The party that became so powerful by sinking foreign boats
Is dreaming up new promises because promises win votes
And being resolute in conference with the ad man's expertise
The majority by their silence shall pay for days like these
The right to build communities is back behind closed doors
'Tween government and people stands the right arm of the law
And shame upon the patriot when the mark of the Bulldog Breed
Is a family without a home and a pensioner in need?
Those whose lives are ruled by dogma are waiting for a sign
The Better Dead Than Red Brigade are listening on the line
And the liberal, with a small L cries in front of the TV
And another demonstration passes on to history
Peace, bread, work, and freedom is the best we can achieve
Some day boy you'll reap what you've sown
You'll catch a cold and you'll be on your own
And you will see that what's wrong with me
Is wrong with everyone that
You want to play your little games on
Poetry and flowers pretty words and threats
You've gone to the dogs again and I'm not placing bets
On you coming home tonight anything but blind
If you take me for granted then you must expect to find
Surprise, surprise
Valentine's Day is over, it's over
Valentine's Day is over
If you want to talk about it well you know where the phone is
Don't come round reminding me again how brittle bone is
God didn't make you an angel the Devil made you a man
That brutality and economy are related now I understand
When will you realise that as above so below there is no love
For the girl with the hour glass figure
Time runs out very fast
We used to want the same things but that's all in the past
And lately it seems that as it all gets tougher
Your ideal of justice just becomes rougher and rougher
Thank you for the things you bought me thank you for the card
Thank you for the things you taught me when you hit me hard
That love between two people must be based on understanding
Until that's true you'll find your things
All stacked out on the landing, surprise, surprise
Between Marx and marzipan in the dictionary there was Mary
Between the Deep Blue Sea and the Devil that was me
If ever anyone could help me with my obsession with
The young Suzannah York
It was Mary
In my pink pyjamas she asked me for something
I gave her the short answer
She read our stars out loud
And I knew then that we should have gone sailing
But we stayed home instead
Fighting on the waterbed
Like the honeymoon couple on drugs
Me and Mary
What happened in the past
Remained a mystery of natural history
She should have been the last
But she was just the latest
If she wanted to be a farmer's wife
I would endure that muddy life
I would dig for victory
And the sound of happy couples
Coupling happily in the dark
While you and I sat down to tea
I remember you said to me
That no amount of poetry
Would mend this broken heart
But you can put the Hoover round
If you want to make a start
All my friends from school
Introduce me to their spouses
While I'm left standing here
With my hands down the front of my trousers
I just don't know what's to be done
I wonder sometimes how did Dad meet Mum
And how did they conceive of me
Tell my Mary
The boys who came to the shop
Always made her laugh much more than I did
When I told her this must stop
She didn't bat an eyelid
She said you know honey it's such a shame
You'll never be any good at this game
You bruise too easily
So said Mary
Her two brothers took me out
Of circulation for the duration
So we went our separate ways but does she still love me
She still has my door key
Like a bully boy in a Benetton shop
You're never happy with what you've got
Till what you've got is gone
Sorry Mary
What will you do when the war is over, tender comrade
When we lay down our weary guns
When we return home to our wives and families
And look into the eyes of our sons
What will you say of the bond we had, tender comrade
Will you say that we were brave
As the shells fell all around us
Or that we wept and cried for our mothers
And cursed our fathers
For forgetting that all men are brothers
Will you say that we were heroes
Or that fear of dying among strangers
Tore our innocence and false shame away
And from that moment on deep in my heart I knew
That I would only give my life for love
Brothers in arms in each other arms
Was the only time that I was not afraid
What will you do when the war is over, tender comrade
When we cast off these khaki clothes
And go our separate ways
What will you say of the bond we had
Tender comrade
I stood before the Judge that day
As he refused me bail
And I knew that I would spend my time
Awaiting trial in jail
I said there is no justice
As they led me out of the door
And the Judge said, ";This isn't a court of justice, son
This is a court of law.";
They first sent me to Windsor
And then to Stoke on Trent
In a holding cell in Liverpool
Three days and nights I spent
My solicitor can't find me
And my family don't know
I keep telling them that I'm innocent
They just say, ";Come on son, in you go.";
I was picked up on suspicion of something I haven't done
Here I sit in 'F' wing waiting for my trial to come
It's a cruel unusual punishment that society demands
Innocent till proven guilty, rotting on remand
I ended up in this jail
Built in 1882
When one man to one prison cell
Was a Victorian value
Now three of us are squeezed in here
And you can't escape the smell
Of that bucket in the corner
And we eat in here as well
They let me out of this cage
To slop that bucket out
To get my food and bring it back
And if I'm lucky, get a shower
Apart from one hour's exercise
I'm locked in here all day
You don't turn criminals into citizens
By treating them this way
Is the price of law and order the stench of Wormwood Scrubs
With judges quick to sentence more down from above
It's a cruel unusual punishment that society demands
Innocent till proven guilty, rotting on remand
What is that sound?
Where is it coming from?
All around
What are you running from?
Something you don't understand
Something you cannot command
That's how I know
That she's got a new spell
Yeah, that's how I know
That she's got a new spell
What's going down
Who's moved this room from 'round me?
Where is it gone?
I fear this night will drown me
So I lie awake all night
'Cos I can't sleep with something I can't fight
And she's got a new spell
Yeah, that's how I know
That she's got a new spell
The laws of gravity are very, very strict
And you're just bending them for your own benefit
The laws of gravity are very, very strict
And you're just bending them for your own benefit
One minute she says
And she's gone to get the cat in
The next thing I know
She's mumbling in Latin
She cut the stars out of the sky
And baked them in a pie
That's how I know
That she's got a new spell
Yeah, that's how I know
That she's got a new spell
She stole the scene and the scenery
The script and the machinery
That's how I know
That she's got a new spell
Yeah, that's how I know
One of them's off her food
And the other one's off his head
And both of them are off down the boozer
To drink a toast
To the one that he hates most
And she says there are no winners, only losers
Well if there are no winners
Then what is this he thinks
As he watches her complete a lap of honour
And he sits in the stands With his head in his hands
And he thinks of all the things
He'd like to bring down upon her
Revenge will bring cold comfort in this darkest hour
As the juke box says 'It's All Over Now'
And he stands and he screams
What have I done wrong
I've fallen in love with a little time bomb
In public he's such a man
He's punching at the walls with his bare and bloody hands
He's screaming and shouting and acting crazy
But at home he sits alone and he cries like a baby
He holds your letters but he can't read them
As he fights this loneliness that you call freedom
You said this would happen and you were not wrong
I've fallen in love with a little time bomb
I hate the arsehole I become
Every time I'm with you
You know you've got me on the run
But let me make it clear to you
It's taken two fools such as we
To make love deaf, dumb and blind
Now you're upset 'cos I can't read your mind love
You're upset Cos I can't read your mind
I hate the arsehole I become
Every time I'm with you
I get the feeling looking in your eyes
That somehow I should forgive you
I know that I'm guilty but I don't know what I've done
You're not about to let me join in the fun are you
You're not about to let me join in the fun
I hate the arsehole I become
Every time I'm with you
I hate the way you try to give me back
All the things I give to you
I know when I leave the room
They say what's up with him
But love is not a game you play to win girl
Love is not a game you play to win
If that face of yours could only talk
The stories it could tell
The chase is always better than the kill, love
The chase is always better than the kill
I'm going upfield, way up on the hillside
I'm going higher than I've ever been before
That's where you'll find me, over the horizon
Wading in the river, reaching for that other shore
I dreamed I saw a tree full of angels, up on Primrose Hill
And I flew with them over the Great Wen till I had seen my fill
Of such poverty and misery sure to tear my soul apart
I've got a socialism of the heart, I've got a socialism of the heart
I'm going upfield, way up on the hillside
I'm going higher than I've ever been before
That's where you'll find me, over the horizon
Wading in the river, reaching for that other shore
The angels asked me how I felt about all I'd seen and heard
That they spoke to me, a pagan, gave me cause to doubt their word
But they laughed and said: ";I doesn't matter if you'll help us in our art
You've got a socialism of the heart, you've got a socialism of the heart";
I'm going upfield, way up on the hillside
I'm going higher than I've ever been before
That's where you'll find me, over the horizon
Wading in the river, reaching for that other shore
Their faces shone and they were gone and I was left alone
I walked these ancient empire streets till I came tearful to my home
And when I woke next morning, I vowed to play my part
I've got a socialism of the heart, I've got a socialism of the heart
I'm going upfield, way up on the hillside
I'm going higher than I've ever been before
That's where you'll find me, over the horizon
Wading in the river, reaching for that other shore
I wish that I could remember
The first moment that we met
If only I could remember
That sweet moment that we met
If I knew then that I would spend
The rest of my life with you
I imagine I would held your gaze
A little longer when first our eyes met
Did it rain or did sunshine
Attend out first meeting?
What words were said?
What weight given to that first greeting?
My diary doesn't help
I don't even mention your name until that summer
When bloomed the seed sown
On the first day that we met
I know the date
I know the place where it happened
Yet in my mind
The scene I recall is imagined
As we grow old I'm sure
There will be moments that we will not forget
But I would remember something
Sugardaddy took me to wonderland
Gave me so many presents I could not stand
To see you
I really couldn't stand to see you
Sugardaddy took me far away
On a holiday, I didn't have to pay
Just be there
All I had to do was be there
Sugardaddy comes with his pockets full of fun
Sugardaddy's blowing kisses from his gun
What will he do and where will he run
When the real world comes to town
Sugardaddy took all my pain away
Now I have to say
I'd let him get away with murder
I'd let him get away with murder
He drives a car that doesn't have a roof
He dares the Big Ol' World to tell him the truth
By buying silence
He buys you silence
Silence, so you'll never ask him why
Silence, so you'll never say he makes you cry
Silence, so you'll never look him in the eye
And say you want his time 'cos time is money
Sugardaddy can't help but overfill my cup
Sugardaddy always rides heavy on his luck
What will he do when his baby grows up
And doesn't want the toys that he's provided?
