
Vincenzo Natali's Top Five Sci Fi Films video
"Splice" director Vincenzo Natali chooses his Top Five Sci Fi Films....
published: 01 May 2012
author: Richard Crouse
Vincenzo Natali's Top Five Sci Fi Films video
Vincenzo Natali's Top Five Sci Fi Films video
"Splice" director Vincenzo Natali chooses his Top Five Sci Fi Films.- published: 01 May 2012
- views: 153
- author: Richard Crouse

Darknet - Horror Anthology Series Pilot by Vincenzo Natali and Steve Hoban
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published: 31 Oct 2013
Darknet - Horror Anthology Series Pilot by Vincenzo Natali and Steve Hoban
Darknet - Horror Anthology Series Pilot by Vincenzo Natali and Steve Hoban
Like us on Facebook http://facebook.com/darknetfiles Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/darknetfiles Subscribe for more videos http://youtube.com/darknetfiles Log onto disturbing. Log onto diabolical. Log onto dangerous. Log onto Darknet. http://darknetfiles.com The first season will begin airing on Super Channel (Canada) on Jan 24, 2013 The prototype season of Darknet consists of six episodes that weave together bite-sized servings of urban horror. After the pilot's online worldwide premiere, the full run of episodes will appear exclusively in Canada on Super Channel, and segments will be made available to fans at the Super Channel and Darknet websites. Darknet offers snippets of people's lives being interrupted by vivid instances of unexpected violence or shocking strangeness. Shot in a visceral style that cranks up the creep factor, viewers become part of Darknet, a mysterious network of disturbing imagery and stories that exist just under the surface of our ordered and safe society. Darknet is directed by Vincenzo Natali, Steve Hoban (making his directorial debut), Brett Sullivan (Orphan Black, Gingersnaps 2: Unleashed), Rodrigo Gudiño (The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh) and newcomers Anthony Scott Burns and Jeremy Ball. The writers are Natali, Pascal Trottier, Doug Taylor (Splice), James Kee, Randall Cole (388 Arletta Ave) and Sarah Larsen. Darknet is executive produced by Vincenzo Natali and Steven Hoban, producers are Jensenne Roculan, Mark Smith (Haunter, 388 Arletta Ave), Paul Rapovski (Lost Girl) and supervising producer Kana Koido.- published: 31 Oct 2013
- views: 1548

SPLICE director Vincenzo Natali interview with Bigfanboy.com - Part 1
Vincenzo Natali (CUBE) talks about his latest directorial effort SPLICE, which deals with ...
published: 04 Jun 2010
SPLICE director Vincenzo Natali interview with Bigfanboy.com - Part 1
SPLICE director Vincenzo Natali interview with Bigfanboy.com - Part 1
Vincenzo Natali (CUBE) talks about his latest directorial effort SPLICE, which deals with gene manipulation. The film stars Academy Award Winner Adrien Brody...- published: 04 Jun 2010
- views: 264

Cube trailer (dir: Vincenzo Natali, 1997)
Cube (1997) the first movie follows a group of seven frightened strangers who find themsel...
published: 11 Nov 2009
author: invisibleuniversedoc
Cube trailer (dir: Vincenzo Natali, 1997)
Cube trailer (dir: Vincenzo Natali, 1997)
Cube (1997) the first movie follows a group of seven frightened strangers who find themselves trapped in a bizarre maze of cube-shaped rooms, with no memory ...- published: 11 Nov 2009
- views: 49076
- author: invisibleuniversedoc

Interview With SPLICE Director Vincenzo Natali
In this video, http://www.WatchMojo.com speaks with Natali to learn more about the challen...
published: 03 Jun 2010
author: WatchMojo
Interview With SPLICE Director Vincenzo Natali
Interview With SPLICE Director Vincenzo Natali
In this video, http://www.WatchMojo.com speaks with Natali to learn more about the challenges he overcame during the making of this film, how realistic the f...- published: 03 Jun 2010
- views: 1543
- author: WatchMojo

SPLICE Interview with Director Vincenzo Natali
Emmy nominated Jake Hamilton sits down to talk with the director of SPLICE, Vincenzo Natal...
published: 25 May 2010
author: Jake Hamilton
SPLICE Interview with Director Vincenzo Natali
SPLICE Interview with Director Vincenzo Natali
Emmy nominated Jake Hamilton sits down to talk with the director of SPLICE, Vincenzo Natali -- only on JAKE'S TAKES!- published: 25 May 2010
- views: 3453
- author: Jake Hamilton

