
LEGO Ninjago X-1 Ninja Charger 70727 Build & Review
LEGO X-1 Ninja Charger Ninjago 70727 Build AND Review. SUBSCRIBE to BrickQueen: http://bit...
published: 11 May 2014
LEGO Ninjago X-1 Ninja Charger 70727 Build & Review
LEGO Ninjago X-1 Ninja Charger 70727 Build & Review
LEGO X-1 Ninja Charger Ninjago 70727 Build AND Review. SUBSCRIBE to BrickQueen: http://bit.ly/1j3VMDo Check out more of my LEGO Ninjago videos here: http://bit.ly/1siiEOQ Kai's X-1 Ninja Charger is an awesome 2-in-1 vehicle! Set off in hot pursuit of the Nindroids who have stolen Kai's Techno-Blade. Aim the flick missiles at the Nindroid disc flyer and steer clear of its saw blades. Rotate the engine bay and fire the dual shooter to target the jet-packing Nindroid hovering above. Open up the hood, activate the built-in interceptor bike and accelerate to retrieve that valuable Techno-Blade! Comes with: 426 pieces 3 minifigures: Kai the Red Ninja and 2 Nindroids Average Price: $40 Release Date: May 2014 MORE LEGO Ninjago videos: LEGO Ninjago Ninja Collection Update 2014 http://bit.ly/1siiEOQ LEGO Ninjago 2014 Collection Good vs Evil http://bit.ly/1kZTP7I LEGO Ninjago Destructoid 70726 Review http://bit.ly/1iGN38B LEGO NinjaCopter 70724 Ninjago 2014 Review http://bit.ly/1iGN9wN LEGO Ninjago Fire Temple LEGO 2507 Review http://bit.ly/Qxg9vR LEGO Temple of Light 70505 LEGO Ninjago The Final Battle Review with the GOLD NINJA http://bit.ly/SQDKJS LEGO 2505 Garmadon's Dark Fortress LEGO Ninjago Review http://bit.ly/1meR997 Check out my YouTube channels here: For reviews of all kinds of toys BrickQueen: http://bit.ly/19HIhzP Gameplay and vlogs checkout ThatKristine: http://bit.ly/1hRI05e And you can find me on all these other pages too!! Facebook: http://on.fb.me/18H1bqg Twitter: http://bit.ly/IUkw0j Instagram: http://bit.ly/1908zmv Flickr: http://bit.ly/1fr7oLS Pinterest: http://bit.ly/19HHPBy Brick Queen Website: http://bit.ly/1j3UGYs I joined Maker Studios & so can you! Click here to see if your channel qualifies for RPM Network/Maker Studios: http://awe.sm/aJXN5 Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects- published: 11 May 2014
- views: 2828

LEGO Star Wars Darth Revan Promo Minifigure 5002123 Review
Darth Revan LEGO Star Wars Promo Minifigure 5002123 Review. SUBSCRIBE to BrickQueen: http:...
published: 11 May 2014
LEGO Star Wars Darth Revan Promo Minifigure 5002123 Review
LEGO Star Wars Darth Revan Promo Minifigure 5002123 Review
Darth Revan LEGO Star Wars Promo Minifigure 5002123 Review. SUBSCRIBE to BrickQueen: http://bit.ly/1j3VMDo Check out more of my LEGO Star Wars videos here: http://bit.ly/1iDQ3OA From the ancient era of the Old Republic comes Darth Revan™! Thousands of years before the time of Darth Vader™, this legendary Sith Lord took part in the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War, and battled to create a sinister new Sith Empire. Features LEGO® Star Wars™ Darth Revan™ Minifigure in mask and dark side robes, removable cape, hood and red-bladed Lightsaber MORE LEGO Star Wars videos: LEGO Star Wars UCS Sandcrawler 75059 Build & Review http://bit.ly/1iDQ3OA LEGO UCS Sandcrawler 10144 Star Wars Build & Reivew http://bit.ly/1kGJn8K LEGO Star Wars Microfighters Collection Review http://bit.ly/1g4uSoD LEGO Republic Gunship 75021 Star Wars Review http://bit.ly/1g4x8fD LEGO Mos Eisley Cantina 4501 Star Wars Review http://bit.ly/1mQrMMp LEGO Rancor Pit 75005 Star Wars Review http://bit.ly/1lIjRhv LEGO 6210 Jabba's Sail Barge Review http://bit.ly/PZIr1X LEGO Jabba's Palace 9516 Star Wars Review with Slave Leia http://bit.ly/1g2Smh6 LEGO Death Star 10188 Star Wars Review http://bit.ly/1mW1LLG LEGO Millennium Falcon 7965 7190 Star Wars Comparison Review http://bit.ly/R0YM7L Check out my YouTube channels here: For reviews of all kinds of toys BrickQueen: http://bit.ly/19HIhzP Gameplay and vlogs checkout ThatKristine: http://bit.ly/1hRI05e And you can find me on all these other pages too!! Facebook: http://on.fb.me/18H1bqg Twitter: http://bit.ly/IUkw0j Instagram: http://bit.ly/1908zmv Flickr: http://bit.ly/1fr7oLS Pinterest: http://bit.ly/19HHPBy Brick Queen Website: http://bit.ly/1j3UGYs I joined Maker Studios & so can you! Click here to see if your channel qualifies for RPM Network/Maker Studios: http://awe.sm/aJXN5 Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects- published: 11 May 2014
- views: 1891