Sugardaddy comes with his pockets full of fun
Sugardaddy's blowing kisses from his gun
What will he do and where will he run
When the real world comes to town
It's just a northern industrial town
The front doors of the houses open into the street
There's no room for front gardens, just two-up two-down
In a northern industrial town
And you can see the green hills 'cross the rooftops
And a fresher wind blows past the end of our block
In the evenings the mist come rolling on down
Into a northern industrial town
And there's only two teams in this town
And you must follow one or the other
Let us win, let them lose, not the other way round
In a northern industrial town
And the street lights look pretty and bright
From the tops of the hills they rise dark in the night
If it weren't for the rain you might never come down
To your northern industrial town
And on payday they tear the place down
With a pint in your hand and a bash'em out band
Sure they'd dance to the rhythm of the rain falling down
In a northern industrial town
And there's plenty of artists around
Painters steal cars, poets nick guitars
Cos we're out of the black and into the red
So give us this day our daily bread
In a northern industrial town
But it's not Leeds or Manchester
Liverpool, Sheffield, nor Glasgow
It's not Newcastle-on-Tyne. It's Belfast
It's just a northern industrial town
Merry Christmas, war is over
In a northern industrial town
He's got the bonhomie of a game show host
And his handshake is so limp its like meeting a ghost
His apologies are tired cos he uses them a lot
His excuses are so lame if they were horses they'd be shot
He lies through his teeth with impeccable grammar
In the game of life he's just a dreadful goalhanger
Keeping all his options open till the very last minute
Checking every situation trying to work out what's in it
Trying to nail him down is like nailing water to a wall
He's incapable of making a commitment at all
Like trying to knock in a nail with an inflatable hammer
In the game of life he's just a dreadful goalhanger
Yesterday upon the stair I met a man who's never there
He won't be there again today
Well, that's what he told me to say
He's got the natural arrogance of an exclamation mark
And he wishes his bite was a big as his bark
He's appealing to the referee at every single stage
He's a fuzzy little bundle of impotent rage
And when he ought to have patience, he only has anger
In the game of life he's just a dreadful goalhanger
His lack of humility defies imagination
And he hangs round like a fart in a Russian space station
He doesn't even notice as he sells you down the river
Cos he's one of life's takers and he's looking for a giver
He smirks and shrugs his shoulders as he drops another clanger
In the game of life he's just a dreadful goalhanger
Another day dawns grey, its enough to make me spit
But we go on our way, just putting up with it
And when I try to make my feelings known to you
You sound like you have changed from red to blue
You're a father now, you see things in different ways
For every parent will gain perspective on their wilder days
But that alone does not explain the changes I see in you
The way you've drifted off from red to blue
Sometimes I think to myself
Should I vote red for my class or green for our children?
But whatever choice I make
I will not forsake
So you bought it all, the best your money could buy
And I watched you sell your soul for their bright shining lie
Where are the principles of the friend I thought I knew
I guess you let them fade from red to blue
I hate the compromises that life forces us to make
We must all bend a little if we are not to break
But the ideals you've opted out of,
I still hold them to be true
I guess they weren't so firmly held by you
I ought to leave enough hot water
For your morning bath, but I'd not thought
I hate to hear you talk that way
But I can't bring myself to say I'm sorry
The past is always knocking incessant
Trying to break through into the present
We have to work to keep it out
But I won't be the first to say it's over
I used to want to plant bombs at the Last Night of the Proms
But now you'll find me with the baby, in the bathroom,
With that big shell, listening for the sound of the sea
I steal a kiss from you in the supermarket
I walk you down the aisle, you fill my basket
And through it all, the stick I take Is worth it for the love we make
I used to want to plant bombs at the Last Night of the Proms
But now you'll find me with the baby, in the bathroom,
With that big shell, listening for the sound of the sea,
The baby and me
I stayed in bed, alone, uncertain
Then I met you, you drew the curtain
The sun came up, the trees began to sing
The light shone in on everything.
I love you.
The sun came up, the trees began to sing
The light shone in on everything.
I love you.
Everybody likes you, babe, but me
I guess that proves how stupid I can be
Your father thinks it's swell
Your mum hears wedding bells
Our friends all say we make a lovely couple
We get on so well
People say that we're a perfect match
They don't realize that there's a catch
They don't have to live with you
Forgive you for the things you do
There's just no ignoring
You're pretty but you're boring
Everybody likes you babe, but me
They just don't know how iffy you can be
I'd hate for you to go before I let you know
That everybody loves you, babe, but me
I'm begging you to stay out of my way
'Cause everybody likes you, babe, but me
Rome never looks where she treads
Always her heavy hooves fall
On our stomachs, our hearts and our heads
And Rome never hears when we bawl
Her sentries pass on -- that is all
And we gather behind them in hordes
And plot to reconquer the Wall
With only our tongues for our swords
For we are the little folk -- we!
Too little to love or to hate
Leave us alone and you'll see
That we can bring down the state
Mistletoe killing an oak
Rats gnawing cables in two
Moths making holes in a cloak
How they must love what they do!
Yes -- and we little folk too
We are as busy as they
Working our works out of view
Watch, and you'll see it some day
No indeed! We are not strong
But we know of Peoples that are
Yes and we'll guide them along
To smash and destroy you in war
We shall be slaves just the same?
Yes, we have always been slaves
But you -- you will die of the shame
And then we will dance on your graves
We are the worm in the wood!
We are the rot at the root!
We are the taint in the blood!
We are the thorn in the foot!
Rudyard Kipling
The people's flag is deepest red
It shrouded oft our martyred dead
And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold
Their hearts' blood dyed to every fold
Then raise the scarlet standard high
Beneath it's folds we'll live and die
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer
We'll keep the red flag flying here
It waved above our infant might
When all ahead seemed dark as night
It witnessed many a deed and vow
We must not change it's colour now
It well recalls the triumphs past
It gives the hope of peace at last
The banner bright, the symbol plain
Of human right and human gain
It suits today the meek and base
Whose minds are fixed on pelf and place
To cringe beneath the rich man's frown
And haul that sacred emblem down
With heads uncovered swear we all
To bear it onward till we fall
Come dungeons dark or gallows grim
This song shall be our parting hymn
Oh Nicaragua Nicaraguita
most beautiful flower of my love
fertilized with the blessed blood of Diriangen
Oh Nicaragua you are even sweeter
Than the honey from Tamagas
But now that you are free
I love you much more
But now that you are free
I love you much more
Words and music: Carlos Mejia Godoy
My youngest son came home today
His friends marched with him all the way
The fife and drum beat out the time
While in his box of polished pine
Like dead meat on a butcher's tray
My youngest son same home today
My youngest son was a fine young man
With a wife, a daughter and two sons
And a man he would have lived and died
Till by a bullet sanctified
Now he's a saint or so they say
They brought their young saint home today
An Irish sky looks down and weeps
Upon the narrow Belfast streets
At children's blood in gutters spilled
In dreams of glory unfulfilled
As part of freedom's price to pay
My youngest son came home today
My youngest son came home today
His friends marched with him all the way
The pipe and drum beat out the time
While in his box of polished pine
Like dead meat on a butcher's tray
My youngest son came home today
And this time he's here to stay
Words and music: Eric Bogle
Stand up, all victims of oppression
For the tyrants fear your might
Don't cling so hard to your possessions
For you have nothing if you have no rights
Let racist ignorance be ended
For respect makes the empires fall
Freedom is merely privilege extended
Unless enjoyed by one and all
So come brothers and sisters
For the struggle carries on
The Internationale
Unites the world in song
So comrades come rally
For this is the time and place
The international ideal
Unites the human race
Let no one build walls to divide us
Walls of hatred nor walls of stone
Come greet the dawn and stand beside us
We'll live together or we'll die alone
In our world poisoned by exploitation
Those who have taken, now they must give
And end the vanity of nations
We've but one Earth on which to live
So come brothers and sisters
For the struggle carries on
The Internationale
Unites the world in song
So comrades come rally
For this is the time and place
The international ideal
Unites the human race
And so begins the final drama
In the streets and in the fields
We stand unbowed before their Armour
We defy their guns and shields
When we fight, provoked by their aggression
Let us be inspired by life and love
For though they offer us concessions
Change will not come from above
So come brothers and sisters
For the struggle carries on
The Internationale
Unites the world in song
So comrades come rally
For this is the time and place
The international ideal
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the Holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Amongst these dark satanic mills?
Bring me my bow of burning gold
Bring me my arrows of desire
Bring me my spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of Fire.
I will not cease from mental fight
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.
Words: William Blake Music Hubert Parry
I dreamed I saw Phil Ochs last night
Alive as you and me
Says I to Phil, "You're ten years dead?
"I never died", says he
"I never died", says he
The music business killed you Phil
I ignored the things you said
And cast you out when fashions changed
Says Phil, "But I ain't dead"
Says Phil, "But I ain't dead"
The FBI harassed you Phil
They smeared you with their lies
Says he, "But they could never kill
What they could not compromise
I never compromised"
"Though fashion's changed and critics sneered
The songs that I have sung
Are just as true tonight as then
The struggle carries on
The struggle carries on"
When the song of freedom rings out loud
From valleys and from hills
Where people stand up for their rights
Phil Ochs is with us still
Written by Zenon Defleur. Published by Carlin Music Corp. Originally recorded by The Count Bishops in 1976 on a Chiswick Records single cat. no. SSA
On Monday I wished that it was Tuesday night
So I could wish for the weekend to come
On Tuesday I wished that the night would pass
So I could call you on the phone
Now a man can spend a lot of time
Wondering what was on Jack Ruby's mind
And time is all I have without you here
Wednesday when you hung up
It was as much as I could do
Stop from wishing Thursday
Would pass so quickly too
They're out there making history
In the Lenin Shipyards today
And here I am in the Hammersmith Hotel
Wishing the days away
There's always room for one more soul
Down in the Human Zoo
Don't want you to come here though
I want to come home to you
Somebody's knocking at the door
It's later than I think
It's time to put on these stinking clothes
And get out there and stink
Friday I wished that there was something more
To be seen in the letters you sent
On Saturday I wished it was Sunday
Oh, will this torment ever end?
Sometimes I take a notion
To put a torch to the tools of my trade
Here I am in the Hammersmith Hotel
Wishing the days away
Here I am in the Hammersmith Hotel
There is power in a factory, power in the land
Power in the hands of a worker
But it all amounts to nothing if together we don't stand
There is power in a union
Now the lessons of the past were all learned with workers blood
The mistakes of the bosses we must pay for
From the cities and the farmlands to trenches full of mud
War has always been the bosses way, sir
The union forever defending our rights
Down with the blackleg, all workers unite
With our brothers and our sisters from many far off lands
There is power in a union
Now I long for the morning that they realize
Brutality and unjust laws can not defeat us
But who'll defend the workers, who cannot organize
When the bosses send their lackies out to cheat us?
