Nazism - The Occult Conspiracy [Full Length, 1998].avi
Nazism is first and foremost, a religion. This important documentary makes this very clear...
published: 22 Oct 2011
Nazism - The Occult Conspiracy [Full Length, 1998].avi
Nazism - The Occult Conspiracy [Full Length, 1998].avi
Nazism is first and foremost, a religion. This important documentary makes this very clear. In The Myth of the 20th Century Rosenberg reinvented Germanic history and laid out the foundation of the new Nazi creed: the religion of the blood. He saw, in a religious sense, blood as the determining factor. The church had to be of the blood rather than of faith, or belief... Blood, racial stock, identity became the keynotes of this new ideology. Hitler took Rosenberg's words further when he wrote, "the old beliefs will be brought back to honor again. The whole secret nature of the divine, of the demonic. We will wash off the Christian veneer and being out a religion peculiar to our race. Hitler's bid for power began November 9, 1923 with an attempt of an overthrow of the Bavarian government. Leading a group he called storm troopers, he launched an attack on a beer hall where government leaders were meeting. With Hess and Rosenberg at his side, Hitler brashly announced the formation of a new government, then took to the streets marching 3,000 storm troopers through Munich. They were confronted by police. Shots were fired and Hitler lost 16 of his men. It was a failed coup. But in the 10 years before Hitler seized power, the 16 men would become martyrs. In 1933, Hitler succeeded in becoming the Furor. In 1933, Hitler succeeded in becoming the Furor. A title that would come to resonate with religious connotations of the "anointed one", the "messiah". ". With Hitler's elevation to leader, the blood religion became the undisputed religion of the party, complete with holy days and martyrs. Propaganda minister Goebbels orchestrated a ritual whereby the 16 Nazi heroes were honored as martyrs of the Reich who died, were resurrected and then achieved eternal life.- published: 22 Oct 2011
- views: 11696
Architecture of Doom Nazism
Architecture of Doom Nazism. All rights reserverd to there respective owners....
published: 20 Oct 2011
author: Chris Van de Pol
Architecture of Doom Nazism
Architecture of Doom Nazism
Architecture of Doom Nazism. All rights reserverd to there respective owners.- published: 20 Oct 2011
- views: 12946
- author: Chris Van de Pol
WWII - The Complete History of World War 2 - Hitler & Mussolini - Nazism & Fascism - Part 1
History of World War 2 The instability created in Europe by the First World War (1914-18) ...
published: 22 Dec 2012
author: Satire X Millennial Generation
WWII - The Complete History of World War 2 - Hitler & Mussolini - Nazism & Fascism - Part 1
WWII - The Complete History of World War 2 - Hitler & Mussolini - Nazism & Fascism - Part 1
History of World War 2 The instability created in Europe by the First World War (1914-18) set the stage for another international conflict--World War II--whi...- published: 22 Dec 2012
- views: 5473
- author: Satire X Millennial Generation
What is Nazism ??? - Watch Full Video + Read Info
What is Nazism ??? - INFO from Channel Volksgenosse18 - READ THE INFO IN THE VIDEO - Its I...
published: 02 Jun 2013
author: HEaRealNowhereMan
What is Nazism ??? - Watch Full Video + Read Info
What is Nazism ??? - Watch Full Video + Read Info
What is Nazism ??? - INFO from Channel Volksgenosse18 - READ THE INFO IN THE VIDEO - Its Interesting.- published: 02 Jun 2013
- views: 146
- author: HEaRealNowhereMan
Holocaust Survivor: Zionism = Nazism
Auschwitz survivor Hajo Meyer talks about Israeli occupation and apartheid....
published: 19 Jun 2012
author: OccupyingTheMind
Holocaust Survivor: Zionism = Nazism
Holocaust Survivor: Zionism = Nazism
Auschwitz survivor Hajo Meyer talks about Israeli occupation and apartheid.- published: 19 Jun 2012
- views: 1102
- author: OccupyingTheMind
NAZISM - 1933 - 1945
NAZISM - 1933 - 1945 ... This video shows Germanic National Socialism - I'm Not a Nazi mys...
published: 22 Apr 2013
NAZISM - 1933 - 1945
NAZISM - 1933 - 1945
NAZISM - 1933 - 1945 ... This video shows Germanic National Socialism - I'm Not a Nazi myself - Anyway Enjoy.- published: 22 Apr 2013
- views: 433
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism is Totalitarian | George Reisman
The senior and adjunct faculty of the Mises Institute discuss the history, theory, and con...
