Saltigue, sometimes spelt Saltigué or wrongly Saltigui, are Serer high priests and priestesses who preside over the religious ceremonies and affairs of the Serer people, such as the Xoy ceremony, the biggest event in the Serer religious calendar. They usually come from ancient Serer paternal families. Such a title is usually inherited by birthright. The term "Saltigi" is also adopted by the Fula people. They were the leaders of the Fulas in some Fula areas, belonging to the Denianke Dynasty of the Empire of Great Fulo founded by Koli Tengella Bâ in the 16th century. It is proposed that the word "Saltigi", used in reference to the Fulas, comes from the Mandinka language, in which it means "master of the road", used in reference to their neighbors who are Fulani herders and tenders of the flock, the traditional activity of Fulani leaders. In Serer country, Saltigue, not to be confused with Saltigi, are always diviners. In Wolof areas, they were the assistant chiefs. The scope of this article deals only with Saltigue or Saltigué - "diviners" (the high priests and priestesses) and termed by some scholars as "the ministers of the religious cult";"pastors of the people" or within the remits of these definitions.
Ich bin nicht Shakespeare oder Einstein
Bin nicht Picasso oder Bach
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Ich vermiss dich jede Nacht
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Hab mich selbst um den Verstand gebracht
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Ich vermiss dich wie die Hölle
Hey, du fehlst mir hier total
Ich vermiss dich wie die Hölle
Jeder Tag ist eine Qual
Ob nun Shakespeare oder Goethe
Die sind mir doch scheißegal
Denn ich vermiss dich wie die Hölle
Und du fehlst mir so total
Jetzt sitz ich hier und mein Kopf ist leer
Nichts ist mehr homogen
Hab die Schnauze voll von dieser Achterbahn
Ich muss dich wieder sehn
Was hab ich nur mit uns gemacht
Warum bist du nicht bei mir
Hab mich selbst um den Verstand gebracht
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