
FAN WHITE NOISE | Fall asleep, stay asleep (11 Hours)
Purchase FAN MP3: http://www.8minutesleep.com/fan.html By popular request, I've created a ...
published: 22 Jan 2013
author: RelaxingWhiteNoise
FAN WHITE NOISE | Fall asleep, stay asleep (11 Hours)
FAN WHITE NOISE | Fall asleep, stay asleep (11 Hours)
Purchase FAN MP3: http://www.8minutesleep.com/fan.html By popular request, I've created a 10 hour HD fan video for your sleeping pleasure. And this isn't any...- published: 22 Jan 2013
- views: 228063
- author: RelaxingWhiteNoise

Brazil fan: '7-1 is unbelievable!'
Frederik Pleitgen speaks to Brazilians who saw the team's stunning 7-1 World Cup defeat....
published: 09 Jul 2014
Brazil fan: '7-1 is unbelievable!'
Brazil fan: '7-1 is unbelievable!'
Frederik Pleitgen speaks to Brazilians who saw the team's stunning 7-1 World Cup defeat.- published: 09 Jul 2014
- views: 2563

Rich Homie Quan- Man Slaps A Fan!
The rapper slapped a fan in the audience so hard, it puts him in THE SLAPPER HALL OF FAME!...
published: 09 Jul 2014
Rich Homie Quan- Man Slaps A Fan!
Rich Homie Quan- Man Slaps A Fan!
The rapper slapped a fan in the audience so hard, it puts him in THE SLAPPER HALL OF FAME!- published: 09 Jul 2014
- views: 6146

Brazil Fan Cry/Crying/Cries during the mach Brazil vs Germany 1-7 | Semifinal FIFA World Cup 2014
Brasilien Fan Schrei
Brasilien-Fan weint
Brasilianische Fan weinen
Brasilianische Fan Schr...
published: 08 Jul 2014
Brazil Fan Cry/Crying/Cries during the mach Brazil vs Germany 1-7 | Semifinal FIFA World Cup 2014
Brazil Fan Cry/Crying/Cries during the mach Brazil vs Germany 1-7 | Semifinal FIFA World Cup 2014
Brasilien Fan Schrei Brasilien-Fan weint Brasilianische Fan weinen Brasilianische Fan Schrei fãs brasil chorando Brasilien-Fans weinen Brasil fã grito Brasil fã chorando brasileiro fã grito fã brasileira chorando Brazil fans cry , brazilan fans crying, brazilian fans cry vs germany brazil vs germany, brazilian fans crying, germany 7-1 brazil brazilian fans crying , brazil vs germany world cup 2014 brazilian fans crying,brazil vs germany world cup 2014 Brazil/Brazilian Fans Crying Germany vs Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazilian fans reaction after Brazil vs Germany, Brazil/Brazilian Fans Crying/Cry Germany vs Brazil 7-1 2014 FIFA World Cup 08/07/14 Review and "Brazil/Brazilian Fans Crying/Cry Germany vs Brazil 7-1 2014 FIFA World Cup WIR FAHREN NACH RIO DE JANEIRO!!! Brazil/Brazilian Fans Crying/Cry Germany vs Brazil 7-0 2014 FIFA World Cup 08/07/14 Review and "Brazil/Brazilian Fans Crying/Cry Germany vs Brazil 7-0 2014 FIFA World Cup 08/07/14 Review"./ IN tears/neymar in tears seguidor/ fan / persona / niño / chico / hombre/ llora / llorando / en lagrimas / destrozado / mal / porque brazil piere/ derrota de brazil / brasil contra almenia / almenia / 1-7/7-1/ Brazil fans cry , brazilan fans crying, brazilian fans cry vs germany brazil vs germany, brazilian fans crying, germany 7-1 brazil brazilian fans crying , brazil vs germany world cup 2014 brazilian fans crying,brazil vs germany world cup 2014 Brazil/Brazilian Fans Crying Germany vs Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazilian fans reaction after Brazil vs Germany, Brazil/Brazilian Fans Crying/Cry Germany vs Brazil 7-1 2014 FIFA World Cup 08/07/14 Review and "Brazil/Brazilian Fans Crying/Cry Germany vs Brazil 7-1 2014 FIFA World Cup Fãs brasileiros reacções após a derrota da Alemanha Fãs brasileiros reacções após a derrota da Alemanha Fãs brasileiros reacções após a derrota da Alemanha Brasil Fãs Reação depois da Alemanha venceu o Brasil por 7-1 2014 Brazil Fans Reaction after Germany beat Brazil 7-1 2014 EMOCIONANTE! Reação dos fãs brasileiros para perda de Brasil x Alemanha jogo na Copa do Mundo- published: 08 Jul 2014
- views: 807290

