Obstacle Course, Hill Climb, and Coal Chute! - Top Truck Challenge 2013
The Obstacle Course begins with a shockingly tall and long slippery hill descent known as ...
published: 09 Oct 2013
Obstacle Course, Hill Climb, and Coal Chute! - Top Truck Challenge 2013
Obstacle Course, Hill Climb, and Coal Chute! - Top Truck Challenge 2013
The Obstacle Course begins with a shockingly tall and long slippery hill descent known as the "first hill" and it ends with a nasty dogleg gully that's tantalizingly close to the finish line. In between is a treasure trove of terror. The "lower section" forces competitors to navigate a 360-degree turn through three deep water holes and sand. From there, competitors travel up a hill to the "upper section" that includes a deceiving off-camber U-turn (known as "U-turn Hill"), two deep water holes, and numerous tight turns. This event has a 10-minute time limit, but speed is the enemy. This is because the course is marked with numerous cones and each one hit adds 20 seconds to the overall time. If all four tires of a rig travel outside a cone the rig is disqualified at that point. Safety violations net a whopping two-minute penalty. Clearly, accuracy is the key to success in the Obstacle Course. Think back to those hillclimbs you've done in your 4x4. Yeah, the TTC Hill Climb isn't like that. The Hill Climb is built specifically for TTC, it's approximately 600 feet in length and it has an average angle of approximately 60 degrees. It twists and turns as it winds through the poison oak and it's peppered with strategically-placed deep holes and dirt hills. Yes, we added hills to our Hill Climb. The Hill Climb is loose, steep, and unpredictable. Naturally, we don't let drivers see it before they run it because that would ruin the surprise. The Hill Climb rewards those who can think on-the-fly and punishes those who are thinking about the next event. We allowed each competitor 5 minutes to tackle the hill and during that time they could stop, reverse, or winch. If a competitor exceeded the time limit, traveled out of bounds, or violated a safety rule they were disqualified at that point. The Mini Rubicon, a staple of Top Truck for years, was a brutal event that forced competitors to fight for every inch of forward progress. It was tough and unforgiving. We wanted something tougher. So, for 2013 we replaced the Mini Rubicon with the awe-inspiring Coal Chute. This event uses a newly developed area (Rock Rash Ridge) at the Hollister Hills SVRA that contains an amazing collection of man-made obstacles. Naturally, we tweaked it to make it exclusive to Top Truck. Our mind-bending course was approximately 525 feet in length, and included steep walls in excess of 7 feet tall and jumbles of rocks and cement tubes. We even brought in a water truck and created a waterfall on the final cement climb. The course was broken into four distinct sections. We threw competitors a curve ball and allowed them to skip one of the two first sections. However, we penalized each competitor 10 minutes if they bypassed the first section and 6 minutes if they bypassed the second section. Strategy was a major player at this event. There was a 20-minute time limit and safety violations netted a two-minute penalty. If two of the vehicles tires traveled outside of the cones the competitor was disqualified at that point. Catch the entire week of Top Truck Challenge 2013 on the Motor Trend Channel October 7th through October 11th with a new video premiering each day! Subscribe now to make sure you're in on all the action! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=motortrend Facebook - http://facebook.com/motortrendmag & https://www.facebook.com/fourwheelermag Twitter - http://twitter.com/motortrend & https://twitter.com/fwmag Google+ - https://plus.google.com/1018679678590... Website - http://www.motortrend.com & http://www.fourwheeler.com/four-wheeler-magazine/- published: 09 Oct 2013
- views: 46060
Faith Hill - "Breathe" (Official Video)
Faith Hill - Breath The new single "American Heart" available NOW at iTunes: http://smartu...
published: 27 Oct 2009
author: Faith Hill
Faith Hill - "Breathe" (Official Video)
Faith Hill - "Breathe" (Official Video)
Faith Hill - Breath The new single "American Heart" available NOW at iTunes: http://smarturl.it/americanheart Watch the best Faith Hill music videos on YouTu...- published: 27 Oct 2009
- views: 6333565
- author: Faith Hill
Lauryn Hill Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill Full Album 1998]
TRACK LISTING 01. Intro - 00:00 02. Lost Ones - 00:48 03. Ex-Factor - 06:21 04. To Zion - ...