Splice | Featurette #3 about director Vincenzo Natali (2010)
A look behind the scenes of Splice - Cast and crew talking about the director Vincenzo Nat...
published: 16 May 2010
author: moviemaniacs
Splice | Featurette #3 about director Vincenzo Natali (2010)
Splice | Featurette #3 about director Vincenzo Natali (2010)
A look behind the scenes of Splice - Cast and crew talking about the director Vincenzo Natali Genre: SciFi / Horror Regie / directed by: Vincenzo Natali Prod...- published: 16 May 2010
- views: 4907
- author: moviemaniacs

KATIE CHATS with Producers/Directors VINCENZO NATALI & STEVEN HOBAN (SPLICE) about their s...
published: 22 Aug 2013
KATIE CHATS with Producers/Directors VINCENZO NATALI & STEVEN HOBAN (SPLICE) about their series DARKNET at SMITHEE TV in downtown Toronto. Both Vincenzo & Steven will be at FAN EXPO, N. BUILDING of the Convention Centre, Room703, on Sat August 24th 11:15am. 08/13 YOUTUBE INTERVIEW: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_tyATzgqBOMyKDzoY8ED-uRwg2U9GkzO WEBSITES: http://www.fanexpocanada.com/horror-attractions/sneak-peek-darknet-series/ https://www.facebook.com/fanexpocanada https://twitter.com/OpDarkNet https://www.facebook.com/operationdarknet http://www.youtube.com/user/BecomeAnonymous?feature=watch http://www.smithee.tv/inner.php?s=katiechats https://twitter.com/tvsmithee https://www.facebook.com/smitheetv KATIE CHATS: IMDB: http://www.imdb.me/katieuhlmann YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/user/KatieUhlmannChats TWITTER: https://twitter.com/#!/KatieChats FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/katieuhlmannchats WEBSITE: http://katiechats.com/- published: 22 Aug 2013
- views: 46

Vincenzo Natali's Haunter clip - Abigail Breslin | House of Screams | Fandangomovies
Fandango gives you an exclusive clip of Vincenzo Natali's Haunter starring Abigail Breslin...
published: 08 Oct 2013
Vincenzo Natali's Haunter clip - Abigail Breslin | House of Screams | Fandangomovies
Vincenzo Natali's Haunter clip - Abigail Breslin | House of Screams | Fandangomovies
Fandango gives you an exclusive clip of Vincenzo Natali's Haunter starring Abigail Breslin. SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/15G44Gj About House of Screams: Lost? Afraid? Welcome to Fandango's House of Screams! You'll find trailers, tickets, exclusives, behind-the-scenes footage and extras to all the latest in horror movies. It will keep you terrified all night! Connect with House of Screams Visit the House of Screams website: http://bit.ly/17lgnvi About FandangoMovies: Fandango is your #1 destination to buy movie tickets in advance, find movie times, read reviews and more. FandangoMovies provides exclusive interviews with celebrities, movie clips on upcoming releases and other movie related content in addition to the newest movie trailers available! Connect with Fandango Online: Visit the Fandango WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/17jJ2Rk Like Fandango on FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/16Q61PG Follow Fandango on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/1dSjInr Vincenzo Natali's Haunter - Abigail Breslin | House of Screams | Fandangomovies http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMawOL0n6QekxpuVanT_KRA- published: 08 Oct 2013
- views: 99

Vincenzo Natali.MOV
Director Vincenzo Natali talks about his new horror movie Splice starring Adrien Brody and...
published: 07 Apr 2010
author: latinoreview
Vincenzo Natali.MOV
Vincenzo Natali.MOV
Director Vincenzo Natali talks about his new horror movie Splice starring Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley.- published: 07 Apr 2010
- views: 503
- author: latinoreview

Splice - Vincenzo Natali - Trailer n°3 (HD)
Troisième bande-annonce de Splice, réalisé par Vincenzo Natali. Plus d'informations, à cet...
published: 02 Jun 2010
author: 6neWeb2
Splice - Vincenzo Natali - Trailer n°3 (HD)
Splice - Vincenzo Natali - Trailer n°3 (HD)
Troisième bande-annonce de Splice, réalisé par Vincenzo Natali. Plus d'informations, à cette adresse : http://www.6neweb.fr/?s=Splice&sbutt;=Ok.- published: 02 Jun 2010
- views: 95
- author: 6neWeb2

