
"After Total Divas" - December 15, 2013
Alicia Fox and Renee Young breakdown all the action from the Season Finale of "Total Divas...
published: 16 Dec 2013
"After Total Divas" - December 15, 2013
"After Total Divas" - December 15, 2013
Alicia Fox and Renee Young breakdown all the action from the Season Finale of "Total Divas"- published: 16 Dec 2013
- views: 92427

4MIN News December 15, 2013: Magnetic Shield, Mars Water, Spaceweather
Website: http://www.suspicious0bservers.org
Become a Member: http://www.suspicious0bserver...
published: 15 Dec 2013
4MIN News December 15, 2013: Magnetic Shield, Mars Water, Spaceweather
4MIN News December 15, 2013: Magnetic Shield, Mars Water, Spaceweather
Website: http://www.suspicious0bservers.org Become a Member: http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/register Donate memberships for others: http://tiny.cc/f195ww 0bserver Shop: http://www.cafepress.com/s0s Original music by NEMES1S http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/shop/ [Get NEMES1S Music!] TODAY's FEATURED LINKS: 15%: http://www.interaksyon.com/article/75074/satellites-to-probe-earths-strange-shield Mars Salt Water: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?release=2013-361#4 FREE S0 FORUMS: http://community.suspicious0bservers.org/register/ REPEAT LINKS: WORLD WEATHER: NDBC Buoys: http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/ Tropical Storms: http://www.wunderground.com/tropical/ HurricaneZone Satellite Images: http://www.hurricanezone.net/westpacific/animations.html Weather Channel: http://www.weather.com/ NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory: http://www.nnvl.noaa.gov/Default.php Pressure Maps: http://www.woweather.com/cgi-bin/expertcharts?LANG=us&MENU;=0000000000&CONT;=glob&MODELL;=gfs&MODELLTYP;=1&BASE;=-&VAR;=pslv&HH;=0&ARCHIV;=0&PANEL;=0&ZOOM;=0.= Satellite Maps: http://www.woweather.com/cgi-app/satellite?LANG=us&CONT;=namk Forecast Maps: http://www.woweather.com/weather/maps/forecastmaps?LANG=us&CONT;=usus EL DORADO WORLD WEATHER MAP: http://www.eldoradocountyweather.com/satellite/ssec/world/world-composite-ir-sat.html TORCON: http://www.weather.com/news/tornado-torcon-index [Tornado Forecast for the day] HURRICANE TRACKER: http://www.weather.com/weather/hurricanecentral/tracker US WEATHER: Precipitation Totals: http://www.cocorahs.org/ViewData/ListIntensePrecipReports.aspx GOES Satellites: http://rsd.gsfc.nasa.gov/goes/ THE WINDMAP: http://hint.fm/wind/ Severe Weather Threats: http://www.weather.com/news/weather-severe/severe-weather-tracker Canada Weather Office Satellite Composites: http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/satellite/index_e.html Temperature Delta: http://www.intellicast.com/National/Temperature/Delta.aspx Records/Extremes: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/extremes/records/ SPACEWEATHER: Spaceweather: http://spaceweather.com SOHO Solar Wind: http://umtof.umd.edu/pm/ HAARP Data Meters: http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/haarp/data.html Planetary Orbital Diagram - Ceres1 JPL: http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=ceres;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#orb SDO: http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/ Helioviewer: http://www.helioviewer.org/ SOHO: http://sohodata.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/soho_movie_theater Stereo: http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/images SOLARIMG: http://solarimg.org/artis/ iSWA: http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov/iswa/iSWA.html NASA ENLIL SPIRAL: http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/iSWACygnetStreamer?timestamp=2038-01-23+00%3A44%3A00&window;=-1&cygnetId;=261 NOAA ENLIL SPIRAL: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/wsa-enlil/ GOES Xray: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/sxi/goes15/index.html Gamma Ray Bursts: http://grb.sonoma.edu/ BARTOL Cosmic Rays: http://neutronm.bartol.udel.edu//spaceweather/welcome.html ISWA: http://iswa.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/ NOAA Sunspot Classifications: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/latest/SRS.txt GONG: http://gong2.nso.edu/dailyimages/ GONG Magnetic Maps: http://gong.nso.edu/data/magmap/ondemand.html MISC Links: JAPAN Radiation Map: http://jciv.iidj.net/map/ RADIATION Network: http://radiationnetwork.com/ LISS: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/monitoring/operations/heliplots_gsn.php QUAKES LIST FULL: http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/seismologist.php RSOE: http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/index2.php [That cool alert map I use] Moon: http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/pacalc.html- published: 15 Dec 2013
- views: 6562