LEGO City 60035 Arctic Outpost review! Summer 2014
Follow http://JANGBRiCKS.com & http://facebook.com/JangBricks !
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published: 12 May 2014
LEGO City 60035 Arctic Outpost review! Summer 2014
LEGO City 60035 Arctic Outpost review! Summer 2014
Follow http://JANGBRiCKS.com & http://facebook.com/JangBricks ! Subscribe to see the latest videos as they're released! I do new & old set reviews, custom creations, and more! Thoughtful comments are appreciated & encouraged, so let your opinion be heard! I strive to maintain a safe, welcoming, family-friendly environment in the comments on my videos. That means zero tolerance for cyber-bullying, disrespect, racism, sexism, homophobia, foul language, and spam. Let's keep it clean! -------------------------------------------------- Answers to common questions & thoughts: Q: What's the price of [some set] & where can I buy it? A: Search Google.com for the product by name to quickly & easily see the current price range & availability. I buy from Toys R Us, Target, Walmart, eBay, Amazon, wherever toys are sold. Q: Will you put [some official set] in your large custom layout? A: Nope. My custom layout is custom :) No official sets! Q: Will you make a how-to or instructions for a custom creation? A: Sorry, how-to vids take far more time than I can afford to spend. However, I usually show enough detail in my videos to let anyone Pause & see how things are built. Q: Will you give/sell/trade me your [set/parts/creation]? A: No. Sorry :( Q: How do you get your money to buy this stuff? A: I am an adult who works. Hard. Really hard. Q: Can you please not upload videos I don't want to watch? A: No, I cannot comply. Thousands of other people want to watch them. If you don't want to, just don't! The title is very clear :) Q: I hit thumbs down on a video. What do you think of that? A: I thank you for your help! Every thumb down OR up counts equally as "user engagement" which boosts the video in search results for more views! Q: Why don't you show your FACE in all of your videos? A: I show my face in many videos on multiple channels, but JANGBRiCKS isn't about my face. It's about building toys. So I show those! Q: If I copy/paste a comment repeatedly or on multiple videos, ask people to "plz like" my post, or SCREAM IN ALL CAPS, will you respond? A: No. Please don't do any of that. Ever. Q: 1st? 2nd? 100th?! A: Nobody will ever know, because pointless spam like that is now auto-hidden by YouTube! Spam for the loss, real comments for the win!- published: 12 May 2014
- views: 1089

LEGO City 60050 Train Station set review! Summer 2014
Follow http://JANGBRiCKS.com & http://facebook.com/JangBricks !
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published: 12 May 2014
LEGO City 60050 Train Station set review! Summer 2014
LEGO City 60050 Train Station set review! Summer 2014
Follow http://JANGBRiCKS.com & http://facebook.com/JangBricks ! Subscribe to see the latest videos as they're released! I do new & old set reviews, custom creations, and more! Thoughtful comments are appreciated & encouraged, so let your opinion be heard! I strive to maintain a safe, welcoming, family-friendly environment in the comments on my videos. That means zero tolerance for cyber-bullying, disrespect, racism, sexism, homophobia, foul language, and spam. Let's keep it clean! -------------------------------------------------- Answers to common questions & thoughts: Q: What's the price of [some set] & where can I buy it? A: Search Google.com for the product by name to quickly & easily see the current price range & availability. I buy from Toys R Us, Target, Walmart, eBay, Amazon, wherever toys are sold. Q: Will you put [some official set] in your large custom layout? A: Nope. My custom layout is custom :) No official sets! Q: Will you make a how-to or instructions for a custom creation? A: Sorry, how-to vids take far more time than I can afford to spend. However, I usually show enough detail in my videos to let anyone Pause & see how things are built. Q: Will you give/sell/trade me your [set/parts/creation]? A: No. Sorry :( Q: How do you get your money to buy this stuff? A: I am an adult who works. Hard. Really hard. Q: Can you please not upload videos I don't want to watch? A: No, I cannot comply. Thousands of other people want to watch them. If you don't want to, just don't! The title is very clear :) Q: I hit thumbs down on a video. What do you think of that? A: I thank you for your help! Every thumb down OR up counts equally as "user engagement" which boosts the video in search results for more views! Q: Why don't you show your FACE in all of your videos? A: I show my face in many videos on multiple channels, but JANGBRiCKS isn't about my face. It's about building toys. So I show those! Q: If I copy/paste a comment repeatedly or on multiple videos, ask people to "plz like" my post, or SCREAM IN ALL CAPS, will you respond? A: No. Please don't do any of that. Ever. Q: 1st? 2nd? 100th?! A: Nobody will ever know, because pointless spam like that is now auto-hidden by YouTube! Spam for the loss, real comments for the win!- published: 12 May 2014
- views: 301

LEGO Ninjago Battle for Ninjago City Review : LEGO 70728
Stephen reviews the 2014 LEGO Ninjago set, Battle for Ninjago City. Retails for 119.99.
published: 11 May 2014
LEGO Ninjago Battle for Ninjago City Review : LEGO 70728
LEGO Ninjago Battle for Ninjago City Review : LEGO 70728
Stephen reviews the 2014 LEGO Ninjago set, Battle for Ninjago City. Retails for 119.99. Fire Temple Review Here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XuuimW8CPY Please Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=brickshowtv Don't Have a YouTube Account? Get Our Daily Video Alerts! http://bit.ly/brickshow-daily- published: 11 May 2014
- views: 9854