Money speaks for money, the devil for his own
Who comes to speak for the skin and the bone
What a comfort to the widow, a light to the child
There is power in a union
The union forever defending our rights
Down with the blackleg, all workers unite
With our brothers and our sisters, together we will stand
The fear of a daughter runs high
In the mind of a father to be
For something is growing inside
But we don't talk about it, do we?
In the long empty passionless night
Many times to herself she has prayed
That the baby will love her much more
Than the big boy who stole her away
And sometimes it takes
A grown man a long time to learn
Just what it would take
A child a night to learn
And sometimes it takes
A grown man a long time to learn
Just what it would take
A child a night to learn
It pains her to learn
That some things will never be right
If the baby is just
Someone else to take sides in a fight
Harsh words between bride and groom
The distance is greater each day
He smokes alone in the next room
And she knits her life away
And sometimes it takes
A grown man a long time to learn
Just what it would take
A child a night to learn
And sometimes it takes
A grown man a long time to learn
Just what it would take
A child a night to learn
A long time ago
She saw visions on the stairs
And when she felt dizzy
Her mother was always there
The home help is no help at all
I have not committed a crime
Angels gaze down from the wall
Father mowsthe lawn and Mother peels the potatoes
Grandma lays the table alone
And adjusts a photograph of the unknown soldier
In this Holy of Holies, the Home
And from the TV an unwatched voice
Suggests the answer is to plant more trees
The scrawl on the wall says what about the workers
And the voice of the people says more salt please
Mother shakesher head and reads aloud from the newspaper
As Father puts another lock on the door
And reflects upon the violent times that we are living in
While chatting with the wife beater next door
If paradise to you is cheap beer and overtime
Home truths are easily missed
Something that every football fan knows
It only takes five fingers to form a fist
And whenit rains here It rains so hard
But never hard enough to wash away the sorrow
I'll trade my love today for a greater love tomorrow
The lonely child looks out and dreams of independence
From this family life sentence
Mother seesbut does not read the peeling posters
And can't believe that there's a world to be won
But in the public schools and in the public houses
The Battle of Britain goes on
The constantpromise of jam tomorrow
Is the New Breed's litany and verse
If it takes another war to fill the churches of England
Then the world the meek inherit, what will it be worth
Mother fightsthe tears and Father, his sense of outrage
And attempts to justify the sacrifice
To pass their creed down to another generation
'Anything for the quiet life'
In the Land of a Thousand Doses
Where nostalgia is the opium of the age
Our place in History is as
clock watchers, old timers, window shoppers.
I understand you needing
And wanting is no crime
But I can't help feeling
That you and your mother
Are just wasting your time
Choosing Saturdays in Summer
Oh, I dare you to wear white
Love is just a moment of giving
And marriage is when we admit
Our parents were right
I just don't understand it
What makes our love a sin
How can it make that difference
If you and I are wearing
That bloody, bloody ring
If I share my bed with you
Must I also share my life
Love is just a moment of giving
And marriage is when we admit
Our parents were right
You just don't understand it
This tender trap we're in
Those glossy catalogues of couples
Are cashing in
On happiness again and again
So drag me to the altar
And I'll make my sacrifice
Love is just a moment of giving
And marriage is when we admit
Our parents were right
Marriage is when we admit
Our parents were right
Just as marriage is when we admit
You don't need my Christmas cards
You already have my heart
This has been a holiday romance
Right from the very start
For we know how to spend the time
Who cares about the weather
We'll dance in the town till the sun goes down
And push our beds together
From the Land of the Midnight Sunglasses
To the Mountains of the Moon
You could never stay a day too long
Nor never come back too soon
And you know what a fool I am
With my short attention span
Flying in the rainy season too,
Nothing can keep me away from you
I can see the kitchen light
From the road where I park my bike
But it's dark there as it often is these days
And the gloomy living room
Really needs a dust and broom
But I can't brush your memory away
Her father was an admiral
In someone else's navy
And she had seen the world before I met her
She would wash and cook and clean
And all the other things between
And like a fool I just sat there and let her
Now I can feed and dress and wash myself
And sleep without the light on
Honey, I'm a big boy now
I don't know what she does
With all the money that I sent her
She's running 'round the town with a young pretender
I haven't touched the garden
Since the day she walked away
From a love affair that bore only bitter fruit
She took everything she wanted
Which is why she left me here
With these pots and pans and my old wedding suit
A letter came one morning
That she would not let me see
And from that day I began to realize
That she would one day break
The home we tried to make
For sinners cannot live in paradise
Now I can feed and dress and wash myself
And sleep without the light on
Honey, I'm a big boy now
I don't know what she does
With all the money that I sent her
She's running 'round the town with a young pretender
I don't know what she does
With all the money that I sent her
Help save the youth of America
Help save them from themselves
Help save the sun-tanned surfer boys
And the Californian girls
When the lights go out in the rest of the world
What do our cousins say
They're playing in the sun and having fun, fun, fun
Till daddy takes the gun away
From the big church to the big river
And out to the shining sea
This is the land of opportunity
And there's a Monkey Trial on TV
A nation with their freezers full
Are dancing in their seats
While outside another nation
Is sleeping in the streets
Don't tell me the old, old story
Tell me the truth this time
Is the man in the mask or the Indian
An enemy or a friend of mine
Help save the youth of America
Help save the youth of the world
Help save the boys in uniform
Their mothers and their faithful girls
Listen to the voice of the soldier
Down in the killing zone
Talking about the cost of living
And the price of bringing him home
They're already shipping the body bags
Down by the Rio Grande
But you can fight for democracy at home
And not in some foreign land
And the fate of the great United States
Is entwined in the fate of us all
And the incident at Tschernobyl proves
The world we live in is very small
And the cities of Europe have burned before
And they may yet burn again
And if they do, I hope you understand
That Washington will burn with them
Omaha will burn with them
It may have been Camelot for Jack and Jacqueline
But on the Che Guevara highway filling up with gasoline
Fidel Castro's brother spies a rich lady who's crying
Over luxury's disappointment
So he walks over and he's trying
To sympathise with her but he thinks that he should warn her
That the Third World is just around the corner
In the Soviet Union a scientist is blinded
By the resumption of nuclear testing and he is reminded
That Dr Robert Oppenheimer's optimism fell
At the first hurdle
In the Cheese Pavilion and the only noise I hear
Is the sound of someone stacking chairs
And mopping up spilt beer
And someone asking questions and basking in the light
Of the fifteen fame filled minutes of the fanzine writer
Mixing Pop and Politics he asks me what the use is
I offer him embarrassment and my usual excuses
While looking down the corridor
Out to where the van is waiting
I'm looking for the Great Leap Forwards
Jumble sales are organised and pamphlets have been posted
Even after closing time there's still parties to be hosted
You can be active with the activists
Or sleep in with the sleepers
While you're waiting for the Great Leap Forwards
One leap forward, two leaps back
Will politics get me the sack?
here comes the future and you can't run from it
If you've got a blacklist I want to be on it
It's a mighty long way down rock 'n roll
From Top of the Pops to drawing the dole
If no one seems to understand
Start your own revolution and cut out the middleman
In a perfect world we'd all sing in tune
But this is reality so give me some room
So join the struggle while you may
The Revolution is just a T-shirt away
Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards
My friend said she could see no way ahead
And I was probably better off without you
She said to face up to the fact that you weren't coming back
And she could make me happy like you used to
But I'm sorry to say I turned her away
Knowing everything she said was true
And that's the price I pay for loving you the way that I do
There's something inside that hurts my foolish pride
To visit the places we used to go together
Not a day goes by that I don't sit and wonder why
Your feelings for me didn't last forever
Girl I love you so much that sometimes it's such
I'd walk a mile with a stone in my shoe
And that's the price I pay for loving you the way that I do
That's the price I pay for loving you the way that I do
So keep that phone out of my way for the things I must say
Are empty if you don't believe they're true
And that's the price I pay for loving you the way that I do
That's the price I pay for loving you the way that I do
I love you so much that baby it's such
I'd walk a mile with a stone in my shoe
And that's the price I pay for loving you the way that I do
If you hate me, why don't you go?
And if you love me, why don't you let me know?
But you just won't give me an inch, so
You just sulk
Why do I want to hide whenever you show up?
You know your moods just make me want to throw up
Why don't you just bloody well grow up?
You just sulk
All of the time
Why don't you pick me up or throw me a line?
All over the place
Why don't you tell me what you think?
Come on and tell me to my face
If you love me why don't you show it?
If you hate me why don't you let me know it?
Why don't you just pick up something and throw it?
You just sulk
If you want to bend my arm
Well, you could do it with a little more charm
But you just couldn't bear to do me any harm
So you just sulk
And you tell me that you want to quit
And then you treat me like a piece of shit
And when I ask you, what's that got to do with it?
You just sulk
All of the time
Why don't you pick me up or throw me a line?
All over the place
Why don't you tell me what you think?
Come on and tell me to my face
If you love me, why don't you show it?
If you hate me, why don't you let me know it?
