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Congressional Letter to President Obama: Stop Sanctions on Venezuela

Congressional Letter to President Obama: Stop Sanctions on Venezuela

By: Members of Congress and COHA Staff

Venezuela continues to suffer from internal political conflict and unrest. In response, the United States Congress imprudently approved unilateral sanctions against Venezuela on May 28,…

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Development and Indigenous Rights: ¿Por qué no los Dos?

Development and Indigenous Rights: ¿Por qué no los Dos?

By: Alicja Duda and Alexander J. Preiss

History is repeating itself for the U’wa people, a peaceful indigenous group from the remote Andean cloud forests of northeastern Colombia. Once 20,000 strong, the…

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Cuba's Waves of Change: The Lingering Impact of the Embargo

Cuba’s Waves of Change: The Lingering Impact of the Embargo

By: Patrick Burchat

Havana’s atmosphere is one of change and reform. Cuban President Raúl Modesto Castro Ruz has steadily implemented a series of economic reforms, not so much…

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