published: 07 Jul 2013
author: NseriouzEffect
Lauryn Hill Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill Full Album 1998]
Lauryn Hill Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill Full Album 1998]
TRACK LISTING 01. Intro - 00:00 02. Lost Ones - 00:48 03. Ex-Factor - 06:21 04. To Zion - 11:48 05. Doo Wop (That Thing) - 17:59 06. Superstar - 23:16 07. Fi...- published: 07 Jul 2013
- views: 24781
- author: NseriouzEffect
Lauryn Hill- Killing Me Softly
Lauryn Hill....
published: 22 Oct 2008
author: stiflerzinha1
Lauryn Hill- Killing Me Softly
Lauryn Hill- Killing Me Softly
Lauryn Hill.- published: 22 Oct 2008
- views: 9011718
- author: stiflerzinha1
Sub 3 Minutes with Jerry Hill
In this Sub-3 Minutes, Masters 45-49 Division champion Jerry Hill chats with CrossFit Game...
published: 27 Apr 2014
Sub 3 Minutes with Jerry Hill
Sub 3 Minutes with Jerry Hill
In this Sub-3 Minutes, Masters 45-49 Division champion Jerry Hill chats with CrossFit Games Director Dave Castro about being featured in a book, the Open and Masters Qualifier and plays the "What If?" game. The CrossFit Games -- (http://games.crossfit.com) The CrossFit Games® - The Sport of Fitness™ The Fittest On Earth™- published: 27 Apr 2014
- views: 9846
1200 HP Extreme Hill Climb - Formula Offroad 2013!
Extreme hill climb in Sweden and Ler, Norway 2013. Roar Johansen in Thunderbolt making it ...
published: 08 Jul 2013
author: armadi94
1200 HP Extreme Hill Climb - Formula Offroad 2013!
1200 HP Extreme Hill Climb - Formula Offroad 2013!
Extreme hill climb in Sweden and Ler, Norway 2013. Roar Johansen in Thunderbolt making it look easy in his turbo powered LS3 beast. Produced by: Bjørn Michae...- published: 08 Jul 2013
- views: 80469
- author: armadi94
Let's Play Silent Hill Downpour [Part 25] - Die Wahrheit
» Der große Kampf auf http://gronkh.de/?p=25593
published: 27 Apr 2014
Let's Play Silent Hill Downpour [Part 25] - Die Wahrheit
Let's Play Silent Hill Downpour [Part 25] - Die Wahrheit
» Der große Kampf auf http://gronkh.de/?p=25593 ················································································· » Silent Hill Downpour Survival-Horror von Vatra Games / Konami [2012] Offizielle Webseite: http://www.konami.com/officialsites/silenthill/ » Let's Play Silent Hill Downpour Kommentiertes Gameplay von TRASHTAZMANI [2014] » Wenn Dir das Spiel gefällt, unterstütze doch bitte die Entwickler und kaufe Dir das Original! Link: http://gronkh.de/amazon/silent+hill+downpour ·················································································· • Mehr Infos zu den einzelnen Folgen und auch eine Liste meiner dortigen Let's Plays findest du auf http://Gronkh.de/zeige/trashtazmani • Auf meinen Zweitkanal findest du immer mal wieder neue Videos zu den verschiedensten Themen http://www.youtube.com/user/TRASHTAZIA • Du möchtest schnellstmöglich über Änderungen am Kanal erfahren, an Umfragen teilnehmen, oder Fotos kommentieren? Dann schau doch mal auf meiner Facebook-Seite vorbei http://www.facebook.com/TRASHTAZMANI • Ein bisschen Unterhaltung zwischendurch, hier und da mal ein paar persönliche Infos oder auch der spontane nächtliche Spam interessieren dich? Dann nichts wie ab zu Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/TRASHTAZMANI- published: 27 Apr 2014
- views: 2500
Hill Climb Havoc
Hill climb crashes from 2004. If you like this clip try the entire film. www.almostfamousv...