Haunter - Official Trailer (HD) Abigail Breslin
http://www.joblo.com - "Haunter" - Official Trailer Abigail Breslin stars as a young girl ...
published: 31 Jul 2013
author: joblomovienetwork
Haunter - Official Trailer (HD) Abigail Breslin
Haunter - Official Trailer (HD) Abigail Breslin
http://www.joblo.com - "Haunter" - Official Trailer Abigail Breslin stars as a young girl who must unravel a decades-old mystery to save her family in this t...- published: 31 Jul 2013
- views: 38939
- author: joblomovienetwork

Quartier de la Madeleine - Vincenzo Natali
Corto llamado Quartier de la Madeleine (VIIIe arrondissement) — by Canadian writer-directo...
published: 15 Apr 2009
author: Juan Pablo Fernández Vallejos
Quartier de la Madeleine - Vincenzo Natali
Quartier de la Madeleine - Vincenzo Natali
Corto llamado Quartier de la Madeleine (VIIIe arrondissement) — by Canadian writer-director Vincenzo Natali. A young backpacker tourist (Elijah Wood) falls i...- published: 15 Apr 2009
- views: 7888
- author: Juan Pablo Fernández Vallejos

Splice - Vincenzo Natali - Trailer n°1 (HD)
Première bande-annonce de Splice, réalisé par Vincenzo Natali, avec Adrian Brody, Sarah Po...
published: 07 Apr 2010
author: 6neWeb2
Splice - Vincenzo Natali - Trailer n°1 (HD)
Splice - Vincenzo Natali - Trailer n°1 (HD)
Première bande-annonce de Splice, réalisé par Vincenzo Natali, avec Adrian Brody, Sarah Polley et Delphine Chaneac. Plus d'informations, à cette adresse : ht...- published: 07 Apr 2010
- views: 540
- author: 6neWeb2
Youtube results:

Splice - Vincenzo Natali - Trailer n°2 (HD)
Seconde bande-annonce de Splice, réalisé par Vincenzo Natali. Plus d'informations, à cette...
published: 29 Apr 2010
author: 6né\'Web (2)
Splice - Vincenzo Natali - Trailer n°2 (HD)
Splice - Vincenzo Natali - Trailer n°2 (HD)
Seconde bande-annonce de Splice, réalisé par Vincenzo Natali. Plus d'informations, à cette adresse : http://www.6neweb.fr/?s=Splice&sbutt;=Ok.- published: 29 Apr 2010
- views: 328
- author: 6né\'Web (2)

Haunter- Bande-Annonce (VF)
Un film de Vincenzo Natali, avec Abigail Breslin, Peter Outerbridge et Stephen Mchattie.
published: 03 Jan 2014
Haunter- Bande-Annonce (VF)
Haunter- Bande-Annonce (VF)
Un film de Vincenzo Natali, avec Abigail Breslin, Peter Outerbridge et Stephen Mchattie. Disponible en DVD, Blu-Ray et VOD dès le 15/01. http://www.wildside.fr/science-fiction/haunter-292.html- published: 03 Jan 2014
- views: 8

Video interview: Vincenzo Natali, director of Splice
Splice, directed and co-written by Vincenzo Natali, opens in theaters on June 4. Natali's ...
published: 21 Apr 2011
author: The Daily You Tyler/Longview
Video interview: Vincenzo Natali, director of Splice
Video interview: Vincenzo Natali, director of Splice
Splice, directed and co-written by Vincenzo Natali, opens in theaters on June 4. Natali's name may not be familiar, but you'll probably remember the diabolic...- published: 21 Apr 2011
- views: 18
- author: The Daily You Tyler/Longview

Zakochany Paryż - film składa się z dwudziestu krótkich historii miłosnych opowiedzianych ...
published: 06 Jul 2009
author: thorunium1233
Zakochany Paryż - film składa się z dwudziestu krótkich historii miłosnych opowiedzianych przez 20 znanych reżyserów z całego świata, każdy segment przedstaw...- published: 06 Jul 2009
- views: 6476
- author: thorunium1233