Kathryn & Daniel on GANDANG GABI VICE December 15, 2013 Teaser
Visit our official website!
published: 10 Dec 2013
Kathryn & Daniel on GANDANG GABI VICE December 15, 2013 Teaser
Kathryn & Daniel on GANDANG GABI VICE December 15, 2013 Teaser
Visit our official website! http://www.abs-cbn.com http://www.push.com.ph Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ABSCBNnetwork Twitter: https://twitter.com/ABSCBN https://twitter.com/abscbndotcom YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ABSCBNOnline- published: 10 Dec 2013
- views: 1087

Daniel Bryan proposes to Brie Bella: Total Divas, December 15, 2013
Daniel Bryan pops the question on a romantic trip with Brie Bella....
published: 16 Dec 2013
Daniel Bryan proposes to Brie Bella: Total Divas, December 15, 2013
Daniel Bryan proposes to Brie Bella: Total Divas, December 15, 2013
Daniel Bryan pops the question on a romantic trip with Brie Bella.- published: 16 Dec 2013
- views: 34622

Pepito Manaloto Ang Tunay na Kwento December 15, 2013 Full Episode
Pepito Manaloto, Ang Tunay na Kuwento is different from the previous season. It is a stand...
published: 15 Dec 2013
Pepito Manaloto Ang Tunay na Kwento December 15, 2013 Full Episode
Pepito Manaloto Ang Tunay na Kwento December 15, 2013 Full Episode
Pepito Manaloto, Ang Tunay na Kuwento is different from the previous season. It is a stand-alone show that follows the ordinary life of an ordinary person who was blessed with extraordinary luck. December 15,2013.- published: 15 Dec 2013
- views: 109

Nikki Bella shares her secret: Total Divas, December 15, 2013
Nikki Bella reveals all during her sister's engagement dinner....
published: 12 Dec 2013
Nikki Bella shares her secret: Total Divas, December 15, 2013
Nikki Bella shares her secret: Total Divas, December 15, 2013
Nikki Bella reveals all during her sister's engagement dinner.- published: 12 Dec 2013
- views: 71928

Sunday TV Healing Mass for the Homebound (December 15, 2013)
ACTS Catholic Prayer Community thru Agapetos Foundation, Inc. presents 3rd Sunday of Adven...
published: 15 Dec 2013
Sunday TV Healing Mass for the Homebound (December 15, 2013)
Sunday TV Healing Mass for the Homebound (December 15, 2013)
ACTS Catholic Prayer Community thru Agapetos Foundation, Inc. presents 3rd Sunday of Advent - TV Healing Mass for the Homebound at Chapel of the Eucharistic Lord, SM Megamall presided by Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite, SSP, on December 15, 2013 - 9:00am.- published: 15 Dec 2013
- views: 301

Natalya confronts Stephanie McMahon: Total Divas, December 15, 2013
The Queen of Harts faces the music when an awkward situation puts her on Stephanie McMahon...
published: 16 Dec 2013
Natalya confronts Stephanie McMahon: Total Divas, December 15, 2013
Natalya confronts Stephanie McMahon: Total Divas, December 15, 2013
The Queen of Harts faces the music when an awkward situation puts her on Stephanie McMahon's radar.- published: 16 Dec 2013
- views: 54820

