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Saturday, May 31 2014 @ 04:47 AM CDT

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Comprehensive Immigration Reform is Anti-Immigrant & Anti-Indigenous

Comprehensive Immigration Reform is inherently anti-immigrant. It is presented as a “path to citizenship” and as a temporary solution to halting the incarceration/deportation of some migrants, but it is actually an attack in disguise. The reform package known as Senate Bill S.744 is a blatant plot to further immobilize, mold, and reduce the lives of migrants. Comprehensive Immigration Reform, otherwise known as “CIR”, is not about restoring the dignity and human rights of migrants. It is, however, an opportunity to reinforce white supremacy, the rule of law; racist/imperial borders; free trade and exploitable labor from the global south, and will further invisibilize the existence of Indigenous/First Nations peoples living in and around the so-called US/Mexico border, which at the time of its creation, bisected the homelands of four Indigenous tribes.

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Arctic ice melt to release 1 trillion pieces of plastic into sea

Climate ChangeAs the Arctic ice melt accelerates due to climate change it could release more than 1 trillion pieces of plastic into the ocean over the next decade, possibly posing a major threat to marine life, a new scientific report said. The report, titled “Global Warming Releases Microplastic Legacy Frozen in Arctic Sea Ice,” said ice in some remote locations contains at least twice as much plastic as previously reported areas of surface water such as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch – an area of plastic waste estimated to be bigger than the state of Texas.
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Ricardo Flores Magón and the Anarchist Movement in Southern California

Anarchist Movement

"Forward, comrades! Soon you will hear the first shots; soon the shout of rebellion will thunder from the throats of the oppressed...Land and Liberty!" These were the prophetic words of the Mexican anarchist Ricardo Flores Magón printed in Regeneración, the bilingual, anarchist newspaper published by the Magón brothers and their comrades, on November 19, 1910-just one day before the Mexican Revolution began to radically transform world history. Decades later, the Zapatistas would shout these words of rebellion as they occupied San Cristóbal de las Casas in early 1994 in defiance of NAFTA and the neoliberal order. Nevertheless, Magón, one of the chief intellectual and political precursors to the Mexican Revolution, made this declaration not in Mexico, but in the United States, where he had been living in exile since 1903 due to his radical activities.

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Squat demolition called off after four nights of rioting in Barcelona

Direct ActionBarcelona city hall has called off plans to demolish and redevelop a squatted building in one of the city’s poorest districts after four nights of violent protests. Authorities said on Friday that they would halt demolition plans and attempt to reach a peaceful solution after widespread outrage at the forced eviction of Can Vies, a public building that has been occupied by leftist groups for 17 years. Confrontations between protesters and police continued on Thursday after crowds gathered to demonstrate in the Sants district for a fourth consecutive night.
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Looking Beyond the Minimum Wage


Of course we should absolutely raise the minimum wage. We should raise it in our cities, towns, states and federally. We should use any public entity that has the authority to raise the bottom — like for federal, state and local contracts — and we should then demand that private companies follow suit. Morality, decency and basic economics all call for lifting the wages of the lowest paid workers.

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Intersectionality isn’t just a win-win; it’s the only way out

Practical Anarchy

In 2012, the Pachamama Alliance, a U.S.-based organization working in partnership with indigenous Achuar people in Ecuador, published a meme showing two native men discussing a new “scientific discovery”: the fact that our world is deeply interconnected. The joke, of course, is the idea that these scientists could “discover” a concept that is age-old wisdom for indigenous peoples across the world. I was delighted by the two-fold genius of the cartoon, the way it both highlights the importance of understanding the world we live in while pointedly calling out the dangers of cultural and intellectual appropriation.

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The Lakota vow to die rather than let the KXL pipeline pass


The Oglala Lakota and activists of the American Indian Movement have taken a vow that the only way the KXL Pipeline will pass through South Dakota is if they are dead or in prison. This vow was taken back on Feb. 27, Liberation Day, an event to commemorate the infamous 1890 massacre of Native people by U.S. soldiers.

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Philadelphia Anarchist Book Fair


For the first time in recent memory, the occupied Lenape land known as Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, will host an Anarchist Book Fair. On August 23rd, 2014 we will be attempting to reach out to the broader community in an effort to grow and challenge our preexisting ideas, find a common ground with others, and move forward toward a world based on freedom and mutual aid.

