- published: 19 Aug 2010
- views: 225831
Mèdvednica (pronounced [mɛ̌dʋɛdnit͡sa]) is a mountain in central Croatia, just north of Zagreb and marking the southern border of the historic region of Zagorje. The highest peak, at 1,035 metres (3,396 ft) is Sljeme. Most of the area of Medvednica is a nature park (park prirode), a type of preservation lesser than a national park. The area of the park is 228.26 square kilometres (88.1 sq mi) and about 63% is covered with forest.
The name Medvednica could be translated as "bear mountain", there being other toponyms on the mountain using the kajkavian dialect term medved (standard Croatian "medvjed" = bear), notably Medvedgrad, a medieval castle on its southwestern edges.
Sljeme ([sʎɛ̂mɛ]) (Sleme in Kajkavian dialect) means summit, and is a name often used to refer to the entire mountain.
The climate on the Medvednica mountain is typical for Central European mountain ranges. The average annual precipitation is around 1300 mm (Zagreb - Grič 840 mm), also the reason for rich spring wells everywhere. The average annual temperature is around 7 °C (45 °F) (Zagreb 12 °C (54 °F)). There is a snow cover approximately for 100 days in a year, the thickest being in February, leaving the skiing slopes also covered with artificial snow when necessary. There is much more sunshine during the winter on Medvednica than in Zagreb or Zagorje, so it is not surprising that winter is the most visited season on the Medvednica mountain.
Medvednica 19.08.2010.wmv
Medvednica & Arriving in Zagreb - Day 11 Croatia Summer Road Trip || PartTimeWanderlust
PP Medvednica prilog
Hrvatsko vodeno blago / Croatia's water treasure: PP Medvednica TRAILER
0018 Park prirode Medvednica
Lampaši - Medvednica
Track down hill Medvednica 57+55 part 1
Poskok u kontinentu obicno naraste oko 60-70 cm. Naci jednog koji je dulji od 80 cm je, u danasnje vrijeme, prava rijetkost! Prava sreca za nas zmijoljupce! :-) ***** The Nose-horned Viper grows up to 23.62-27.55 in here in the continental part of Croatia. To find one over 31.5 in is very rare in these days! Great luck for us herpers! :-)
Day 11 So we have reached the final leg of our Croatia adventure. We said goodbye to the lakes and headed to Zagreb via another national park (yup we do look our parks!) called Medvednica National Park, a little outside the city centre. We had a couple of hours to get a taster of Zagreb but more explorations coming tomorrow! We are travelling from Dubrovnik to Zagreb via Split, Zadar and various national parks on the way! I hope you enjoy the vlogs – please like and subscribe to keep up-to-date! Croatia Day 10 – Plitvice Lakes (Lower Lakes) https://youtu.be/8u7O1Kub_sA Croatia Day 12 - Museum of Broken Relationships, Modern Art & Botanical Gardens https://youtu.be/f1iduxoCGeM Croatia Playlist http://bit.ly/1fONCii Other travel adventures: The Arctic http://bit.ly/1BpWkqa Boston & N...
Trailer za epizodu "Medvednica" dokumentarnog serijala "Hrvatsko vodeno blago". / Trailer for the episode "Medvednica" from the documentary series "Croatia's water treasure". Mnogi će se Zagrepčani i njihovi gosti iznenaditi skrivenim blagom dobroga duha koji bdije iznad milijunskog grada. Ispričat će nam dio njegovih priča o povijesti, legendama, bogatstvu biljnog i životinjskog svijeta. Puno više od sjenovite gore na sjeveru, ova su zagrebačka pluća i mjesto za odmor i zabavu koja u svojoj utrobi skrivaju Veternicu i njene šišmiše, rudnike, pet stotina Horvatovih stuba, planinarske domove i kapelice. I priče o drevnoj povijesti, one koje se pričaju u Zagrebu -- o Crnoj Kraljici i blagu zakopanu pod drevnim Medvedgradom te one koje se pričaju u Hrvatskom zagorju -- o Kamenim svatima i Se...
Tamburaški sastav Lampaši, spot Antona Martija u Maksimiru
November 1st 2010, filmed with Hero GoPro HD Place: Mt. Medvednica, Sljeme, Zagreb, Croatia Actors: Murina, De5tr0yer, Vuco, Onyx/Flayer
Zagreb is the political and cultural heart of Croatia, an amiable capital city located at the intersection of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe and a city that holds many memories of the Danube Monarchy. Zagreb originated in the Middle Ages from two rival settlements on neighbouring hills, the bishop's seat of Kaptol which is dominated by its cathedral and the free city of Gradec which was its political centre. They both formed the city’s Upper Town. The cathedral dominates the Kaptol district, its two steeples towering above the old city. The city’s marvellous Botanical Garden contains an array of wonderful natural sights. It boasts ten thousand tree and plant varieties including alpine, Mediterranean, and the exotic. Small ponds with water plants are also included in the four point...
