Mark your body with the symbol of agony because I am the truth
Bend your head and lower your eyes because my light will shine upon you and will burn your sins
O humble man, dance during the macabre journey of your life
I'll be the only relief for your sufferings, since evil has reigned over your soul eternally
I am the saviour with the blazing sword that crashes the dragon's power
My prophets with their black cloaks will travel along the winding ways of faith
The mother's time is now over
I am the only father of this world and I will put my scals on the ancient temples
My brave warriors will cut down the profane and cursed rocks and the enemy's messengers will burn
Never more idols in the cursed forests but only shelters for your weak soul
O humble man, listen to my world because from the time I come, you'll be saved
Your life will be valueless without sin and your death will be horrible without regret
Follow the book's word and don't let be deceived by the man's word
This is what is written and predicted by the man of the desert that was led to our lands
Shores by the lady of the waters, deceived by a dark veil
In him the seed of discord and ruin was hidden
Our masters and princess fell under the weight of power and corruption and the men of the cross
Promised them new reigns in exchange for new souls
What a mysterious magic hit our eyes so that we couldn't see the god's beauty anymore?
What a mysterious spell broke up the light of our soul so that we couldn't feel
The great mother's power anymore?
What a terrible curse stroke our people so that they couldn't follow the old cults of the forest
And say their prayers in a stone temple anymore?
Under the symbol of the ichthys they promised the coming of a new reign
This reign will be built with the martyrs' blood
This reign will be fed with the weak's fears
It will be a stone temple and will refuse the light
Write all this in the stones and hand it down by the force of the voice
Hear the rime of the ancient mariner
See his eye as he stops one of three
Mesmerises one of the wedding guests
Stay here and listen to the nightmares of the sea.
And the music plays on, as the bride passes by
Caught by his spell and the mariner tells his tale.
Driven south to the land of the snow and ice
To a place where nobodys been
Through the snow fog flies on the albatross
Hailed in gods name, hoping good luck it brings.
And the ship sails on, back to the north
Through the fog and ice and the albatross follows on.
The mariner kills the bird of good omen
His shipmates cry against what hes done
But when the fog clears, they justify him
And make themselves a part of the crime.
Sailing on and on and north across the sea
Sailing on and on and north til all is calm.
The albatross begins with its vengeance
A terrible curse a thirst has begun
His shipmates blame bad luck on the mariner
About his neck, the dead bird is hung.
And the curse goes on and on at sea
And the curse goes on and on for them and me.
day after day, day after day,
We stuck nor breath nor motion
As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
Water, water everywhere and
All the boards did shrink
Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink.
There calls the mariner
There comes a ship over the line
But how can she sail with no wind in her sails and no tide.
See...onward she comes
Onward she nears out of the sun
See, she has no crew
She has no life, wait but heres two.
Death and she life in death,
They throw their dice for the crew
She wins the mariner and he belongs to her now.
Then...crew one by one
They drop down dead, two hundred men
She...she, life in death.
She lets him live, her chosen one.
one after one by the star dogged moon,
Too quick for groan or sigh
Each turned his facce with a ghastly pang
And cursed me with his eye
Four times fifty living men
(and I heard nor sigh nor groan)
With heavy thump, a lifeless lump,
They dropped down one by one.
The curse it lives on in their eyes
The mariner wished hed die
Along with the sea creatures
But they lived on, so did he.
And by the light of the moon
He prays for their beauty not doom
With heart he blesses them
Gods creatures all of them too.
Then the spell starts to break
The albatross falls from his neck
Sinks down like lead into the sea
Then down in falls comes the rain.
Hear the groans of the long dead seamen
See them stir and they start to rise
Bodies lifted by good spirits
None of them speak and theyre lifelesss in their eyes
And revenge is still sought, penance starts again
Cast into a trance and the nightmare carries on.
Now the curse is finally lifted
And the mariner sights his home
Spirits go fromhe long dead bodies
Form their own light and the mariners left alone.
And then a boat came sailing towards him
It was a joy he could not believe
The pilots boat, his son and the hermit,
Penance of life will fall onto him.
And the ship sinks like lead into the sea
And the hermit shrieves the mariner of his sins.
The mariners bound to tell of his story
To tell this tale wherever he goes
To teach gods word by his own example
That we must love all things thaat God made.
And the wedding guests a sad and wiser man
The mournful sound of a bell, people in prayer.
My body abandoned in the solitude of the wood, imprisoned
by the rags, compelled to suffer from the frostry contact with
the ground.
In the unbroken silence I'm seized with shuddering.
I turn into matter and then into dust.
She flew up.
An imperceptible ascent in the knowledge dimension,
she penetrates the darkest maze of the infinite universe.
My ignorant body will never know the eternity formulas.
Uh, I'm still, She's fluid. I'm frozen. She's wrapped up in the
warmest blows of knowledge, she flies free.
The sacred fire burns in the
stone circle
In the centre of the all I'm
waiting for the guardian
Powerful thunders rumble in the air
And lightnings herald the storm
Darkness turns into light and
light grows into darkness
While the salamanders are
continuing to dance in the heart of fire
The moon stops growing
She stretches the fronds shades
as spectral witnesses
And Eurus, the east wind, gives them life
6 are the towers, 4 are the
revealed seals
And now I am waiting for the
next one
Thunder is rumbling again
Like the dragon's awakening from
the deep abyss
I honour the dark simulacrum of
the depth's gates
That is silently waiting for the
event's completion
I desert the realm of chaos and
I liberate over the infernal rivers
I follow the way of the red snake
Ancestral flight
...into the depth
I will celebrate the umpteenth passage ritual
A new baptism in a space without time
Tisipnon, fury of the occult
power, is waiting for me
To deliver me the black book of
the supreme knowledge
I cross the hidden paths of
Shaytan to violate the ayernus gates
That raise from the deep abyss
up to the horrid vault
3 are the bronze doors and 3 of
iron and 3 of diamonds
They are wrapped up by an
eternal fire
That makes all red-hot but
nothing destroys
At the sides of the awful
passage 2 guardians are waiting for me
(First guardian:)
"Be aware of your virtue, oh
animal, and the abyss
With its spectres will be overcome
Rejoyce as a new spirit and the
barking of the
Infernal beasts will become
silvery chant
Beyond these portals you can
join the perfect lightof the
space without time"
"I am Angelikos Phosphoros,
Lucifer, Morning Star"
(Second guardian:)
"Welcome spiritual warrior who,
conscious and daring, utters the
secret name
Before the black diamond gates
Welcome ensign of light
This pathway knows the steps,
dreads and triumphs of your
Welcome insane hero, the only
one who has descended the stairs
of damnation
You, blazing sun, dare-devil who
faces the hades to win yourself"
"I greet and thank you, obscure
guardians, who allow my passage
Without rending my flesh. I,
brave rambling being, go and
In the whirls of time,
turning their eyes
toward the shadowy monumental
symbols of the past,
following the lines up to the places,
where power and mystery reign
some people raised many stones to the sun
in their imposing silence.
A warm wind is blowing in my face
melting the ice of death.
Burnt alive victims around the cromlec'h
in honour of my immortality.
Crucified on The Oak.
My blood is trickling down it
no light in this church made of trees
some men in white are chanting their song
to the altar of Cernunnos.
Crucified on The Oak.
Oh you, God of Moon,
sanctify this magis ritual.
In my heart there's the power of glory,
in my eyes the shine of the sword.
Oh you, God of Death, rescue me from this fear,
I will be your messenger,
rescue me from this light.