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Palestine-Israel: Joint Struggle Explores Questions About Participation

Middle EastMany objections were raised about the participation of Israelis in the non armed struggle in the areas of Palestine occupied in the 1967 war. Some, mostly Palestinians regarded it as contribution to so called "normalization". Others claimed that Israeli activists should do their struggle within the Israeli population of the 1948 borders. Many anarchists raised reservations as the Palestinian popular struggle is a kind of capitalist "national independent struggle" for self determination of the Palestinian capitalist elite to monopolize the option for the exploitation of the Palestinian working masses - they just ignore the fact that most Palestinians wish for bi-national democratic whole Palestine and not for a national Palestinian state. Others just do not take on themselves the obligation to serve as life saving shield as Israeli policy officially forbid the state forces to shoot to kill when Israelis are supposed to be among the demonstrators. Indigenous people struggle against settler colonialist transfer and marginalization is NOT the same as a national Bourgeoisie for "national independence" or "national self-determination".
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Americans care deeply about 'global warming' – but not 'climate change'

Climate Change

Barack Obama, scientists and campaigners have all looked at how to engage Americans more powerfully on the environment. Now researchers have come up with one critical piece of advice: do say "global warming", don't say "climate change".

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Despite Local 'No' Votes, Teamsters International Declares UPS Contract Ratified

The largest private sector union contract in the U.S. had been in limbo since last summer, as UPS workers around the country voted down their local supplements, sometimes more than once. Now the five-year contract is ratified—by fiat of the Teamsters international. Members were angry about concessions on health care in the national agreement but also about other issues such as the need for more full-time jobs.

Part-time UPSers in Louisville, Kentucky, voted 94 percent no on their local agreement last week. Earlier, they'd voted 89 percent no, and UPS came back with a worse offer. Photo: IBT Local 89.

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Strike in Shanghai in May 2014

The wave of strikes in China's industrial heart lands continues. This is an example of a strike in Shanghai. As often, the Chinese state and capital tried to repress the strike with force, but also started negotiations to get the situation under control.

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Building an effective anarchist movement in Australia

Anarchist Movement

This post- Melbourne Anarchist bookfair conversation took place in the Melbourne Anarchist Club (MAC) which has a history stretching back to the 1890s. While visiting the premises which contains a library, meeting space and infoshop I caught up with Brendan and Ben two active members of the collective and Kieran from Anarchist Affinity which is seeking to build a similar organisation to the WSM, based on theoretical and tactical unity and collective responsibility.

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ABC-Moscow: Repressions summary for March-April 2014

Anarchist MovementWe continue to publish news about repressions against anarchists, antifascists and social activists and about the obstacles we face from the side of police state. In February, March and April issue you can read about Maidan ghost, letters from the prisons and senseless trials. If you recognize that we've missed anything or you are informed about other cases of repressions, let us know by writing to address abc-msk @ riseup.net.

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The Case for Reparations


In Chicago and across the country, whites looking to achieve the American dream could rely on a legitimate credit system backed by the government. Blacks were herded into the sights of unscrupulous lenders who took them for money and for sport. “It was like people who like to go out and shoot lions in Africa. It was the same thrill,” a housing attorney told the historian Beryl Satter in her 2009 book, Family Properties. “The thrill of the chase and the kill.”

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Palestine-Israel: Alternativa #6 - Ahdut (Unity) - About the Palestinian struggle

Middle EastAdopted on 25 April 2014 by the members of the anarcho-communist Ahdut (Unity) organization active in Palestine/Israel

The Zionist colonization project, sponsored by the imperialist powers and at their service, has subjugated Palestine; it has persistently made every effort to displace the indigenous masses out of the area ruled by it, or at least to concentrate them in confined enclaves.
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Palestine-Israel: Protests Continue Against Israeli Apartheid

Middle EastWeek after week, on weekend and in the week-days to anarchists and other activists insist of leaning our Shoulders on the wheels of history that revolve too slow and push them as much as we can. There is not much of energy in the masses and many activists lost the urge to participate, but still many of us persist and join the meager efforts of the Palestinians who resist the advancing transfer efforts of the Israeli Zionist project and its state forces. The international solidarity activists who join us bring with them the echoes of world wide expanding support and the message that our struggle contribute a lot to it. The frustrated Israeli state forces continue their murderous efforts to extinguish the popular struggle adding live ammunition from time to time like the last week at the demo in Bitunia (near the Ofer concentration camp) but retreat under mounting international pressure.
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Support Oklahoma

We are collecting information about how people can support independent relief efforts supporting the people in Oklahoma affected by the May 20, 2013 tornado.

*OpOK Relief
*Rainbow Rapid Response Disaster Relief for Oklahoma
*Food Not Bombs - Norman, OK
*Occupy Disaster Relief
*Mutual Aid Official Contacts
Needs list, shelters, drop off points.
*Occupy Norman
*Central Oklahoma Black/Red Alliance (COBRA)

On Twitter: @occupynorman_ou and @occupy_norman

More updates and information on how to help out

Today's Link-O-Rama

We are trying a little experiment in providing an alternative to news and fun stuff you'd normally discover through Facebook.
*Support Lipan Apache Land Defenders
*80,000 at Moral March Protest Injustice
*The Co-op that Changed the South
*Tenn. Lawmakers Threaten to Cut Subsidies If VW Plant Unionizes