http://bestflights.co.za/europe/croatia/zagreb - Visit for more information on Zagreb, Croatia Zagreb is the capital and largest city of Croatia. This vibrant city is home to about 800 000 people and about 1 million more in the metropolitan area of the city. Besides being a major commercial and economical centre, Zagreb is also developing into a popular tourist destination, offering a rich medieval historical scene with all the monuments, museums and art galleries. On the other hand, also offering a warm nightlife with plenty of restaurants, cafes, theaters and cinemas. What to see / do • Jarun Lake Recreation Centre - A man made oasis of five island pebble beaches • Mirogoj Cemetery • Nature Park Medvednica - Walking and Hiking trails in summer and skiing in winter • Sports Park Ml...
Zagreb, Croatia Video Diary Presented by TWAT Productions. Amanda and Trevor take in the sites of the city and surrounding area. We take a day trek up Medvednica Mountain (Sljeme), take a 2 hours bus journey to Croatia national park, the incredible Plitvice Lakes. Watch an Opera at the National Theatre, visit the old town featuring St Mark's church, Tkalciceva and the Cathedral of the Assumption. We wine and dine to celebrate Amanda's 30th Birthday in style at the art deco Esplanade Zagreb Hotel
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Zagreb main city square. Flag Flag of Zagreb. Coat of Arms Zagreb coat of arms. Plan of Gradec and Kaptol in 12th century. Trg Burze square in 30s. Ban Jelačić Square in 1880. Zagreb Cathedral. Cibona Tower from the elevated rail tracks. Croatian National Bank (HNB). Map: Zagreb and its districts. Central railway station on King Tomislav Square. Zagrebačka Avenue. Classical Gymnasium in Zagreb. Art Pavilion on King Tomislav Square. Mimara Museum at night. Medvednica forest. Hotel Antunović by night. A look at the Zrinjevac park near the city centre. The Zagreb Botanical Garden.
Mèdvednica is a mountain in central Croatia, just north of Zagreb and marking the southern border of the historic region of Zagorje. The highest peak, at 1,035 m, is Sljeme. Most of the area of Medvednica is a nature park, a type of preservation lesser than a national park.The area of the park is 228.26 square kilometers and about 63% is covered with forest. The name Medvednica could be translated as "bear mountain"and Medvedgrad is a medieval castle on its southwestern edges. During summer one can find pleasant refreshment on Medvednica and during winter temperature inversion is sometimes present. Anticyclone forms above the cold continent during winter. When its center is close, it is cold and gloomy in Zagreb and on Sljeme it is warmer. Mean annual air temperature on Medvednica is 6.2 °...
Video taken by Neven, 9A5YY http://www.pp-medvednica.hr/Medvednica_en/Medvednica_en.htm http://web.hamradio.hr/9aff/9AFF-013_Medvednica/Medvednica.htm
Croatia Travel Guide : Good morning Zagreb, BF at Hotel 9 Aveniji Marina Drzics 9, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia Location : 45.80281 15.99484 ลากกระเป๋าท่องเที่ยวยุโรป โครเอเชีย เที่ยวเองได้ ตอน สวัสดียามเช้า ซาเกร็บ กินอาหารเช้า ที่ โรงแรมเก้า Hotel 9 ห้องอาหารเช้า ไม่ใหญ่ แต่ บรรยากาศ สะอาด สวยงาม อาหารอร่อย ครับ ตะลุยตามตะวัน รีวิวให้ชม พอเป็นแนวทาง ท่องเที่ยว โครเอเชีย ครับ Travel Guide & Review by : http://www.TaluiTamtawan.Com https://www.facebook.com/taluitamtawan https://www.youtube.com/user/taluitamtawan https://plus.google.com/+TaluitamtawanTraveller/ https://instagram.com/taluitamtawan/ http://taluitamtawan.blogspot.com/ https://vimeo.com/taluitamtawan
Visit: http://apkreview.co/com-mobilereference-TravelCroatiaSloveniaApp Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXVMaZLuJ31EPoc9ESw6inA?sub_confirmation=1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/APKreview.co/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/APK_Review Google+: https://plus.google.com//110233720157716783778 Travel Croatia & Slovenia: Guide, Phrasebooks & Maps. Incl. Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik, Ljubljana & more (Mobi Travel)MobileReference guides help you get the most out of your vacation. The guides are available for most destinations worldwide and always include FREE offline GPS maps. Over 3 million MobileReference Travel Guides have been downloaded.The world’s most popular electronic guides developed for your smartphone have the following features:? Street level GPS map covers both Croatia a...
