Australian Fabian Society.  
  • Where's Labor's brain? Guy Rundle’s opinion piece in the Age and Sydney Morning Herald on New Year’s day 2012 reflects on Labor’s think tanks with the following observation:

“Its (Labor’s) think tanks, with the exception of the Fabians, focus on narrow questions, swaddled in jargon." Read more

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Director Young Fabians, Chris Garvin

Lord Maurice Glasman

in Sydney July 2013

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Coming Events

May 2014

  • VIC FABIANS - POLITICAL COMEDY NIGHT  Wednesday, 28 May 2014 (VIC)
  • June 2014

  • VIC FABIANS - the 2014 National BUDGET :Balancing the Budget or a War on the Poor?  Wednesday, 4 June 2014 (VIC)
  • Why Equality Matters: Getting Outcomes in Today's Society Tuesday, 10 June 2014 (ACT)
  • Seminar: The Limits of Low Tax Social Democracy? Welfare, tax and fiscal dilemmas for Labor in Govt Thursday, 19 June 2014 (NSW)
  • July 2014

  • VIC FABIANS - Is universal health care in Australia doomed?  Wednesday, 2 July 2014 (VIC)
  • NSW ALP FRINGE: What is Labor's next big idea? Saturday, 26 July 2014 (NSW)
  • arrowEvents Calendar

    Podcasts from State Forums

    Podcast July 2013: Young Fabians – Interview: Lord Maurice Glasman is interviewed by Chris Garvin, Director, Young Fabians, Sydney, July 2013.

    Podcast May 2013: Victorian Fabians – May Forum – Baillieu to Napthine – 2 years of Coalition Government

    Video 16 December 2012: Professor Malcolm Cook: "Australian Security & Defence"

    Podcast 21 November 2012: Peter Gerrand on "Why the NBN is vital to Australia" | Click here for the PDF

    Podcast 18 October 2012: Hon Jay Weatherill, Premier of South Australia, on "Strengthening Australian democracy: Political Discourse and Engagement"

    Podcast 15 August 2012: Professor Barbara Norman on "How Should Cities Respond to Climate Change?" | Click here for the PDF

    Podcast 19 April 2012: Assoc. Prof. Frank Bongiorno on "Blue Labour: Lessons for Australia" | Click here for the PDF

    Podcast 21 Mar 2012: Professor Ian McAllister on "Voting Trends and the ALP"  | Click here for the slides

    Podcast 16 Feb 2012: Kelvin Thomson on "Population Australia: does bigger mean better?"

    Australia Under Abbott - Refugees, Industrial Relations And Environment

    April: Fixing Education Funding: Did Gonski Get It Right?

    May: A Place of Our Own: Tackling The Housing Crisis



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