What Did Your First Blog Design Look Like?

Attend any blogging conference or read any "how to" on blogging, and you will be told that blog design is important. What is (and is not) important has changed over the years, of course. Do this, don't do that. Include this, don't include that, but ...more

If It Hurts Too Much to Stay ... Leave

If you find yourself lying to everyone that everything is fine, and having to put on a smile, you need to leave.If you find yourself trying to breathe so quietly that the covers don’t move because it will enrage him, you need to leave.If you find ...more

Asparagus and Leek Pie

I am absolutely not a baker, so if anyone else read the title of this recipe and was all excited about the idea of asparagus and leeks until you saw the word pie, stay with me for a minute. This Asparagus and Leek Pie from Andrea's Recipes is made ...more

Dear Princeton Review: Please Talk About Sexual Assault on Campus

As high school graduations are celebrated around the country, a number of seniors and parents may turn to the Princeton Review to make final choices about colleges, but the women's rights activist group UltraViolet worries that incoming freshmen ...more

Would You Discuss Your Mental Illness on Reality TV?

So, sometimes when you've spent years bleeding all over the Internet, people turn up you wouldn't otherwise expect. For example, a casting producer from an Emmy-award-winning reality television production company left a message on my voicemail Friday ...more

3 Cheap Ways to Find Large Containers for Your Plants

All gardeners will tell you how important large pots can be! But they're often very expensive, or difficult to find. For these reasons, it's always useful to have some large containers ready when you need them. It's best to get these containers cheaply—or even for free. It's possible, if only if you know where to look. Image: Gerald Brazell via Flickr Creative Commons license ...more

Great Sex Doesn't End at 40

I love a good steamy love scene on TV. Reading about BDSM in 50 shades of gray is enough to make me salivate. I sometimes think about making a "naughty" movie of myself for my lover. I must have about three sexy pieces of lingerie that I secretly bought (and didn’t tell anyone about) over the years. So what’s stopping me from letting loose?I’m old....more
I'm Glad you liked it! Thank you ^_^more

Do Kids Still Chase Butterflies?

Today I noticed a Facebook post about talking into the fan “to hear my robot voice,” complete with a picture of a windblown little girl facing a fan and either talking or singing. That is, if robots sing. “Admit it…we all did this,” the caption concludes. Duly admitted. However, my life partner says he never did any such thing. Perhaps that’s because he grew up mostly in Alaska, where fans aren’t a common household appliance. I grew up in humid South Jersey, where fans helped us believe we weren't actually melting. ...more
Absolutely they still do all those things. My daughter and her friends are trying to make a ...more

Think Before You Speak

When I was 13, I was a pretty good tennis player. I spent summers as a child at Camp Birchwood for girls in Vermont, where most of my time was centered on playing tennis. The lake was filled with seaweed and fish, I didn’t like volleyball, and rest period, when I could read comic books and write letters, only lasted an hour, so tennis was my thing. I was never particularly athletic, but tennis was one sport I not only enjoyed, but seemed to be able to do reasonably well....more

Taking Kids to See the Raunchy New Seth Rogan Movie 'Neighbors?' Who Does That?

Last weekend, my boyfriend and I went to see the new Seth Rogan – Rose Byrne – Zac Ephron comedy Neighbors and I still haven’t been able to shake a few things I saw in the theatre.I’m not talking about the movie itself (I’ll get to that in a minute).  I’m talking about the actual people that were IN the audience of an R-rated movie at 7pm on a Friday night. Image via Universal Studios ...more
Brittany SSP I usually have the same thoughts when it comes to babies.  While I don't get it, as ...more

Easy Summer Side: Thai Cucumber Salad

It all happened so fast. One minute I was jogging along my favourite tree-lined path in the woods, taking in the beautiful sights, smells and sounds of nature, and the next–crack! I still don’t know if that sound came from the root I tripped over or my rolled ankle. *Shudder.* Whichever it was, my summer fitness routine suddenly flashed before my eyes. ...more

Not Buying the Negativity, Boston Globe: Six Ways Social Media Enhances Your Life

The Boston Globe will have an article in the Sunday magazine this weekend listing six ways that social media can ruin your life. But here's the thing: their examples are all cases of social media misuse, and they're the same sort of social gaffes and lack of self-control that can happen in the face-to-face world. While they're correct in stating that social media allows evidence of a mistake to spread much farther and faster than it would have before the advent of social media, they're wrong in that social media is the problem. It's merely a conduit to human idiocy. ...more
Social media has allowed me a place and a space.  One that I can claim as my own.  I can do with ...more

Does Your Kid Bully You?

