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Entrevista exclusiva del comunista chileno Manuel Olate  a la prensa colombiana (segmentos)
cabanas premoldeadas - prefabricadas - premoldeadas nbsp; viviendas am
HTML ටැග්ස්  HTML tags and attributes -HTML lesson no 3
Spot Offertissime Azzarito Expert
Šivovo kolo života
Kevin MORRISON Senior Regional Executive, LIMRA International    
Šivovo kolo života - sestřih
Samir Amin (II): La implosión del capitalismo
AIIF 2012
 Gala dinner offered by UNITY Re and AZ Re 
Katyusha rockets fired over Kesab 


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Entrevista exclusiva del comunista chileno Manuel Olate  a la prensa colombiana (segmentos)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 15:17
  • Updated: 04 May 2013

Entrevista exclusiva del comunista chileno Manuel Olate a la prensa colombiana (segmentos)
  • published: 24 Jun 2011
  • views: 1685
  • author: rpa SUR exclusiva del comunista chileno Manuel Olate a la prensa colombiana (segmentos)
cabanas premoldeadas - prefabricadas - premoldeadas nbsp; viviendas am
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:30
  • Updated: 29 Sep 2011

cabanas premoldeadas - prefabricadas - premoldeadas nbsp; viviendas am,00-9200.htm cabanas premoldeadas - pr... premoldeadas - prefabricadas - premoldeadas nbsp; viviendas am
HTML ටැග්ස්  HTML tags and attributes -HTML lesson no 3
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:31
  • Updated: 05 Jul 2013

HTML ටැග්ස්  HTML tags and attributes -HTML lesson no 3

CK and CK Empire This tutorial also connected with the precious tutorial here we introduce some new tags which are very useful we discuss here about following tags br tag strong rag em tag U tag sap and sup tag del tag code tag
  • published: 05 Jul 2013
  • views: 7 ටැග්ස්  HTML tags and attributes -HTML lesson no 3
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:24
  • Updated: 18 Nov 2012


  • published: 18 Nov 2012
  • views: 253 CHAMELI
Spot Offertissime Azzarito Expert
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:33
  • Updated: 29 Aug 2013

Spot Offertissime Azzarito Expert

  • published: 29 Aug 2013
  • views: 19 Offertissime Azzarito Expert
Šivovo kolo života
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:52
  • Updated: 17 May 2013

Šivovo kolo života "Oslava - Maahi Ve"

Ukázka z představení "Šivovo kolo života".Divadlo ABC březen 2012.
  • published: 26 Mar 2012
  • views: 353
  • author: VladHrozny1Šivovo kolo života "Oslava - Maahi Ve"
Kevin MORRISON Senior Regional Executive, LIMRA International    
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:46
  • Updated: 21 Mar 2014

Kevin MORRISON Senior Regional Executive, LIMRA International    

Ziua Asigurarilor 2011 Bucuresti Interviu realizat de  Oana RADU Florin TURICA. Video original aici
  • published: 21 Mar 2014
  • views: 0 MORRISON Senior Regional Executive, LIMRA International    
Šivovo kolo života - sestřih
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:09
  • Updated: 07 Apr 2012

Šivovo kolo života - sestřih

  • published: 07 Apr 2012
  • views: 669Šivovo kolo života - sestřih
Samir Amin (II): La implosión del capitalismo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:19
  • Updated: 07 Jul 2013

Samir Amin (II): La implosión del capitalismo

Segunda parte de la entrevista, realizada por Irene León, en la que Samir Amin se refiere a la implosión del capitalismo y el rol de China como país emergent... Amin (II): La implosión del capitalismo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 15:05
  • Updated: 17 Apr 2014


  • published: 17 Apr 2014
  • views: 4           
AIIF 2012
 Gala dinner offered by UNITY Re and AZ Re 
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:36
  • Updated: 25 Mar 2014

AIIF 2012 Gala dinner offered by UNITY Re and AZ Re   

  July 4, 2012 Baku Feature report by Vlad PANCIU  . Video original aici gala-dinner-offered-by-unity-re-and-az-re-nbsp -nbsp.html
  • published: 25 Mar 2014
  • views: 0 2012 Gala dinner offered by UNITY Re and AZ Re   
Katyusha rockets fired over Kesab 
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:03
  • Updated: 28 Apr 2014

Katyusha rockets fired over Kesab 

Katyusha rockets fired over Kesab 
  • published: 28 Apr 2014
  • views: 2 rockets fired over Kesab 
halo singing beyonce nbsp; nbsp;Google nbsp;Vidéos
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:39
  • Updated: 05 May 2013

halo singing beyonce nbsp; nbsp;Google nbsp;Vidéos singing beyonce nbsp; nbsp;Google nbsp;Vidéos
musique danse avec les loups   Google nbsp;Video
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:33
  • Updated: 06 Aug 2013

musique danse avec les loups Google nbsp;Video danse avec les loups Google nbsp;Video