Oh Mother Darkness, receive the son of cruelty and wisdom.
Crucified on The Oak, in honour of Esus.
The earth is imbued with the blood of my God's enemies
and from flames a battle-cry is madly risen.
Far away the death-song is going on with the crossing of the swords.
The fog is hiding our temples made of stones
and the Gods are silently waiting for the event.
The bloody encounter between our Pagan Devotion and the only god.
Ruins around The Oak.
Corpses in oblivion.
Sealed up by the light of reason.
Oh, cursed mortals, which is the right way?
The fresh humidity of the green moss wets my skin,
My body laying down, as it suits to who adores a god,
Over the sacred stones of the Cromlec'h.
Our bodies clinging each other,
What is of the One becomes of the Many.
The incense smoke dances with the candles flames
Attracting the celebrants astral energies.
The choral worshipping of the Black Goddess raises from our minds,
What is of the Many becomes of the One.
The sacred wine shall fill the cup which turned was in the goatish horn,
The fertile lips shall kiss the rod which life and shape took from the
An the Nine shall come at the beginning of the dance,
The naked feet shall caress Sheela Na Gog,
The naked bodies moistened by wood's breath,
The naked minds dancing in the air,
And the shrewd spirits, by sacred fire inebriated, shall turn to whirl,
And once more the Great Spiral shall be Tregenda
One and seven to celebrate the thirteen fullnesses of Levanah,
Who of ancient memory made arcane magic mortal.
Simple melodies by Her Who guides vibrated,
Enchantements of witches for millenniums hand down,
Bodies like veils fluttering to paint the Great Dance
Offered to the sky as a tribute of the soul drag into oblivion.
May I rejoin the stars, free my astral,
Embrace Knowledge and in the All regenerate myself now beast now man,
Till to reborn from the effluviums of my ethereal spirit God I Myself,
God among Gods,
Deserving of my devotion and of my passion!
Sacrifical victim for those who welcome me
The final battle is near to be
We've collected all the heroes
And thousand men with us...
Our time is at the end
But our seed will return one day
This, is now the story begun
Many moons... ago!
So the vision began
And a mighty wind shook the roots of the nine worlds.
The great wolf of the night roused
And a deep slash cracked open the primordial ice.
I saw him coming from the north
The father of all gods Two crows next to him
Two wolves at his sides
In the grey cape wrapped I saw him coming,
With the name of all things in his hand.
He widened the big eye, this he said: WAR!
I know, for nine whole nights you hung down from the tree
By the mercy of the wind shaken By the spear injured
To Odin sacrificed, Myself to myself
On that tree, of unknown roots, grown
Nor bread nor drinking horn was given
Towards the ground my look I cast
The runes I picked up Shouting I took them
And from up there I fell.
The eye shut itself And from his hand I fell
The human error I understood.
Almost no soul to sustain me
As if an infernal wind wanted
To tear it away from me.
Through the pain I saw and through it I understood
As too great was the Chaos (at the beginning)
Now too great was the order.
The great millstone of the sky
A new circle was about to be prepared.
It was time for war
It's the night of shabat The plenilune feast
Rise from your mortal sleep and let your astral body glide away
With the sacred ointment Plunge into the new dream
Follow the way of the secret life
Silently graze archaic dimensions
On water and over wind
The god of woods call his sons,
Enraptured by his power,
Follow the divine melody
The magic key.
Penetrate the forest's heart and be led to the sabbath,
Till the flight's end.
Vivid flares flashing in darkness are reflected
In the owl's fixed eyes.
Walk along the hidden paths
Nine kinds of wood nourish fire and fire marks your destination
It reveals the glade
And the walnut you knew through the deer's eyes
A long black robe appears among the trees
His gaze lighted upon the moon
His barbarian hymn hails to the moon
Nine words of nine letters thunder in silence
And the night's star reveals its secret nature.
(Hi)s shout opens the black diamond doors
the circle holds on tight to him
the old chant sing out...
Palas Aron Ozimonas
Baske Bano Tudan Donas
Geheamel Cla Orlay
Through the eyes of the raven
I saw the rain falling on the world
The entire nature bending
Under the vehemence of the furious wind
That was the time,
The favour of the Stone, I asked
And they, water in ice,
Turned in response
Widening their warm mouths
Down they pushed me
Into the great Bear's den
Rich and prosperous land,
Of noble blood, of ancient
and fighting race made.
Through a veil of dreams never born
Drawing the sword
Their King I challenged
Smiling over there I was taken
Where the mystery of the Springs lies
I drank and (under the spell) dreaming I fell
It was the wind Primary engine
To give me the knowledge of the eternal movement
Then the earth
A body gave me and the space was limited
The water
Blood became and my dry flesh refreshed
And above all the fire
Of inspiration the main source
Along the black spiral
Where the eternal tree walk on
Up to the roots of the true power,
I danced
At the base of the spine
The pillar that sustains the worlds,
The great stone have
tuned up a new song
Unlucky you who don't recognize
who gave you life
Small your flame and
Recid your light shall be
If from your land power don't draw
As a new new baby suckling
a right nipple to suck
you should to find
when the thirst for knowledge
your throat will dry
Then you'll become
the voice and the action
Of the earth that made you
And shaping it in return
Under our verb it will be
We the forgotten gods,
Stronger than ever we will be back
When the track is beaten
And the great stones
Impotently at the end of an era we assist
As a last rampart we protect the ancient wisdom
Our valour multiply our blades
But this is not enough
Falsehood and treason have reduced our lines
And increased the ones of the enemy of the ancient gods
Their thirst of lands and power will bring death and destruction for centuries to come
The gods, offended by whom have blackened them, have forget us
As two terrible dragons battle arrays clash
One white as his prophet's livery, tint in nothingness and emptiness of his sentences
The other one red, as shame and rage for thousand years of eggression endured
Through sparks and flames, bloody rivers flood through the green plains
The schock is terrible and many sons of the earth lost their lives on the field
Brother they were, now full of hate infused by the priests of the god of the desert
For a supposed difference of belives
The white dragon dispers and disbound his enemies, divouring them with fierce
Without mercy, without honour!
And after our killing, they convert our sons with tortures
They fill our sons hearts with fear and suspect, hate and ignorance
Another era will have to pass over
But nothing is linear in the circle of time
The wyrd repeat himself and the forgotten forces will free themselves
Far-away echos accompany the dim lights of torches
Old and mighty trees twine along the holy way of an ancient procession
Simple but obscure songs are murmured in the deep arboreal temple
Only two mighty blades shine in the reflection of fire
From our directions come the old sages, each with his number and each carrying his ancestor's
Everything repeats as in an old prophecy marked by a vision donated by the Spirit of Nature
And nothing is quiet in the dark heart of the forest
It's inhabitants voices
The breed of the trees and the men's mantra are part of a unique great ritual
Nothing is quiet... nothing
The four shining serpents slowly draw near to form a circle following the rhythm of
Dark and deep rumbles like the heartbeats of a huge dragon as he is drawing near
Everything wheels in an alchemist dance, where the symbols will become laws preserved
By a family of sages, the men of the oaks
Four serpents united and became one circular serpents, just one in the ancient nemeton
Where each man was near his stones and symbols
Now, everything is silent in the large forest
And even the magical lights of the flames seem to burn out in the silence
[by Bauhaus]
White on white
Translucent black capes
Back on the rack.
Bela Lugosi's dead.
The bats have left the bell tower,
The victims have been bled,
Red velvet lines the black box.