It used to be that kids were scared of their parents. Now parents seem scared of their kids. A TIME magazine article came out recently that I found fascinating. “How Children Have Become Their Parents’ Bullies” underscored something that I feel like I have seen time and time again: parents so scared of upsetting their child that they give in to their every whim. ...more

How To Boost Your Site with a Blog Series

One of the best ways to become THAT blog to people is to take a page from the world of television and create a weekly or monthly series on your blog. I’m talking about a topic that you cover every week, every other week, every month etc., that your readers can look forward to. You can also consider a mini-series, where you choose a topic and create a certain number of entries that you will spread out over a period of time. There are several ways your blog can benefit by including a series. ...more
The Bearded Iris I visit your site but somehow have not checked this out... need to go catch up ...more

Dear Men: Stop Skipping the Foreplay!

Dear Man With Whom I Have A Sexual Relationship, We need to talk. I know, I know, those are the four most disturbing words a woman can utter to a man and why didn't I warn you before I said that?! I can see that glazed, unfocused look starting to shadow your eyes and am well aware that you've already begun blocking the sounds coming from my mouth and are searching desperately for your happy place (Baseball, beer, Halle Berry. Baseball, beer, Halle Berry) but snap out of it! This is important. ...more
God yes, the neck. Why do men forget we have one once they start nailing us regularly? If a guy ...more

I Ran 40 Miles Last Month, and I Still Don't Believe in Myself

I want to get in shape like crazy. I want my figure back: I want my waist back, and I want my thighs back. I want to be able to run without being in pain. I want there to be actual, strong muscles in my legs. I want to be able to wear a sleeveless dress without marveling at the girth of my arms. I am so insanely frustrated, I could cry. ...more

I'm Snooping on My Neighbors! What's Wrong with Me?

Dear Mouthy Housewives,I work at home and have developed a very strange problem: I can't stop spying on my neighbors. The houses in my neighborhood are all very close to each other, so I can see people in their backyards, front yards and sometimes I can even see into my next-door-neighbor's living room. It's not like I'm watching them do anything that exciting, really, but I still can't help myself. I'm even tempted to invest in a pair of binoculars. Why am I so snoopy?Sneaky Sue...more
There is nothing wrong with being curious and looking out the window to checkout the neighbors ...more

9 Apps I Can't Live Without

I've admitted before I am a bit addicted to my phone. In my defense, my phone actually makes me far more efficient than before I had it. I can work from anywhere, which really is both a blessing and a curse. Nevertheless, I have some apps I absolutely love. So for this edition of Things I'm Loving, I'm focusing on the apps I'm loving right now. ...more
Very nice list, thanks for sharing!more

Is Reading Children's Literature the Fountain of Youth?

Today the morning radio DJs gave an on-air quiz to determine whether you’ve hit middle age. Based on this highly scientific survey, I learned that I am not quite there yet, which is exactly what I keep telling my husband. One of the questions stood out, however. It was “are you increasingly nostalgic?” Well, I’ve been nostalgic since I was born—seriously my 5-year-old self probably pined for the days when I was a younger and more carefree toddler. ...more
God I hope so. I'm in the same boat.more

Inspired By "Whip It": This 65 Year-Old Derby Ref Won't Give Up

Sweat dripping down my face, I pulled off my helmet and sat down on the ref bench next to Creepy Taco. Pinky Bruiser, Jet Blaster, Buster Chassis and Molly Misdemeanor were among those who waved their thanks and wished us a good holiday and left with shouts of, “Thanks, refs, see you next year!” ...more

Memorial Day Grilling: Teriyaki Pork Tenderloin

This is definitely one of those "prep the morning of or night before and then throw on the grill when ready" recipes. However, the longer it marinates the better it gets. Here’s the recipe: ...more

The (Many) Lies of Parenthood

We’ve missed the turn for the Tiger enclosure. ...more
I related to your article through and through.  Between smiles and nodding my head, basically ...more

If It Hurts Too Much to Stay... Leave

If you find yourself lying to everyone that everything is fine, and having to put on a smile, you need to leave.If you find yourself trying to breathe so quietly that the covers don’t move because it will enrage him, you need to leave.If you find yourself nodding in agreement when he says that the hole in the wall is where he slipped, knowing full well that he hit it during a rage, you need to leave.If you find yourself cut off from everyone who really knows you because you cannot look them  in the eye anymore, you need to leave....more
Beautiful post. I think sometimes people experience abuse slowly, compounding, so it's hard to ...more

10 Remarkable Quotes From the BlogHer Food '14 Conference

I really loved laughing, connecting and exploring Miami's food and culture at BlogHer Food 14—but the soul of every conference, to me, is the wisdom I encounter, be it useful strategies and techniques or a brilliant insight that made me realize something about myself (and my community, and what I really can do, and what we can do together, and can you tell I'm not down from the conference high yet?). Here, my 10 favorite quotes from two days full of smart people....more
Really nice post! And we agree on a lot of the takeaways. I especially like your quote. Because: ...more

May Is National Masturbation Month!