LEGO Ultra Agents Misson HQ 70165 Build & Review
LEGO Ultra Agents Mission HQ 70165 Build AND Review. SUBSCRIBE to BrickQueen: http://bit.l...
published: 10 May 2014
LEGO Ultra Agents Misson HQ 70165 Build & Review
LEGO Ultra Agents Misson HQ 70165 Build & Review
LEGO Ultra Agents Mission HQ 70165 Build AND Review. SUBSCRIBE to BrickQueen: http://bit.ly/1j3VMDo Check out more of my LEGO Agents videos here: http://bit.ly/1iCx4IE Emergency! Evil cybernetic hacker Terabyte is attacking the Ultra Agents' mobile Mission HQ on a mission to disable Astor City's entire communication network. Drive the high-tech truck in undercover mode and fire the automatic missile shooters to fend him off. Launch the hidden flyer to spy for enemies from above. Push the lever to detach the driver's cabin and open up the rear of the truck to reveal the inside of the awesome HQ. Plug in the laptop containing the top-secret mission plans in the briefing room and view them on the big screen. Analyze clues and carry out tests in the lab with Professor Christina Hydron. Strap on a jetpack and attach the extendable robot arm to prepare Agent Phoenix for lift-off. Stop Terabyte escaping with the laptop containing all the Ultra Agents' secret files while his hi-tech mech tries to destroy the communications system by firing hacking bombs at the satellite dish. Launch the buggy down the ramp and fire the stud shooters to defend the Ultra Agents HQ. You must capture this criminal nerd in the high-tech prison cell before he can cause any more damage! Comes with: 1,060 pieces 5 minifigures: Terabyte, Agent Solomon Blaze, Agent Caila Phoenix, Agent Curtis Bolt and Professor Christina Hydron Release Date: May 2014 Average Cost: $100 MORE LEGO Agents videos: LEGO Agents Mobile Command Center 8635 Review http://bit.ly/1iCx4IE LEGO Agents Volcano Base 8637 Review http://bit.ly/1qqn3Ur LEGO Agents 2.0 Robo Attack 8970 Review http://bit.ly/1g8iREo LEGO Agents Turbocar Chase 8634 Review http://bit.ly/1jsXxZS Check out my YouTube channels here: For reviews of all kinds of toys BrickQueen: http://bit.ly/19HIhzP Gameplay and vlogs checkout ThatKristine: http://bit.ly/1hRI05e And you can find me on all these other pages too!! Facebook: http://on.fb.me/18H1bqg Twitter: http://bit.ly/IUkw0j Instagram: http://bit.ly/1908zmv Flickr: http://bit.ly/1fr7oLS Pinterest: http://bit.ly/19HHPBy Brick Queen Website: http://bit.ly/1j3UGYs I joined Maker Studios & so can you! Click here to see if your channel qualifies for RPM Network/Maker Studios: http://awe.sm/aJXN5 Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects- published: 10 May 2014
- views: 11013

LEGO Minecraft custom minifig-scale Chapel / Church MOC
Follow http://JANGBRiCKS.com & http://facebook.com/JangBricks !
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published: 11 May 2014
LEGO Minecraft custom minifig-scale Chapel / Church MOC
LEGO Minecraft custom minifig-scale Chapel / Church MOC
Follow http://JANGBRiCKS.com & http://facebook.com/JangBricks ! Subscribe to see the latest videos as they're released! I do new & old set reviews, custom creations, and more! Thoughtful comments are appreciated & encouraged, so let your opinion be heard! I strive to maintain a safe, welcoming, family-friendly environment in the comments on my videos. That means zero tolerance for cyber-bullying, disrespect, racism, sexism, homophobia, foul language, and spam. Let's keep it clean! -------------------------------------------------- Answers to common questions & thoughts: Q: What's the price of [some set] & where can I buy it? A: Search Google.com for the product by name to quickly & easily see the current price range & availability. I buy from Toys R Us, Target, Walmart, eBay, Amazon, wherever toys are sold. Q: Will you put [some official set] in your large custom layout? A: Nope. My custom layout is custom :) No official sets! Q: Will you make a how-to or instructions for a custom creation? A: Sorry, how-to vids take far more time than I can afford to spend. However, I usually show enough detail in my videos to let anyone Pause & see how things are built. Q: Will you give/sell/trade me your [set/parts/creation]? A: No. Sorry :( Q: How do you get your money to buy this stuff? A: I am an adult who works. Hard. Really hard. Q: Can you please not upload videos I don't want to watch? A: No, I cannot comply. Thousands of other people want to watch them. If you don't want to, just don't! The title is very clear :) Q: I hit thumbs down on a video. What do you think of that? A: I thank you for your help! Every thumb down OR up counts equally as "user engagement" which boosts the video in search results for more views! Q: Why don't you show your FACE in all of your videos? A: I show my face in many videos on multiple channels, but JANGBRiCKS isn't about my face. It's about building toys. So I show those! Q: If I copy/paste a comment repeatedly or on multiple videos, ask people to "plz like" my post, or SCREAM IN ALL CAPS, will you respond? A: No. Please don't do any of that. Ever. Q: 1st? 2nd? 100th?! A: Nobody will ever know, because pointless spam like that is now auto-hidden by YouTube! Spam for the loss, real comments for the win!- published: 11 May 2014
- views: 6382