Bela Lugosi's dead.
Undead Undead Undead.
The virginal brides
File past his tomb,
Strewn with time's dead flowers,
Bereft in deathly bloom,
Alone in a darkened room
The count.
Bela Lugosi's dead.
Undead Undead Undead.
I raise my eyes at dead of night
I hear the silence moulding my body
I hear the damp and living ground throbbing
I belong to it.
I'm the guardian of this land,
I'm Dracula, Prince of Walacchia.
My name is synonymous with fear and terror
which I sowed and grew and which I fed on.
I led an army of dead soldiers
that I myself had raised from their graves.
I spread death and destruction.
Stifling smell of blood and excrements,
desperate cries, sobs.
Thousands of corpses rotted in the sun.
Thousands of poles rose as I passed.
My head beheaded and laid down.
The law: my law.
I was Vlad, the Impaler,
nobody could obstruct my path.
And the powerful Turks come in crowds.
And the new forest came up,
forest of fright and blood.
And the sultan of gold and silk
came with his numerous army,
thousand of persons were horribly impaled
and crowds came, crowds of enemies.
And at the end I was surrounded.
Chill, blood, horror of an irrepressible slaughter.
By then I was a prince without land.
And from the ground a whisper,
the whisper of the dead, rose:
In the whirls of time,
turning their eyes
toward the shadowy monumental
symbols of the past,
following the lines up to the places,
where power and mystery reign
some people raised many stones to the sun
in their imposing silence.
A warm wind is blowing in my face
melting the ice of death.
Burnt alive victims around the cromlec'h
in honour of my immortality.
Crucified on The Oak.
My blood is trickling down it
no light in this church made of trees
some men in white are chanting their song
to the altar of Cernunnos.
Crucified on The Oak.
Oh you, God of Moon,
sanctify this magis ritual.
In my heart there's the power of glory,
in my eyes the shine of the sword.
Oh you, God of Death, rescue me from this fear,
I will be your messenger,
rescue me from this light.
Oh Mother Darkness, receive the son of cruelty and wisdom.
Crucified on The Oak, in honour of Esus.
The earth is imbued with the blood of my God's enemies
and from flames a battle-cry is madly risen.
Far away the death-song is going on with the crossing of the swords.
The fog is hiding our temples made of stones
and the Gods are silently waiting for the event.
The bloody encounter between our Pagan Devotion and the only god.
Ruins around The Oak.
Corpses in oblivion.
Sealed up by the light of reason.
Beyond the valley of the silence
along the paths of ancient knowledge
led from the dense odours of the wind.
You will find yourself in the holy wood
consecrated to the primordial gods.
Baptized with the dew around the oak of this Wiccian's mass
celebrated from the warbling of the crows, og great mother moon.
Ishtar, Astarte, Inanna, let me feed at your breast
let me celebrate the fertile union of the horned god
with the pure white goddess.
Follow the call of the wood.
Follow the voice of the god.
Celebrate in the Nemeton with red candles
and autumnal flowers on the stone altar.
Dress yourself with the sky in the magic circle
and purify yourself with the sacred incense of Cernunnos.
Bless me mother, 'cause I am your son.
Blessed be my eyes, therefore I can find your way.
Blessed be my nose, therefore I can breath your essence.
Blessed be my mouth, therefore I can talk about you.
Blessed be my chest, therefore I can be faithful to you.
Blessed be my ancestry, therefore I can give life to men and women.
as you gave life to the universe.
Blessed be my feet, therefore I can follow your way.
Let the last smoke disappear carried from the wind.
Rise your eyes full of astral energy
and look at the crow that will lead your return to silence.
Let the night fall down on you
as the death curtain falls down on life.
You'll be reborn...
I'm alone the night wind's blowing on my face
and the branches of the trees are crying
in the big empty of this night.
Step by step along the shadow path
the black cloak of darkness opens the door
in the place of eternal silence.
Wha strange emotions are striking my body
an obscure quiet is leading my mind
my hands are touching the wet trees
and the undergrowth is making my way blind among
the mossy stones in the realm of the dead.
The old ivy-mantled gate is creaking
while I am opening the door of the whisper crypt.
What a morbid force my soul has
a hidden god is leading my steps.
I am going down is this wet stairs in the stiffing dark
only the noise of a drop
of water is stressing the passing time
I'm alone in this sepulcro.
I humble being pieteously observe the men's fragilty.
Putrid bones put upon marble sacella
are waiting for nothing
while the cobwebs are covering the ancient effigies
everything's resting in a monumental silence here
everything is forgotten here.
I alone in this sepulcro will bring these relics
back to life with my profane action.
This is a sacred profanation
that will give life to death
the eternal life of memory.
Under the moonlight,
bitter falls a tear
over the face of memories.
Oh, shining blade!
Cut my flesh,
so that be the Sacred Fire
nourished by my vital fluid.
And you! Spirits of the Air,
leave smoke as a sign of my rite.
Stone after stone,
I create my Lucus
and so I divide
the world of human dimension
from the one of Gods.
How wonderful falling into this darkness.
Blow up the last torches
and shut up your eternal chant.
Helel Ben Shahar.
Shining Master of light,
Prince of dawn,
wipe the shadows out of my spirit,
banish weakness from my body,
give me the strangth of Power,
let my throat
be ripped up by crying My Devotion.
In my devotion the sign of Voor.
In my devotion the sword of Hathoor.
May the four elements
become my allies,
may the faith of darkness
be my weapon
and the spirit my temple.
Son of time's forces,
deter my mind
from the wicked ignorance
of the Lambs of god.
In my devotion the sign of Voor.
In my devotion the sacred Tor.
The circle of power
be a sacred place,
shield and protection
from the followers of the nazarene.
Light in the light and light in the darkness.
I seize my nature,
the five edged star adorns my breast
and my hands clutch the club.
We are wolves in the sacred wood of life.
In my devotion the sign of Voor.
In my devotion Bathym Belem Gomor.
Take me, oh ferryman,
through the vision of my death,
the heat of the Great Black Veil.
My hearse brought in slow procession
by the No Named,
my reunion with Mother Earth,
the keeper of the dreams
last turning his clepsydra,
the breaking up of the black mirror
and The Guardians of the threshold
will open the last Portal.
Let the candles burn out,
darkness consumes light,
time divours life.
Feel the breeze on my face
the icy breath of the Goddess.
I raise my hand and touch the illusion.
My mind is powerful and my Ego is high
as the mountain in front of me.
Clouds run fast and silence comes
from the Fronds of the Ancient Walnut:
no scents, no odors, no sounds, no laments;
the cold vanishes...
I get all the colors all around me
and I see the enchanting dance of the branches:
it is the Walnut calling the witches,
it is our dream voyaging through the aethyr.
What was not becomes reality.
I am the deer running to the Sabbath!
I am the crow which observes the silence!
I am the craftsman of myself...
therefore I praise the Horned and the Great Mother!
And where the wind blows, at the mercy of the oneiric,
it is the touch of the world's spirits
which enhances my magic.
Mind's spreading, faint voices chant at the moon,
the silvering light of Levanah penetrates the unconscious
and revives the Ancient Knowledge.
I take flight, the dance is over.
Now we are the deer returning from the Sabbath!
Now we are the crow which contemplated the silence!
Now we are the craftsmen of ourselves...
I (myself) Esteban son of the dark side,
Illuminated monarch of the abyss
(which is) forgotten by
The divine light
I'm alive.