Why don't you just pick up something and throw it?
it's quite exciting to be sleeping here in this new room
you're my reason to get out of bed before noon
you know when we sat out on the fire escape talking
what did you say about running before we were walking
Sometimes when we're as close as this
It's like we're in a dream
How can you lie there and think of England
When you don't even know who's in the team
your sexual politics have left me all of a muddle
we are joined in the ideological cuddle
I'm celebrating my love for you
With a pint of beer and a new tattoo
And if you haven't noticed yet
I'm more impressionable when my cement is wet
Politics and pregnancy
Are debated as we empty our glasses
And how I love those evening classes
you really know how to make a young man angry
can we get through the night without mentioning family
The people from your church agree
It's not much of a career
Trying the handles of parked cars
Whoops, there goes another year
Whoops, there goes another pint of beer
Here we are in our summer years
Living on icecream and chocolate kisses
Would the leaves fall from the trees
If I was your old man and you were my missus
give my greetings to the new brunette
Someday, some morning, sometime, sometime
I'd like to hold your hand in mine
Someday, some morning, sometime
I'd like to tell you you're pretty and fine
Your face will smile and your eyes will shine
Someday, some morning, sometime
I'll build you a house all covered in vines
I'll bring you a nickel, I'll bring you a dime
Someday, some morning, sometime
Five six seven and eight, oh, nine
I'll take you down where the birds fly by
I done spent my last three cents
Mailing my letter to the President
Didn't make a show, I didn't make a dent
So I'm swinging over to this independent gent
Stetson Kennedy, writing his name in
Stetson Kennedy, writing his name in
I can't win out to save my soul
Long as Smathers-Dupont's got me in the hole
Them war profit boys are squawking and balking
That's what's got me out here walking and talking
Knocking on doors and windows
Wake up and run down election morning
And scribble in Stetson Kennedy
I ain't the world's best writer, ain't the world's best speller
But when I believe in something, I'm the loudest yeller
If we fix it so you can't make no money on war
Well we'll all forget what we was killing folks for
We'll find us a peace job, equal and free
We'll dump Smathers-Dupont in a salty sea
If the folks next door to me weren't so good
I'd do all the mean things anybody could
I'd drink an' I'd gamble an' I'd louse around
I'd be the meanest man in this whole town
If I hadn't seen the light in that old lady's eyes
I'd try to be a man you would hate an' despise
I'd rave an' I'd rant an' I'd scream an' yell
An' I'd chase my neighbors from here to Hell
If I hadn't heard those kids laugh playing games
I'd have nervous fits, I'd go insane
I'd turpentine cats an' tin can dogs
I'd smother people to death inside of hollow logs
If the people around me wasn't so nice
I'd freeze my heart into a cake of ice
Steal money from soldiers an' working folks too
I'd lend you a dollar an' I'll take back two
If my wife didn't kiss me the way she does
I'd carry four or five daggers an' three or four guns
I'd shoot craps an' ramble an' hang out late
I'd steal baby buggies an' Cadillac Eights
If my friends didn't write me those letters I get
I'd be a dictator, the worse one yet
I'd be the only smart bird, you'd all be fools
Send you all away to war an' I'd stay home an' rule
If it wasn't for little songs I, I hear you all sing
I'd put a crown on my dome an' I'd say I'm your king
I'd kidnap some an' blackmail others
I'd peddle black market stuff, rob sisters an' brothers
If it weren't for your talking I hear on the street
I'd be the orneriest man that you ever did meet
I'd preach the Gospel of Hate an' I'd drink your blood
But I can't be this bad because my folks are too good
No I can't be this bad because my folks are too good
I was born at half past twelve, almost one in the morning
I was born at half past one, almost two in the morning
Now my birthday comes again, I don't know how old I am
Half past one or two or three, almost four in the morning
I was born at half past four, almost five in the morning
I was born at half past six, almost seven in the morning
How old am I, you ask of me? One year younger than I used to be
Half past seven, half past eight, half past nine in the morning
I was born at half past nine, almost ten in the morning
I was born at half past ten, almost eleven in the morning
Today my age is tweedle and twee, I'm prettier than I used to be
I'm a porter and a night clerk at the old hot rod hotel
I clean and scrub the lobby down and thirty one rooms as well
I wax and shine their boots and shoes, I brush down their crinkeldy clothes
And I meet the buses and the trains and I show you to your door
Bell bottom pants brought two boys in at six-fourteen last night
Two girls checked in at ten 'O two and I flipped on their light
The landlords wife looks in their doors and finds one terrible sight
Those boys and girls got bawled up in their doors and rooms that night
A bloody flood could never mess these rooms up any worse
It looked like moe had used this room to grease and breed a horse
Old gum and hair and sticky rags, old bottles on the floors
Gobs of spit and condom rubbers on the windows, walls and doors
The lammy tried to make me clean up that crappy mess
Or else he'd fire me off my job and let me starve to death
I laid aside my polish rag and I downed my dustin' pan
Are your garments all spotless?
Are they white as the snow?
Are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb?
Is your soul all spotless?
Is it clean as the snow?
Are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb?
I am washed, yes, I'm washed
I am washed in the Blood
I'm all washed in the Blood of the Lamb
I'm all clean, I'm all spotless
I'm all pure like the snow
I'm all washed in the Blood of the Lamb
Have you laid down your burdens?
Have you found peace and rest?
Are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb?
I've laid down all my troubles
I've found peace and rest
I'm all washed in the Blood of the Lamb
Have you learned to love your neighbors
Of all colors, creeds and kinds?
Are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb?
I've learned to love my peoples
Of all colors, creeds, and kinds
I'm all washed in the Blood of the Lamb
I am washed, yes, I'm washed
I am washed in the Blood
I'm all washed in the Blood of the Lamb
I'm all clean, I'm all spotless
And I'm pure like the snow
Black wind blowing in the cotton field, honey
There's a black wind blowing in the cotton field, baby
There's a black wind blowing in the cotton field
And oh how funny it makes me feel
Baby, sweet thing, darling
There's a long black cloud hanging in the sky, honey
There's a long black cloud hanging in the sky, baby
There's a long black cloud hanging in the sky
Weather's gonna break and hells gonna fly
Baby, sweet thing, darling
Cotton's pretty thin yonder on the hill, honey
Cotton's pretty thin yonder on the hill, baby
Cotton's pretty thin yonder on the hill
It won't clear a greenback dollar bill
Baby, sweet thing, darling
Work shade and back to the buzzard wing, honey
Work shade and back to the buzzard wing, baby
Work shade and back to the buzzard wing
Clouds are gonna bust and cry down rain
Baby, sweet thing, darling
Black wind blowing in the cotton field, honey
There's a black wind blowing in the cotton field, baby
There's a black wind blowing in the cotton field
And oh how funny it makes me feel
It's against th' law to walk, against th' law to talk
Against th' law to loaf, against th' law to work
Against th' law to read, against th' law to write
Against th' law to be a black, brown or white
Everything's against th' law
I'm a low pay daddy singing th' high price blues
It's against th' law to eat, against th' law to drink
Against th' law to worry, against th' law to think
Against th' law to marry or try to settle down
Against th' law to ramble like a bum from town to town
Everything's against th' law
I'm a low pay daddy singing th' high price blues
It's against th' law to come, against th' law to go
Against th' law to rock, against th' law to roll
Against th' law to hug, against th' law to kiss
Against th' law to shoot, against th' law to miss
Everything's against th' law
I'm a low pay daddy singing th' high price blues
It's against th' law to gamble, it's against th' law to roam
Against th' law to organize or try to build a home
Against th' law to sing, against th' law to dance
Against th' law to tell you all th' trouble on my hands
Everything in Winston, Salem is against th' law
I'm a low pay daddy singin' th' high price blues
Everything in Winston, Salem is against th' law
One by one, the teardrops fall as I write to you
One by one, my words come falling on the page
One by one, my dreams are fading in the twilight
One by one, my schemes are failing fast away
One by one, the flowers' fading in my garden
One by one, the leaves are falling from the trees
One by one, my hopes are vanished in the clouds, dear
One by one, like snowflakes melting in the breeze
One by one, my hair is turning gray
One by one, my dreams are fading fast away
One by one, I read your letters over
One by one, I lay them all away
One by one, the days are slipping up behind you
One by one, the sweetest days of life go by
One by one, the moments' stealing up behind you
One by one, she'll come and find not you or I
One by one, I hear the soft words that you whispered
One by one, I feel your kisses soft and sweet
One by one, I hope you'll say the words to marry
Ingrid Bergman, Ingrid Bergman
Let's go make a picture
On the island of Stromboli, Ingrid Bergman
Ingrid Bergman, you're so perty
You'd make any mountain quiver
You'd make fire fly from the crater
Ingrid Bergman
This old mountain, it's been waiting
All its life for you to work it
For your hand to touch its hard rock
Ingrid Bergman, Ingrid Bergman
If you'll walk across my camera
I will flash the world your story
I will pay you more than money
Ingrid Bergman
Not by pennies, dimes nor quarters
But with happy sons and daughters
And they'll sing around Stromboli
Ingrid Bergman
This old mountain, it's been waiting
All its life for you to work it
For your hand to touch its hard rock
Ten hundred books could I
Write you about her
'Cause I felt if I could know her
I would know all women
And they've not been any too well known
For brains and planning and organized thinking
But I'm sure the women are equal
And they may be ahead of the men
Yet I wouldn't spread such a rumor around
'Cause one organizes the other
And sometimes the most lost and wasted
Attract the most balanced and sane
And the wild and the reckless
Take up with the clocked and the timed
And the mixture is all of us
And we're still mixing
But never, never, never
Never could have it been done
If the women hadn't entered into the deal
Like she came along to me
And all creeds and kinds
And colors of us are blending
Till I suppose ten million years from now
We'll all be just alike
Same color, same size
Working together
And maybe we'll have all of the fascists
Out of the way by then, maybe so
But never, never, never
Never could have it been done
If the women hadn't entered into the deal
Hoodoo voodoo, seven, twenty-one, two
Haystacka, hostacka, A B C
High poker, low joker, ninety-nine to zero
Sidewalk, streetcar, dance a goofy dance
Black birdy, blue jay, one, two, three, four
Trash sack, jump back, E F G
Biggy hat, little hat, fatty man, skinny man
Grasshopper, green snake, hold my hand
Hoodoo voodoo, chooka chooky choo choo
True blue, how true, kissle me now
Momma cat, Tommy cat, diapers on my clothes line
Two, four, six, eight, I run and hide
Pretty girl, pretty boy, pony on a tin can
I'll be yours, you'll be mine
Hoodoo voodoo, chooka chooky choo choo
True blue, how true, kissle me now
Jinga jangler, tinga lingle, picture on a bricky wall
Hot scamper, foamy lather, huggle me close
Hot breeze, old cheese, slicky slacky fishy tails
Brush my hair, kissle me some more
Hoodoo voodoo, chooka chooky choo choo
True blue, how true, kissle me now
Hoodoo voodoo, chooka chooky choo choo
True blue, how true, kissle me now, kissle me now
Brush my hair and kissle me some more
Kissle me some more, oh kissle me some more
Eisler on the go
Eisler on the move
Brother is on the vinegar truck
And I don't know what I'll do
Don't know what I'll do
I don't know what I'll do
Eisler's on the come and go
And I don't know what I'll do
Eisler on the farm
Eisler on the town
Sister in the tickly bush
And I don't know what I'll do
I don't know what I'll do
I don't know what I'll do
Eisler's on the come and go
And I don't know what I'll do
Eisler on the boat
Eisler on the ship
Daddy on the henhouse roof
And I don't know what I'll do
I don't know what I'll do
I don't know what I'll do
Eisler's on the come and go
And I don't know what I'll do
Eisler in the jailoe
Eisler back at home
Rankin' scratch his head and cry
And I don't know what I'll do
I don't know what I'll do
I don't know what I'll do
Eisler's on the come and go
And I don't know what I'll do
Eisler him write music
Eisler him teach school
Truman him don't play so good
And I don't know what I'll do
I don't know what I'll do
I don't know what I'll do
Eisler's on the come and go
And I don't know what I'll do
Don't know what I'll do
The birds are singing in your eyes this day
Sweet flowers blossom in your smile
The wind and sun are in the words you say
Where might your lonesome lover be?
