Premium Blogs

TopOfBlogs is a toplist directory that aims to show the most popular blogs in the world; you can list the best blogs in individual categories or tags (if you can't find a category, please let us know and we might add it if there is enough interest for it).
Ranking of the blogs is done according to the number of visits each blog receives under a certain amount of time (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.). Advanced anti-cheating measures are undertaken along with manual checking to ensure no cheating occurs. We are continuously working to improve the ranking mechanisms and even to add new methods of ranking in order to sort and list the best blogs toplist available. You cannot submit the same site more than once (though you can have more individual blogs under the same account).
If you are a blog owner and wish to have your site listed, please register your site and we will send your custom HTML code you need to add to your site template. Remember that you will be only ranked if you add the ranking HTML to your blog.