LEGO Creator Bike Shop & Cafe Review, Set 31026
A LEGO Creator Bike Shop & Cafe Review, Set 31026 by The Brick Show.
On Amazon: http://am...
published: 10 May 2014
LEGO Creator Bike Shop & Cafe Review, Set 31026
LEGO Creator Bike Shop & Cafe Review, Set 31026
A LEGO Creator Bike Shop & Cafe Review, Set 31026 by The Brick Show. On Amazon: http://amzn.to/1jLE864 Reference: http://www.brickshow.tv/lego-review.asp?setnum=31026 Please Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=brickshowtv Don't Have a YouTube Account? Get Our Daily Video Alerts! http://bit.ly/brickshow-daily- published: 10 May 2014
- views: 6050

#4 Zagrajmy w LEGO City: Undercover ... czyli GTA: LEGO City - Polski Gameplay - Wii U
Zagrajmy w Zagrajmy w LEGO City: Undercover lub jak kto woli Let's Play z gry LEGO City: U...
published: 11 May 2014
#4 Zagrajmy w LEGO City: Undercover ... czyli GTA: LEGO City - Polski Gameplay - Wii U
#4 Zagrajmy w LEGO City: Undercover ... czyli GTA: LEGO City - Polski Gameplay - Wii U
Zagrajmy w Zagrajmy w LEGO City: Undercover lub jak kto woli Let's Play z gry LEGO City: Undercover. Od dawna marzyło mi się połączenie GTA i gier z serii LEGO, aż pojawiła się konsola Wii U, na nią gra LEGO CITY Undercover i postanowiłem, że muszę to mieć, że muszę wam ją pokazać. Nie zauważyłem, aby na Polskim YouTube ktokolwiek pokazywał Polski Gameplay z gry LEGO CITY Undercover dlatego postanowiłem, że trzeba zrobić to jak najszybciej, bo, aż grzech mieć Wii U i wam tej gry nie pokazać. O co chodzi w grze po za tym, że mamy do dyspozycji duży, otwarty świat, rozgrywkę prawie jak w GTA V ? Akcja gry ma miejsce w nowoczesnej metropolii, zbudowanej w oparciu o zestawy klocków LEGO City. Główny bohater - Chase McCain to gliniarz, któremu często zdarza się pracować pod tzw. przykrywką. Detektyw bezustannie tropi i krzyżuje plany przestępców, a na dodatek robi to w iście hollywoodzkim stylu. Przyjdzie nam latać helikopterem, ściagać się ulicami miasta, tropić złoczyńców. Dodatkowo fajnym gadżetem będzie pad od Wii U, który posłuży nam do komunikacji z komisariatem, skanowania przestępców albo jako podręczna mapa. Gra LEGO City: Undercover ukazała się wyłącznie na konsole Wii U i Nintenendo 3DS.- published: 11 May 2014
- views: 4046

Lego Cars MACK's TEAM TRUCK 8486 Animated Building Review
Watch all Cars Animations @ http://bit.ly/1niTHVy
Set Details: 374 pcs - $39.99 / £30.99 /...
published: 11 May 2014
Lego Cars MACK's TEAM TRUCK 8486 Animated Building Review
Lego Cars MACK's TEAM TRUCK 8486 Animated Building Review
Watch all Cars Animations @ http://bit.ly/1niTHVy Set Details: 374 pcs - $39.99 / £30.99 / €39.99 • 2 Cars figures: Classic Lightning McQueen and Mack Team Truck • Includes: cone, racing flag and tools • Mack's Truck features opening trailer to load Lightning McQueen inside! Measures 12" (30cm) long and 3" (7cm) tall • Lightning McQueen measures 2" (5cm) long and 1" (2cm) wide Set out for fun and adventure in a road trip to Radiator Springs! Mack and Lightning McQueen are hitting the road to visit their friends in Radiator Springs. It's a road trip adventure! Now they just have to remember the directions! Help them find their way there! MORE Cars Animations in our channel! 2012 SETS 9478 Francesco Bernoulli 9479 Ivan Mater 9480 Finn McMissle (Spy Gear) 9481 Jeff Gorvette 9483 Agent Mater's Escape 9484 Red's Water Rescue 9485 Ultimate Race Set 9486 Oil Rig Escape 2011 SETS 8200 Radiator Springs Lightning McQueen 8201 Classic Mater 8206 Tokyo Pit Stop 8423 World Grand Prix Racing Rivalry 8424 Mater's Spy Zone 8426 Escape at Sea 8486 Mack's Team Truck 8487 Flo's V8 Cafe 8638 Spy Jet Escape 8639 Big Bentley Bust Out 8423 World Grand Prix Racing Rivalry 8679 Tokyo International Circuit Custom Lego sets & Brick Light kits in my Stores http://www.artifexcreation.com & http://stores.ebay.com/Artifex-Creation SUBSCRIBE & Follow us for more! • Facebook http://www.facebook.com/ArtiFexCreations • Twitter http://twitter.com/#!/ArtifexCreation • Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/artifexcreation/collections/ • MOC http://www.mocpages.com/home.php/23318- published: 11 May 2014
- views: 495