published: 14 Aug 2007
author: Austin Woodrum
Hill Climb Havoc
Hill Climb Havoc
Hill climb crashes from 2004. If you like this clip try the entire film. www.almostfamousvideo.com.- published: 14 Aug 2007
- views: 17085629
- author: Austin Woodrum
Cypress Hill - Insane In The Brain
Music video by Cypress Hill performing Insane In The Brain. (C) 1993 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERT...
published: 25 Oct 2009
author: CypressHillVEVO
Cypress Hill - Insane In The Brain
Cypress Hill - Insane In The Brain
Music video by Cypress Hill performing Insane In The Brain. (C) 1993 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT.- published: 25 Oct 2009
- views: 13321234
- author: CypressHillVEVO
Cypress Hill - (Rock) Superstar
Music video by Cypress Hill performing (Rock) Superstar. (C) 2000 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAIN...
published: 25 Oct 2009
author: CypressHillVEVO
Cypress Hill - (Rock) Superstar
Cypress Hill - (Rock) Superstar
Music video by Cypress Hill performing (Rock) Superstar. (C) 2000 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT.- published: 25 Oct 2009
- views: 10967109
- author: CypressHillVEVO
Spargel - Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill
Die Knallerfrau kennt sich hervorragend mit der Zubereitung von Spargel aus. Zur Spargelze...
published: 25 Apr 2014
Spargel - Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill
Spargel - Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill
Die Knallerfrau kennt sich hervorragend mit der Zubereitung von Spargel aus. Zur Spargelzeit kommt das bei ihren Freunden besonders gut an. Mehr Infos im Web: http://bit.ly/knallerfrauen Jetzt abonnieren und nichts mehr verpassen: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Knallerfrauen Für Fans gibt's hier die besten Sketche aus dem Best of, Knallerfrau Martina Hill in Bestform! Knallerfrauen ist eine Sketchcomedy-Serie, die auf Sat.1 ausgestrahlt und bekannt wurde. Martina Hill zeigt sich dabei in den unterschiedlichsten Rollen als Knallerfrau, in verschiedenen Alltagssituationen und parodiert dabei altbekannte Frauen-Klischees. Mal als sexy Femme Fatale oder fatal peinliche Freundin führt sie diese hemmungslos und unangepasst ad absurdum. Chaotisch, selbstironisch, unkontrollierbar, hemmungslos und vor allem unschlagbar lustig... das haben alle Knallerfrauen gemein. Dabei kommt die Schauspielerin mit wenigen Worten aus und bedient sich stattdessen einer urkomischen Bildsprache, um lustige Situationskomik zu erschaffen. Der Spiegel betitelte sie nicht umsonst als lustigste Frau im deutschen Fernsehen... Ein fester Bestandteil der Serie Knallerfrauen ist auch der Schauspieler Marc Benjamin Puch, der meist als Freund, Bekannter oder Nachbar der Knallerfrau zu sehen ist. Maja Beckmann, Matthias Deutelmoser, Michael Krabbe, Anna Schäfer, Jasper Smets, Claus Dieter Clausnitzer, Peggy Lukac, Maurizio Magno und Lara Sophie Schmitz gehören auch zu dem Knallerfrauen-Ensemble. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knallerfrauen und Martina Hill im Web: Noch mehr von Martina Hill: http://www.sat1.de/tv/knallerfrauen/martina-hill Die offizielle Facebook-Seite der Knallerfrauen: http://www.facebook.com/Knallerfrauen?fref=ts Martina Hill auf Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Martina-Hill/114450185241364?fref=ts Mehr Comedy auf YouTube: Ahnungslos - Das Comedyquiz mit Joko und Klaas http://www.youtube.com/user/Comedyquiz Alles in Ordnung http://www.youtube.com/user/PolizeiCheck Comedystreet http://www.youtube.com/user/TheRealComedystreet Darüber lacht die Welt http://www.youtube.com/user/KerkelingTV Die Niels Ruf Show http://www.youtube.com/user/NielsRufShow Die dreisten Drei http://www.youtube.com/user/DreistenDreiTV Kesslers Knigge http://www.youtube.com/user/KniggeOffiziell Knallerfrauen http://www.youtube.com/user/Knallerfrauen Mensch Markus http://www.youtube.com/user/MenschMarkusSAT1 Sechserpack http://www.youtube.com/user/SechserpackTV Switch Reloaded http://www.youtube.com/user/SwitchReloaded Tramitz and Friends http://www.youtube.com/user/TramitzTV Weibsbilder http://www.youtube.com/user/WeibsbilderOffiziell Zack - Comedy nach Maß http://www.youtube.com/user/ZackComedyTV Best of Comedy http://www.youtube.com/user/seventyoneComedy Impressum: http://www.studio71.com/impressum- published: 25 Apr 2014
- views: 6012
Bachelorette Contestant Eric Hill Dies After Paragliding Accident
Bachelorette Contestant Eric Hill Dies after a Paragliding accident. He had already finish...
