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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Private Equity Limited Partnership Agreement Release: The Industry’s Snowden Moment

Last week, the Wall Street Journal released an important story that chronicled how the private equity industry kingpin KKR systematically took advantage of its credulous investors via taking questionable charges through its related company KKR Capstone. We’ve published 12 private equity limited partnership agreements, including the KKR limited partnership agreement that key to the Wall Street Journal’s story.

A Warm Welcome to Our New Private Equity Readers

Naked Capitalism welcomes its new readers from the private equity industry.

Michael Perelman: Vietnam – Invitation to a Morass

How the Vietnam War helped usher in neoliberalism, financialization of the economy, and the use of military spending as stealth stimulus.

Don Quijones: The Bank That Nobody Wants To Buy

The sorry tale of the supposedly restored Spanish zombie bank Catalunya Caixa.

Links 5/26/14


European Voters Deliver the Revenge of the Nation-State

Were the results of the European elections a tremor or an earthquake?

Philip Pilkington: Has Thomas Piketty Pulled a Reinhart and Rogoff?

I don’t think that this is a Reinhart and Rogoff moment that discredits the underlying thesis of Piketty’s book. Rather I think that it is just another lesson in data analysis for us all. Lies, lies and damned statistics, as they say

Bruce Eckle on Reinventing Business

Even if you don’t agree with all of Eckle’s views on reinventing business, his effort to identify and strip away misguided conventional wisdom is a productive place to start.

Links 5/25/14


New York Times’ New Editor Buries Important Story on Private Equity Fee Shenanigans on Holiday Weekend

In an important, well-reaserched article, Gretchen Morgenson flags several types of private equity fee abuses. Did the incoming New York Times editor, Dean Baquet, bury her story by running it Memorial Day weekend?

Wolf Richter: World Trade Suddenly Slumps (Just Forget ‘Escape Velocity’)

The US economy, and by extension the world economy, is desperately waiting for the spring escape velocity to finally kick in. But the latest world trade statistics say it’s not happening.

Links 5/24/14


Global Food Security Needs States to Ally with Family Farmers

Yves here. If you live in an advanced economy, and are at least middle income, you probably don’t give much thought to the availability of food. Expect that to change in the coming years. Agribusiness is a major driver of food insecurity. Successful experiments show that relocalization of food production can be an effective remedy.

Financial Times Finds “Many” Errors in Piketty Analysis, Argues They Undermine His Thesis

Chris Giles of the Financial Times has charged Thomas Piketty with making Reinhart and Rogoff-like data and methodological errors in his best-selling book on wealth inequality, Capital in the 21st Century.

Links 5/23/14