Birds maybe singing in my eyes today
Sweet flowers blossom when I smile,
But my soul is stormy and my heart blows wild,
My sweetheart rides a ship on the sea
WORDS: Woody Guthrie - MUSIC: Billy Bragg 1997
At my window sad and lonely,
oft times do I think of thee
Sad and lonely and I wonder
do you ever think of me?
Every day is sad and lonely
every night is sad and blue
Do you ever think of me my darling
as you sail that ocean blue?
At my window, sad and lonely,
I stand and look across the sea
I, sad and lonely,
wonder, do you ever think of me?
Will you find another sweetheart
In some far and distant land?
Sad and lonely now I wonder if
our boat will ever land?
Ships may ply the stormy ocean
planes may fly the stormy sky
Sad and lonely but remember
I will love you till I die
WORDS: Woody Guthrie 1939 - MUSIC: Jeff Tweedy
Let's have Christ our President
Let us have him for our king
Cast your vote for the Carpenter
That they call the Nazarene
The only way
We could ever beat
These crooked politician men
Is to cast the moneychangers
Out of the temple
Put the Carpenter in
Oh it's Jesus Christ our President
God above our king
With a job and pension for young and old
We will make hallelujah ring
Every year we waste enough
To feed the ones who starve
We build our civilization up
And we shoot it down with wars
But with the Carpenter
On the seat
Way up in the capitol town
Be on the way
Sometimes I think I'm gonna lose my mind
But it don't look like I ever do
I loved so many people everywhere I went
Some too much and others not enough
I don't know, I may go down or up or anywhere
But I feel like this scribbling might stay
Maybe if I hadn't of seen so much hard feelings
I might not could have felt other people's
So when you think of me, if and when you do
Just say, well, another man's done gone
Up in the morning and out to school
Mother says there'll be no work next year
Qualifications once the Golden Rule
Are now just pieces of paper
Just because you're better than me
Doesn't mean I'm lazy
Just because you're going forwards
Doesn't mean I'm going backwards
If you look the part you'll get the job
In last year's trousers and your old school shoes
The truth is son, it's a buyer's market
They can afford to pick and choose
Just because you're better than me
Doesn't mean I'm lazy
Just because I dress like this
Doesn't mean I'm a communist
The factories are closing and the army's full -
I don't know what I'm going to do
But I've come to see in the Land of the Free
There's only a future for the Chosen Few
Just because you're better than me
Doesn't mean I'm lazy
Just because you're going forwards
Doesn't mean I'm going backwards
At twenty one you're on top of the scrapheap
At sixteen you were top of the class
All they taught you at school
Was how to be a good worker
The system has failed you, don't fail yourself
Just because you're better than me
Doesn't mean I'm lazy
Just because you're going forwards
Doesn't mean I'm going backwards
If you're lonely, I will call
If you're poorly, I will send poetry
I love you, I am the milkman
Of human kindness
I'll leave an extra pint
If you're sleeping, I will wait
If your bed is wet, I will dry your tears
I love you, I am the milkman
Of human kindness
I'll leave an extra pint
Hold my hand for me, I'm waking up
Hold my hand for me, I'm waking up
Won't you hold my hand? I'm making up
Hold my hand for me, I'm making up
If you're falling, I'll put out my hands
If you feel bitter, I will understand
I love you, I am the milkman
Of human kindness
The busy girl buys beauty
The pretty girl buys style
And the simple girl buys
What she's told to buy
And sees her world
Through the brightly lit eyes
Of the glossy romance of fashion
Where she can learn
Top tips for the gas cook
Successful secrets of a sexual kind
The daily drill for beautiful hair
And the truth about pain
What was Anna Ford wearing?
What did Angela Rippon say?
What will you do
When you wake up one morning
To find that God's made you plain
In a beautiful persons world?
And all that quick recipes
Have let you down
And you're 20 and a half
And you're not yet engaged
Will you go look for the boy who says
I love you, let's get married and have kids
The busy girl buys beauty
The pretty girl buys style
And the simple girl buys
What she's told to buy
And sees her world
Through the brightly lit eyes
Of the glossy romance of fashion
Where she can learn
Top tips for the gas cook
Successful secrets of a sexual kind
The daily drill for beautiful hair
I was twenty one years when I wrote this song
I'm twenty two now, but I won't be for long
People ask when will you grow up to be a man
But all the girls I loved at school
are already pushing prams
I loved you then as I love you still
Tho I put you on a pedestal,
They put you on the pill
I don't feel bad about letting you go
I just feel sad about letting you know
I don't want to change the world
I'm not looking for a new England
I'm just looking for another girl
I don't want to change the world
I'm not looking for a new England
I'm just looking for another girl
I loved the words you wrote to me
But that was bloody yesterday
I can't survive on what you send
Every time you need a friend
I saw two shooting stars last night
I wished on them but they were only satellites
Is it wrong to wish on space hardware
I wish, I wish, I wish you'd care
I don't want to change the world
I'm not looking for a new England
I'm just looking for another girl
As I wait for sleep to drag me under
In the evening gloom I sit and wonder
The words I should have said to you
The things I always meant to do
The bad dreams that all came true
You woke up my neighbourhood
Night after night we would row
You woke up my neighbourhood
Things are pretty quiet round here now
When I think of how we were together
I know we couldn't be like that for ever
Beneath the Seven Sister stars
The night we let it go too far
I slept out in the car
I remember skipping on the porch tilll it grew cold
I remember feeling like I was eight years old
Somersaults across the lawn
Singing dancing up till dawn
Every now and then we'd have a row
You woke up my neighbourhood
Things are pretty quiet round here now
Chorus (repeat)
There's a girl sleeping in my bed
And I'm singing unwritten songs in my head
She provided bittersweet company
I confided how much you mean to me
And this time
It's gonna take a train to pull me through
Some brief distraction from your memory
Is all that I hoped that she might be
And as I let her warm her feet on me
Wish you were her
That I wanted you to be my wife
Is the worst kept secret of my life
Everyone knows, even my friend here
I've just whispered your name in her ear
And this time
It's gonna take a train to pull me through
Some brief distraction from your memory
Is all that I hoped that she might be
And as I ask her how she takes her tea
Wish you were her
I wish you were her
He's already been inside me
And he really didn't say
And I really didn't ask him
I just hoped and prayed
He's already been in side me
And I really don't feel well
I keep looking in the mirror
But it's hard to tell
Will he stay by me and take my hand
And hold me till I sleep
Or will he crumble and fall to the floor
And weep
Oh feeble man, Oh evil man
He's already been inside me
Would he have told me if he cared?
I know I ought to find out
But I'm much too scared
He's already been inside me
And I know it can't be good
Nothing feels
The way it should
Will he hold me in his arms again
And wipe away my tears
Or has he already taken
My best years
Oh evil man, Oh feeble man
At night the Baby Brotherhood and the Inter City Crew
Fill their pockets up with calling cards
And paint their faces red white and blue
Then they go out seeking different coloured faces
And anyone else that they can scare
And they salute the foes their fathers fought
By raising their right hands in the air
Oh look how my country's patriots are hunting down below
What do they know of England who only England know
From the stands of the Empire Stadium
Come the heralds of the New Dark Age
With the simplicities of bigotry
And to whom all the world's a stage
These little John Bullshits know that the press
Will glorify their feats
So that the general public fear them
And the authorities say give 'em all seats
And the wasted seed of the bulldog breed
Is shouting here we go
What do they know of England who only England know
Our neighbours shake their heads
And take their valuables inside
While my countrymen piss in the fountains
To express our national pride
And to prove to the world that England
Is just as rotten as she looks
They repeat the lies that caught their eyes
At school in history books
But the wars they think they're fighting
Were all over long ago
What do they know of England who only England know
And the society that spawned them
Just cries out Who's to blame?
And then wraps itself in the Union Jack
And just carries on the same
Oh look out, my country's patriots are hunting down below
What do they know of England who only England know
Kiss me goodnight and say my prayers
Leave the light on at the top of the stairs
Tell me the names of the stars up in the sky
A tree taps on the window pane
That feeling smothers me again
Daddy is it true that we all have to die
At the top of the stairs
Is darkness
I closed my eyes and when I looked
Your name was in the memorial book
and what had become of all the things we planned
I accepted the commiserations
Of all your friends and your relations
But there's some things I still don't understand
You were so tall
How could you fall?