LEGO Candy Bars! How to Make NO BAKE Chocolate Lego Bricks with Cupcake Addiction
Simple NO BAKE Chocolate LEGO Brick Candy Bars, perfect for any LEGO fan or LEGO Party. SH...
published: 11 May 2014
LEGO Candy Bars! How to Make NO BAKE Chocolate Lego Bricks with Cupcake Addiction
LEGO Candy Bars! How to Make NO BAKE Chocolate Lego Bricks with Cupcake Addiction
Simple NO BAKE Chocolate LEGO Brick Candy Bars, perfect for any LEGO fan or LEGO Party. SHARE this video if you or someone you know loves LEGO! Link to LEGO Giant Cupcake: http://bit.ly/LqHbCF Link to LEGO Cupcakes: http://bit.ly/1pDPQiH Tools & Equipment: Silicone LEGO brick mould (or plastic is fine) Knife Craft mat or chopping board 2 x zip lock bags Spoon Scissors Ingredients: Melted chocolate or candy melts (any colours you like!) Candy fillings - whatever your favourite is - I used mini m&m;'s. reeves peanut butter cups and snickers Connect with me on: Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1cOOpu6 Twitter: http://bit.ly/1chFsvF Instagram: http://bit.ly/134thON Pinterest: http://bit.ly/17awkC5 I'd love to see pics of your cakes and cake pops on ANY of the above -- You all know how mine turn out -- now show me YOUR creations! Xx Elise Music: "Happy Harry" by Lincoln Grounds / Michael Pearse via Audio Network www.audionetwork.com- published: 11 May 2014
- views: 301

LEGO haul from Bricklink - May 9, 2014
Follow http://JANGBRiCKS.com & http://facebook.com/JangBricks !
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published: 11 May 2014
LEGO haul from Bricklink - May 9, 2014
LEGO haul from Bricklink - May 9, 2014
Follow http://JANGBRiCKS.com & http://facebook.com/JangBricks ! Subscribe to see the latest videos as they're released! I do new & old set reviews, custom creations, and more! Thoughtful comments are appreciated & encouraged, so let your opinion be heard! I strive to maintain a safe, welcoming, family-friendly environment in the comments on my videos. That means zero tolerance for cyber-bullying, disrespect, racism, sexism, homophobia, foul language, and spam. Let's keep it clean! -------------------------------------------------- Answers to common questions & thoughts: Q: What's the price of [some set] & where can I buy it? A: Search Google.com for the product by name to quickly & easily see the current price range & availability. I buy from Toys R Us, Target, Walmart, eBay, Amazon, wherever toys are sold. Q: Will you put [some official set] in your large custom layout? A: Nope. My custom layout is custom :) No official sets! Q: Will you make a how-to or instructions for a custom creation? A: Sorry, how-to vids take far more time than I can afford to spend. However, I usually show enough detail in my videos to let anyone Pause & see how things are built. Q: Will you give/sell/trade me your [set/parts/creation]? A: No. Sorry :( Q: How do you get your money to buy this stuff? A: I am an adult who works. Hard. Really hard. Q: Can you please not upload videos I don't want to watch? A: No, I cannot comply. Thousands of other people want to watch them. If you don't want to, just don't! The title is very clear :) Q: I hit thumbs down on a video. What do you think of that? A: I thank you for your help! Every thumb down OR up counts equally as "user engagement" which boosts the video in search results for more views! Q: Why don't you show your FACE in all of your videos? A: I show my face in many videos on multiple channels, but JANGBRiCKS isn't about my face. It's about building toys. So I show those! Q: If I copy/paste a comment repeatedly or on multiple videos, ask people to "plz like" my post, or SCREAM IN ALL CAPS, will you respond? A: No. Please don't do any of that. Ever. Q: 1st? 2nd? 100th?! A: Nobody will ever know, because pointless spam like that is now auto-hidden by YouTube! Spam for the loss, real comments for the win!- published: 11 May 2014
- views: 7297

LEGO Hobbit - Прохождение #1 - АРКЕНСТОН
Первая серия новой рубрики по LEGO играм.
►Все видео по LEGO-ИГРАМ: http://bit.ly/1hG90kh ...
published: 11 May 2014
LEGO Hobbit - Прохождение #1 - АРКЕНСТОН
LEGO Hobbit - Прохождение #1 - АРКЕНСТОН
Первая серия новой рубрики по LEGO играм. ►Все видео по LEGO-ИГРАМ: http://bit.ly/1hG90kh [Удобно] ★Реклама: http://bit.ly/1cVYH9H ★Канал стримов: http://www.twitch.tv/crystalous ﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋ ►Реклама: http://bit.ly/1bRtDHG ►Купить ключи на игры: http://bit.ly/18RX5dz ►Получить партнерку как у меня: http://bit.ly/1gDmOjL ►Вконтакте: http://bit.ly/1aXLTiy ►Фан-Арт: http://bit.ly/1a2iAw8 ►Случайное видео: http://bit.ly/RSjssC ►Поболтать с Кристаллом: http://bit.ly/1ayQICq ►Подписаться: http://bit.ly/Td64m6 Если вдруг вам захотелось поблагодарить автора за его творчество: WebMoney: Z705547511358 R397315353905- published: 11 May 2014
- views: 6758