Ancient now inexistent laws,
Which have been destroyed
By you man,
Prevented me from waking up.
I will come riding a black dragon
In delirium winds
And anguish wings
Purify the air
'cause I'm coming and sacrifice
To the big tree with fire and blood.
I Esteban promise...
Power and glory in the anarchy of evil
To you poor mortals
Unite in my magic circle
In a way without return
Swear in me voices in the wind
Voices from a moan which fades in a delirium
Like the weak dust settles on the ruins of the past.
Oh lost souls in the whirl of the infinite
Esteban is alive...
Gorgot Assai Belem.
May the Great Portal open to me,
my voice thunder in thy name
and for the power of the Lords of the Great Frost.
The whirling air of the North guide my spirit
in the quest for glorious past.
And it was in the mist of time
that the death fires floodlighted darkness
the wind brought the smell of blood,
the air of extermination and the exterminators outcry.
The blades of sacrifice deepened in the flesh
and the nerves and the black seers raised
hearts still pulsating to unnamable Gods
for their obscure prophecies.
Prepare now your soul for the embrace of the sacred death,
may water suffocate your breath and flame consume your flesh,
all this so that Teutates, Esus and Taranis protect my people.
Heavy and slow were the treads of the black warriors
in the Aeron's march, dust rising like whirls
while the horrible Crow turned His eyes to the battle remains.
Morighon was reigning among the stones of the timeless,
where the stars engraved their symbols
and under the brightness of the moon
the initiates were enlighted on the Great Secrets.
I want to reopen my eyes to look beyond the horizon of fear,
My God is in me,
in the strenght of my arm,
in the light of my sword.
I raise my arms to Andraste,
so that only massacre be in my eyes.
To the threshold of the abyss I kneel,
so that the Three Furies invade my soul.
With wine I honour the Gods,
so that inebriation draws me near them.
My face I paint of moon
like all the sons of the dying sun lands,
I belong to Her.
Crom is in me.
Remote are now those archaic deeds in the mist of time,
and the Cimmeries testimonials sleep
in the obscure silence of the tumulus
like ancient relics, mighty sigils to fragile ashes.
But the choirs will thunder again Gorgot Necrod Belem.
When she was born, her father made a pact with the devil
Ten years later he died and let his girl astray
Guess where is she now?
She's alone in the dark �
Now here begins this story
About a cruel darkened past
His mother had a disease
But she was unable to react
One day the grandma told the girl
-Honey, my son made an evil pact
Saved me but soon his time will come
And the demon may want him for dead
Evil way
The devil is coming inside
-What's up? I must live some more
-But you need to offer a life!
-Kill me, but let my daughter go
-Oh, dad! I can't lose you tonight!
-Mom, the demon wants my head
I was careless and promised a life
All written in that bloody pact
too late to get back in time!
Demon's game
(both) Now he wants to kill everyone
(both) -Now I want to kill everyone
Evil way
Demon's game
We're going insane!
My little girl's running upstairs
While I'm hidden, but crying in pain
We're fools cause devil lies ahead
And wherever we go it's in vain
Grandma's gone; I'm trembling in fear
But we finally got outside the house
I'm desperate! He's already here!
And my family now certainly falls
-Run now, my daughter! I'll see you anywhere
-Father, I love you! I can't let you for dead
-No! Oh, how could I do something like that?
(both) Don't go, my father! We'll be happy someday
(both) Don't go, my daughter! We'll be happy someday
Shall they?
(solo: Rodrigo / harmony: Rodrigo / solo: Rodrigo / solo: Luciano)
The father? Fulfilling the deal
Lost the soul and had his fate sealed
The grandma? She tried to escape
Stumbled down and smashed her old face
Me? I'm still chasing
Innocent souls that please my feelings
The girl? Just like I'd sworn
She's alone alone in the dark �
Io metto il mio sangue nelle
mani di Shaytan
La forza che sta nell'essenza
degli dei
Che crearono il ciclo e la terra
Benediccte onnipotenti questo
Affinche sia puro e possa
Innalzatevi o potenti fumi e
purfieste questo mio tempio
Scorra lento il sangue per
nuirire il cuore del cerchio
Circle within circle
Towards the warm heart of the earth
Circle within circle
Falling Falling inside my wideness
I opened wide the doors of the underworld
Fragment making up a part of the eternity
In the eternal forest shelter I found
Guest of its big trees
Fed on its abundance
Through unknown land I travelled
In the fatherland, over there
Where the giants dwell
I followed gods' footsteps
Towards an high mountain
Set in its stone a great throne I saw
And on it a small and wrinkled man
Looking at me frowning under its big red hat
I am the great deer
Who runs between dimensions
I am the mother
Who gave birth to all religions
I am the stairway linking the opposites
I am the door leading to the sidh
Great is my spirit Matchless my power
Fear of me, (mortal) men
If afraid of me you are
Then your trembling soul I will eat up
Great will be your medicine
If my words you are able to listen
Great will be your strength
If from the deer's flesh you feed
Great will be your wisdom
If you know how to ride on me.
So then at the house of the gods
I will lead you
Going up the great river
Going up the great river
Towards the starry sky
And of a different destiny
I will clad you
You will meet all the spirits
and with them you will compete your strength
To be a real men
your humanity you must shed
And when the right time comes
I will kill you
So that you might be born again to life
The only master of your destiny becoming.
Circle within circle
The tired reality is closing
Like a flower at dusk
Waiting for the cold dew
Circle within circle
Following the path of the dawn
Through the night crowded with its dreams
In a sacred glade
I woke up
Three moons in the sky I saw
On my knees at the foot of the king's rock
I greeted them
Circle within circle
Then into a wolf I turned myself
And in the night I ran away.
Shining in darkness the vary eyes of the lord o birds of prey announces the passing of time
With his piercing call
The thick dark leaves of the forest dance in the wind and in worshipful adoration
The heavens tremble and the bright lightning flashes, leaving the heart's of the forests sons
The howling of the wolves become a macabre litany
Premonitions, obscure premonitions crawl in the night air
Built on dragon's bones the imposing tower stands
There the old of the oak turns the profaned sealed pages
The timeless pages built on sacred and terrible rituals
The wrinkled hands turn the pages, the hypnotic starring eyes nourish the thousand thoughts
In the whirling magic of this silent ritual
While the moonlight reflects the dragon's breath
When the ancient gods ruled the earth, giving abundance and death with a simple and fair hand
Glorious were their crowns, but the greed let the man to no longer follow the way of faith
But only the path of power. His greed drove him to excavate the depths of the earth
In search of hidden treasures
The rocks were broken and scattered to extract gold and gems
Mans disrupted the earth creating chasms liberating wealth and tremendous powers imprisoned
In the womb of the earth for thousands of years
Blinded by a mad quest, made pacts with the lord of the abyss
Repayed with the supreme art of metals
The sublimation of the elements earth, wind, water and fire
Death and destruction would spread
Consecrate the altar with your symbols
This is the night
when the breeze will rekindles the sacred fire
and when the sacred stones will sing your new name
It's the night of the breeze rekindling
the sacred fire,
(it's the night) of the sacred stones singing your new name.
Draw the circle with the athame
and undress your candid body
To let the eye of the Gods see your essence.
Guardians of the north,
sacred spirits of the earth
In the dark of your warm womb
accept my death I offer you my greetings
(and) I welcome you
Guardians of the East,
sacred spirits of the Air
As the sun rises from the east after the night,
Guide my soul to a new birth.
(Lead my soul to a new dawn)
Guardians of the South,
sacred spirits of the Fire.