Kap's Amazing Stories FULL December 15, 2013 Episode Replay
SUBSCRIBE or LIKE our facebook page for more UPDATES
published: 15 Dec 2013
Kap's Amazing Stories FULL December 15, 2013 Episode Replay
Kap's Amazing Stories FULL December 15, 2013 Episode Replay
SUBSCRIBE or LIKE our facebook page for more UPDATES https://www.facebook.com/thegmatelebabaddrama https://www.facebook.com/pages/GMA-KApuso-TV-Shows/653107818056074 Kap's Amazing Stories is an informative and educational television programme from the Philippines. Produced by GMA Network, it began airing on 19 August 2007. Its main presenter is Senator Bong Revilla,[1] and was joined by Jillian Ward in 2012. The show uses at least five clips, ranked from five up to one, like Most Amazing and Astonishing Moments does, and this format continues to Totally Wild and Most Daring, even if those two shows did not originally rank their videos. Clips are usually from National Geographic's Most Amazing and Astonishing Moments, Totally Wild, truTV's Most Daring & BBC's Life and lately, Stan Lee's Superhumans. It also had a children's version, "Kap's Amazing Stories Kids Edition" that premiered on 7 February 2013. Its presenters were Ramboy Revilla (Senator Revilla's youngest son), Jayda Avanzado (daughter of singer-actors Jessa Zaragosa and Dingdong Avanzado) and Angeli Nicole Sanoy. The show featured an Animal Kingdom and World's Deadliest Animals. Guest presenters include Kap's Amazing Stories Kids Edition Ogie Alcasid, Carmina Villaroel, and Elmo Magalona. The show originally aired every Saturday, but in 2013 it was moved to Sundays night due to a reformatting of GMA's Sunday Primetime block. Due to copyright issues with the videos being presented, the show is not broadcast on GMA Pinoy TV, the network's international channel. Kap's Amazing Stories FULL Episode 12 15 13 GMA 7 Kapuso Kap's Amazing Stories FULL Episode 15 DECEMBER 2013 GMA 7 Kapuso Kap's Amazing Stories FULL Episode 12-15-2013 GMA 7 Kapuso Kap's Amazing Stories FULL Episode 12-15-13 GMA 7 Kapuso FULL EPISODE REPLAY CLEAR VERSION NEWS TV TELEBABAD TELE DRAMA GMA 7 GMA7 HD HIGH DEFINITION SUBSCRIBE or LIKE our facebook page for more UPDATES https://www.facebook.com/thegmatelebabaddrama https://www.facebook.com/pages/GMA-KApuso-TV-Shows/653107818056074 Kap's Amazing Stories is an informative and educational television programme from the Philippines. Produced by GMA Network, it began airing on 19 August 2007. Its main presenter is Senator Bong Revilla,[1] and was joined by Jillian Ward in 2012. The show uses at least five clips, ranked from five up to one, like Most Amazing and Astonishing Moments does, and this format continues to Totally Wild and Most Daring, even if those two shows did not originally rank their videos. Clips are usually from National Geographic's Most Amazing and Astonishing Moments, Totally Wild, truTV's Most Daring & BBC's Life and lately, Stan Lee's Superhumans. It also had a children's version, "Kap's Amazing Stories Kids Edition" that premiered on 7 February 2013. Its presenters were Ramboy Revilla (Senator Revilla's youngest son), Jayda Avanzado (daughter of singer-actors Jessa Zaragosa and Dingdong Avanzado) and Angeli Nicole Sanoy. The show featured an Animal Kingdom and World's Deadliest Animals. Guest presenters include Kap's Amazing Stories Kids Edition Ogie Alcasid, Carmina Villaroel, and Elmo Magalona. The show originally aired every Saturday, but in 2013 it was moved to Sundays night due to a reformatting of GMA's Sunday Primetime block. Due to copyright issues with the videos being presented, the show is not broadcast on GMA Pinoy TV, the network's international channel. Kap's Amazing Stories FULL Episode 12 15 13 GMA 7 Kapuso Kap's Amazing Stories FULL Episode 15 DECEMBER 2013 GMA 7 Kapuso Kap's Amazing Stories FULL Episode 12-15-2013 GMA 7 Kapuso Kap's Amazing Stories FULL Episode 12-15-13 GMA 7 Kapuso FULL EPISODE REPLAY CLEAR VERSION NEWS TV TELEBABAD TELE DRAMA GMA 7 GMA7 HD HIGH DEFINITION- published: 15 Dec 2013
- views: 214

