- published: 16 Jul 2014
- views: 1303
Victor (sometimes spelled Viktor or Vikter) is a male given name, but can also have other meanings:
Bishops of Chur:
"Jien" ta' Victor Fenech
JIEN ta' Victor Fenech
'Xi qrajt dan l-aħħar?' - EP22 Victor Fenech
Pitirross (poeżija FRM 3)
Jeff Fenech Victor Callejas
Jeff Fenech v Victor Callejas 7 March 1988 Entertainment Centre, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Jeff Fenech v Victor Callejas (1/4)
Jeff Fenech v. Victor Callejas (2/4)
Jeff Fenech v. Victor Callejas (3/4)
Jeff Fenech v. Victor Callejas (4/4)
Twenty-second episode of 'Xi qrajt dan l-aħħar?' - a four minute interview with Maltese authors, publishers, lecturers, illustrators etc about a book they've recently read. Victor Fenech speaks about 'Memoirs' by Pablo Neruda Interviews led by Antonella Axisa, airs every Monday on TVM before the 8:00pm news and brought to you by the National Book Council MALTA
F'din il-poeżija marbuta mas-sillabu tat-tielet sena, nistaqsu dwar fejn aħna fil-fidi tagħna. Hi l-fidi tal-pitirross jew tal-miġemgħa-merħla li għadha ttella' x-xorti fuq mantell ta' kulur skur?
Jeff Fenech 126 lbs 19-0-0 v Victor Callejas 25-1-0 126 lbs for the Vacant WBC Featherweight Title Location: Entertainment Centre, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Fenech won by TKO at 1:21 in round 10 of 12 Referee: Richard Steele Judge: Harold Lederman 89-80 I Judge: Ray Solis 90-79 I Judge: Giuseppe Ferrari 90-81 Follow me on Twitter
Rounds 7 & 8 (5 & 6 weren't shown on tv show this is lifted from)
Film imnebbaħ mill-poeżiji tas-Sekondarja (Secondary Education Certificate) Addattat mill-istudenti tal-Media fi ħdan l-Istitut tal-Arti Kreattiva tal-Kulleġġ Malti tal-Arti, ix-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija (MCAST) bi sħab mal-Uffiċjali Edukattivi tal-Malti tad-Dipartiment tat-Tmexxija tal-Kurrikulu fi ħdan il-Ministeru tal-Edukazzjoni. Min ikun irid aktar tagħrif għandu jikteb lill-Uffiċjal Edukattiv David Muscat, http://malti.skola.edu.mt. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/edukazzjonimt Sit tal-MCAST: http://www.mcast.edu.mt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Issieħeb magħna fuq Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mediacastMT Segwina fuq Twitter: https://twitter.com/mediacastMT
1984-05-26 Mets Pavillion, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico WBA World Super Bantamweight Title (1-st Defence by Stecca)
Direção: Victor di Mello O filme conta a história de Giselle (Alba Valéria), filha adolescente do rico fazendeiro Lucchini (Nildo Parente). A jovem possui um comportamento liberal e promíscuo, tendo casos com a madrasta Haydée (Maria Lúcia Dahl) com a amiga Susana (Vera Gimenez) e com Ângelo (Carlo Mossy), capataz da fazenda de seu pai. Posteriormente, com a chegada do filho de Haydée, Sérginho (Ricardo Faria), as intocáveis relações familiares passam a dar lugar a um triângulo amoroso entre os três, regado a sexo e busca do prazer físico e psicológico. Ao mesmo tempo, são revelados, aos poucos, os segredos de cada membro da família por trás do aparente teatro social que o clã ostenta. Apesar de ter sido propagandeado como um mero filme erótico na época, a trama do longa trata de temas ma...
Navarro, ranked very highly and holding wins over Hector Lopez and Jaime Garza, tries to spoil his way through the fight, but quickly finds that Fenech will oblige him tenfold for rough house tactics! Arthur Mercante looks in for a tough night but luckily for him Fenech beats Navarro up. Some nice build up with a small bit of footage from the '84 Olympics (if anyone has Jeff's fights in Los Angeles please let me know) and Fenech declaring his admiration for Barry McGuigan and Navarro's problems with making weight. Post fight interviews are well worth a look as well, with Navarro a sore loser and Fenech on top of the World.
1985-02-02 Roberto Clemente Coliseum, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico WBA World Super Bantamweight Title (1-st Defence by Callejas)