Protect me and lighten my journey on the new path
Watch over me
and make my journey on the new path bright and clear
I offer you my greetings and I welcome you
Guardians of the West,
sacred spirit of the water
Purify me and make me clear as new spring
I offer you my greetings
(and) I welcome you
Death is waiting and widening its voracious mouth.
I am entering the dark before the creation
I am entering the womb of the Goddess
May my body born again
May my soul stay in peace
May my heart be ready
Sink yourself in the warm Earth
Sink your mind in the ancient litany
Dark mother take me in
Let me be born again
We all come from the same womb
This is the song of the goddess,
the key to the great union.
Anoint your breast and your womb
Widen the door of the new fate
And introduce yourself with your new name
Ensemble of flesh enlived by new power
Take the cup and the athame
raising your arms to the sempitern eye
As the cup is female so the knife is male
Now joined
They bring blessing
Consecrate your sacrifice
and enjoy the gifts of the great mother
Close your circle and step over,
in the truth that all (the) circles hold
Go now you, new creature
Now the master of the Only art
That all the arts contains
And where all the arts come from.
Live with honour
And with honour die.
You the master of the only arcane craft
Solitary and imposing the sacred tree wait the spirit's circle
Night receive the silvery lightning star
Take my hand, brother! And give it to a sister as we can close the spirit circle
High parfumes spill in the air, celebrating again the time wheel
The great golden serpent wrap again his throne
Here his royal look meet his opposite, two visages facing themselves in the eternal fight for
From his wooden throne the black goat of the woods wait his dismemberment as a rites for a
continous fertility
The nine knights surround the sacred enclosure, carefull guardians from the profane eyes
The virgins dance following the way of the mother
For the ancestral rite give again gift of continuity at his nation, his ancient nation
Who have protected his cult for centuries
Fires shines in the dark night and the torches accompany the whirling dances as a serpent that wrap
his pray
Take my hand brother and give it to a sister, for we are the sacred circle of the spirits
Protector and guardians of the ancient knowledge
And turn your voice to thunder, because this night the mother will unite with the god
And we'll have a new life and a new king
The light of the fires shine on the Anphisbena, that is the millenary lady of the underworld
She will welcome the new initiated in the eternal circular dance
Magics and maledictions from the stone temples will be able to make nothing against
The most ancient wisdom, neither the new knowledge
And even in the knights of the cross will cut the sacred tree and will banish the serpent
The ancient seed will germ again infusing new roots
Act I: The First Seal
Arcane and powerful symbols traced on them
Dark and forgotten the times of these writings
Timeless stones shape the walls of this site
In the sacred search of supreme knowledge
May the moon lead my steps
Waiting for his coming
And it was gloom
Somewhere in time
In unknown lands ruled by an ancient magic
6 towers of power were built
In titanic forests
They guarded 6 sacred heirlooms,
They show the effigy of the god
Protected by 6 seals
Who sits on the big black throneI mesmerize my soul
To fly along the dusty paths of
Looking for the magic circle of the black ring
Toth Amon, prince of enchanters
Tell me your secret
Or I will tear it from death to death
He feeds on blood
Running on a human blood river
His strength glows if the hands
The blood calls him
invoking him are stained with blood
There the light's kingdoms wobble
Where he shines, the blood is shed
There nature forces are shaken
Thoth-Amon, give me the sword of sacrifice
And the sacred cup I am gonna fill with lifeblood
Give me the lance of almightiness
And the potsherds of the black stone
Entrust the sixth heirloom to me
I'm gonna place on the altar of Dagon
breast, freezing my soul
And so be it!
And then a whirlwind struck my
announcing his coming
The candle flames vanished
5 the tips and 5 the elements
It is the blood in which I annihilate
The sixth is the knowledge the
supreme god, the bringer of light
Engraved in the sixth heirloom
One man rode the way through the woods
Down to Asa bay
Where dragon ships had sailed to sea
More times than one could say
To see with own eyes the wonder
People told of from man to man
The God of all almightyness
Had arrived from a foreign land
The rumours told of a man
Who had come from the other side the seas
Carrying gold cross around neck in chain
And spoke in strange tongue of peace
He had come with strange men in armour
Dressed in purple shirts and lace
Smelling not of beer but flowers
And with no hair in face
And the bold man carrying cross
Had told all one of Asa bay
The God of all man woman child had come
To them all save
And to thank Lord of Heaven
One should build to God a house
And to save one's soul from Hell
One should be baptised and say vows
A man of pride with the Hammer told new God
To build his house on own
And spoke loud of the Gods of their fathers
Not too long time gone
The rumours said the man with a beard like fire
And the Hammer in chain
By men in armour silenced was and by
Their swords was slain
Those who did not pay the one coin
Of four to man of new God
Whipped was twenty and put in chains then locked
By their neck to the log (To the log...)
And so all of Asa bay did build
A house of the cross
Every hour of daylight they did sweat
Limbs ached because faith does cost
And on the day two hundred
There it stood white to the sky
The house of the God of the cross
Big enough to take two dragon ships inside
And all of Asa bay did watch
The wonder raise to the sky
Now must the God of the cross be pleased
And satisfied
Just outside the circle of the crowd
One old man did stand
He looked across the waters
And blotted the sun out of his eyes with one hand
And his old eyes could almost see
The dragon ships set sail
And his old ears could almost hear
Men of great numbers call out Oden's hail
And though he did know already
Though he turned face towards sky
And whispered silent words forgotten
Spoken only way up high
Now this house of a foreign God does stand
Now must they leave us alone
Still he heard from somewhere in the woods
Old crow of wisdom say
The breeze, with its tossing about, speaks of the movements on the water
Surface and sends out the shivers.
From those waves I will read the future fate.
Oh silphs, inhabitants of the Air,
Be the mediators between me and the immaterial beings
By Paralda dominated
So that I may decipher to roar of the wind
Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas
The ethereal foundation, void of every substance.
Ouroboros you are the void that everything is,
You are the primordial substance that is Chaos
Now no more shapeless and empty as the central fire
Vibrates and floods it with light
The real secret is still unspeakable
Only through the mediation of symbols it can be pronounced,
Its thought has been awaken by the changed vision of all things.
Oh silence, teach the disciple of the ancient wise men,
So that every shape may become expressive and every sign may suggest deep
The snake, son of Apsu generates the Chaos,
Fall low into silence and fill
Up your mental calix with black
Substance of nothing
Burn 3 blood candles and breath
The dense fumes of gorgio
Enter the sacred circle and hail
The altar of the dying sun
8 silver tinklings to hear the
Secret name
Rise from silence, open your
Eyes and vibrate
Gorgot, assai belem
I invoke you timelessness
Who visits earth and skies
You, who lives night and day
Who knows darkness and light
Asar lin-nefer
No one ever saw you, in any time
You are jabas, you are japos
You are the right, and the
You are the female and the male
You are seeds and fruits
I am the ancient to whom you
Entrusted the mysteries
Listen to me cause i'm the angel
Of shaytan and this is your real
East air
Listen to me and subdue all
Demons to me
So that all spirits of external
Spaces and seperate dimensions
All spells and gods scourges
Obey me, on and under earth
In the great water, in the
Whirlwind, in the burning fire!
South fire
I invoke you, terrible and
Ivisible god who resides in the
Empty of the spirit
West water
Listen to me.