Livestream vom Hyundai Fan Park Berlin | Brasilien - Deutschland, 22 Uhr
SPOX zeigt euch den Hyundai Fan Park Berlin live während der Partie Brasilien - Deutschlan...
published: 07 Jul 2014
Livestream vom Hyundai Fan Park Berlin | Brasilien - Deutschland, 22 Uhr
Livestream vom Hyundai Fan Park Berlin | Brasilien - Deutschland, 22 Uhr
SPOX zeigt euch den Hyundai Fan Park Berlin live während der Partie Brasilien - Deutschland- published: 07 Jul 2014
- views: 5

Day[9] Story Time #8 - Day[9] Fan Fiction (nsfw)
Story Time!
My Website: http://day9.tv/
Me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/day9tv/
Find me...
published: 08 Jul 2014
Day[9] Story Time #8 - Day[9] Fan Fiction (nsfw)
Day[9] Story Time #8 - Day[9] Fan Fiction (nsfw)
Story Time! My Website: http://day9.tv/ Me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/day9tv/ Find me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/day9tv/ Fancy Day[9] Swag: http://day9.tv/store/- published: 08 Jul 2014
- views: 3970

Sleeping baseball fan sues for $10 million
A New York Yankees fan is hoping that a mid-game nap could net him $10 million.
Andrew R...
published: 08 Jul 2014
Sleeping baseball fan sues for $10 million
Sleeping baseball fan sues for $10 million
A New York Yankees fan is hoping that a mid-game nap could net him $10 million. Andrew Rector, 26, fell asleep during the April 13 game between the Yankees and the rival Boston Red Sox. It was nationally televised on ESPN, and Rector was noticed by cameras and talked about by commentators John Kruk and Dan Shulman. Video of Rector — titled "Tired fan naps in the stands" — was then published to MLB.com and YouTube. People on the Internet made fun of Rector (shocking, right?) and now he's filed a defamation lawsuit against the Yankees, MLB, ESPN, Kruk and Shulman. Rector is seeking $10 million in damages after the "unending verbal crusade." The lawsuit is a doozy. The Smoking Gun has a copy, if you'd like to read it. It alleges: "Announcers like Dan Shulman and John Kruck [sic] unleashed avalanche of disparaging words against the person of and concerning the plaintiff. These words, include but not limited to 'stupor, fatty, unintelligent, stupid' knowing and intending the same to be heard and listened to by millions of people all over the world." In many places, the lawsuit reads like a jumbled mess, with passages such as: "The defendant Major league Baseball continually repeated these vituperative utterances against the plaintiff on the major league baseball web site the next day. These words and its insinuations presented the plaintiff as symbol of anything but failure. "The defendant MLB.Com continued the onslaught to a point of comparing the plaintiff to someone of a confused state of mind, disgusted disgruntled and unintelligent and probably intellectually bankrupt individual." Thing is, the ESPN broadcast didn't say any of the things alleged in Rector's suit. Kruk and Shulman did make fun of him a bit — saying a ballpark isn't the place to sleep and saying he was "oblivious" — but it was hardly "the avalanche of disparaging words." Instead, it sounds like Rector's suit is including what online commenters said about him, and thus he's trying to blame the Yankees, ESPN and MLB for the reaction in the comment section. That's a precedent that would turn the Internet upside down, if it were to hold up in court, which doesn't seem at all likely. One part of the lawsuit calls out MLB for using a picture of two men kissing to imply that Rector is gay under the headline "Sleeping Yankees fan cares not for your rivalry talk." However, that's clearly from parody site NotSportcenter and not MLB.com. Seems like this whole idea is just a vicious cycle. Rector filed a lawsuit because people poked fun at him on the Internet and now, after reading about the lawsuit, they're just going to poke fun at him some more. More MLB coverage from Yahoo Sports:- published: 08 Jul 2014
- views: 166