Entrevista exclusiva del comunista chileno Manuel Olate a la prensa colombiana (segmentos)
  • published: 24 Jun 2011
  • views: 1685
  • author: rpa SUR

En­tre­vista ex­clu­si­va del co­mu­nista chileno Manuel Olate a la pren­sa colom­biana (seg­men­tos)
pub­lished: 24 Jun 2011
au­thor: rpa SUR
ca­banas pre­mold­eadas - pre­fab­ri­cadas - pre­mold­eadas nbsp; vivien­das am
pub­lished: 29 Sep 2011
HTML ටැග්ස්  HTML tags and at­tributes -HTML les­son no 3
CK and CK Em­pire This tu­to­ri­al also con­nect­ed with the pre­cious tu­to­ri­al here we in­tro­duce...
pub­lished: 05 Jul 2013
pub­lished: 18 Nov 2012
Spot Of­fer­tis­sime Az­zari­to Ex­pert
pub­lished: 29 Aug 2013
Šivovo kolo života "Osla­va - Maahi Ve"
Ukázka z před­stavení "Šivovo kolo života".Di­vad­lo ABC březen 2012....
pub­lished: 26 Mar 2012
au­thor: VladHrozny1
Kevin MOR­RI­SON Se­nior Re­gion­al Ex­ec­u­tive, LIMRA In­ter­na­tion­al    
Ziua Asig­urar­ilor 2011 Bu­curesti In­ter­viu re­al­izat de  Oana RADU Florin TURI­CA. Vide...
pub­lished: 21 Mar 2014
Šivovo kolo života - sestřih
pub­lished: 07 Apr 2012
Samir Amin (II): La im­plosión del cap­i­tal­is­mo
Se­gun­da parte de la en­tre­vista, re­al­iza­da por Irene León, en la que Samir Amin se re­fiere ...
pub­lished: 14 Mar 2012
au­thor: Fedaeps Ecuador
pub­lished: 17 Apr 2014
AIIF 2012 Gala din­ner of­fered by UNITY Re and AZ Re   
  July 4, 2012 Baku Fea­ture re­port by Vlad PAN­CIU  . Video orig­i­nal ai...
pub­lished: 25 Mar 2014
Katyusha rock­ets fired over Kesab 
Katyusha rock­ets fired over Kesab ...
pub­lished: 28 Apr 2014
halo singing be­y­once nbsp; nbsp;Google nbsp;Vidéos
pub­lished: 05 Sep 2009
musique danse avec les loups Google nbsp;Video
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2009
Vimeo results:
The Vil­lage of Peace Trail­er
Please learn more and help sup­port at: http://​villageofpeacemovie.​com...
pub­lished: 09 Nov 2011
AM Class 4 Di­a­logue
pub­lished: 29 Mar 2009
au­thor: Denis Zil­ber
Dis­se­ny de pàgines web Barcelona - NBSP
NBSP és una em­pre­sa de Sant Just Desvern, Barcelona, es­pe­cial­itza­da en el dis­se­ny web i pr...
pub­lished: 19 Nov 2012
US /// ex­trait 02
Court métrage d'an­i­ma­tion réalisé en 2013.  Pal­mar;ès actuel: 31 sélec­tions dans des f...
pub­lished: 06 Oct 2013