Assal-ou ai aphaniao i thothe
Abrasar acooi ischure
Powerful and timeless
North earth
I invoke you, ma barraio ioel
Kotha athor-e-bal-o abraoth
East spirit
Listen to me
He's the gods' master
He's the god of universe
Winds fear him
It's him who uttered the word
He's the master of everything,
King, ruler, succourer!
North spirit
Listen to me
I'm the timeless spirit, strong
Immortal fire
I am the truth, i am him who
Shines and thunders!
I am him whose mouth blazes
I am him who begets and shows
The light
Heart and serpent are my names
Iao sabao, those are the words
Now burn up 3 blood candles and
Wait for the empty time
Gorgot necrod belem
I dismiss you, threshold
Guardian, unfathomable gorgoi!
And go back to your dimensions
Secording to your law
I am the grey conqueror, he who's come by cold and storm
The grey wolf called by the full moon, and the snarling beast hidden in the cold mist
Brother Tree and Sister Stone
Hear my call! Brother Thunder and Sister Night
Announce my coming!
May it's reflection be seen in the eye of the owl, and be amplified by the wolf's cry
I'm the inborn hunting and the battle's fury
The strangled breath of the escape and the vane hope of a refuge
I'm the agony of the preyer and the red blood on the sword
The creature suffocated gasp and the last plea before the void
May glory walk beside me and death in the grey cloak follow
May red poems of blood be traced by the cold steel in the pages of time
I lift this immortal song, in memory of our fathers and in honour to our gods!
May the past return to live in the shadow of the moutains
In the darkness of the woods, and in the light of the plaines
In the depth of the lakes, and at the heights of the glaciers
In the grey humid mist, and in the hot mesmerizing sun
Do not betray your fathers, and don't deny your instincts
For we are the wolves for whom the preyer awaits
Just like the old grey wolf, beneath the pale kiss of the moon
We shout our war cry to the freezing sky we become death!
So that nothing is betrayed
Beneath this pale moon, I engrave my body is eternal signature of the corruptible flesh
May night swallow day and the moon be tainted red!
May the grey wolf return howling in the cold icy storm
For nothing will ever be forgotten!
May the spirits of my forefathers resurrect once more
The way leading to him is
unknown and steep
And the bodies rests of those
who didn't deserve him make it slippery
But it is at the borders of my
soul, so I know the secrets to
walk along it staying unhurt
The threshold of his abode is
barred by a tangle of infected thorns
But my soul keeps its key
His throne is shielded by 12 servants' stare
But he has called me, I felt him calling me
And he has given me the power to bewitch them
His rooms are icy
But he warms my naked body with
his breath
The throb and the blood flow suspend
In the presence of him
His eyes, diabolical larvas his pupils, scan me
His glance captures me and penetrates my breast
Goblet of delicious vermilion wine
I give myself up to his grim embrace
Throb of death
He is the storm
He is the breeze
He is the aurora
He is the twilight
He is the everlasting mind in
the timeless abyss
He injures and sates my lips
He lessens my hunger
He appeases my thirst
He is fire burning my flesh
He is icy snow settling in my womb
Rod of viscid serpents
Death and blood excite him
And my blood is the balm for his
ecstasy and his voracious delight
Putrid carrion with burnt seales
Obscure seducer with smooth
scented skin of infant
Now I know you
My name is no-one and a thousand, but the old sages crowned me Queen Mother
I am the breath you can hear among the leaves of the trees
My sap emerges from the deep lakes flowing into the rivers and into the immense oceans
My blood, hot and violent, cleaves the grounding a blazing trail left by a fire dragon
Dark and deep is my womb where I generate any form of life
Here, the ancient learned to receive the old supreme art
I have created sprites and guardians, fools and sages to defend my original power
Hidden in a language written on stone shapes and symbols
Many where the children who worshipped my thousand faces with honour and respect
And I, good and terrible, fed them at my sacred springs with water and dragon's flash
Now I'm dying and so are all my faithful servants that men called Gods of Pagos
Now, the power of the only god hangs over me
And worse my fate will be if they forget about me
And with me the most ancient legend carried on by purest emotions will end
Follow the ancient path and don't turn to the false light
Raise your arms to heaven and you'll be protected
Let the spirit walk with your body and draw the cross in the circle
Abandon the sufferings that belong to your false nature
Love me and I will love you
Hate me and I will devour you
Descent into my crypts where the darkness of life reigns
And nourish the eternal sacred flame
Defend your brother tree and your sister stone because their lives are mine
Follow the snakes' trail
What can wait, forever isn't dead.
And in the long run, even death dies.
The Ancient were, these Ancients are.
The Ancient will be.
They walked in this world.
After knowing the kingdom of stars.
And the stars will pre-announce. Their coming.
But, before then, the day, of men, will, be passed.
They'll descend through the door, they'll break the seals.
And their claws will free
Themselves from the ancient vice.
they'll find the way, in the labyrinth of time
'Cause for Yog-Sothoth, time is only one thing.
So they'll go back, and reign where they reigned once.
And their oaths, will contaminate the earth.
Oh, poor wretch you flatter yourself.
That you exploit, their immense strength.
And their dirty power. Count the seasons.
Observe the sun, and the stars.
And when you have risen the stones.
And, implored, their power.
That. will be the door through which.
You can call them out of time and space.
So, you will hear their terrible voices.
you will see ever-burning malign flames
But, you won't know the striking hand.
And the destroying soul.
'Cause, they come, without a face,
and men don't know their forms.
But, be cautious in acting. So that, the tentacles of darkness.
Can't, pentrate your soul.
as, the man, who was too darin'
lost, his vital force.
Dancing flames reflect a purple light
Dyeing the room with a
Mysterious stillness
Wrapped in the ineoriating haze
Of the fumed incense
We were sitting at the table
Pleasantly stunned by the sweet
Pungent smell of storax
Martyrized with ircos, oleum
Libani, commiphora
The white goddess was ruling the night
And the old bell heralded the
Arrival of Kephra
Our fingers were riding the
Ethereal dimension which
Embraces everything
"I'm the guardian of the east
Gates, master of the whirling air
I am him who opens the threshold
The portal is opened to you,
Holders of the ninth key"
I think their sound and technique
In the intensity of powers
The ninth evoked energy was
Waiting for us
Beyond the black diamond gates
It sounds great, and for me it's
"My name is Astharoth-Astarte"
It hurled
"I am him-her who walks in the dark
Who will lead you to ecstasy
I will give you the power of revenge
'Cause you are my sons
May the power of evil be with you
So that your souls can prepare for the call
In a place, sacred to you,
Celebrate with dances, chants and fires
You will couple in rapture
And I will enjoy your lust
I am the ninth key, the ninth flame of hell
Young, chaste with innocent fleshes
You will fetch her to me"
Magic resins have worn out
Scents have faded
Tum, patient, is waiting
I'm the encounter dance I'm the chain dance
I'm the blending of darkness and light
I lead the snake's circle in the thirteen moon's night
I give my blood to mother earth
Burn fire, burn bright Burn fire, burn bright
Fire bright Fire bright
Come to me, pure vision
Lead my steps in this night with the power of your light
Come to me, pure vision
Lead my steps in this night with the power of your light
Oh, master of winds and magic dances, take my
most solemn prayer with you in the star's circle
Listen to the invocation words Listen and reveal yourself, Isis
Celestial arc, earth, Life's and death's donor,
Perhephone, astarte, astoreth, inanna
We are born from you.
Lead us in the earth deep in ourself
Let us drink the hidden spring's water
and we will see what we will not reveal.