Top 10 NBA Plays: December 15th
See where Damian Lillard's big overtime bucket lands in Sunday's Top 10 plays. Visit nba....
published: 16 Dec 2013
Top 10 NBA Plays: December 15th
Top 10 NBA Plays: December 15th
See where Damian Lillard's big overtime bucket lands in Sunday's Top 10 plays. Visit nba.com/video for more highlights. About the NBA: The NBA is the premier professional basketball league in the United States and Canada. The league is truly global, with games and programming in 215 countries and territories in 47 languages, as well as rosters that currently feature 85 international players from 36 countries and territories. For the 2013-14 season, each of the league's 30 teams will play 82 regular-season games, followed by a postseason for those that qualify. The NBA consists of the following teams: Atlanta Hawks; Boston Celtics; Brooklyn Nets; Charlotte Bobcats; Chicago Bulls; Cleveland Cavaliers; Dallas Mavericks; Denver Nuggets; Detroit Pistons; Golden State Warriors; Houston Rockets; Indiana Pacers; Los Angeles Clippers; Los Angeles Lakers; Memphis Grizzlies; Miami Heat; Milwaukee Bucks; Minnesota Timberwolves; New Orleans Pelicans; New York Knicks; Oklahoma City Thunder; Orlando Magic; Philadelphia 76ers; Phoenix Suns; Portland Trail Blazers; Sacramento Kings; San Antonio Spurs; Toronto Raptors; Utah Jazz; Washington Wizards. The NBA offers real time access to live regular season NBA games with a subscription to NBA LEAGUE PASS, available globally for TV, broadband, and mobile. Real-time Stats, Scores, Highlights and more are available to fans on web and mobile with NBA Game Time. For more information, as well as all the latest NBA news and highlights, log onto the league's official website at http://www.NBA.com Subscribe on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/nba Subscribe to NBA LEAGUE PASS http://www.nba.com/leaguepass Download NBA Game Time http://www.nba.com/mobile Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nba Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nba Follow us on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/nba Follow us on Tumblr http://nba.tumblr.com Shop for NBA Gear: http://store.nba.com- published: 16 Dec 2013
- views: 62743

Galactic Federation of Light Hilarion December-15-2013
December 15-22, 2013
published: 15 Dec 2013
Galactic Federation of Light Hilarion December-15-2013
Galactic Federation of Light Hilarion December-15-2013
HILARION'S WEEKLY MESSAGE 2013 December 15-22, 2013 http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2013.htm ©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com- published: 15 Dec 2013
- views: 201