Youtube results:
Dis­abled old man cross­es the busy road 
Dis­abled old man cross­es the busy road ...
pub­lished: 01 May 2014
Ger­many: Top­less Mi­caela Schae­fer plays nude foot­ball in Berlin 
Ger­many: Top­less Mi­caela Schae­fer plays nude foot­ball in Berlin ...
pub­lished: 01 May 2014
Cop tasers man in po­lice cell and gets off 
Cop tasers man in po­lice cell and gets off ...
pub­lished: 01 May 2014
Man Throws 1 yo Baby After Los­ing Bat­tle with Oth­ers 
Man Throws 1 yo Baby After Los­ing Bat­tle with Oth­ers ...
pub­lished: 01 May 2014
photo: AP / Photo
In this Wednesday, May 28, 2014 photograph, Indian villagers gather around the bodies of two teenage sisters hanging from a tree in Katra village in Uttar Pradesh state, India
Edit Chosunilbo
30 May 2014
  ...   ...   ... But the stricter measures appear to have done little to stem violence against women. Reports of sexual assault have continued to pour in from all parts of the country -- whether from remote villages or big cities like India's financial hub Mumbai or the capital New Delhi ... for fear it would damage a girl's reputation. ....(size: 2.7Kb)
photo: AP / Muhammed Muheisen
Members of Pakistan's civil society hold banners during a protest to condemn the killing of pregnant woman Farzana Parveen
Edit The Japan News
29 May 2014
The Associated Press ISLAMABAD (AP)—A pregnant Pakistani woman beaten and stoned to death by her own family for marrying against their wishes was buried before dawn Wednesday as police pressed a manhunt for those who took part in the so-called “honor killing” outside a courthouse in downtown Lahore ... in a village graveyard in Pakistan’s eastern Punjab province, her husband Mohammad Iqbal said ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)
photo: AP / Vadim Ghirda
People carry sand bags to set up a shooting position as a pro-Russian gunman watches on the road leading from the the airport to Donetsk, Ukraine, Tuesday, May 27, 2014.
Edit The Irish Times
27 May 2014
Ukraine‘s government said it inflicted “significant“ losses on pro-Russian rebels in the east and retook Donetsk airport a day after President-elect Petro Poroshenko vowed to wipe out the separatists. Troops killed “dozens“ of rebels without suffering any losses, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said, while the mayor‘s office in Donetsk said 40 people died and 31 were wounded ... Streets in Donetsk were virtually empty today ... Reuters ....(size: 2.9Kb)
photo: AP / Efrem Lukatsky
Ukrainian soldiers patrol on a checkpoint outside Slovyansk, Ukraine, Thursday, May 29, 2014. Rebels in eastern Ukraine shot down a government military helicopter Thursday amid heavy fighting around the eastern city of Slovyansk, killing 14 soldiers including a general, Ukraine's leader said.
Edit Al Jazeera
30 May 2014
Ukraine's president-elect. Petro Poroshenko ... Moscow meanwhile called on Kiev to impose an immediate ceasefire and urged  the West to use its influence to prevent "a national disaster" in Ukraine ... Western countries, which have supported Ukraine's new government, have responded to Moscow's takeover of Crimea with sanctions against officials and organisations close to Putin. . 390 Source.. Agencies. ....(size: 2.5Kb)

Edit noodls
29 May 2014
... I have requested that the IG provide more information including a specific look at every facility that serves Colorado rsquo s veterans nbsp We also expect more specifics about who should be held accountable nbsp As we learn more of those facts those responsible for any fraud mismanagement or other failures should be punished and or fired rdquo ......(size: 3.7Kb)
Edit Sydney Morning Herald
29 May 2014
  Advertisement ....(size: 0.6Kb)
Edit Sydney Morning Herald
29 May 2014
My Goals Beyond (1970)Mahavishnu John McLaughlin. Reissued by Ryko in 1987 on clear vinyl with gatefold, which is the version I have ... Carlos Santana and Roberta Flack followed him too. He preached straight-edge enlightenment through creativity ... The Indian percussion is soft, like a travelogue ... Best though is that it is all from outside our usual spheres; it music from somewhere else ...   Advertisement ....(size: 2.0Kb)
Edit Canberra Times
29 May 2014
In an apparent bid to get the New Zealand rugby team to tour the Polynesian Islands, former Samoa centre Eliota Fuimaono-Sapolu has claimed that the All Blacks would have toured Nazi Germany "if Hitler had an interest in rugby." ...   ... In 2001, Fuimaono-Sapolu called the International Rugby Board "muppets" for charging him over Twitter attacks he made on the board and a referee.  ... ....(size: 2.0Kb)
Edit Canberra Times
29 May 2014
Eliota Fuimaono-Sapolu plays for Coca Cola West Red Sparks in the Japanese Top League. Photo. Jason Oxenham ... "They asked the whole world to do that ... but there was one country that decided not to listen ...   ... In 2001, Fuimaono-Sapolu called the International Rugby Board "muppets" for charging him over Twitter attacks he made on the board and a referee.  ... ....(size: 2.2Kb)
Edit Canberra Times
29 May 2014
Cadel Evans signs at the start of the 15th stage. Photo. AP ... Ochowicz also said if Evans does race the Vuelta from August 23-September 14, he would do so with one eye on preparing for the world road championship in Ponferrada, in  Castilla y Leon, north-west Spain on September 28.   Fichier sélectionné dans Sport. "Spain is very doable," Ochowicz told Fairfax Media ... ....(size: 4.2Kb)
Edit Canberra Times
29 May 2014
The future is mobile. According to Mary Meeker's State of the Internet, more than 1.8 billion photos are shared every day. Photo. Bloomberg ... Ms Meeker, who is now partner at venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, delivered her observations and predictions at the Code conference in California ... Photo ...  .   KPCB Internet trends 2014 from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. ....(size: 4.2Kb)
Edit Spiegel Online
28 May 2014
Essentially it's a kind of online subscription service for text messages ... They then receive regular brief updates, which are known as "tweets" and can be up to 140 characters long, from that person ... Hundreds of thousands of people are already using this platform to stay connected with their friends, family and co-workers ... How Do I Follow SPIEGEL ONLINE Tweets?....(size: 3.9Kb)
Edit Stuff
28 May 2014
Google will build a car without a steering wheel. It doesn't need one because it drives itself. The two-seater won't be sold publicly, but Google hopes by this time next year, 100 prototypes will be on public roads. Though not driving very quickly - the top speed would be 470kmph ...  . Those cars have Google-employed "safety drivers" behind the wheel in case of emergency ... No steering wheel, no brake and gas pedals ... ....(size: 2.2Kb)
Edit Canberra Times
28 May 2014
From vampire facials – which were made popular by reality television star Kim Kardashian – to placenta hair masks, women (and some men) will go to almost any lengths to maintain their looks ...   ... However, the snakes have their mouths taped shut and are fed 30 minutes before being used as long, scaley masseurs. ....(size: 5.3Kb)
Edit noodls
27 May 2014
Last week Colorado Sens Mark Udall and Michael Bennet along with House Democrats Diana DeGette Ed Perlmutter and Jared Polis sent letters to President Obama and VA Secretary Eric Shinseki urging them to continue investigating allegations of VA health employees misconduct and delayed treatment for veterans nbsp The delegation also requested results ......(size: 3.2Kb)
Edit Sydney Morning Herald
27 May 2014
Poor Macaulay Culkin.  ...   ...   ......(size: 0.4Kb)
Edit Canberra Times
26 May 2014
Security officers had their work cut out trying to keep fans, who had waited for hours, away from the bride and groom Kim Kardashian and Kanye West and their guests ... While the reality television family is known for its love of perfect appearances, this seems a bit much even for them ... God bless your beautiful family,” Beyonce wrote on the Instagram post of a photo of the West family from their Vogue shoot....(size: 4.7Kb)