published: 31 Jan 2010
author: LibertyInOurTime
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism is Totalitarian | George Reisman
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism is Totalitarian | George Reisman
The senior and adjunct faculty of the Mises Institute discuss the history, theory, and contemporary meaning of the fascist temptation, and what the Austrian ...- published: 31 Jan 2010
- views: 11920
- author: LibertyInOurTime
S-riksdagsman beskyller SD för nazism
I en debatt i riksdagen om arbetsrätt anklagar socialdemokraten Patrik Björck SD för en ra...
published: 02 May 2013
author: sdwebbtv
S-riksdagsman beskyller SD för nazism
S-riksdagsman beskyller SD för nazism
I en debatt i riksdagen om arbetsrätt anklagar socialdemokraten Patrik Björck SD för en rad olika smaklösa påståenden. Se hur Mattias Karlsson från Sverigede...- published: 02 May 2013
- views: 17708
- author: sdwebbtv
The Rise of Nazism
The Rise of Nazism....
published: 09 Mar 2012
author: claremontspartans
The Rise of Nazism
Neo-Nazism: Spirit of Hitler Still Alive in Germany - CBN.com
Though not a widespread phenomenon, the neo-Nazi movement continues to exist in small pock...
published: 30 Sep 2010
Neo-Nazism: Spirit of Hitler Still Alive in Germany - CBN.com
Neo-Nazism: Spirit of Hitler Still Alive in Germany - CBN.com
Though not a widespread phenomenon, the neo-Nazi movement continues to exist in small pockets across Germany... The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN http:/...- published: 30 Sep 2010
- views: 123246
- author: The Christian Broadcasting Network
SVT1 - Ramp om historia - Nazismen i Sverige under andra världskriget
published: 21 Dec 2012
author: Jaernvidr
SVT1 - Ramp om historia - Nazismen i Sverige under andra världskriget
SVT1 - Ramp om historia - Nazismen i Sverige under andra världskriget
- published: 21 Dec 2012
- views: 3923
- author: Jaernvidr
thanks thanks From Wall Street, gold price and US finance to conspiracies, latest global n...
published: 16 Dec 2013
thanks thanks From Wall Street, gold price and US finance to conspiracies, latest global news, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, David Icke Illuminati, a potential World War 3, Elite government cover - ups and much more, AKNewsflash is the place to be The world is turning into a wild place and certain aspects of reports go un noticed therefore i am here to keep u up on the most important stories around the world. We talk about (deep breathnews 2013 pastor lindsey williams elite nwo new world order illuminati pencil paper financial collapse obama ron paul election united states america radio show usd gold silver bullion investment ww3 war iran earth ''control the world'' secret society bilderberg bohemian grove oil future trendy cancer intelligence government price food water mr from end of 2012 end of the dollar usd timeline book dvd oil pipeline china japan petro dollar england uk enemy iran sanctions europe eu oil for gold un united nations india crooks date predition vote ron paul qe3 euro derivities financial system war with iran, ww3, wwIII, china, pakistan, russia, alex jones, info wars, clinton, obama, ron paul, illuminati, bilderberg, group, elite, bankers, gold, silver, inflation, food prices, oil price, oil, petrol, food shortage, freemason, fema camp, fema, usa, britain, england, royal family, nwo, new world order, 2012, end of days, end of time, card game, david icke, prison planet, we are change, occupy, occupy wall st, middle east, london, olympics, truth, , martial law, vote ron paul, ron paul, mw3, call of duty, spine injury symptoms,injury benefit,corruption,auto insurance quotes, middle east, info wars, occupy world,traumatic injury,injury insurance,lindsey williams, de population, water filtration, survive, g4t, nukes, nuclear, army, military, rt, russia today, alternative media, war, world war 3, subliminal messages, corruption,auto insurance quotes, middle east, info wars, occupy world, clash, pepper spray, freedom, society, leaders, revolution, global, capitalism, anonymous, revolution, golf injuries,radial nerve injury,orthopaedic injuries,shock, free, speech, fed, Europe, usa, politics, message, dictators, rebel, protest, crisis, square, camp, world, wall street, st, change, America, 911, 9/11, new York, comet, cme, group, bullion, investment, stocks, shares, truther, tax, money, banks nuclear, injury calculator,eye injury,accident injury insurance,whiplash injuries, neck injury,acute injury,accidental injury insurance,warship, Israel, youtube, freemasons, alex jones show, news, latest, breaking, news, media, report, 2013, conspiracy, world, gerald celente,claim,insurance,law firm,asbestos,compensation,whiplash,USA,America,martial law,economy,injury,injury compensation claims,injury at work claim,work injury claims,personal injury compensation claim,injury claims,injury claim solicitors,work injury claim,claim for injury, injuries claims,work injury compensation,injury lawyers,claim,insurance,law firm,asbestos,compensation,whiplash. The crazy world need to improve and change or else we will all be doomed.- published: 16 Dec 2013
- views: 5
Alpha Blondy - Apartheid Is Nazism (1985) FULL ALBUM
Album Tracklist:
1. Afriki (00:00)
2. Jah Houphouët (05:01)
3. Apartheid Is Nazism (10:21)...
published: 11 Jan 2014
Alpha Blondy - Apartheid Is Nazism (1985) FULL ALBUM
Alpha Blondy - Apartheid Is Nazism (1985) FULL ALBUM
Album Tracklist: 1. Afriki (00:00) 2. Jah Houphouët (05:01) 3. Apartheid Is Nazism (10:21) 4. Idjidja (15:07) 5. Sahel (20:04) 6. Sebe Allah Y'e (24:11) 7. Kiti (28:54) 8. Come Back Jesus (34:07) 9. Djinamory (39:35) Coming soon, album info and more, on This Is Crucial Reggae Blog: http://www.this-is-crucial-reggae.blogspot.com/ You can stay updated by liking our facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/ThisIsCrucialReggae I do not own the rights to this song or have written permission from the owner to upload it.- published: 11 Jan 2014
- views: 37
Nazism defeated 66 years ago. Or not?
For most Europeans, May the 8th marks when Nazi Germany surrendered 66 years ago. Solemn r...
published: 08 May 2011
author: RussiaToday
Nazism defeated 66 years ago. Or not?
Nazism defeated 66 years ago. Or not?
For most Europeans, May the 8th marks when Nazi Germany surrendered 66 years ago. Solemn remembrance ceremonies have been held in several capitals this Sunda...- published: 08 May 2011
- views: 22146
- author: RussiaToday
Youtube results:
Nazism and the New Age
Check out the link below for more info on the Occult origins of Nazism: http://www.illumin...
published: 07 Jul 2011
author: Goodfightlads
Nazism and the New Age
Nazism and the New Age
Check out the link below for more info on the Occult origins of Nazism: http://www.illuminati-news.com/hitler-occult.htm Watch the documentary "Nazism - The ...- published: 07 Jul 2011
- views: 1358
- author: Goodfightlads
ALPHA BLONDY Apartheid is Nazism (with Lyric)
from album apartheid is nazism ---
published: 04 Oct 2008
ALPHA BLONDY Apartheid is Nazism (with Lyric)
ALPHA BLONDY Apartheid is Nazism (with Lyric)
from album apartheid is nazism --- youtube.com/AlphaBlondy53- published: 04 Oct 2008
- views: 447542
Malmö mot Nazism 2014-03-16
Demonstrationståget mot nazism/fascism i Malmö, runt tio tusen människor som deltog.
published: 16 Mar 2014
Malmö mot Nazism 2014-03-16
Malmö mot Nazism 2014-03-16
Demonstrationståget mot nazism/fascism i Malmö, runt tio tusen människor som deltog. Protests against nazis/fascists in Malmö, around 10.000 participants.- published: 16 Mar 2014
- views: 1597
Vet ni vad ni har på er?
Artikel om BOY London http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/daniel-marr...
published: 04 Nov 2013
Vet ni vad ni har på er? Artikel om BOY London http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/daniel-marriott/extremist-symbolism-in-fashion_b_1930025.html --------------------------------------- Prenumerera & BLI ASCOOL: http://bit.ly/BliAscool Facebook | http://facebook.com/DewideFanpage Twitter | http://twitter.com/Dewide Instagram | http://instagram.com/dewidehammar --------------------------------------- Varje person som klickar på gilla, prenumererar på min kanal, delar videon och lägger till den i sina favoriter gör något som betyder otroligt mycket för mig! Det gör att min kanal växer och att fler ser mina videor. :)- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 19409