published: 23 Apr 2014
Bachelorette Contestant Eric Hill Dies After Paragliding Accident
Bachelorette Contestant Eric Hill Dies After Paragliding Accident
Bachelorette Contestant Eric Hill Dies after a Paragliding accident. He had already finished filming Andi Dorfman's Bachelorette. No word as to how the show will treat his death. ► http://bit.ly/ENTVSubscribe Watch More of Our Shows! The Voice Season 5 ► http://bit.ly/1cdLaxO Glee Season 5 ► http://bit.ly/1aLgJM9 Spoiler Alert! Season 2 ► http://bit.ly/16mLbs3 X Factor Season 3 ► http://bit.ly/16fvlhT 2013 Emmy Awards ► http://bit.ly/1epx2SY Celebrity News ► http://bit.ly/14jmL52 Kim and Kanye ► http://bit.ly/156pyvH Comic Con 2013 ► http://bit.ly/153Bfsg :: FOLLOW US! :: Like Us On Facebook ► http://on.fb.me/PBFkH1 Follow us on Twitter ► http://twitter.com/entvnews Follow us on Google+ ► http://bit.ly/YKBcu9 Follow us on Tumblr ► http://entvnews.tumblr.com/ THANKS FOR WATCHING!!- published: 23 Apr 2014
- views: 5430
Hearthstone King of the Hill #20 - Chakki vs Forsen
Cast By: @Artosis @ggDoa
Production By: @SympaticoTV
This week King of the Hill Champion...
published: 24 Apr 2014
Hearthstone King of the Hill #20 - Chakki vs Forsen
Hearthstone King of the Hill #20 - Chakki vs Forsen
Cast By: @Artosis @ggDoa Production By: @SympaticoTV This week King of the Hill Champion Chakki defends his throne for the second time in the IHEARTHU.com King of the Hill #20 - against former Managrind team mate, Forsen!- published: 24 Apr 2014
- views: 3995
Vimeo results:
Produced and directed by Ben Wu and David Usui, of Lost & Found Films (lostfoundfilms.com)...
published: 28 Mar 2012
author: thismustbetheplace
Produced and directed by Ben Wu and David Usui, of Lost & Found Films (lostfoundfilms.com).
Allan Hill, Detroit, Michigan
Allan is the caretaker of one of the few remaining structures that still stand at the old Packard Plant. Years of neglect have resulted in massive decay in this Albert Kahn designed factory. But, it has its own kind of beauty and for Allan is the place he calls home.
There's no place like home. It's where we live, work and dream. It's our sanctuary and our refuge. We can love them or hate them. It can be just for the night or for the rest of our lives. But whoever we may be, we all have a place we call home.
THIS MUST BE THE PLACE is a series of short films that explore the idea of home; what makes them, how they represent us, why we need them.
We're always on the lookout for dwellings of all sorts. If you've come across any curious or eccentric homes, feel free to send them along.
Music Credits:
"This Could Be It" Yo La Tengo
"Concerto in D Major" Maureen Tucker
"God Be With Us" Furry Lewis
"Around Gods Throne" Northington Singers
"Crawlspace" Calexico
"Detroit City" Bobby Bare
Between Bears
// winner of best animation award at vimeo's first film festival //
my graduation film at...
published: 30 Jul 2010
author: Eran Hilleli
Between Bears
// winner of best animation award at vimeo's first film festival //
my graduation film at bezalel academy of art and design.
a debt to my childhood and other lives i hope i lived. inspired by words of songs that i admire.
original music composed by Ori Avni
performed by Ori Avni and Daniela Spector.