LAKE-TOWN CHASE - LEGO HOBBIT Set 79013 - Time-lapse Build, Stop Motion, Unboxing & Review!
Click here to see my LEGO: The HOBBIT Video Game videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?...
published: 11 May 2014
LAKE-TOWN CHASE - LEGO HOBBIT Set 79013 - Time-lapse Build, Stop Motion, Unboxing & Review!
LAKE-TOWN CHASE - LEGO HOBBIT Set 79013 - Time-lapse Build, Stop Motion, Unboxing & Review!
Click here to see my LEGO: The HOBBIT Video Game videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbn3kT8mNqLku3XKl8ETDy0c8b9t3Ne7n More LEGO HOBBIT: Dol Guldur Ambush: http://youtu.be/c9Jgg300Y-U Our 2nd Channel EvanTubeRAW: http://www.youtube.com/evantuberaw Our Gaming Channel EvanTubeGaming: http://www.youtube.com/evantubegaming EvanTubeHD T-shirts NOW AVAILABLE!: http://www.rodeoarcade.com/collections/evantubehd Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/EvanTubeHD/323753077701215 Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EvanTubeHD Escape from the Master of Lake-town with Bilbo Baggins™ in a Lake-town Chase! Bilbo Baggins™ and Thorin Oakenshield™ have washed up on the shores of Lake-town. Help the heroic Bard the Bowman™ to sneak them in aboard his boat, hide in the barrel and sail into town. Sneak through the secret passageway into the armory to grab a weapon and tiptoe past the Guard to take the prison key. Blow out the prison wall for the ultimate distraction! Can our heroes avoid being blasted by the prison roof catapult and escape to safety? Includes 5 minifigures with assorted weapons and accessories: Bilbo Baggins™, Thorin Oakenshield™, Bard the Bowman™, Master of Lake-town and a Lake-town Guard. Includes 5 minifigures with assorted weapons and accessories: Bilbo Baggins™, Thorin Oakenshield™, Bard the Bowman™, Master of Lake-town and a Lake-town Guard Features dual-purpose house/prison, armory and a boat House/prison features guard room, prison, prison key, look-out and catapult on the roof Armory features a removable weapon rack and hidden passageway Boat features a catapult, barrel, lamp and steering oar Weapons include Sting, longbow, corseque, mace, long sword and 2 short swords Accessories include The One Ring and 2 golden keys Bard the BowmanTM, Master of Lake-town and Lake-town Guard minifigures are exclusive to this set Hide Bilbo Baggins™ in the secret passageway Blow the prison wall to create a distraction Sneak past the guard and grab the key Grab a weapon from the removable weapon rack Stow away Thorin Oakenshield™ in the barrel and sail the boat away Defend the boat with the catapult Fire the catapult from the prison look-out Armory measures over 4" (12cm) high, 4" (12cm) wide and 3" (8cm) deep House/prison measures over 7" (18cm) high, 5" (13cm) wide and 4" (11cm) deep Boat measures over 9" (25cm) high, 9" (24cm) long and 5" (14cm) wide Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects- published: 11 May 2014
- views: 14936
Vimeo results:

CL!CK: A LEGO Short Film
Ever wonder where big ideas come from? If you're a fan of LEGO bricks, eureka moments, or ...
published: 12 Jan 2010
author: Lego Click
CL!CK: A LEGO Short Film
Ever wonder where big ideas come from? If you're a fan of LEGO bricks, eureka moments, or guys with odd mustaches, you really should see this. Great ideas just CL!CK. http://www.legoclick.com

fashion film integrante da mostra Moda em Movimento
BH-MG, Brasil
um filme de julia lego...
published: 01 Oct 2013
author: julia lego
fashion film integrante da mostra Moda em Movimento
BH-MG, Brasil
um filme de julia lego e paula dante
produção de objetos mariana cezário
styling davi leite
assistente styling rafaela ianni
beleza washignton rodrigues
modelo jordana ribeiro (joy)
trilha Dibigode 'Barroca'
agradecimentos espaço 104 e Natália Dornellas

Lego Calendar
The Lego calendar is a wall mounted time planner that we invented for our studio. It’s mad...
published: 26 Sep 2013
author: Special Projects
Lego Calendar
The Lego calendar is a wall mounted time planner that we invented for our studio. It’s made entirely of Lego, but if you take a photo of it with a smartphone all of the events and timings will be magically synchronised to an online, digital calendar. It makes the most of the tangibility of physical objects, and the ubiquity of digital platforms.
The Lego calendar was invented in 2012 in Vitamins, a design and invention studio founded by Adrian Westaway, Clara Gaggero and Duncan Fitzsimons. For more info visit http://www.lego-calendar.com

