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Stronger Futures or Stronger Policing

from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ecumenical Commission  (NATSIEC)

Stronger Futures or Stronger Policing

The Stronger Futures Legislation is disproportionate with the peoples wishes and catapults Indigenous communities back to the micro-management of Mission days is the message from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ecumenical Commission (NATSIEC).  NATSIEC, as the peak Indigenous ecumenical body and commission of the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) requests that the Government heed the message of the Northern Territory Elders, communities and service providers in their quest for authentic consultation and negotiation to gain stronger and better futures for themselves.

The crux of this legislation lies in cultural and social reform enforced by punitive measures.  This approach reverts back to the paternalistic protectionism from which many Aboriginal families and communities across the country are still recovering.  Legislative realignment at the interface of education, economic, social welfare, Indigenous languages, cultures and traditions may satisfy Government directives but not the people concerned or International Human Rights Laws.


Read more: Stronger Futures or Stronger Policing




Martung Upah is the major fundraising appeal of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ecumenical Commission. By giving to the Martung Upah appeal you are directly supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to make their own decisions about development priorities.

Your gift makes an enormous difference to the work of NATSIEC. Without it, we would not be able to provide educational resources to the wider community; engage the Churches in Indigenous issues or fund important community development projects. Our aim is to build a better tomorrow for all our children so that injustice and discrimination will not be part of Australia's future.

Go to the Martung Upah page



Christ and Culture Conference 2011


Christ and Culture: Mother Tongue Theologising

NATSIEC Indigenous Theology and Spirituality Conference

Recordings and other resources are now available. Click here to go to the Conference pages.


NT Intervention

A further conversation with Elders

At a recent forum in Melbourne seven Elders from the NT released a statement about the NT Intervention - click here for more.

WCC voices concern about the situation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Following on from the recent visit to Australia by a World Council of Churches 'Living Letters' team, the WCC have adopted a statement about the situation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia.

Click here for WCC statement

The Living Letters team have also released their report about their visit to the Northern Territory.

Members_of_the_team_talk_to_students_in_Nungalinya_college_literacy_course_reducedDuring their visit the Living Letters team visited several communities and spoke to people who came from around the Northern Territory. Many of the team members expressed shock at what they heard as they did not realise that these things still happened in Australia. The team said that colonisation is not something that happened in the past, it is still ongoing and that Aboriginal people were subject to systemic racism and injustice. The team also noted the strength of resistance shown by Aboriginal people and urged them to continue to draw on the strength of their culture to resist the debilitating effects of the ways of the colonisers.

The team said that they stand in solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples of Australia and commit to speaking out and telling the world about what they have seen here. They promised they would continue to work for the rights of Indigenous peoples here and in other places and said "Your fight is our fight".

To download the statement click here WCC_Living_Letters_statement_NATSIEC.pdf

To download the WCC Living Letters To Australia report Beyond Intervention Many Voices, One Purpose: Standing in Solidarity click here WCC_LivingLettersReport_Beyond_Intervention_2010

To find out more about the Living Letters click here.

Photo: Members of the team talk to students in the Literacy course at Nungalinya College, Darwin.



Latest Action...

For latest updates and resources on the NT Intervention click here



Latest Theology news...

Christ and Culture: Christ Through Culture Conference proceedings available

Conference proceedings from the 2007, 2009 and 2011 Christ and Culture Conferences are still available. Click here to go to Conference pages

Copies of these conference proceedings can be purchased from NATSIEC. Click here to go to order form.


Illuminations is an occasional paper from NATSIEC. The theme of this Illumination is reflections on the recent mission conference held in Edinburgh. Click here to go to Illuminations.



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  • Make Indigenous Poverty History
  • Information about current issues in Indigenous affairs
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  • Indigenous Theology
  • Prayer and Worship Resources
  • NATSIEC publications

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