Dormitoryo FULL December 15, 2013 Episode Replay
SUBSCRIBE or LIKE our facebook page for more UPDATES
published: 15 Dec 2013
Dormitoryo FULL December 15, 2013 Episode Replay
Dormitoryo FULL December 15, 2013 Episode Replay
SUBSCRIBE or LIKE our facebook page for more UPDATES https://www.facebook.com/thegmatelebabaddrama https://www.facebook.com/pages/GMA-KApuso-TV-Shows/653107818056074 Dormitoryo or The Dormitory (international title) is a Filipino teen drama-suspense thriller television series created and directed by Jun Lana and produced by GMA Network. It premiered on September 22, 2013, Sundays at 2:00 p.m. timeslot, and on September 29, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series headlines Lauren Young, Joyce Ching, Enzo Pineda, Ruru Madrid and Wyn Marquez. Set in the fictional Holy Spirit Manor, the series follows the life of Hazel Mendoza (played by Young), an inquisitive college student and her quest to know the truth behind the death of Maika Benitez (played by Marquez). The show explores several relevant issues faced by the youth, including bullying, peer pressure, dysfunctional relationships, rivalry, infidelity, vague sense of morality and even crime. The series is slated to run for only one season, comprising thirteen episodes. The series featured five main characters throughout its run: Main characters Lauren Young portrays Hazel Mendoza, the series' main protagonist. Hazel is an eighteen-year-old freshman MassCom student at Branwood College and the newest dormer of Holy Spirit Manor. The death of Maika Benitez intrigues her and the possibility that the death could not have been accidental but rather caused by foul play becomes a focus of her attention. In the process of finding the truth, Hazel crosses paths with Burn Chavez, Maika's alleged "secret lover". Burn eventually develops feelings for Hazel—making her the main target of some girls' ire in the campus.[1] Joyce Ching portrays Airiz de Ocampo, the show's primary antagonist. Nineteen-year-old Airiz is the "Queen Bee" of her clique and the most popular girl in the campus. She is also the president of the Holy Spirit Manor dormers council. Airiz is mean-spirited, a flirt and a certified attention whore—she is quite a snazzy dresser and loves to be at the heart of a scandal. She has a huge crush on Burn Chavez. Burn's attraction towards Hazel Mendoza drives her to torment the latter.[2] Enzo Pineda portrays Burn Chavez, the nineteen-year-old, third-year Sports Science major and Branwood's heartthrob varsity player with a dark secret. Burn used to have a secret relationship with Maika—which makes him one of the possible suspects in the latter's murder that took place in Holy Spirit Manor. As Burn tries to help Hazel solving the case, he eventually develops feelings for her.[3] Ruru Madrid portrays Charlie Chavez, seventeen-year-old freshman MassCom student, Hazel's batchmate, and Burn's younger brother. Boy-next-door and a horror movie fanatic, Charlie is an aspiring film director. Charlie also develops feelings for Hazel and becomes his brother's rival to her. Wyn Marquez portrays Maika Benitez, Branwood's former "it girl", the diva of her clique, and the most popular girl in the campus who supposedly committed suicide at the Holy Spirit Manor. The series' main plot revolves around the mystery of her death. Maika died a year prior to the beginning of the series. [4][5] Minor characters Mayton Eugenio portrays Weng Dimagiba, Hazel's snappy dormmate who believes that Maika's ex-boyfriend Burn Chavez was the one who pushed Maika in committing suicide. Annicka Dolonius portrays Janet Pulido, Airiz de Ocampo's friend; one of the mean girls. Ash Nordstrom portrays Rose Angles, Airiz de Ocampo's friend; one of the mean girls. Mel Kimura portrays Mrs. Rona, the Holy Spirit Manor supervisor. Dormitoryo FULL Episode 12 15 13 GMA 7 Kapuso Dormitoryo FULL Episode 15 DECEMBER 2013 GMA 7 Kapuso Dormitoryo FULL Episode 12-15-2013 GMA 7 Kapuso Dormitoryo FULL Episode 12-15-13 GMA 7 Kapuso FULL EPISODE REPLAY CLEAR VERSION NEWS TV TELEBABAD TELE DRAMA GMA 7 GMA7 HD HIGH DEFINITION- published: 15 Dec 2013
- views: 416

Eva Marie seeks her family's blessing: Total Divas, December 15, 2013
Eva Marie's attempt to introduce her fiancé to her family does not go as planned....
published: 16 Dec 2013
Eva Marie seeks her family's blessing: Total Divas, December 15, 2013
Eva Marie seeks her family's blessing: Total Divas, December 15, 2013
Eva Marie's attempt to introduce her fiancé to her family does not go as planned.- published: 16 Dec 2013
- views: 35677
Vimeo results:

December 15th
Official Selection: Alexandria Film Festival. Little Rock Film Festival. Coney Island Film...
published: 01 Jan 2011
author: Wandering Hat
December 15th
Official Selection: Alexandria Film Festival. Little Rock Film Festival. Coney Island Film Festival
Two photographers have a chance encounter.
A Wandering Hat Production
Featuring Alex Ellis and Mike Zemrose
Written and Directed by Ryan Smith
Director of Photography - Brian Stansfield
Editors - Kyle Drexler and Ryan Smith
Sound & Color - Kyle Drexler
Song: "Motor City" by Luke Rathborne from the "I Can Be One E.P."
Label: Dilettante (USA) True Believer (UK)
I Can Be One E.P. comes out March 8th on DILETTANTE. Download Luke's first album here:
Special Thanks - Ross Stansfield, Chris Evans, Kyle Gary Cocchi, Matt DeLuca, Amy Boyek, Jake Sweet, Matt, Juhee Woo, DC Camera, Smooch Cafe in Clinton Hill, Artichoke in Chelsea, and Cruise Forever Productions