Price of a view
Music: Fading Desire
Composed by: David Flavin, ASCAP and Roland Rudzitis, ASCAP
published: 16 Feb 2013
author: Lego Ho
Price of a view
Music: Fading Desire
Composed by: David Flavin, ASCAP and Roland Rudzitis, ASCAP
香港除了是世界有名的東方之珠,亦是居住了七百多萬人的彈丸之地,大廈林立,寸金尺土,大廈不斷向高空發展,大廈與大廈之間的空間也越來越少,景觀便成了價格的重要指標,很多香港人一生勞苦都是為了這細小的棲身之所,但死了... 也逃不過要面對生前的相同問題。
Hong Kong, despite the fame of Pearl of Oriental, is a tiny place with a population of 7 million. High-rising buildings have been developing everywhere due to the high cost of limited place. The space among the buildings becomes smaller and smaller. The outside view also has become the value of the buildings. Many Hong Kong people have spent their whole life working only for such a tiny living den. However, after their death, they still face the previous situation.....
Youtube results:

Where is Emmet? Thomas The Train LEGO Batman Superman Super Mario Spongebob Squarepants Iron Man.
HobbyKidsTV™ presents Where is Emmet? Join Thomas, Superman, Batman, Iron Man, Super Mari...
published: 11 May 2014
Where is Emmet? Thomas The Train LEGO Batman Superman Super Mario Spongebob Squarepants Iron Man.
Where is Emmet? Thomas The Train LEGO Batman Superman Super Mario Spongebob Squarepants Iron Man.
HobbyKidsTV™ presents Where is Emmet? Join Thomas, Superman, Batman, Iron Man, Super Mario and Spongebob Squarepants on a search for Emmet from the Lego Movie. Will all of these cool characters find Emmet. Will there be a guest appearance from a Bonk a Zonk? Find out by watching this awesome video. #hobbykidstvHERO #hobbykidstvLEGOS #hobbykidstvDAD HobbyKidsTV is proud to be in the Top 5% on Google Preferred Family & Children's YouTube Channels Lineup! This video created by: http://www.HobbyKidsTV.com Please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE for new daily toy videos! ---TOY INFO--- Thomas the Train: TrackMaster Castle Quest Set The TrackMaster Castle Quest Set promotes the development of children's fine motor skills as they handle and manipulate the Thomas engine and his cargo. In addition, the set encourages curiosity, imagination and creativity as little engineers encounter the adventure and intrigue of Thomas facing a variety of close calls. With excitement around every bend, the TrackMaster Castle Quest Set provides an engaging and beneficial experience for your little engineer. The Island of Sodor springs to life in this new adventure, and your child will feel transported to a world of fun and thrills. ---MUSIC BY--- "River Valley Breakdown" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ River Valley Breakdown by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under CC Attribution 3.0 Direct Link: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300032 ISRC: USUAN1300032 ---[Kids Videos, Playlists]--- ★ [PLAY-DOH VIDEOS]: [Play-Doh Videos] http://bit.ly/1b2NeHt ★ LEGO VIDEOS: [Lego Playlist] http://bit.ly/1mUOlv4 ★ DISNEY TOYS, CARS, PLANES VIDEOS: [Car Playlist] http://bit.ly/1ngDjTI ★ TRANSFORMERS VIDEOS: [Transformers Playlist] http://bit.ly/1fuPOFM ★ SURPRISE TOYS VIDEOS: [Surprise Playlist] http://bit.ly/1ll4HBv ★ DINOSAUR VIDEOS: Dinosaur Playlist] http://bit.ly/1mUOxu8 ★ DUPLO LEGO VIDEOS: [Duplo Playlist] http://bit.ly/1bwYvg1 ★ KIDS VARIETY FUN VIDEOS: [Kids Fun Playlist] http://bit.ly/1c3Ceab ★ COOKIE MONSTER VIDEOS: [Cookie Monster Playlist] http://bit.ly/Lm4Pkg ★ ANGRY BIRDS, BAD PIGGIES VIDEOS: [Angry Bird Playlist] http://goo.gl/JbxWw2 ★ BEST FUN KIDS VIDEOS: [Best Kids Playlist] http://bit.ly/1bwXLaM ★ GIRLS PRINCESS VIDEOS: [Girls Playlist] http://bit.ly/1faAsYb ★ SUPERHEROES VIDEOS: [Hero Playlist] http://bit.ly/1a0eNTn ★ FROZEN DISNEY PRINCESS: [Frozen Playlist] http://bit.ly/OX2M89 ---FIND US AT--- YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/HobbyKidsTV YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/HobbyToysTV Website: http://www.HobbyKidsTV.com Email: HobbyKidsTV@gmail.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/HobbyKidsTV Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1aj5Gde Instagram: http://instagram.com/HobbyKidsTV Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1c9zRFm Toy Store: http://bit.ly/1kcgjRF ---ABOUT HobbyKidsTV--- Family friendly kids toy videos. We collect all toys, review toys, and the kids have always loved playing and creating fun stories with their toys since they were very little. We make kids toy videos on Play-Doh, Legos, Duplo, Cars, Cars 2 Movie, Planes, Transformers, Dinosaurs, Princesses, Disney, Pixar, Surprise Eggs, Play Doh Eggs, Cookie Monster, Elmo, Frozen, Elsa, Anna, Muppets, Dinosaur Train, Trains, Superhero Toys, Batman, Superman, Hulk, Ironman, SpongeBob, Patrick Star, Sesame Street, Big Bird. Watch HobbyKidsTV Playdoh Playlists for more Play Doh toy videos. Our playlists includes Cookie Monster Play Doh, Elmo Color Mixer Play Doh toy review, Play Doh Mickey Mouse, Hulk Smash Play-Doh, Play Doh Plus food treats, Play Dough Animals, Lightning McQueen works on Doctor Drill and Fill, Play Doh Princess Dresses and much more! We also feature kids video such as: Emmet, The LEGO movie, cars, planes, Microdrifters, Ice Cream, Angry Birds, Bad Piggies, Superheroes #HobbyKidsTV #HobbyKids Playdough, Play-Doh, Clay, Crayola, Plasticine, Plastilina, Plastiline, مادة لدائنية, 橡皮泥, 橡皮泥, pâte à modeler, プラスティシーン, plasticina, пластилин, modellera, пластилін Lego: אויסקל, ייַבן, лего, Лего, ਔਲ ਈ ਜੀ ਓ, لگو, लेगो, лего, xaiv, लेगो, লেগো, лега, ليغو- published: 11 May 2014
- views: 5205

