
Dealing with the emotional impact of infertility

Melody McCabe I’m generally a pretty positive person, but I’m battling with my infertility. It was time I saw a counsellor about how I was coping - or not coping - with it all.



Pregnancy and your sex life

GREER BERRY Every woman's pregnancy is different: some lose their libido completely, some turn into total hornbags. One pregnant woman shares her story.

Junk food linked to premature birth

l-r  7yo Anna and 9yo Claire Stendell from Glebe have a sneak peak at some of this years Royal Easter Show show bags. For a story on the health effects on children who consume so much junk food over the Easter holiday break.
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Rebecca Smith Women trying to become pregnant should avoid a diet high in junk food because it is linked with an increased risk of giving birth prematurely, scientists are warning.


Old wives' tales and gender prediction theories

Woman vows to keep getting pregnant until her 'womb falls out'

The silent issue of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder

10 pregnancy symptoms you should never ignore


Are private hospitals worse for babies?

LUCY CARROLL Babies born in private hospitals to healthy mothers are significantly more likely to experience trauma and medical problems immediately after birth, a landmark study has found.

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Mum sues over forced c-section delivery


Anemona Hartocollis After two caesareans, Rinat Dray wanted to give birth naturally. The mum of three is now suing the hospital that she says forced her into a caesarean against her will.

Push for more home births in the UK

Rare twins hold hands at birth

Does swearing during labour help reduce pain?

Delayed cord clamping no barrier to skin-to-skin contact


This may be the worst breastfeeding campaign in the world

LETITIA ROWLANDS A breastfeeding campaign which makes new mums feel inadequate and guilty has been slammed by health officials and parents around the world.



The difference a good childcare worker can make

Naomi Tsvirko My daughter’s first day of childcare was one of the hardest days of my life, but I took comfort in the fact that she had a strong connection with a particular teacher.

When your child bites

Smiling girl

Kathy Lauer-Williams The daycare where my son goes called to tell me that he has been biting other children. I am really embarrassed by this. Is this normal? How can I stop him from biting?

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Video: Toddler sings the blues

How you develop as the parent of a toddler

Your toddler’s developmental roadmap

8 things every parent needs to know about tantrums

Being Dad

Photos capture the emotions of new fathers

Keith Perry A new book shows the entire gamut of emotions experienced by brand new fathers - ranging from petrified to ecstatic - in a poignant set of images.


From rock to The Wiggles and back again

Anthony Field, alongside his brothers John and Paul and former Wiggle Jeff Fatt, are re-forming their band the Cockroaches after 25 years.

16 apps and gadgets to help you plan your wedding


Corinne Bagish From staying fit to selecting a venue, these apps and devices will help the process of getting hitched go off without a hitch.

Is this nappy ad campaign 'too sexy'?

Video: Dancing Korean toddler is an internet sensation

Single parents face tax slug of 80 per cent

POLITICAL SKETCH: Does Peppa Pig face the chopping block?