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Action magazine

The winter 2014 edition of our supporter magazine packed full of news from around the world.

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22 May 2014

Protestors from the World Development Movement will tell HSBC to pull out of coal at its AGM on Friday 23 May, accusing the bank of fuelling climate change and ruining the lives of people living with the effects of coal mining worldwide.

20 May 2014

One the eve of the EU elections, 120 campaign groups from across Europe have rejected the trade negotiations between the EU and the US as a threat to democracy, and have called on negotiators to radically rewrite the proposed agreement.

16 May 2014

The UN’s new Green Climate Fund could be used to finance dirty energy including coal and shale gas. The Green Climate Fund’s board, which includes the UK government, meets from 18-21 May in Songdo, Korea, and is expected to agree details of what the fund will finance.

14 May 2014

Protestors will target the Lloyds Bank AGM in Edinburgh on Thursday 15 May, highlighting its financing of the coal mining companies fuelling climate change and destroying people's lives in Colombia and Indonesia.

13 May 2014

Global justice campaigners have called on Unilever to pull out of an aid scheme they say will damage African countries’ ability to tackle poverty.

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April/ May, across the UK

WDM groups are planning hustings events on the EU-US trade deal ahead of the EU elections in May.

Saturday 24 May, Leicester

Join us for an informal day to find out the latest about WDM’s agribusiness campaign and how to take action locally

June/July 2014

Back by popular demand, after a sell-out first season...

Thursday 19 June, Neilston, East Renfrewshire

An informal talk and film evening to find out more about WDM’s new campaign to stop UK aid money helping corporations take control of Africa's food, and to get tips and advice on lobbying your MP.

Saturday 13 September, Nottingham

A day of planning, skillsharing and discussion for anyone involved in WDM activism.

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30 May 2014

Hear from two prominent Scottish politicians on their vision for the future of Scotland as Scottish people prepare to vote in the independence referendum

23 May 2014

Judging by the scarcity of journalists at the AGM of ‘local bank’ HSBC this morning, the bank seems to be doing slightly better in the public image stakes than some of its competitors. Yet HSBC pours more money into fossil fuels than any other UK bank.

22 May 2014

Today we choose who will represent us in the European Parliament. A lot of people are sceptical about European elections – the parliament still has few powers in an overwhelmingly undemocratic decision-making system driven by corporate interests.

15 May 2014

I don’t think I’ve ever worn my husband’s suit before, but I donned it this morning before boarding a bus to the Edinburgh International Conference Centre. There, I joined other WDM supporters for a protest outside Lloyds AGM.

8 May 2014

Not too long ago, a friend and a fellow activist asked me what I think is the most critical issue facing the world. I answered that although our most immediate crisis is the effect climate change is having on the melting of the Arctic sea ice, the industrial food system will be our silent killer. 

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