Some photographs of a summer's day
A little boy's lifetime away
Is all I've left of everything we've done
Like a pale moon in a sunny sky
Death gazes down as I pass by
To remind me that I'm but my father's son
I offer up to you
This tribute
I offer up to you
This tank park salute
I've had relations with girls from many nations
I've made passes at women of all classes
And just because you're gay I won't turn you away
If you stick around I'm sure that we can find some common ground
Sexuality - Strong and warm and wild and free
Sexuality - Your laws do not apply to me
A nuclear submarine sinks off the coast of Sweden
Headlines give me headaches when I read them
I had an uncle who once played for Red Star Belgrade
He said some things are really left best unspoken
But I prefer it all to be out in the open
Sexuality - Strong and warm and wild and free
Sexuality - Your laws do not apply to me
Sexuality - Don't threaten me with misery
Sexuality - I demand equality
I'm sure that everybody knows how much my body hates me
It lets me down most every time and makes me rash and hasty
I feel a total jerk before your naked body of work
I'm getting weighed down with all this information
Safe sex doesn't mean no sex it just means use your imagination
Stop playing with yourselves in hard currency hotels
I look like Robert De Niro, I drive a Mitsubishi Zero
Sexuality - Strong and warm and wild and free
Sexuality - Your laws do not apply to me
Sexuality - Come eat and drink and sleep with me
Sexuality - We can be what we want to be
There are soldiers marching on the common today
They were there again this evening
They paced up and down like sea birds on the ground
Before the storm clouds gathering
I must buy whatever tinned food is left on the shelves
They are testing the air raid sirens
They've filled up the blood banks and emptied the beds
At the hospital and he asylum
I saw a man build a shelter in his garden today
And we stood there idly chatting
He said: ";No, no I don't think war will come";
Yet still he carried on digging
Everything in my life that I love
Could be swept away without warning
Yet the birds still sing and the church bells ring
And the sun came up this morning
Life goes on as it did before
As the country drifts slowly to war
I went out drinking with Thomas Paine
He said that all revolutions are not the same
They are as different as the cultures
That give them birth
For no one idea
Can solve every problem on Earth
So don't expect it all to happen
In some prophesied political fashion
For people are different
And so are nations
You can borrow ideas
But you can't borrow situations
In Leningrad the people say
Perestroika can be explained this way
The people who told us
That two and two is ten
Are now trying to tell us
That two and two is five
We're living in a North Sea Bubble
We're trying to spend our way out of trouble
You keep buying these things but you don't need them
But as long as you're comfortable it feels like freedom
My American friends don't know what to do
But they'll wait a long time for a Beverley Hills coup
War! What is it good for
It's good for business
I put on my raincoat to make it rain
And sure enough the skies opened up again
I dreamed of you as I walked to the shops
You were dancing with the wallies on Top Of The Pops
Once in a while
Gennady Gerasimov deops his smile
And you can see that his aim's
A portfolio pregnant with gains
He's been up all night
Moving the goalposts
Like a jackdaw with a fiery brand
Spread the news all over this land
Robin Hood and his Merry Men
Are never, never, never coming back again
I don't believe that love should be pain
So could you please rub my back again
I think it's safe to leave tham in the park
Let's blow out the candles and kiss in the dark
Heavens above
Can this sticky stuff really be love!
Don't get dressed yet
Not yet
We've been up all night
Moving the goalposts
The Reverend Mother went and got me a drink
She came back and said to me ";Well what do you think?";
I said ";I've made myself a fool
For the prettiest girl in school";
How can I deal with this hurt I feel inside?
I tell it to the mother of the bride
I put on my suit and smile for the big day
But I couldn't watch as her dad gave her away
And as they solemnly said ";You'll do";
Her mother said ";That should have been you";
At the mercy of the moon
The boy who spoke too soon
She married him and destroyed all my hopes
Of a two-up, two-down, two point five
and a dish on the roof
For the soaps
I saw them at the hardware store
He looked boring she looked bored
It's nice to know that someone was on my side
Best wishes to the mother of the bride
God's footballer hears the voices of angels
Above the choir at Molineux
God's footballer stands on the doorstep
And brings the Good News of the Kingdom to come
While the crowd sings 'Rock of Ages'
The goals bring weekly wages
Yet the glory of the sports pages
Is but the worship of false idols and tempts him not
God's footballer turns on a sixpence
And brings the Great crowd to their feet in praise of him
God's footballer quotes from the Gospels
While knocking on doors in Black Country back streets
He scores goals on a Saturday
And saves souls on a Sunday
For the Lord says these are the Last Days
Prepare thyself for the Judgement yet to come
His career will be over soon
And the rituals of a Saturday afternoon
Bid him a reluctant farewell
For he knows beyond the sport lies the spiritual
Dig in boys for an extended stay
Those were the final orders to come down that day
Waiting to be saved in the Philippines
You'll wait forever for the young Marines
Now I believe to be here is right
But I have to say I'm scared tonight
Crouching in this hole with a mouth full of sand
What comes first the country or the man
Look at those slanted eyes coming up over the hill
Catching us by surprise, it's time to kill or be killed
Over here, over there, it's the same everywhere
A boy cries out for his mama before he dies for his home
All my life I wanted to be
As clever and strong as my best friend Lee
We grew up together along Half Moon Bay
Lee was Japanese, born in the USA
When Tommy was fighting Jerry along the River Seine
Me and Lee wanted to do the same
Then they bombed Pearl Harbour at the break of day
I was headed for these islands while Lee was hauled away
They said look at his slanted eyes, he's guilty as guilty can be
Sent here as enemy spies to sabatage the Land of the Free
I never got home, my platoon was never saved
That little fox hole became my island grave
Lee got out of jail but a prisoner he remained
Till he ended his own life to lose that ball and chain
And they said Oh Little Slanted Eyes can't you forgive and forget
And he said, Oh Mr Friendly Ghost
Can you catch water in a net?
Blue velvet America
Half glimpsed in the headlights between the trees
Who punctured the beauty
And invited monsters such as these
The pig faced boy, the corrupted clown
The grotesque figure who never comes into town
Something broken, something stained
Something waiting for the worms to claim
And you can never go there again
Except in nightmares
The voyeur who dares not come near
Knows excitement is merely the beginning of fear
My shadow came this morning
And left some candy in my shoe
They're always watching me
Watching the things I do
Cindy of a thousand lives
Cindy of the Stepford Wives
I've looked at all the photographs
But Cindy, which one of them was you?
I will cross this body of water
If you promise you won't try this at home
You're where you want to be
Where am I, I'm up a tree
I had a hurt attack
Rolled away, now I'm bouncing back
Forgive me for feeling sick
I think I just got up too quick
Is this the consequence
Of an out of bed experience
Where I'm from the sun don't shine
We keeps the light on all the time
I walk upon the ground we dream about
You finding out about it now
But you are clever never to be found
Summer could take a hint
Seeing you in a floral print
Oh, to become a pearl
In the wordy world of the Cornflake Girl
I've always been impressed with a girl
Who could sing for her supper and get breakfast as well
That's the way I am, heaven help me
He said, ";We don't like peace camapigners 'round here";
As he nailed another one to the wall
And that's what gets me in trouble, heaven help me
Goodbye and good luck to all the rubbish that you've spoken
Goodbye and good luck to all the promises
you've broken
Your life has lost its dignity, its beauty and its passion
You're an accident waiting to happen
There you are standing at the bar
And you're giving me grief about the DDR
And that chip on your choulder gets bigger as you
get older
One of these night you're gonna get caught,
It'll give you a pregnant pause for thought
You're a dedicated swallower of fascism
Time up and time out
For all the liberties you've taken
Time up and time out for all the friends that
you've foresaken
If you choose to waste away like death is back in fashion
You're an accident waiting to happen
And my sins are so unoriginal
I have all the self-loathing of a wolf in sheep's clothing
In this carnival of carnivores,
Heaven help me
I woke up this morning
To find that we have outlived the myth of trust
You woke up this morning
To the fact we've lost the things
You took for granted between us
Because I grew up in awe of the girl next door
And the boy that never cried
I was dreaming of those Elizabethan girls
While you were working in the market to earn ourselves
And when you found out what happened yesterday
While you were away in this land of Cain
We were upstairs in the bedroom dancing disgusting
And flushing our babies down the drain
And the apple that don't want to get eaten
Will still fall off the tree
When you're in as deep as we are honey
It's so easy to get washed out to sea
For the facts of life are not man and wife
But man and woman sadly
And the apple that doesn't want to get eaten
Will still fall off the tree
I woke up this morning
Sandra met Raymond
At the race relations
Much to the dismay
Of her family and friends
The love that we have is so important
The time that it takes
To make a baby
Can be the time it takes
To make a cup of tea
The love that we have is so important
He still goes dancing
And she still cuts hair
They put the baby
Into council care
The love that we have is so important
I'll never forget the first day I met her
That September morning was clear and fresh
The way she spoke and laughed at my jokes
And the way she rubbed herself
Against the edge of my desk
She became a magic mystery to me
And we'd sit together in double history twice a week
And some days we'd walk the same way home
And it's surprising how quick
A little rain can clear the streets
We dreamed of her and compared our dreams
But that was all that I ever tasted
She lied to me with her body you see
I lied to myself 'bout the chances I'd wasted
The times we were close, were far and few between
In the darkness at the dances in the school canteen
Did she close her eyes as I did when we held each other tight?
And la la la la la la la la la, means I love you
She danced with me and I still hold that memory
Soft and sweet and I stare up at her window
As I walk down her street, but I never made the first team
I just made the first team laugh and she never came to the phone
She was always in the bath
In the end, it took me a dictionary
To find out the meaning of unrequited
While she was giving herself for free
At a party to which I was never invited
I never understood my failings then
And I hide my humble hopes now
Thinking back she made us want her
Thinking back now
I suppose you were just stating your views
What was it all for
For the weather or the Battle of Agincourt
And the times that we all hoped would last
Like a train they have gone by so fast
And though we stood together at the edge of the platform
We were not moved by them
With my own hands
When I make love to your memory
It's not the same
I miss the thunder, I miss the rain
And the fact that you don't understand
Casts a shadow over this land
But the sun still shines
From behind it
Thanks all the same
But I just can't bring myself to answer your letters
It's not your fault
But your honesty touches me like a fire
The Polaroids that hold us together
Will surely fade away
Like the love that we spoke of forever
The love of a woman, a fear of the phone
A secret message to a happy home
I've never been so scared, I never knew you cared
Love gets dangerous
Love gets dangerous, dangerous
There's a fear that comes from being in danger
Being in love with a total stranger
Putting our futures in jeopardy
When love is a secret, fear is the key
When we meet in the street my terror is complete
Love gets dangerous
Love gets dangerous, dangerous
Like a drug that threatens to take my life
Lust is a cancer, love is a vice
When she holds me I understand
Respect and fear go hand in hand
No need to act tough, it scares me just enough
Love gets dangerous
Love gets dangerous, dangerous
Blue eyes fighting the gray eyes
Fighting the tears
Armed to the teeth for a war of words
Reachin' all the years
I advanced across a poppy field
I saw the gleam as you raised your shield
And love screamed down
With the sun behind its back
Our fathers were all soldiers
Shall we be soldiers too?
Fighting and falling like soldiers do
Nothing is clear in this tactical
Unclear war
I can't be bothered to find out
What we are fighting for
No one can win this war of the senses
I see no reason to drop my defenses
So stand fast my emotions
Rally 'round my shaking heart
Our fathers were all soldiers
Shall we be soldiers too?