Let's Play Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Part 2: Crew-Rekrutierung in Tortuga
Let's Play Lego Fluch der Karibik [Deutsch/Blind] Part 2: Crew-Rekrutierung in Tortuga
► ...
published: 10 May 2014
Let's Play Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Part 2: Crew-Rekrutierung in Tortuga
Let's Play Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Part 2: Crew-Rekrutierung in Tortuga
Let's Play Lego Fluch der Karibik [Deutsch/Blind] Part 2: Crew-Rekrutierung in Tortuga ► Meinen Kanal abonnieren: http://goo.gl/440Rdg ► Facebook Fanpage: http://goo.gl/7P3atL ► 2. Kanal, Previews & Bonus http://goo.gl/pnNRQI ► ALLE Projekte: http://goo.gl/CKAgty ► Playlist LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean http://goo.gl/PY6xhs ✒ UNTERSTÜTZUNG & COMMUNITY: ❤ Wenn euch das Video gefällt und ihr mich unterstützen wollt, könnt ihr einen Daumen hoch geben, das Video favorisieren und auf Facebook oder Twitter euren Freunden teilen. Meinen Kanal "Domtendo" kann man KOSTENLOS abonnieren, um nichts zu verpassen :-) ❤ ► Miiverse: "GKDomi" (Groß und Kleinschreibung beachten!) ► Facebook Privat: http://goo.gl/xceSkv ► Uploadplan & Postfach: http://goo.gl/esnTaC ✒ INFORMATIONEN SPEZIELL ZU DIESER FOLGE: ✒ ALLGEMEINE INFORMATIONEN ZUM SPIEL: Pirates of the Caribbean (zu deutsch: Fluch der Karibik) ist ein US-amerikanischer Piratenfilm der Walt Disney Pictures aus dem Jahr 2003. Insgesamt existieren 4 Filme (Pirates of the Caribbean, Pirates of the Caribbean 2, Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End [Am Ende der Welt], Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides [Fremde Gezeiten]). TTGames machte sich im Auftrag von Disney an eine LEGO Fassung zu allen 4 Filmen. Und so entstand das Videospiel zum Film, welches 2011 auf den Markt kam und sich auf allen Plattformen etwa 4,8 Mio mal verkaufen konnte. ✒ WEITERE DATEN: ▪ TITEL: LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean ▪ SYSTEM: Playstation 3, PSP, XBox 360, PC, Wii, Nintendo 3DS ▪ GENRE: Action Adventure ▪ OFFIZIELLE SEITE: http://goo.gl/XAqN5L ▪ DEUTSCHLAND RELEASE: 12.05.2011 ▪ METASCORE: 75% ▪ DOMTENDOS WERTUNG: Pro & Contra präsentiere ich euch im letzten Part. Score nachzulesen in der Let's Play Übersicht! ★ Kommentiertes Gameplay von Domtendo (2014) ★- published: 10 May 2014
- views: 301

Hit that Like Button if you enjoyed the video :) Thanks guys.
===Awesome Sauce===
LEGO Lor...
published: 10 May 2014
Hit that Like Button if you enjoyed the video :) Thanks guys. ===Awesome Sauce=== LEGO Lord of the rings - PLAYLIST : http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPGt4fc8n2-l3PLHzoeuBFhWYzzHAyvDN SUBSCRIBE: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Blitzwinger TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/blitzwinger CHANNEL (MORE VIDEOS) : http://www,youtube.com/blitzwinger- published: 10 May 2014
- views: 4173

Lego Simpsons Blind Bags
Lego Simpsons Blind Bags
Intro made by Finfy: https://www.youtube.com/user/VonaraChan
published: 10 May 2014
Lego Simpsons Blind Bags
Lego Simpsons Blind Bags
Lego Simpsons Blind Bags Intro made by Finfy: https://www.youtube.com/user/VonaraChan This is Chad's daily toy pick! Everyday I review an awesome toy for your viewing pleasure! I review all kinds of toys from Minecraft, My Little Pony, Legos, Monster High, Barbie, Surprise Eggs, Disney, Nick and a lot more!! Check back everyday for a new exciting toy review! Send me mail! Chad Alan P.O. Box 7203 Fishers IN 46038 GAME CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLVQ7EjP5H9NxoYZlL5f4qg FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Chad-Alan/197210503680115 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/MHCollector INSTAGRAM: chadalanofficial MUSIC: Monkeys Spinning Monkeys by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/- published: 10 May 2014
- views: 9683