Sunrise in the Canary Islands
Arinaga, December 15, 2012...
published: 15 Dec 2012
author: Rafa Herrero Massieu
Sunrise in the Canary Islands
Arinaga, December 15, 2012

Best Ornament (Gujarati) ~ December 15, 2013
published: 14 Dec 2013
author: Puttu Gam
Best Ornament (Gujarati) ~ December 15, 2013

Gran Canaria. December 15, 2010
Downtime during the El Fronton Invitational waiting period. Small waves, good fun, good ti...
published: 18 Dec 2010
author: Manny Vargas
Gran Canaria. December 15, 2010
Downtime during the El Fronton Invitational waiting period. Small waves, good fun, good times. Enjoy.
Youtube results:

Nikki Bella contemplates her future: Total Divas, December 15, 2013
During Daniel Bryan and Brie's engagement party, Nikki Bella debates the idea of starting ...
published: 16 Dec 2013
Nikki Bella contemplates her future: Total Divas, December 15, 2013
Nikki Bella contemplates her future: Total Divas, December 15, 2013
During Daniel Bryan and Brie's engagement party, Nikki Bella debates the idea of starting a family.- published: 16 Dec 2013
- views: 3172

Sunday All Stars Part 2 of 2 December 15, 2013 Episode Replay
SUBSCRIBE or LIKE our facebook page for more UPDATES
published: 15 Dec 2013
Sunday All Stars Part 2 of 2 December 15, 2013 Episode Replay
Sunday All Stars Part 2 of 2 December 15, 2013 Episode Replay
SUBSCRIBE or LIKE our facebook page for more UPDATES https://www.facebook.com/thegmatelebabaddrama https://www.facebook.com/pages/GMA-KApuso-TV-Shows/653107818056074 Sunday All Stars is a Filipino musical and variety show. Hosted by Carla Abellana, Heart Evangelista, Janine Gutierrez, Jolina Magdangal, Jennylyn Mercado and Lovi Poe, the show premiered on June 16, 2013 and airs every Sunday noon on GMA Network.[2][3] The show is the leading noon-time Sunday variety show in the Philippines beating veteran show ASAP 18 in ratings from Urban Luzon and Metro Manila which represent 76% and 59% of the total urban TV household population in the Philippines. History Sunday All Stars replaced Party Pilipinas, which was put off-air by the network management due to issues involving its production teams.[5] After the pilot episode on June 16, 2013, Jolina Magdangal passed the role as a leader of Ligang i-Like due to her doctor's health advice. Magdangal together with the production team of the said show decided to take Kris Bernal as a substitute leader of the aforementioned team for 2 weeks until Magdangal's recovery.[6] More changes were established on the second episode where they introduced a segment named "Kalerki-Oke" wherein 5% of each week's team performance result will be coming from. Moreover, it became one of the most talked about episode of the show wherein a guy did his wedding proposal to his girlfriend live on stage towards the end of Tropang Trending's performance.[7] After a month, the show announced the second set of leaders for each group namely Glaiza de Castro for Insta Gang, Ligang iLike's new leader will be Louise de los Reyes, Tropang Trending will be under Mark Herras and Julie Anne San Jose will lead Tweet Hearts.[8] In July 2013, Ogie Alcasid left the show as his contract with GMA Network expired on June 30, 2013 and subsequently, in August 2013 Alcasid transferred to TV5. While Jolina Magdangal cameback to the show as one of the hosts. In August 2013, Kyla joined the show as part of Team Insta Gang and Rodjun Cruz also became a show regular. Format Every Sunday, four celebrity teams headed by four celebrity leaders will battle for showdown with their production numbers. The judges will then access their performances determining who gave the best production per week. Criteria for judging includes conceptualization, execution and entertainment value. Home viewers are given a chance to choose who their best team is via online and SMS voting. Voting starts from 12:00 PM of Monday up to the shows airing on Sundays at 1:45 PM. The remaining points will come from the show's segment "Kalerki-Oke" which is done live.[9] The combined scores are divided into the following: 65% comes from the judges, 20% comes from the SMS votes, 10% comes from the online votes, and the remaining 5% comes from the "Kalerki-Oke" segment. The winner of the current week's show will have the privilege to open the show on next week's episode. SUNDAY ALL STARS FULL Episode 12 15 13 GMA 7 Kapuso SUNDAY ALL STARS FULL Episode 15 DECEMBER 2013 GMA 7 Kapuso SUNDAY ALL STARS FULL Episode 12-15-2013 GMA 7 Kapuso SUNDAY ALL STARS FULL Episode 12-15-13 GMA 7 Kapuso FULL EPISODE REPLAY CLEAR VERSION NEWS TV TELEBABAD TELE DRAMA GMA 7 GMA7 HD HIGH DEFINITION- published: 15 Dec 2013
- views: 1328

