

Page history last edited by Connie Crosby 1 month, 1 week ago Saved with comment



"The characteristics of all successful communities: broadly shared, accessible set of opportunities, a shared sense of responsibility for the success of the common enterprise, and a genuine sense of belonging." - Former President Bill Clinton, TED2007


A PodCamp is a usually free BarCamp-style community UnConference for new media enthusiasts and professionals including bloggers, podcasters, YouTubers, social networkers, and anyone curious about new media. The first PodCamp was held September 8-10, 2006 in Boston, Massachusetts. PodCamps are now being held worldwide.


PodCamp isn't just about podcasting! If you're interested in blogging, social media, social networking, podcasting, video on the net, if you're a podsafe musician (or want to be), or just someone curious about new media, then please join us -- and bring a friend or colleague.


Upcoming PodCamps:

(in chronological order)



Past PodCamps:

(in reverse chronological order)



Host a future PodCamp!


There are 6 rules which govern what may or may not be called a PodCamp. If your planned event meets all 6 and accepts the terms in the PodCamp Foundation License, you can call it a PodCamp:


  1. All attendees must be treated equally. Everyone is a rockstar.
  2. All content created must be released under a Creative Commons license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
  3. All attendees must be allowed to participate. (subject to limitations of physical space, of course)
  4. All sessions must obey the Law of 2 Feet - if you're not getting what you want out of the session, you can and should walk out and do something else. It's not like you have to get your money's worth!
  5. The event must be new-media focused—blogging, podcasting, video on the net.
  6. The financials of a PodCamp must be fully disclosed in an open ledger, except for any donor/sponsor who wishes to remain anonymous.


Additionally, sessions and events are strongly encouraged to be free to attend to allow as many people to attend as possible.


Beginning with PodCamp SA, if you can make a PodCamp carbon-neutral, please by all means do so!


Other Good Stuff



PodCamp is a trademark of the PodCamp Foundation and may not be used except as specified in the PodCamp Foundation License.



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