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Tristan Ewins
Worked at RMIT
Attends RMIT
Lives in Melbourne
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Tristan Ewins

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Tristan Ewins

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Reflections on Marxism, totalitarianism, education, Left history and more
  Above:  What follows is some personal commentary provoked by a post at the Herald-Sun from Andrew Bolt - effectively arguing there is no place for Marxism in academia and education more generally...  From that exchange there also emerged arguments about s...
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Tristan Ewins

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Shayn McCallum's latest article on Left Focus
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Tristan Ewins

commented on a video on YouTube.
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Very comprehensive - good job. :)
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Tristan Ewins

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My latest material on Marxism; rewritten into a full article for On Line Opinion.
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Tristan Ewins

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Recent Comments of mine on Marxism in Education and much more
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Tristan Ewins

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It’s Tıme for Social-Democracy to Exit the Twentieth Century
  This article was originally written for discussion among activists of the Party
of European Socialists (the European-level umbrella party for Europe's socialist
and social-democratic parties).  The purpose of the article is to attack the
"defeatist rea...
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PhD Candidate, Writer
  • RMIT
    PhD Student
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Grassroots Labor Activist, PhD Candidate and Freelance Writer
Tristan's areas of expertise include Australian and world politics, social theory, education, history, and computer gaming for PC. He considers himself a liberal, and also a socialist, but has also referred to himself as a left social democrat. He says such - conscious that there was once a time when 'social democracy' and 'socialism' were synonymous. Furthermore, Tristan is a long-time member of the Australian Labor Party - specifically its Socialist Left wing. He is also involved in the Australian Fabian Society. Tristan has written for many publications - including a stint freelancing for 'The Canberra Times': the daily broadsheet of the Australian Capital. Tristan's Personal Homepage is here:
  • RMIT
    PhD Politics, present
  • LaTrobe Univeristy
    Arts (Social Science) with 1st Class Honours
  • Monash University
    Grad Dip Education
Basic Information
Tristan Ewins's +1's are the things they like, agree with, or want to recommend.
Andrew Bolt simply does not understand Marxism - On Line Opinion - 24/2/...

In response to Andrew: You're entitled to your opinion as a conservative to oppose Marxism, or leftism in general. But get your facts straig

Andrew Bolt simply does not understand Marxism - On Line Opinion - 24/2/...

In response to Andrew: You're entitled to your opinion as a conservative to oppose Marxism, or leftism in general. But get your facts straig

Putting a healthy surplus before personal well-being - On Line Opinion -...

Terry Barnes, a former former senior advisor to Prime Minister Tony Abbott, has suggested a $6 dollar surcharge on bulk-billing via Medicare

Abbott Government in crisis as the end of year approaches - On Line Opin...

All that said: it is not as if they didn’t have options. The floating dollar could have been temporarily suspended – and maybe pegged at 75

Abbott's agenda: did Australians really vote for this? - On Line Opinion...

The Abbott government is playing at 'Robin Hood in Reverse' – as a number of observations demonstrate.

Abbott's agenda: did Australians really vote for this? - On Line Opinion...

The Abbott government is playing at 'Robin Hood in Reverse' – as a number of observations demonstrate.

What is the 'Democratic Mixed Economy'?

above: newly published by Connor Court - 'Turning Left or Right' The essay that follows was an original draft of an essay on 'The Democratic

Candidate Questions for the ALP Leadership Contest

above: the contenders for the ALP Leadership - Albo and Shorten Dear friends and comrades; As the publisher of the ALP Socialist Left Forum

Library Denizen versus Oxford Blue - On Line Opinion - 14/8/2013

There wasn't much to distinguish the two contestants, but Rudd is to be preferred.

Does the ALP have a social democratic vision? - On Line Opinion - 2/8/2013

Or does it stand for small government, corporate welfare, regressive taxation, 'survival of the fittest', 'the top end of town', and a prefe

Does the ALP have a social democratic vision? - On Line Opinion - 2/8/2013

Or does it stand for small government, corporate welfare, regressive taxation, 'survival of the fittest', 'the top end of town', and a prefe

Aged care crisis - Australia's greatest shame - On Line Opinion - 17/7/2013

We need a comprehensive National Aged Care Insurance Scheme along similar lines to the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Aged Care Crisis - Australia’s Greatest Shame

And What are Rudd, Milne and Abbott going to do about it? above: The needs of Australia's Aged citizens are just as urgent as the needs of t

ALP Organisational Reform; and Urgent Policy Prescriptions

above: Could Rudd 'break through' on ALP internal organisational reform? In this two-part article, Tristan Ewins responds to critical perspe

Leadership Speculation Again: Resolving the Crisis with Good Policy

above: With a possible Abbott government looming, Labor needs a clearer sense of where the real threat is coming from; Tristan Ewins argues

Social Justice for the Aged, the vulnerable and Low Income Australians

above: Federal Minister for Ageing, Mark Butler has had some victories for Aged Australians - But there's a lot that's left to be done!!! In

Budget 2013 - lunge and riposte - On Line Opinion - 24/5/2013

There are several areas in which Labor could have further minimised the deficit, preventing austerity and actually expanding the social wage

Budget 2013: An Analysis of Labor's Budget, and of Abbott's reply

above: Treasurer Wayne Swan has delivered a Budget that could have been worse; but also could have been better. In the following article Tri

Labor's 'last best chance' to prevent a 'downwards spiral' of austerity

above: As Finance Minister Penny Wong is well-placed to attempt to 'head off' any strategy of unnecessary austerity for Labor's May Federal

A Final Plea for Federal Labor and the May Budget: Progressively Fund Go...

Above: A message for Bill Shorten - Please do whatever you can to lock in funding for Gonski, and for the NDIS which you were instrumental i