[EL758] Fan-Made: The School - 02 "Addio Libri Crudeli" + Extra Fan-Art
Cari Amici, benvenuti ne...
published: 08 Jul 2014
[EL758] Fan-Made: The School - 02 "Addio Libri Crudeli" + Extra Fan-Art
[EL758] Fan-Made: The School - 02 "Addio Libri Crudeli" + Extra Fan-Art
ULTIMA PUNTATA! E TRIPLA DOSE DI FAN-ART ALLA FINE DEL VIDEO! =D Cari Amici, benvenuti nella serie in cui giochiamo le meravigliose mappe create da voi! =) The Mysterious Library: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFHsi3Iq0bc&list;=PLPQYx4fz4ghRsj_xJMbMnpdarpoiLW6gQ INFORMAZIONI UTILI PER MANDARCI UNA FAN-MADE: Per inviarci tutto ciò che volete, mandateci: - un Messaggio su YouTube, scrivendo nel titolo "Fan-Made"; oppure - un Messaggio su Facebook, scrivendo all'inizio "Fan-Made" Sappiate che: - Per mandarci un messaggio privato su YouTube, andate qui: https://www.youtube.com/user/EternaLoveCL/about e cliccate su "Invia messaggio" (dovete essere iscritti e connessi a YouTube) - Potete inviarci il messaggio più volte, ma non più di una a settimana; - Se potete scegliere, scriveteci su YouTube. E' IMPORTANTE che ci scriviate: 1) Il titolo della mappa; 2) Con quale versione di MineCraft va giocata; 3) A che difficoltà va giocata; 4) Il link al vostro canale YouTube (se lo avete) e, se esiste, al trailer della vostra mappa; 5) Come volete essere chiamati nel video (pronuncia inclusa); 6) Se volete che pubblichiamo il link per scaricare la mappa; 7) Tutto ciò che dobbiamo sapere sulla vostra creazione. Più informazioni ci date, più possibilità avrà la vostra mappa di venire registrata! ^^ CONSIGLI UTILI: Una volta finita la mappa, fate un backup (facendo semplicemente copia/incolla della cartella del mondo) e PROVATELA! In questo modo, se ha dei problemi o manca qualcosa, avete tempo di sistemare tutto prima di inviarla. ^^ Ricordate inoltre che se per voi una cosa è chiara perché l'avete creata voi, non è detto che lo sia per tutti, quindi mettete qualche cartello/libro in più per evitare problemi. ;) COME INVIARE LA MAPPA: - Comprimete la cartella in formato .zip o .rar (con un programma di compressione, come 7-Zip); - Caricate la cartella compressa su mediafire.com - Inviateci il link al vostro file per messaggio privato! =) N.B.: Saremo felici di provare tutto quello che ci manderete, ma non potremo registrare tutte le mappe. Se non vi rispondiamo al messaggio non vuol dire che non faremo la vostra mappa. Inoltre, potremmo giocarla anche dopo mesi e mesi, quindi non preoccupatevi se non la vedete in tempi brevi! ;) • La mappa di questo episodio è stata creata da: - Andreaxge Fateci sapere se vi è piaciuta la Fan-Made! =) ✖ Secondo Canale YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/EternaLoveLC ✖ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/EternaLoveCL ✖ Twitter: http://twitter.com/EternaLoveCL ✖ Google+: http://plus.google.com/105201380627075634777 ✖ EternaLove Shop: http://eternalove.spreadshirt.it/ ✖ Intro/Outro Music: Title: Brexain - The Magician Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y2RLyNe8Qc Artist: http://www.youtube.com/user/BraindotEXE Network: http://www.youtube.com/user/OrionDnB Grazie a tutti per l'attenzione, e buona visione!- published: 08 Jul 2014
- views: 7766