Baduku Jataka Bandi Episode 34 - December 15, 2013
Baduku Jataka Bandi is a reality show, which is all about real people, real events, real e...
published: 16 Dec 2013
Baduku Jataka Bandi Episode 34 - December 15, 2013
Baduku Jataka Bandi Episode 34 - December 15, 2013
Baduku Jataka Bandi is a reality show, which is all about real people, real events, real emotions and real judgments. To be hosted by the much admired actress Malavika, this programme strives to unfold real incidents that have occurred in the lives of the people and is a platform for all those who want to share their emotional and heart wrenching tales without any reservations.- published: 16 Dec 2013
- views: 1711

Top 10 NBA Plays: December 14th
Check out the Top 10 from December 14th, highlighted by a monster dunk. Visit nba.com/vide...
published: 15 Dec 2013
Top 10 NBA Plays: December 14th
Top 10 NBA Plays: December 14th
Check out the Top 10 from December 14th, highlighted by a monster dunk. Visit nba.com/video for more highlights. About the NBA: The NBA is the premier professional basketball league in the United States and Canada. The league is truly global, with games and programming in 215 countries and territories in 47 languages, as well as rosters that currently feature 85 international players from 36 countries and territories. For the 2013-14 season, each of the league's 30 teams will play 82 regular-season games, followed by a postseason for those that qualify. The NBA consists of the following teams: Atlanta Hawks; Boston Celtics; Brooklyn Nets; Charlotte Bobcats; Chicago Bulls; Cleveland Cavaliers; Dallas Mavericks; Denver Nuggets; Detroit Pistons; Golden State Warriors; Houston Rockets; Indiana Pacers; Los Angeles Clippers; Los Angeles Lakers; Memphis Grizzlies; Miami Heat; Milwaukee Bucks; Minnesota Timberwolves; New Orleans Pelicans; New York Knicks; Oklahoma City Thunder; Orlando Magic; Philadelphia 76ers; Phoenix Suns; Portland Trail Blazers; Sacramento Kings; San Antonio Spurs; Toronto Raptors; Utah Jazz; Washington Wizards. The NBA offers real time access to live regular season NBA games with a subscription to NBA LEAGUE PASS, available globally for TV, broadband, and mobile. Real-time Stats, Scores, Highlights and more are available to fans on web and mobile with NBA Game Time. For more information, as well as all the latest NBA news and highlights, log onto the league's official website at http://www.NBA.com Subscribe on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/nba Subscribe to NBA LEAGUE PASS http://www.nba.com/leaguepass Download NBA Game Time http://www.nba.com/mobile Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nba Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nba Follow us on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/nba Follow us on Tumblr http://nba.tumblr.com Shop for NBA Gear: http://store.nba.com- published: 15 Dec 2013
- views: 154929