Download Between bears mini mini album:
Symphonize with the world to the ever-evolving city of Tokyo.
published: 08 May 2013
author: roppongi hills
Symphonize with the world to the ever-evolving city of Tokyo.
The 10 year celebration theme for Roppongi Hills is "LOVE TOKYO".
We will be starting a movement here from Roppongi Hills to transform Tokyo into a more attractive and exciting "world-class city".
We are opening a 10th anniversary website in which users can experience 3D projection mapping on a miniature model of the city of Tokyo at a 1 : 1000 scale.
Participants can enjoy various motifs of the city: "Futuristic City," "Rock City," and a traditional Japanese "Beauty of Nature" motif by pressing the keys on a keyboard, as if playing the piano.
Exploit the possibilities and make Tokyo more dynamic and exciting.
Join us in a symphony with the entire city of Tokyo, and enjoy this completely new visual experience.
A Frozen Tale
The Cabinets of Curiosity from the series A Frozen Tale by Alexia Sinclair.
Music by Stev...
published: 11 Feb 2014
author: Sinclair & Hill
A Frozen Tale
The Cabinets of Curiosity from the series A Frozen Tale by Alexia Sinclair.
Music by Steve Gibbs: https://soundcloud.com/stevegibbs
Model: Fallon Duroy
Youtube results:
Wäsche waschen... - Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill
Zu wenig Wäsche... zu viel Platz.
Mehr Infos im Web: http://bit.ly/knallerfrauen
published: 26 Apr 2014
Wäsche waschen... - Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill
Wäsche waschen... - Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill
Zu wenig Wäsche... zu viel Platz. Mehr Infos im Web: http://bit.ly/knallerfrauen Jetzt abonnieren und nichts mehr verpassen: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Knallerfrauen Für Fans gibt's hier die besten Sketche aus dem Best of, Knallerfrau Martina Hill in Bestform! Knallerfrauen ist eine Sketchcomedy-Serie, die auf Sat.1 ausgestrahlt und bekannt wurde. Martina Hill zeigt sich dabei in den unterschiedlichsten Rollen als Knallerfrau, in verschiedenen Alltagssituationen und parodiert dabei altbekannte Frauen-Klischees. Mal als sexy Femme Fatale oder fatal peinliche Freundin führt sie diese hemmungslos und unangepasst ad absurdum. Chaotisch, selbstironisch, unkontrollierbar, hemmungslos und vor allem unschlagbar lustig... das haben alle Knallerfrauen gemein. Dabei kommt die Schauspielerin mit wenigen Worten aus und bedient sich stattdessen einer urkomischen Bildsprache, um lustige Situationskomik zu erschaffen. Der Spiegel betitelte sie nicht umsonst als lustigste Frau im deutschen Fernsehen... Ein fester Bestandteil der Serie Knallerfrauen ist auch der Schauspieler Marc Benjamin Puch, der meist als Freund, Bekannter oder Nachbar der Knallerfrau zu sehen ist. Maja Beckmann, Matthias Deutelmoser, Michael Krabbe, Anna Schäfer, Jasper Smets, Claus Dieter Clausnitzer, Peggy Lukac, Maurizio Magno und Lara Sophie Schmitz gehören auch zu dem Knallerfrauen-Ensemble. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knallerfrauen und Martina Hill im Web: Noch mehr von Martina Hill: http://www.sat1.de/tv/knallerfrauen/martina-hill Die offizielle Facebook-Seite der Knallerfrauen: http://www.facebook.com/Knallerfrauen?fref=ts Martina Hill auf Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Martina-Hill/114450185241364?fref=ts Mehr Comedy auf YouTube: Ahnungslos - Das Comedyquiz mit Joko und Klaas http://www.youtube.com/user/Comedyquiz Alles in Ordnung http://www.youtube.com/user/PolizeiCheck Comedystreet http://www.youtube.com/user/TheRealComedystreet Darüber lacht die Welt http://www.youtube.com/user/KerkelingTV Die Niels Ruf Show http://www.youtube.com/user/NielsRufShow Die dreisten Drei http://www.youtube.com/user/DreistenDreiTV Kesslers Knigge http://www.youtube.com/user/KniggeOffiziell Knallerfrauen http://www.youtube.com/user/Knallerfrauen Mensch Markus http://www.youtube.com/user/MenschMarkusSAT1 Sechserpack http://www.youtube.com/user/SechserpackTV Switch Reloaded http://www.youtube.com/user/SwitchReloaded Tramitz and Friends http://www.youtube.com/user/TramitzTV Weibsbilder http://www.youtube.com/user/WeibsbilderOffiziell Zack - Comedy nach Maß http://www.youtube.com/user/ZackComedyTV Best of Comedy http://www.youtube.com/user/seventyoneComedy Impressum: http://www.studio71.com/impressum- published: 26 Apr 2014
- views: 3609
The Guillermo Show with Jonah Hill & Channing Tatum
Guillermo hosts his own late night show with guests Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. Jonah a...