I'm the end of the shady path,
Me, Diana of crossroads, Hecate, Selene of the moon
Sink Into the eternal and primordial sleep
Sink Into the inner earth's secret heart.
Forget and keep silent, Drink persephone's water,
At the secret source, beside the sacred tree
Now I'm the secret queen
Of air and earth, of fire and water,
Of human souls and destiny's dream
The chant is dying out In a vibrating echo,
Dusk melting into the silvery night of plenilune
Hoor Apep The depth's dragon will rise, now
Hoor Apep The depth's dragon will rise, now
From the clatter of hooves of our battle horses
Trembles and shakes all our Earth,
And thousands of arrows, which covered the sun
For enemies carry death.
And being ready to conquire or die in the fight
We're gonna seize all world
Brave and ruthless, proud and wild,
Barbaric hordes from North.
Our swords are sharpened
Our spears are strong
And nothings gonna save the enemies
We're gonna make the greatest feast
On their broken bones
And drink their blood as wine.
Wild march has begun and quite soon
We'll bring to the knees all that world
Great and evil, true and strong
Gericke 15.11.1994
Einst war das Nordland, unsagbar alt,
so maechtig, prachtvoll, so majestaetisch kalt,
weiß waren die Berge, dunkel die See,
das Land meiner Vaeter, gelegen im Schnee!
Allmaechtige Goetter regierten das Land,
gestuerzt durch die Krankheit, getreten, verbrannt.
Oh, nimm mich, du Zorn, du Zorn ihrer Rache,
besteigt euren Thron, Heil Nordland, erwache!
Nun leutet die Glocken, von Turm zu Turm
und kommen wird der letzte Sturn,
einst war es weiß, das Winterkleid,
verschmutzt, durch Christenheit!
Nimm Dich in acht, oh Christenwelt,
das Leid wird groß, wenn Euer Thron faellt,
auferstehen wird es, das germanische Fleisch,
Heil Nordland - Heil unserem Reich...
Oden des Schmerzes, gefuellt ist mein Horn,
A.R 1992
At the gates, the king awaits
and the hordes of the storms
are enslaved by the throne
through the centuries of the dark.
I`m here to sat on my throne and I watched between the skies.
Durch die Jahre immerwaehrender Dunkelheit,
erhaben und maechtig verweile ich auf meinem Thron,
durch die Jahre immerwaehrender Dunkelheit,
so erstarrte ich zu einer steinernen Gestalt
des Allmaechtigen, aus der Einsamkeit des Universums,
so preiset die Inthronisation,
allmaechtig in der Vergangenheit,
wahrhaftig durch Vollkommenheit.
Through the centuries of darkness,
I`m here to praise the last enthronment
through the centuries of everlasting mortality.
I sat on my throne
Îïóñòèëàñü òüìà íà çåìëþ, â íåáå ïîëíàÿ äóíà,
Ìÿãêèì ìðàêîì ìèð îêóòàí, íî÷ü ïðåêðàñíà, íî÷ü ñèëüíà.
ËÅñ îêóòàí òèøèíîþ, è âåñü ìèð äàâíî óæ ñïèò -
Òîëüêî òû îäèí ñðåäü ëåñà íî÷ü âñòðå÷àåøü â ýòîò ìèã.
׸ðíûé íåáîñâîä íàä íàìè, òûñÿ÷è ñîçâåçäèé â í¸ì,
Æòî íî÷ü ñâîé ñâåò íàì äàðèò, òîò, ÷òî ìû íå âèäèì äí¸ì.
Ïîñìîòðè â íî÷íîå íåáî è òîãäà è òû, ïîâåðü,
Ñàì ïîéì¸øü, ÷òî çíà÷èò âå÷íîñòü, ñàì ïîéì¸øü, ÷òî çíà÷èò ñìåðòü.
Òèõèé âåòåð òðåïëåò ëèñòüÿ íà äåðåâüÿõ íàä òîáîé,
Ýòî äóõè ì¸ðòâûõ øåï÷óò íàì î æèçíè îá èíîé,
Òû ïîéì¸øü èõ òèõèé øåïîò, òû ïîéì¸øü èõ òèõèé ñìåõ,
Òîëüêî íî÷üþ òû óâèäèøü ìèð, êîòîðûé îò âñåõ.
Ìèð, â êîòîðîì ñèëû ìðàêà äðåìëþò íî ïðèä¸ò íàø ÷àñ,
Îò äíåâíîãî ñâåòà, ñ íèìè íî÷ü ïðèä¸ò èçáàâèòü íàñ.
Äóõè ì¸ðòâûõ âîçâðàòÿòñÿ â ýòîò ìèð ÷òîá íàì ïîìî÷ü, -
Íàä çåìë¸é ïóñòü âîöàðèòñÿ íàâñåãäà ñâÿòàÿ íî÷ü.
Òàê âîññëàâèì âñå âî ìðàêå è âñåõ òåõ, êòî ÷òî ñêðûòû â í¸ì:
Ñèëàì òüìû è âå÷íîé íî÷è ìû ñåãîäíÿ ãèìí ïî¸ì,
Äðåâíèì áîæåñòâàì âî ìðàêå ìû îïÿòü ñòàëè âåðíû,
Òîëüêî íî÷ü ìû ïî÷èòàåì, ìû òåïåðü å¸ ñûíû.
Âîëêè âîþò â ò¸ìíîé ÷àùå, âîé èç áóäèò òåõ, êòî ñïèò,
È âî òüìå, êàê çâ¸çäû â íåáå çëîáíûé ñâåò èõ ãëÿç ãîðèò.
Äåíü óæ çàâòðà íå íàñòóïèò, ñâåòó òüìó íå ïðåâîçìî÷ü, -
The dim woods, the snowy fields,
The deep lakes - It's my land!
The great warriors, the pagan rituals,
The ancient gods - It's my land!
On my land I stand and I admire It's beauty
It's dim forests and It has dark oakgroves
It has endless fields and It has snowy fields
It has transparent lakes and It has deeply rivers
It's a country of my ancestors'
It's my ancestors land!
Many years ago on that ancient land
Lived, fought and died great warriors
Clanged steel of swords and flew blood of enemies
Many great battles took place in that country
But my ancestors have never kneeled the ground
And they always defeated their adversories.
Once upon a time there worshipped great gods
For true ancient pagan deities
People made sacrifice and prayed them
And now true belief returns
Altars again are standing in the forests
Now we can again come unite with nature.
We again hear call of forests
Blood of ancestors is flowing in our veins
Their voices sounding in our brains
And we sharpen our swords
Great war has just begun
All World Is Damned Place
Dark Fury In MY Face
My Eyes Are Burning Hate
Now It's My Normal State
I Want, I Want To Kill
All People, Who Now Live
I Need To Kill Human Race
Because They Want My Death
All Friends Betrayed Me
They Didn't Want Me To Live
I Want To Revenge For All
"Dogs, die!" - Now I Call
And Take In My Hand Knife
To Deprive Them Of Their Life
Jesus Betrayed Me
He Can See Nothing
My God Leaves Me ALone
My Heart Turns Into Stone
Now Satan Is My God
And Now I Want Blood
I Nedd To Kill Human Race
Øîòëàíäèÿ, êîíåö XIII âåêà. Ãîðäûå êëàíû øîòëàíäñêèõ
ãîðöåâ ïîäíÿëèñü íà áîðüáó ïðîòèâ àíãëèéñêèõ
çàâîåâàòåëåé. Âîññòàíèå âîçãëàâèë Óèëüÿì Óîëëåñ.