Subscribe to Ebony Day right here: http://www.youtube.com/ebonydayblogs
This was such a f...
published: 08 Jul 2014
Subscribe to Ebony Day right here: http://www.youtube.com/ebonydayblogs This was such a fun day! Had a lovely time at British Summer Time with my friends Luke and Jack, we fan girled over The Vamps because they are fab and i love them :) If you liked this video then comment 'Jaffa Cake' so i know you enjoyed it :P And if you like The Vamps watch my challenge video with James here: Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/ebonyday1 Main Channel - http://www.youtube.com/ebonyday1 Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/ebonydaymusic Instagram - http://instagram.com/ebonyday1 Music: Love Robbery - Kalin & Myles- published: 08 Jul 2014
- views: 5467

Los meseritos y sus travesuras (intentan infiltrar a una fan)
Ruso y Chicharito intentan infiltrar a una fan al estudio de Acábatelo...
published: 08 Jul 2014
Los meseritos y sus travesuras (intentan infiltrar a una fan)
Los meseritos y sus travesuras (intentan infiltrar a una fan)
Ruso y Chicharito intentan infiltrar a una fan al estudio de Acábatelo- published: 08 Jul 2014
- views: 4732

Sachin fan called a monkey, by cricket commentator
Shameful language. How did this commentator not get into a world of trouble after this qui...
published: 08 Jul 2014
Sachin fan called a monkey, by cricket commentator
Sachin fan called a monkey, by cricket commentator
Shameful language. How did this commentator not get into a world of trouble after this quite racist comment?- published: 08 Jul 2014
- views: 770

NO MAIL for ALEX! Grim UNBOXES the FAN MAIL from NAILED IT NATION for July 9, 2014
Send me FUNNY STUFF to:
Grims Toy Show
PO Box 371
Island Heights NJ 08732
published: 09 Jul 2014
NO MAIL for ALEX! Grim UNBOXES the FAN MAIL from NAILED IT NATION for July 9, 2014
NO MAIL for ALEX! Grim UNBOXES the FAN MAIL from NAILED IT NATION for July 9, 2014
Send me FUNNY STUFF to: Grims Toy Show PO Box 371 Island Heights NJ 08732 OUR MAIN CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/sillySUPERPOP Grims Indy wrestling video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32w6Ou7BmK4 MORE FUN AT OUR WEBSITE http://grimstoyshow.com/ ORDER GRIMS TOY SHOW TSHIRTS HERE!! http://440416.spreadshirt.com/ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @GRIMSTOYSHOW @SILLYSUPERPOP Save 10% Using Coupon Code "GRIM" on your wrestling figures: http://www.ringsidecollectibles.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?&DH; Grim from Grims toy Show OPENS fan mail in this expansive and hilarious letter reading session segment! July 9, 2014 edition! He gets some awesome WWE memorabilia like drawings, posters, trading cards and more!- published: 09 Jul 2014
- views: 1698

Fan Mail Monday : My Little Pony, Blind Bags, and fun art!
Fan Mail Monday : My Little Pony, Blind Bags, and fun art! - another week of opening some ...
published: 07 Jul 2014
Fan Mail Monday : My Little Pony, Blind Bags, and fun art!
Fan Mail Monday : My Little Pony, Blind Bags, and fun art!
Fan Mail Monday : My Little Pony, Blind Bags, and fun art! - another week of opening some mail that you all have sent me! Thank You!! Intro made by Finfy: https://www.youtube.com/user/VonaraChan Opening Song: The Builder by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ ______________________________ PLAYLIST - Daily Toy Pick Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrYEcmpm7Hl4_iQPD0e9roS_FRRs6lB9d Disney's Frozen Elsa Tutorials and Doll Review Playlist : http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrYEcmpm7Hl6Znmw-2r8O3v2Sja5Brv_U Ever After High Tutorials/Reviews Playlist : http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrYEcmpm7Hl5nL0LPq9nB3hcLl13vnn7O _________________________________________ Send me mail! Chad Alan P.O. Box 7203 Fishers IN 46038 Game Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/GamerChadPlays FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Chad-Alan/197210503680115 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ChadAlan01 INSTAGRAM: chadalanofficial Music- Son of a Rocket by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/- published: 07 Jul 2014
- views: 5828

