
IssuesMatt Gaetz is on our side.  Matt knows that families in our community are struggling right now and that government needs to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.  Having grown up in House District 4, Matt knows that we face many of the same challenges the rest of Florida faces.  Matt is the right person to address the challenges of rising unemployment, a declining real estate market, difficulty finding affordable homeowners insurance, concerns about rising property taxes and a dangerous erosion of our core conservative values of faith and family. At the same time, he will stand behind the activity duty and retired military population, who add so much to our community.

Matt knows that if we work together as a community anything is possible.   Matt will be on our side demanding that government at all levels cut waste and keep taxes low.  Matt will be on our side protecting the most vulnerable in our society, from the unborn to our retirees.  Matt will be on our side defending our Second Amendment rights.  Matt will be on our side standing up to the special interests when they try to put their interests ahead of ours. And, Matt will be on our side fighting to bring good, high paying jobs back to our community.

Below is a short listing of Matt’s positions on the issues.  It’s impossible to cover every issue.  So if you have questions about the issue position below or don’t see an issue that is important to you, please e-mail Matt at

Economy & JobsEconomy & Jobs

Matt Gaetz is determined to bring new jobs to Northwest Florida.  He knows that the fundamentals for job growth include low taxes, a highly educated workforce and a growing economy. That is why he led the fight to bring the F-35 joint strike fighter to our community.  The F-35 is estimated to bring 30,000 jobs and have a $1 billion dollar impact on the Northwest Florida economy.


Taxes & State BudgetTaxes & State Budget

As we watch Democrats preside over the massive expansion of government in Washington and the explosion of deficit and the national debt, Matt believes that the growth of government at all levels should be limited.  Matt Gaetz is a fiscal conservative who understands government must live within it means.  Matt knows that there is never a good time to raise taxes, especially during tough economic times.  Not only will Matt Gaetz fight any tax increases, he will lead the fight just like he did against the “pet tax” in Okaloosa County and the property tax increase proposed by the Fort Walton Beach City Council.

Matt Gaetz will make sure that Tallahassee balances the budget without raising taxes and supports limiting the growth of local governments to no more than the rate of inflation.



Matt Gaetz believes that Florida must provide an effective and rigorous public education for all citizens.  Matt understands that government must prioritize and that education must be at the top of the list.  Matt also understands that parents are in charge, not a district bureaucrat and not a pencil pusher in Tallahassee.  Matt supports the right of parents to choose public, independent or parochial education, as well as home schooling.


Second Amendment RightsSecond Amendment Rights

As a member of the NRA, Matt believes that the Second Amendment clearly provides for a right to keep and bear arms.  Matt will lead the fight against any efforts to limit our Second Amendment rights, including any assaults on the Castle Doctrine and the right to keep a weapon in your vehicle.


Conservative ValuesConservative Values

Matt Gaetz understands that the family is the foundation of our society.  Matt Gaetz is pro-life; he knows that life begins at conception, and that sometimes you have to speak for those who don’t have a voice.


Integrity in GovernmentIntegrity in Government

Matt Gaetz understands that our government must be accountable to the people.  When politicians and bureaucrats violated the public records laws, Matt took them to court and held government accountable.  Matt knows that government in Tallahassee must be open to the people, and he will fight to make sure it stays that way.


Healthcare and InsuranceHealthcare and Insurance

Matt Gaetz believes that health care decisions should be made by doctors and patients, not the government.  That’s why Matt Gaetz wants to make sure that you can keep the health insurance you currently have. He will fight to keep health care costs down by eliminating junk lawsuits and fraud in the system.


Military & VeteransMilitary & Veterans

Matt Gaetz is a strong supporter of our military and our military families.  Eglin Air Force Base is a vital part of our community, and Matt Gaetz will always support our servicemen and women.  Matt Gaetz will also fight to make sure that our veterans receive the best treatment.  They are our most valuable resource.

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