È íà÷àëàñü âåëèêàÿ âîéíà è îäåðæèâàëè øîòëàíäöû
ïîáåäó çà ïîáåäîé. È áëèçêî áûëà äîëãîæäàííàÿ
ñâîáîäà. Íî áûë ïðåäàí âîæäü. È áûë êàçí¸í Óîëëåñ. È
óìåðåâ, îáð¸ë, íàêîíåö, äîëãîæäàííóþ ñâîáîäó. Ýòî åãî
ïîñëåäíÿÿ ïåñíÿ...
ß çàêðûë ãëàçà, ÿ íå âèæó íè÷åãî,
׸ðíàÿ ñëåçà, ìîæåò ñìåðòü, à ìîæåò êðîâü,
Êàïëÿ ãîðåñòè ñòåêàåò ïî ùåêå,
Íå ìîãó ïîíÿòü, æèòü ìíå èëè óìåðåòü.
Òàê êîãäà ïðèä¸ò äåíü, êîòîðûé äîëãî æäàë,
ß õî÷ó ïîíÿòü, äëÿ ÷åãî ÿ òàê ñòðàäàë.
ß õîòåë âçëåòåòü, êàìíåì ïàäàþ âíèç.
ß çàêðûë ãëàçà - íå ìîãó ñìîòðåòü íà æèçíü.
ß òàê äîëãî ø¸ë ê ñâîáîäå, íî, óâû,
Íåò ñâîáîäû, íåò! Ýòî ñëîâî äëÿ òîëïû.
Òèõî êàòÿòñÿ êàïëè ïî ùåêå -
Çàÿòíè ïåòëþ è íå áóäåò áîëüíî ìíå.
Ìèð ñäàâèë ìíå ãðóäü ðåàëüíîñòüþ ñâîåé,
Êàê ìíå äàëüøå áûòü, ÿ õî÷ó ïîíÿòü ñêîðåé.
ß èñêàë ìå÷òó, è ÿ ïîíÿë âåñü ñåêðåò:
Çàêðè÷àòü õî÷ó: "Ñâîáîäà - ýòî ñìåðòü!"
Òèõî êàòÿòñÿ èç çàêðûòûõ ãëàç
Ñë¸çû ÷¸ðíûå, âñ¸ â ïîñëåäíèé ðàç.
Òîïîð çàí¸ñ ïàëà÷, - âëò è âñ¸, ïðèø¸ë êîíåö.
Íå óñïåë äîæèòü... Âîò è âñ¸, ïðèø¸ë ìîé ÷àñ.
ß õî÷ó ñêàçàòü, ÷òîáû ïîíÿëè âû âñå:
I'm blackraven
I'm a woodchild
I'm bird of gods
I'm a wild warrior
Spirit of ancestors
Wind in your hair
And I fly to you
I'm darkness
I'm sorrow
I'm a cry
I'm a call
I'm a voice
The voice of old times
Your lost wisdom
And I fly to you
I'm woodchild
I am you
I'm your freedom
I'm your belief
I'm your true way
Way in the darkside
Road in the eternity
There exists the legend from long ago
That during fullmoon time
The count of vampires rises again
In the dark forlorn castle.
And awoken by the moonlight
He calls up vampires with
Wolve howling
To a new blood celebration,
From the vault, where he's been
esting for years.
On hearing this call, his servants
Hurry into the castle.
And to have a feast they
Carry live people.
And pour blood in the cups,
It flares up like a flame...
I would like to have a drink
Íèêòî íå âñïîìíèò, íèêòî íå ïîéì¸ò
Âåäü òàê äàâíî ýòî áûëî,
Íî ïàìÿòü î âèêèíãàõ - òèãðàõ ìîðåé
 íàøèõ ñåðäöàõ íå îñòûëà.
Êîãäà èñ÷åçëà ñåñòðà êîðîëÿ
Îáøàðèëè ëþäè ëåñà è ïîëÿ...
Ïðèíöåññû íèãäå íå íàéòè è ñëåäà,
Íàäâèíóëàñü ÷¸ðíàÿ çëàÿ áåäà.
Òîãäà ìåíåñòðåëü äà¸ò èì ñîâåò:
"×òîáû íàéòè òîé çàãàäêè îòâåò,
Äàâàéòå ðàçûùåì îòâàæíûõ ëþäåé,
Çäåñü áðîäÿò ïîáëèçîñòè òèãðû ìîðåé!"
Âóëüôåð îòâàæåí, à Êîðìàê õèò¸ð,
È ìå÷ ó îáîèõ, êàê áðèòâà, îñò¸ð
Çëîäåè óêðàëè ñåñòðó êîðîëÿ,
Òàêèõ íåãîäÿåâ íå íîñèò çåìëÿ.
Âîëíû ðû÷àò è êîëîòÿò â áîðòà,
Äðàêêàð íàø ëåòèò íåèçâåñòíî êóäà,
Âäðóã þòû íåñóòñÿ íàâñòðå÷ó íàì æèâî.
Áóäåò òèãðàì ãîëîäíûì ïîæèâà!
È ïîêàòèëèñü ãîëîâû ñ ïëå÷,
Âäîâîëü êðîâè íàïü¸òñÿ íàø ìå÷
Òîð è Îäèí ïîìîãóò íàì
Ñâÿùåííûé òîïîð íåñ¸ò ñìåðòü âðàãàì.
Þòû ðàçáèòû è âåòåð, øàëÿ,
Íåñ¸ò íàñ òóäà, ãäå ñåñòðà êîðîëÿ
Áü¸òñÿ êàê ïòèöà â îêîâàõ óáèéöû,
Êëÿòâîîòñòóïíèêà è êðîâîïèéöû.
Êîãäà íîñ äðàêêàðà óòêíóëñÿ â ïåñîê,
Áðûçíóëà êðîâü, êàê áåð¸çîâûé ñîê.
Âèêèíãîâ ñîòíè óøëè â Âàëãàëëó,
Èì áîëüøå íà ñëóøàòü õóëó è õâàëó.
Òîðëåéô ðàññòàëñÿ ñ æèçíüþ òîæå
Áóäü íàøà âîëÿ, ðàññòàëñÿ á è ñ êîæåé
Çîòü êðîâüþ áûëà çàëèòà çåìëÿ
On ancient slavonic land
Among woods and swamps
His birth was prophesied by volhvs
He's gonna lead the people
And grand duke was born in a dim forest
By valkiria-maiden
And rix Veselinov gave his son
Great name - Bozh
Hey, Slavs, let's sacrifice to Perun
And rush into the fight again
Bozh will lead us to fight
Against cruel enemies
The troops of our native land brave sons
Ride under the flag of hate
We're gonna bring back our ancient gods
In sacred groves of our great motherland
We are the warriors of winner's race
We carry war to our enemies
And Bozh will lead us like our
We bow to you first, Rod, and sing your great glory.
We praise you, the father of all human generations, mighty Svarog.
You are eternal and never freezing source, and he,
who drinks your water, lives until getting on your eternal meadows.
We sing you song, Sviatovid, cause you're the light,
which we seen the world through.
You hold the sun and stars strongly, and give us Yav,
and save us from Nav. We bow to you, Perun - The Thunderer,
that you don't cease to turn life whell and lead us by the way of truth
to the battle and funeral feast above those, who had given their lives
for faith and truth and go to the eternal life, to Perun's regiment.
Glory to you, honour and judge of warriorsm
that you shoot on our enemies and save us from their arrows.