Sporting KC Fan Forum
Sporting Club CEO Robb Heineman answers questions from the Sporting KC fans in the club's ...
published: 07 Jul 2014
Sporting KC Fan Forum
Sporting KC Fan Forum
Sporting Club CEO Robb Heineman answers questions from the Sporting KC fans in the club's first ever fan forum- published: 07 Jul 2014
- views: 980
Youtube results:

FIFA Fan Fest™ - Curitiba
The FIFA Fan Fest™ party continued in Curitiba with thousands of Brazilian fans coming tog...
published: 08 Jul 2014
FIFA Fan Fest™ - Curitiba
FIFA Fan Fest™ - Curitiba
The FIFA Fan Fest™ party continued in Curitiba with thousands of Brazilian fans coming together to watch their team secure a spot in the Semi-Finals in a safe and welcoming environment. More on Brazil 2014: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/index.html 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ team previews: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCGIzmTE4d0gFI4T56s-40XbXXQw9rAhM More videos on Brazil 2014: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6A454DD385AAB9F Subscribe to FIFA on YouTube to stay updated on daily releases: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=fifatv More videos from FIFA on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/fifa- published: 08 Jul 2014
- views: 939

British YouTubers Talk Fan Fiction & Role Model Pressure! (Zoella, Alfie, Caspar, Marcus + MORE)
British YouTubers Talk Fan Fiction & Role Model Pressure! (Zoella, Alfie, Caspar, Marcus +...
published: 08 Jul 2014
British YouTubers Talk Fan Fiction & Role Model Pressure! (Zoella, Alfie, Caspar, Marcus + MORE)
British YouTubers Talk Fan Fiction & Role Model Pressure! (Zoella, Alfie, Caspar, Marcus + MORE)
British YouTubers Talk Fan Fiction & Role Model Pressure! (Zoella, Alfie, Caspar, Marcus + MORE) Subscribe to Hollywire | http://bit.ly/Sub2HotMinute Send Chelsea a Tweet! | http://bit.ly/TweetChelsea Follow Hollywire! | http://bit.ly/TweetHollywire I sat down with some of my favorite British YouTubers at VidCon 2014! The group talked about their highlights of 2014 so far, their opinions on fan fiction, and even the pressure they feel being a good role model in their videos! Thanks you guys!- published: 08 Jul 2014
- views: 17457

The Professor 25pts and 5ast D1 Overseas Pro Game(Fan Footage)
A lot of fans are accustomed to seeing The Professor in exhibition games, streetball type ...
published: 08 Jul 2014
The Professor 25pts and 5ast D1 Overseas Pro Game(Fan Footage)
The Professor 25pts and 5ast D1 Overseas Pro Game(Fan Footage)
A lot of fans are accustomed to seeing The Professor in exhibition games, streetball type settings or even Spiderman Basketball Videos. Commonly the question arises "Can he do that in a regular basketball game? Can he shoot? Can he guard anyone? Well here is a look at The Professor playing a D1 pro game in China in May. This is a conventional basketball game with regular rules and top level pros. This is a team from the CBA(Chinese Basketball Association) commonly a league that has NBA level players on their rosters. NBA or Ex NBA players who played in the CBA are Stephon Marbury, Allen Iverson, J.R. Smith, Sebastian Telfair and many more.- published: 08 Jul 2014
- views: 29888

"Boom clap" Fan Video
Fan video of "Boom clap"
Another plain one💁
I love this song!
But I haven't read or wa...
published: 08 Jul 2014
"Boom clap" Fan Video
"Boom clap" Fan Video
Fan video of "Boom clap" Another plain one💁 I love this song! But I haven't read or watched the film so 🙈 Follow my Instagram?? Catchingtheclouds We are almost halfway to 2k😍😍 Thank you😘 Created using Video Star: http://VideoStarApp.com/FREE- published: 08 Jul 2014
- views: 742