helios/Keith Kenniff.

The catchy and dynamic debut (one more of those) single Young In Mind from Danish/Swedish act Waitress.

The official video for Til Tomorrow by DWNTWN. Single of the year?

March 20, 2014

The Facebook experiment...part five...

Reached 100 likes earlier this week (which have since grown to a whopping 104), so beware; world domination is just around the corner...

Highlights, which actually is an incredibly misleading term, because obviously everything posted on the HITC facebook page is a fucking highlight!

This lovely lo-fi, dreamy and catchy pop tune from Fire Stations.

A song with whistling by Sweden's Wuthering Height.

And of course the brand new track by Sleep Party People.

The debut video from Rosenthal, which fits the song perfectly!

March 14, 2014

Dwntwn...Til Tomorrow...

So truly fabulous that I have to share it on (almost) every available platform...new single from LA trio Dwntwn and I very much doubt that you'll hear anything this harmonic, catchy and breathtakingly gorgeous today, tomorrow or any time soon! Obviously I posted this on Facebook earlier today...

The Facebook experiment...part four...

The whining last week helped...a little. 14 new likes, so at a pace of 2 new likes a day, it will take approx. 500 million days before every Facebook user like the HITC page. Now there's an ambition...

Still waiting for my first page to get to a 100 reaches. This one has 98, so aaalmost there!

Some Facebook highlights:

New lovely single from the Swedish/Australian twins in Say Lou Lou.

There's a new Kent single out. Sadly La Belle Epoque has to be one of their weaker efforts, apparently focusing way too hard on the political content...

Here's one of the finds from the mailbox that makes the hours of work going through thousands of emails worthwhile. US duo Roladex sounds like a female fronted version of Kraftwerk and does that sounding not bad at all!

Speaking of emails. Starting all over again, so yesterday I decided to delete every single email in my HITC inbox. Time has come to start unsubscribing, updating the spam filter etc.

Check out this new/updated demo from the talented Bjørn Alexander (a.k.a. Flag White). The lyrics are in Danish, but the music is gorgeously dreamy with a delicious twist of shoegaze.

Finally - I urge you all to give the new single Mit Venstre Hjerte from Jonas Villumsen a thorough listen. The track has picked up airplay on various radio stations and deservedly so, as it arguably is his best and most catchy song to date. But he's not selling out completely, as he hasn't abandoned his trademark and tongue twisting lyrics .

March 7, 2014

The Facebook experiment...part three...

The HITC Facebook page sure looks more and more like an experiment rather than something that will eventually turn into a success. A stunning 2 additional "likes" since Monday is not exactly something that will make you go wow! But it doesn't change that it is easier, faster and in every way imaginable far more convenient than this blogger thing! So get used to it...

A quick Facebook summary:

J.A. (he's still around and will certainly continue to influence the Facebook updates like he influenced hundreds of blog posts) recommends this one by UK trio Violet Hours.

New superb dreamy guitar pop sog by Night Flowers.

Want to shout from the highest mountain top how truly, truly fabulous Morning Phase is.

And a new catchy track from New Zeeland one man project Junica.

Cool video and cool song from Withered Hand. "Did you put a horseshoe in my glove?"

March 3, 2014

The Facebook experiment...part two...

74 likes in one week isn’t exactly earthshattering, but still 74 more likes than a week ago! So there’s yet no need to panic and definitely no need to spend some hard earned money on boosting, promoting or whatever buzzwords Facebook are throwing around to get their hands on my well-deserved pocket money. But needless to say there is still room for a few more likes, so please go ahead and throw some love in the direction of HITC. Some recent few highlights from the Facebook stream

Oh yes…new single from The Pains of Being Pure at Heart.

And this is perhaps even better. A new track from A Novel Resort (still has no "real" home on the web); the solo project of the drummer of Northern Portrait.

The video for the new and surprisingly brilliant James single Frozen Britain.

February 26, 2014

The Facebook experiment...

48 hours in...how are things going over there at Facebook? 57 "likes" isn't exactly blowing anyone away, but calling it a decent start is pretty fair, I guess! More "likes" would of course be welcomed, so if you happen to be bored or just feel for it, head over to the page and give HITC a "thumbs up"!

Trying my best to convince you to actually do it; here are some of the songs you've missed out on...

And a few videos...

Plus the recent additions to the Copenhagen Popfest 2014 line-up...

Plus some other stuff as well!