published: 10 Apr 2014
The Guillermo Show with Jonah Hill & Channing Tatum
The Guillermo Show with Jonah Hill & Channing Tatum
Guillermo hosts his own late night show with guests Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. Jonah and Channing debut the red band trailer for their new film 22 Jump Street. Jimmy Kimmel Live - The Guillermo Show with Jonah Hill & Channing Tatum #KIMMEL Jimmy Kimmel Live's YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV show on ABC. Subscribe for clips from the monologue, the interviews, and musical performances every day of the week. Watch your favorites parts again, or catch-up on any episodes you may have missed. Website: http://www.jimmykimmellive.com Channel: http://www.youtube.com/jimmykimmellive Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=jimmykimmellive- published: 10 Apr 2014
- views: 139393
26.04.2014 СУББОТНИЙ СТРИМ | Amnesia Hill Extermination
Скачать бесплатно Amnesia Hill Extermination http://www.moddb.com/mods/amnesia-hill/downlo...
published: 26 Apr 2014
26.04.2014 СУББОТНИЙ СТРИМ | Amnesia Hill Extermination
26.04.2014 СУББОТНИЙ СТРИМ | Amnesia Hill Extermination
Скачать бесплатно Amnesia Hill Extermination http://www.moddb.com/mods/amnesia-hill/downloads/amnesia-hill-extermination-best-played-on-fc-mod Понравился стрим? Подпишись и смотри каждую субботу в 20:00 по МСК=) Хотите поддержать? Кидайте сюда, на Яндекс Кошелек 410012079642479 Мои контакты: Эл почта : vlad.sangulia@gmail.com Ссылка на стим http://steamcommunity.com/id/vladdouglas Вконтакте: https://vk.com/vladsangulia Твиттер: https://twitter.com/Vlad_Sangulia RaidCall: http://www.raidcall.com/client/go?sid=5450423- published: 26 Apr 2014
- views: 3694
#Hashtag2 with Jimmy Fallon & Jonah Hill
Jimmy & Jonah have a Twitter conversation in real life.
Subscribe NOW to The Tonight Sho...
published: 20 Feb 2014
#Hashtag2 with Jimmy Fallon & Jonah Hill
#Hashtag2 with Jimmy Fallon & Jonah Hill
Jimmy & Jonah have a Twitter conversation in real life. Subscribe NOW to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: http://bit.ly/1nwT1aN Watch The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 11:35/10:35c Get more Jimmy Fallon: Follow Jimmy: http://Twitter.com/JimmyFallon Like Jimmy: https://Facebook.com/JimmyFallon Get more The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: Follow The Tonight Show: http://Twitter.com/FallonTonight Like The Tonight Show: https://Facebook.com/FallonTonight The Tonight Show Tumblr: http://fallontonight.tumblr.com/ Get more NBC: NBC YouTube: http://bit.ly/1dM1qBH Like NBC: http://Facebook.com/NBC Follow NBC: http://Twitter.com/NBC NBC Tumblr: http://nbctv.tumblr.com/ NBC Google+: https://plus.google.com/+NBC/posts The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon features hilarious highlights from the show including: comedy sketches, music parodies, celebrity interviews, ridiculous games, and, of course, Jimmy's Thank You Notes and hashtags! You'll also find behind the scenes videos and other great web exclusives. #Hashtag2 with Jimmy Fallon & Jonah Hill http://www.youtube.com/fallontonight- published: 20 Feb 2014
- views: 301