Fighting and falling like soldiers do
Blue eyes fighting the gray eyes
Fighting the tears
Armed to the teeth for a war of words
Reachin' all the years
I advanced across a poppy field
I saw the gleam as you raised your shield
And love screamed down
With the sun behind its back
I knew once again I was under attack
So stand fast my emotions
Rally 'round my shaking heart
Our fathers were all soldiers
Shall we be soldiers too?
Fighting and falling like soldiers
Fighting and falling like soldiers
It says here that the unions will never learn
It says here the economy is on the upturn
And it says here we should be proud that we are free
And our free press reflects our democracy
Those braying voices on the right of the house
Are echoed down the street of shame
Where politics mix with bingo and tits in a money and numbers game
Where they offer you a feature on stockings and suspenders
Next to a call for stiffer penalties for sex offenders
It says here that this year's prince is born
It says here do you ever wish that you were better informed
And it says here that we could only stop the rot
With a large dose of law and order and a touch of the short sharp shock
If this does not reflect your view you should understand
That those who own the papers also own this land
And they'd rather you believe in coronation street capers
In the war of circulation, it sells newspapers
Could it be an infringement of the freedom of the press
To print pictures of women in states of undress
When you wake up to the fact that you paper is Tory
Digging all day and digging all night
To keep my foxhole out of sight
Digging into dinner on a plate on my knees
The smell of damp webbing in the morning breeze
Fear in my stomach, fear in the sky
I eat my dinner with a weary eye
After all this it won't be the same
Messing around on Salisbury plain
Pick up your feet, fall in, move out
We're going to a party way down south
Me and the corporal out on a spree
Damned from here to eternity
I can already taste the blood in my mouth
We're going to a party way down south
I hate this flat land, there's no cover
For sons and fathers and brothers and lovers
I can take the killing, I can take the slaughter
But I don't talk to Sun reporters
I never thought that I would be
Fighting fascists in the southern sea
I saw one today and in his hand
Was a weapon that was made in Birmingham
Pick up your feet, fall in, move out
We're going to a party way down south
Me and the corporal out on a spree
Damned from here to eternity
I can already taste the blood in my mouth
We're going to a party way down south
I wish Kipling and the Captain were here
To record our pursuits for posterity
Me and the corporal out on a spree
She said, "Do these seats fold down?" and I said, "If you pull that handle"
All the time she'd been waiting for something with a little more
And all her mates on the new estates
Were walking out in confetti and sunshine
Her mother read her mail and her dad was a policeman
Which I must say worried me but some things have just got to be
So we passed very fast like ships in the night
Or cars in a contraflow system
Some people say love is blind and I think that's just a bit short-sighted
Some people just want it now it doesn't matter where or how
Satisfaction takes a second place
You and I are victims of a love
That lost a lot in the translation
When I think of all the time that I spent
Sitting on the edge of your bed in anticipation
Of you giving in and us living in sin
A hot day, the smell of hairspray
And the sound of a shower running softly
Its things like this that remind me of how I felt
The first time you came back for coffee
The way you took it amazed me
Walkin' in the park, kissin' in the dark
And my head against your pillow
Late at night a lover sings
Adam and Eve are finding out all about love
I say, Adam and Eve are finding out all about love
There is no real substitute
For a ball struck squarely and firmly
And you're the kind of girl who wants to
Open up the bottle of pop
Too early in the journey
Our love went flat just like that
It doesn't matter the color of the car
But what goes on beneath the bonnet
Is there a flag that flies above your heart
And is my name writ there upon it
Wedding cake and toothache
Equals love and pain
Walkin' in the park, kissin' on the carpet
And your tights around your ankles
Late at night a lover thinks of these things
Adam and Eve are finding out all about love
I say, Adam and Eve are finding out all about love
Adam and Eve are finding out all about
Adam and Eve are finding out all about
When he drops you off, I will not say
"Who was that who so quickly drove away?"
The things you've done and the places you've been
When I open the door for you, I will not let them in
As long as you come back to me, I will never ask
For you I will be the man in the iron mask
You said you love me and it broke my heart
I was always your prisoner right from the start
The nights you spend without me, this house is like a dungeon
And you only return to torture me more
You must have your reasons, I will not ask
Do you know what love is?
Love is when you willingly
Place someone else's priorities
Above your own
Do you know what lust is?
Lust is when you actively
Force your own priority
The wind sways the trees and the raindrops on the leaves
Tumble down, down my neck in the breeze
Yes, it's true I hid out in the shadow of your doubt
And this medal that I wear is not for bravery, I'm afraid
And we're both gonna have to accept
That this might be as good as it gets
As our love for each other respects
Neither rule nor reason
The queen on her throne plays Shirley Bassey
Records when she's all on her own
And she looks out the window
And cries
What should I do?
Scratch off all of my tattoos?
And forget those girls names?
But you're not about to let me do that, are you?
And we're both gonna have to accept
That this might be as bad as it gets
As our love for each other respects
Neither rule nor reason
And we're both gonna have to accept
That this might be as big as it gets
And our love for each other respects
There's a place, a place that I go
Where I curl in a ball on the floor
And no one can know
And the fear wells up inside
I'm just falling again
Feel I'm falling again
And you make me brave
Then you make me brave
When the dark and all of the doubt
Crowds in around me
And blocks the world out
And then I, I see you smile
And I'm flying again
Yes, I'm flying again
'Cos you make me brave
Yes, you make me brave
What's to come? No one can know
But I fear for the future
What it may hold
Take my hand, take it today
Let's not live in the past
Let's not hide in the past
Today, today
Live for today
I lived in a place called Okfuskee
And I had a little girl in a holler tree
I said, "Little girl, it's plain to see
Ain't nobody that can sing like me
Ain't nobody that can sing like me"
She said, "It's hard for me to see
How one little boy got so ugly"
Yes, my little girly, that might be
But there ain't nobody that can sing like me
Ain't nobody that can sing like me
Way over yonder in the minor key
Way over yonder in the minor key
There ain't nobody that can sing like me
We walked down by the Buckeye Creek
To see the frog eat the goggle eye bee
To hear that west wind whistle to the east
There ain't nobody that can sing like me
Ain't nobody that can sing like me
Oh my little girly, will you let me see
Where over yonder where the wind blows free?
Nobody can see in our holler tree
And there ain't nobody that can sing like me
Ain't nobody that can sing like me
Way over yonder in the minor key
Way over yonder in the minor key
There ain't nobody that can sing like me
Her mama cut a switch from a cherry tree
And laid it on to she and me
It stung lots worse than a hive of bees
But there ain't nobody that can sing like me
Ain't nobody that can sing like me
Now I have walked a long long ways
I still look back to my Tanglewood days
I've led lots of girlies since then to stray
Saying, "Ain't nobody that can sing like me
Ain't nobody that can sing like me"
Way over yonder in the minor key
Way over yonder in the minor key
Ain't nobody that can sing like me
Way over yonder in the minor key
Way over yonder in the minor key
Ain't nobody that can sing like me
Last night or the night before that
And I won?t say which night
A seaman friend of mine
And I?ll not say which seaman
Walked up to a big old building
And I won?t say which building
And would have not walked up the stairs
Not to say which stairs
If there had not been two girls
Leaving out the names of those two girls
I recall a door, a big long room
And I?ll not tell which room
I remember a deep blue rug
But I can?t say which rug
A girl took down a book of poems
Not to say which book of poems
And as she read, I laid my head
And I can?t tell which head
Down in her lap
And I can't mention which lap
My seaman buddy and his girl moved off
After a couple of pages
And there I was, all night long
Laying and listening and forgetting the poems
And as well as I could recall
Or my seaman buddy could recollect
The girl had told us that she was a niece
Of Walt Whitman, but not which niece
And it takes a night and a girl
And a book of this kind
A long, long time to find it?s way back
Last night or the night before that
And I won?t say which night
A seaman friend of mine
And I?ll not say which seaman
Walked up to a big old building
And I won?t say which building
And would have not walked up the stairs
Not to say which stairs
If there had not been two girls
Leaving out the names of those two girls
I recall a door, a big long room
And I?ll not tell which room
I remember a deep blue rug
But I can?t say which rug
A girl took down a book of poems
Not to say which book of poems
And as she read, I laid my head
But I can?t tell which head
Down in her lap
Up in the morning and out to school
Mother says there'll be no work next year
Qualifications once the golden rule
Are now just pieces of paper
Just because you're better than me
Doesn't mean I'm lazy
Just because you're going forwards
Doesn't mean I'm going backwards
If you look the part you'll get the job
In last year's trousers and your old school shoes
The truth is, son, it's a buyer's market
They can afford to pick and choose
Just because you're better than me
Doesn't mean I'm lazy
Just because I dress like this
Doesn't mean I'm a communist
The factories are closing and the army's full
I don't know what I'm going to do
But I've come to see in the Land of the Free
There's only a future for the chosen few
Just because you're better than me
Doesn't mean I'm lazy
Just because you're going forwards
Doesn't mean I'm going backwards
At twenty one you're on top of the scrapheap
At sixteen you were top of the class
All they taught you at school was how to be a good worker
The system has failed you, don't fail yourself
Just because you're better than me
Doesn't mean I'm lazy
Just because you're going forwards
At my window sad and lonely
Oft times do I think of thee
Sad and lonely and I wonder
Do you ever think of me?
Every day is sad and lonely
And every night is sad and blue
Do you ever think of me my darling
As you sail that ocean blue?
At my window, sad and lonely
I stand and look across the sea
And I, sad and lonely wonder
Do you ever think of me?
Will you find another sweetheart
In some far and distant land?
Sad and lonely now I wonder
If our boat will ever land?
