2 June 2014

US defense secretary menaces China at Singapore forum

By Peter Symonds, 2 June 2014

Hagel’s speech was an open and unequivocal statement that the US intends to maintain its undisputed dominance in Asia.

US pushes cyber-war confrontation with China

Vietnam and Philippines escalate maritime disputes with China

Pentagon pressures South Korea to join anti-missile system

By Ben McGrath, 2 June 2014

The incorporation of South Korea into the existing US “missile defence” with Japan would further inflame regional tensions.

Turkey: Massive police operation against protesters

By Stefan Steinberg, 2 June 2014

In the past year at least twelve protesters have died at the hands of the state and thousands have been prosecuted for participation in protests.

Suspect in Brussels shooting linked to Western-backed Syrian opposition

By Kumaran Ira, 2 June 2014

A 29-year-old French citizen, Mehdi Nemmouche, was arrested by French police on suspicion of carrying out the killing at the Jewish museum in Brussels.

NSA collects facial images of hundreds of millions of people

By Patrick Martin, 2 June 2014

Documents supplied by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden continue to expose police-state surveillance by the US intelligence apparatus.

The New York Times and freedom of the press

Edward Snowden defends decision to reveal NSA spying in NBC interview

More on the NSA and the defense of Edward Snowden »

Emergency manager threatens Detroit retirees at policy conference

By Thomas Gaist, 2 June 2014

Kevyn Orr used his remarks at an elite policy conference to warn retirees of severe consequences if the Plan of Adjustment is voted down.

Regional disputes deepen over control of Detroit water system

More on the bankruptcy of Detroit »

European elections
Support for Portugal government nosedives

By Paul Mitchell, 2 June 2014

Votes for the two right-wing government coalition partners collapsed to just 27.7 percent

The European elections and the crisis of the EU

Sixteen-year-olds recruited to British Army

By Julie Hyland, 2 June 2014

More than 1 in 4 of all new recruits are under age 18.

Six months after Typhoon Haiyan
Woman and six children killed in fire in tent city in Philippines

By Dante Pastrana, 2 June 2014

The tragedy of the Ocenar family is emblematic of the social devastation that has been inflicted on millions of Filipinos in the wake of the typhoon.

FBI arrests acquaintance of Boston Marathon bombing suspect

By Nick Barrickman, 2 June 2014

The hard line taken by the Obama Justice Department against individuals not directly involved in the bombings may be designed to increase pressure on Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to plead guilty as part of a plea deal and avoid going to trial on capital charges.

One year since the Boston Marathon bombing

Thousands more layoffs imminent for New York school bus workers

By Dan Brennan, 2 June 2014

New York’s new mayor, Bill de Blasio, is continuing the attacks against school bus drivers begun a year and a half ago.

Mayor De Blasio rebuffs New York school bus workers

New US coal dust standards leave thousands of miners at risk for black lung

By Clement Daly, 2 June 2014

The Obama administration has unveiled new respirable dust standards for the nation’s coal mines.

New in French

Irlande: les partis gouvernementaux punis lors des élections locales et européennes

Par Jordan Shilton, 2 juin 2014

Le résultat le plus significatif a été l’effondrement du soutien au Parti travailliste et la démission de son dirigeant.

Other Languages


The drive to privatize US veterans’ health care

2 June 2014

The real scandal at the US Department of Veterans Affairs is the social catastrophe reflected in the thousands of veterans seeking treatment for injuries from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Earlier Perspectives »

25 years ago: Thousands killed in Tiananmen Square massacre

On June 4, 1989, the months-long conflict over control of Beijing’s Tiananmen Square erupted with the shooting of hundreds of protesters by troops of the People’s Liberation Army of China.

More »

50 years ago: South Korea imposes martial law

On June 3, 1964, South Korean President General Park Chung Hee declared martial law after thousands of student protesters in Seoul overwhelmed police and overran the capitol complex.

More »

75 years ago: Jewish refugee ship forced back to Europe

On the June 6, 1939, the Hamburg-Amerika ocean liner MS St. Louis, laden with 917 Jewish refugees, including 500 women and 150 children, was forced to head back to Europe.

More »


100 years ago: Gunning down of protesters sparks mass upheavals in Italy

On June 7, 1914, police killed three demonstrators at an antiwar protest in the Adriatic port city of Ancona.

More »

Arts Review

Gore Vidal: The United States of Amnesia
Film portrait of an American radical iconoclast

By Fred Mazelis, 2 June 2014

The newly released documentary on the life of writer and social critic Gore Vidal has much to recommend it.

Utopia: A confronting but politically flawed documentary

By Susan Allan, 31 May 2014

Belle’s moving and enlightened story (and The Immigrant)

San Francisco International Film Festival 2014
Part four: Manos Sucias, Freedom Summer and others: Bitter social conflict present and past

By Joanne Laurier, 26 May 2014


The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert

By Philip Guelpa, 31 May 2014

Book Review

No Place to Hide: Glenn Greenwald’s account of the Snowden revelations

By Patrick Martin, 30 May 2014

Shedding light on the New York Times shake-up

30 May 2014


US sends assault ship with 1,000 Marines to Libyan coast

By Barry Grey, 31 May 2014

US moves towards sanctions as Venezuela charges coup plot

By Bill Van Auken, 31 May 2014

Toddler suffers severe burns from Atlanta, Georgia police raid

By Muhammad Khan, 31 May 2014

Financial Times’ attack on Piketty under fire

The Financial Times’ attack on Thomas Piketty

The bloodbath in Donetsk

More on the crisis in Ukraine »

Workers Struggles

South African mineral resources minister seeks end to 18-week platinum miners strike

By Thabo Seseane Jr., 31 May 2014

SEP European Election Campaign

European election results for the Socialist Equality Party (UK) and Partei für Soziale Gleichheit (Germany)

By our correspondent, 29 May 2014

Participants speak at PSG’s eve of poll election meeting

By our correspondents, 29 May 2014

Visit the SEP (UK) election web site »

Visit the PSG election web site »

Featured Video

Video: The plight of migrant workers in Southern California

By our reporters, 28 May 2014