Izradio sam ovaj videozapis pomoću YouTubeova Videouređivača (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Just a raw edit riding our mountain bikes on Medvednica mountain in Zagreb! March 2014 Shot on my GoPro Hero White Edition
Vila Rebar (Pavelićeva vila), šetnja kroz ostatke (19.04.2015.) Villa Rebar (Pavelić villa), walk through the remains (19.04.2015.) Vila Rebar je bio zagrebački ljetnikovac smješten u šumi u južnim padinama Medvednice, na obronku neposredno iznad Gračana. Od njega su danas preostale ruševine. Prije izgradnje ljetnikovca, na njegovom mjestu se 1920-ih godina nalazila lovačka kuća. Grad Zagreb je na mjestu lovačke kuće 1932. godine dao izgraditi drveni ljetnikovac sa kamenim prizemljem s prevladavajućim lukovima i iznad njega tenisko igralište prema projektu arhitekta Ivana Zemljaka. U razdoblju Nezavisne Države Hrvatske, ljetnikovac je pretvoren u prebivalište poglavnika dr. Ante Pavelića, a u sklopu kojega su radi sigurnosti Poglavnika i njegove obitelji izgrađeni podzemni bunkeri i sklo...
No copyright infringment intended, promotional use only!! Music is not mine.. All rights reserved at the owners and their respective labels. Lunar Dawn is a joined project of two music enthusiasts,Kristijan Ilisinovic and Sasa Precanica. Grewing up together they developed their senses for music and in year 2001. started to make music by themselves,but seperately in first! After some time learning of how things work they had their first gig in their homeplace in youth club Skwhat each playing his own music in one output (B2B)! In 2010. Kristijan started the Lunar Dawn project releasing officially track The Run for Underground Alien Factory Records ( founder Nikola Petrović, Niš) on compilation Goa Overdose 2, and shortly after that track Genesis for Entities 2, croatian psytrance scene com...
FOR PROMOTIONAL USE ONLY_DOWNLOAD: ●ૐ● https://soundcloud.com/lunar_dawn https://soundcloud.com/lunar_dawn/lunar-dawn-timewarp-mix-2014-08-23 https://www.facebook.com/lunardawnmusic http://www.discogs.com/artist/2500041-Lunar-Dawn ..Lunar Dawn is a joined project of two music enthusiasts, born in mid 80´s - Kristijan Ilisinovic and Sasa Precanica. Grewing up together they developed there senses for music and after millenium started to make music by themselves,but seperately in first!After some time learning of how things work they had their first gig in their homeplace in youth club Skwhat each playing his own music in one output! In 2010. Kristijan started the Lunar Dawn project releasing officially track The Run for Underground Alien Factory Records ( founder Nikola Petrović, Niš) on com...
Odlična blatnjava vožnja kakvu bi i prasci poželjeli! U organizaciji BK Sutla, s više od 40 rekreativaca na startu... Krenuli smo ispred superKonzuma u Gajnicama, po Zelenoj magistrali, pa Ponikve - Grafičar - Sljeme - Činovnička livada - Hunjka - Gorščica - Laz, i dalje preko Kašine i Sesveta natrag u grad! Za drugi put uzimamo rezervne baterije za kameru i SD kartice, jer se pokazalo da stvarno nemreš znati kad će se dogodit nešto "neprocjenjivo"... Za nestrpljive: 0:44 He who dares, wins! 2:27 Špreha 4:21 Ajmooo 5:32 Puko dropout 6:02 Grana 7:44 Timber! 10:39 Sljeme 12:03 Wild Bunch 13:45 Djeca u prirodi 15:01 A gdje je Hunjka!? 16:03 Kupanje 17:03 Obriši moj broj 18:45 Kriva procjena :-) 19:18 Fora singletrack 19:58 Hunjka 20:59 yeaaa Dalje gledajte do kraja. Dobro je, a nije vam j...
Šumski Psi @ Medvednica (28.06.08) http://forum.trancepleme.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=bhsj0g8ul73dquels8c7a4fbp0&topic;=2910.0 tracklist: 1.Filteria-Navigate(Sky Input,Suntrip Rec.,Bel.,2004.) 2.Lost Buddha-When Universe Was Created(Untold Stories,Unreleased Web Album,2007.) 3.Psyclus & Silver Me-Komatsu(V.A.Psychoactive Scandosounds,Boom Rec.,Ned.,1998.) 4.Shakta-Temporal Shift(Silicon Trip,Dragonfly Rec.,U.K.,1997.) 5.Pandemonium-Colours Of Mirage(Unreleased EP,2007.) 6.Shakta-Ten Times Around The Sun(V.A.Opus Iridium,Suntrip Rec.,Bel.2008.) 7.Zirrex-Voyage(Lost In Time,A&E; Productions,Rus.2000.) 8.Trilithon-One World One Future(V.A.Psychedelic Vibes 6.,Trust In Trance Records,Phonocol Rec.,Isr.,1999.) 9.Ajna-The Art Of Happiness(V.A.Opus Iridium,Suntri...