Ships may ply the stormy oceans
And planes may fly the stormy sky
I'm sad and lonely but remember
A rainy afternoon, spent in the warmest room
She lay before me and said
"Yes, it's true that I have seen some naked men"
As she made for the door leaving me on the floor
I wish I'd done biology
For an urge within me wanted to do it then
And here she comes again and I'm sitting on my hands
And she sings to me that siren song
Here she comes again and I'm biting my lip
But it won't be long
As brother Barry said when he married Marion
The wife has three great attributes
Intelligence, a Swiss army knife and charm
That's not enough sometimes and she did speak her mind
And told them all that she believed
The only way to disarm is to disarm
And here she comes again and I'm sitting on my hands
And she sings to me that siren song
Here she comes again and I'm biting my lip
But it won't be long
I know people whose idea of fun
Is throwing stones in the river in the afternoon sun
Oh, let me be as free as them, don't let her pass this way again, hey
Though you cannot be blamed but I've become inflamed
With thoughts of lust and thoughts of power
Thoughts of love and the thoughts of chairman Mao
We have such little time at your place or mine
I can't wait till we take our blood tests
Oh baby, let's take our blood tests now
And here she comes again and I'm sitting on my hands
And she sings to me that siren song
Here she comes again and I'm biting my lip
But it won't be long
Here she comes again and I'm sitting on my hands
And she sings to me that siren song
Here she comes again and I'm biting my lip
But it won't be long
Here she comes again and I'm sitting on my hands
And she sings to me that siren song
Here she comes again, I bite my lip and I'll take a chip
To the rich man's bright lodges, I ride in this wind
On my good horse I call you my shiny Black Bess
To the playhouse of fortune to take the bright silver
And gold you have taken from somebody else
And as we go riding in the damp foggy midnight
You snort, my good pony and you give me your best
For you know, and I know, good horse 'mongst the rich ones
How oft times we go there an unwelcome guest
I never took food from the widows and orphans
And never a hard working man I oppressed
So take your pace easy for home soon like lightning
We soon will be riding my shiny Black Bess
No fat rich man's pony can e'er overtake you
There's not a rider from the east to the west
Could hold you a light in this dark mist and midnight
When the potbellied thieves chase their unwelcome guest
I don't know good horse as we trot in this dark here
If robbing the rich is for worse or for best
They take it by stealing and lying and gambling
And I take it my way, my shiny Black Bess
I treat horses good and I'm friendly to strangers
I ride and your running makes my guns talk the best
And the rangers and deputies are hired by the rich man
To catch me and hang me, my shining Black Bess
Yes, they'll catch me napping one day and they'll kill me
And then I'll be gone but that won't be my end
For my guns and my saddle will always be filled
By unwelcome travelers and other brave men
They'll take the money and spread it out equal
Just like the Bible and the prophets suggest
The men that go riding to help these poor workers
Sometimes when you lose your way to me
I think you don't care at all
If you don't get here soon
I'll tear that clock down from the wall
Your family and friends don't understand
They treat me so strange
The book you said to read
Well, I have read but nothing's changed
The clocks go forward, the clocks go back
Yet here I sit as if I were the only one
And oh, you cannot hear me, oh, you cannot hear me
Can anybody hear me out there?
He's up on his high horse again
You're down in the park
I'm left to fight my impulses alone here in the dark
Well, the chain that fell off my bike last night
Is now wrapped 'round my heart
Sometimes I think that
Fate has been against us from the start
I long to let our love run free
Yet here I am, a victim of geography
And oh, you cannot hear me, oh, you cannot hear me
Can anybody hear me out there?
She said, "Kiss me or would you rather
Live in a land where the soap won't lather?"
And oh, you know you are the only one
Here we are, seeking out the Reds
Trying to keep the communists in order
Just remember when you're sleeping in your beds
They're only two days drive from the Texas border
How can a country large as ours be scared of such a threat
Well, if they won't work for us, they're against us you can bet
They may be sovereign countries but you folks at home forget
That they all want what we've got but they don't know it yet
We're making the world safe for capitalism
Here we come with our candy and our guns
And our corporate muscle marches in behind us
For freedom's just another word for nothing left to sell
And if you want narcotics we can get you those as well
We help the multinationals when they cry out, protect us
The locals scream and shout a bit but we don't let that affect us
We're here to lend a helping hand in case they don't elect us
How dare they buy our products, yet still they don't respect us
We're making the world safe for capitalism
If you thought the army was here protecting people like yourself
I've some news for you, we're here to defend wealth
Away with nuns and bishops
The Good Lord will help those that help themselves
I've some news for you, we're here to defend wealth
We're making the world safe for capitalism
We're making the world safe for capitalism
We're making the world safe for capitalism
We're making the world safe for capitalism
Mr. Love & Justice, please, tell me what am I to do
Everything you told me, I found out none of it was true
I'm looking for some answers to these problems I face
Desertion should mean disgrace, so tell me do I have a case
And I know that nothing is forever
But still though I want to make the effort
So he knows you just can't walk away
Mr. Love & Justice, I ask you, is it really fair
If all of that commitment just vanishes in the air?
Feel I'm on a one way ticket to the end of the line
It won't stop the children crying but I want some justice this time
I'm still waking up in the morning with a troubled mind
Can't believe he left me, how could I be so blind?
What else can I do but make this appeal to you
Is there any love or justice in the world today for me?
Mr. Love & Justice, if there's one thing that I must do
If only for my own sake I've got to see this thing through
I've just got to find out if I was right or I was wrong
Then I'll believe he's gone, pick myself up and move on
'Cos I know nothing is forever
But still though I want to make the effort
Saw some guy on the TV yesterday
He's selling poison by the ton
"How can you do such a thing?" a woman asked
And he replied, "Well, the secret is to hook 'em young
Look, I'm not responsible for the lessons children learn
I'm just responsible for giving my investors some return"
Here's a message from
The sponsors of, 'The Johnny Carcinogenic Show'
The sponsors of, 'The Johnny Carcinogenic Show'
Well, you'd never believe how much effort goes into
Adding some glamor to the brands
To distract you from the damage that they do
Putting their product in your hand
What other industry could ever get away
With contaminating their best customers this way?
Here's a message from
The sponsors of, 'The Johnny Carcinogenic Show'
The sponsors of, 'The Johnny Carcinogenic Show'
Here's a product that promises to do nothing
But take your money and your soul
Poverty is toxic, everybody knows
No need to help it take its toll
Who will profit from the misery they sow?
Not the grandchildren that you will never know
Here's a message from
The sponsors of, 'The Johnny Carcinogenic Show'
Poverty is toxic
The sponsors of, 'The Johnny Carcinogenic Show'
Poverty is toxic
The sponsors of, 'The Johnny Carcinogenic Show'
Poverty is toxic
The sponsors of, 'The Johnny Carcinogenic Show'
Father mows the lawn and Mother peels potatoes
Grandma lays the table alone
And adjusts a photograph of the unknown soldier
In this Holy of Holies the Home
And from the TV an unwatched voice
Suggests the answer is to plant more trees
The scrawl on the wall says what about the workers
And the voice of the people says more salt please
Mother shakes her head and reads aloud from the newspaper
And Father puts another lock on the door
And reflects upon the violent times that we are living in
While chatting to the wife beater next door
If paradise to you is cheap beer and overtime
Home truths are easily missed
Something that every football fan knows
It only takes five fingers to form a fist
And when it rains here, it rains so hard
But never hard enough to wash away the sorrow
I'll trade my love today for a greater love tomorrow
The lonely child looks out and dreams of independence
From this family life sentence
Mother sees but does not read the peeling posters
And can't believe that there's a world to be won
But in the public schools and in the public houses
The Battle of Britian goes on
The constant promise of jam tomorrow
Is the New Breeds litany and verse
If it takes another war to fill the churches of England
Then the world the meek inherit, what will it be worth
Mother fights the tears and father, his sense of outrage
And attempts to justify the sacrifice
To pass their creed down to another generation
Anything for the quite life
In the Land of a Thousand Doses
Where nostalgia is the opium of the age
Our place in history is as clock watchers
Old timers, window shoppers
Father mows the lawn and Mother peels potatoes
And where's that photograph of the unknown soldier
In this Holy of Holies the Home
Father mows the lawn and Mother peels potatoes
Grandma [Incomprehensible]
And where's that photograph of the unknown soldier
Strange as it may seem
I once had my football dreams
But I was always the last one, the last to get chosen
When my classmates picked their teams
I guess that was the way it stayed
In every game I played
Life just kicked me, clattered and tripped me
Till you picked me from the parade
Now I feel like I've won the cup
Every time that we make love
Forty-five minutes each way, at halftime I hear a
Brass band play
The boy done good, the girl done better
The seasons turn and we're still together
The sky's still blue and tomorrow is another day
The boy done good, the girl done better
The seasons turn and we're still together
The sky's still blue and tomorrow is another day
You weren't that kind of a bird
Who likes her studs to be covered in mud
Taking you to the pictures was a regular fixture
For one of life's eternal subs
Though I tried hard acting tough
I just can't stand the taste of that stuff
Like some macho park player I got in the way of
In some grudge match against his club
Still I'm happier how I am today
Now I've put my boots away
I guess I'll never get picked to play my song on
Match of the day
The boy done good, the girl done better
The seasons turn and we're still together
The sky's still blue and tomorrow is another day
The boy done good, the girl done better
The seasons turn and we're still together
The sky's still blue and tomorrow is another day
The boy done good, the girl done better
The seasons turn and we're still together
The sky's still blue and tomorrow is another day
The boy done good, the girl done better
The seasons turn and we're still together
Well, the fields belong to the farmers
And the forests belong to the king
These days our pleasures are all behind fences
We have to pay for everything
So turn around and come on down
The beach is free
Just turn around and come on down
The beach is free
Well, the cities are teeming with people
And the highway is jammed up with cars
And the airport is a nightmare in season
But you don't have to go that far
Just turn around and come on down
The beach is free
Just turn around and come on down
The beach is free
Well, they take all the flags down in the evening
And the soldiers stand guard at the keep
But the beaches are always open
'Cos the ocean, she never sleeps
So turn around and come on down
The beach is free
Just turn around and come on down
The beach is free
So turn around and come on down
The beach is free
Just turn around and come on down
All winter long while I was locked in my room
Your face at the window and my hair on the floor
I was thinking of
All winter long while I was locked in my room
Your face at the window and my hair on the floor
I was thinking of you
The phone rang all night long to tell me I was wrong
And I watched while the officer wrote all their ages down
Strange things happen when you're not around
Our love is so strong, it moves objects in my house
Strange things happen when you're not around
Those magical moments have found their way back home again
All winter long while I was locked in my room
Your face at the window and my hair on the floor
I was thinking of you
All winter long while I was locked in my room
Your face at the window and that book of old spells
I was thinking of you
And all the spells we cast, lately come to pass
And the flowers in the garden have all fallen down
Strange things happen when you're not around
Our love is so strong, it moves objects in my house
Strange things happen when you're not around
Those magical moments have found their way back home again
Strange things happen, strange things happen
Strange things happen each day
Strange things happen, strange things happen