In computer-based text processing and digital typesetting, a non-breaking space, no-break space or non-breakable space (NBSP) is a variant of the space character that prevents an automatic line break (line wrap) at its position. In certain formats (such as HTML), it also prevents the “collapsing” of multiple consecutive whitespace characters into a single space. The non-breaking space is also known as a hard space or fixed space. In Unicode, it is encoded at U+00A0   no-break space (HTML:    ).

Text-processing software typically assumes that an automatic line break may be inserted anywhere a space character occurs; a non-breaking space prevents this from happening (provided the software recognizes the character). For example, if the text “100 km” will not quite fit at the end of a line, the software may insert a line break between “100” and “km”. To avoid this undesirable behaviour, the editor may choose to use a non-breaking space between “100” and “km”. This guarantees that the text “100 km” will not be broken: if it does not fit at the end of a line it is moved in its entirety to the next line.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Listen to Kevin Morrison interviews

Kevin Gregory Joseph Morrison (born October 28, 1949 in Sydney, Nova Scotia) is a retired professional ice hockey player who played 418 games in the World Hockey Association and 41 games in the National Hockey League.

Morrison played for the Indianapolis Racers, New York Golden Blades, New Jersey Knights, San Diego Mariners, Quebec Nordiques and Colorado Rockies.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Listen to Samir Amin interviews

Samir Amin (Arabic: سمير أمين‎) (born 3 September 1931) is an Egyptian economist. He lives in Dakar, Senegal.

Samir Amin was born in Cairo, the son of an Egyptian father and a French mother (both medical doctors). He spent his childhood and youth in Port Said; there he attended a French High School, leaving in 1947 with a Baccalauréat. From 1947 to 1957 he studied in Paris, gaining a diploma in political science (1952) before graduating in statistics (1956) and economics (1957). In his autobiography Itinéraire intellectuel (1990) he wrote that in order to spend a substantial amount of time in "militant action" he could devote only a minimum of time to preparing for his university exams.

Arriving in Paris, Amin joined the French Communist Party (PCF), but he later distanced himself from Soviet Marxism and associated himself for some time with Maoist circles. With other students he published a magazine entitled;Étudiants Anticolonialistes. In 1957 he presented his thesis, supervised by François Perroux among others, originally titled The origins of underdevelopment - capitalist accumulation on a world scale but retitled The structural effects of the international integration of precapitalist economies. A theoretical study of the mechanism which creates so-called underdeveloped economies.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.