Happy Masturbation Month!     May is Masturbation Month, a time for all of us as adults to get to know ourselves better. It is a also a time to defrost from the stigma of touching ourselves.  It is a time to get to know what we like and perhaps even figure out why we like it. It is a time for us to stand up, lie down, turn sideways and get sexy with ourselves....more
hahaha, y'all are killing me, here. lolol. - Denisemore

Casting Call: Would You Discuss Your Mental Illness on Television?

So, sometimes when you've spent years bleeding all over the Internet, people turn up you wouldn't otherwise expect. For example, a casting producer from an Emmy-award-winning reality television production company left a message on my voicemail Friday afternoon....more
People do this ALL THE TIME: It's called "Reality TV"!more

Bittersweet Birthdays

Tomorrow my baby turns ten. Like any Mom, I love watching my children grow and become these amazing little people. And like any Mom, I also just want them to stay little forever. However, unlike some (most?) Moms, I actually get sad on my son’s birthday. Birthdays for the past few years with Brian have felt bittersweet to me. ...more
OMG this is so sweet....made my sonmore

What Bloggers Should Know About the Net Neutrality Proposal

Net neutrality. It's a term that you may have heard and know that it's something that bloggers should be concerned about — but perhaps you don't fully understand what it entails or how it might affect you. The FCC opened up discussion for a new set of proposals on net neutrality, or the idea that Internet service providers should treat all content equally. ...more
Thank you for posting, I hadn't heard about this.more

Vegetable Ribbon 'Pasta': Paleo, Gluten-Free and Vegan

I started making vegetable ribbon pasta as a teenager. I was a lanky, moody, pale vegetarian , who loved to spend hours in the kitchen (huh….not much has changed!), and my parents had a bumper crop of zucchini from their enormous garden that was mine to do with as I pleased. I made savory pancakes and zucchini bread and latke-like fritters. But the one recipe I made on repeat was grated zucchini ribbons, simply sautéed with salt and pepper--I couldn’t get enough. ...more

They're Baaaack! 6 Tips to Help You Survive Summer with Your College Student

Over the next month or so, college students will be returning home to spend the summer with you. Within a few days, several of your conversations will begin with any or all of the following questions: Where have you been? It's 2:00am.When did I say you didn't have to call?Why would you take the car without asking?What do you mean you don't have a job?Who said I'd do your laundry?Who is that sleeping on my couch?Why are there empty beer bottles in the back of the garage?It's 2:00 pm, are you ever going to get out of bed? ...more

Tips for Going Back to Work After a Long Hiatus

Five years ago, my Fortune 500 company "retired" me along with half its sales force.  While I had a brief period of employment in a lower-level position, I did a variety of other things. I helped my father take care of my dying mother, I volunteered at church and for a rehabilitation facility, and I took contract writing jobs.  From the age of 23 until  I lost my job, I had worked consistently in high-pressure, high-activity marketing jobs, and this five-year period was completely different.  And frankly, delightful....more
Thank you for sharing these great tips! I am going back to full time work in 3 weeks, after a ...more

Somewhere Down the Line He Became My Dad

It's been one month since I last saw my father-in-law alive. He died in the middle of the night April 16th after a 2 1/2 year battle with mestatic melanoma. I haven't blogged since his death. I do want to take a moment and put out there what kind of person Dave was. ...more
Cancer certainly does suck. Beautifully written thank you for sharing. So sorry for your loss. I ...more

"He's Not the Sun": Cristina Yang and Barbara Walters' Last Message to Women about Having it All

Sandra Oh has left Grey's Anatomy, and frankly, now that she's gone, there is no other reason to watch the show. For me, she was the show, and for the past nine years, I only tuned in to watch how her character, Cristina Yang, would break yet another stereotype, yet another normative female behavior. And she never failed me....more
Marinagraphy datewithlucyThank you Marina for writing such an interesting, provocative and ...more

5 Reasons I Need A Hamster Like A Hole In My Head

My big boys are trying to rope me into getting them a hamster by being so inventive in building their own hamster house. For the love of Pete, I need a hamster in my house like I need a hole in my head. We already have three boys (if I stopped there, that would be enough), a dog, and two chickens. ...more
Hamsters are nocturnal animals, they need things to chew on, and plenty of room to move around. ...more

Kyle Lohse Letting Loose on the League in 2014

There is perhaps no better team in baseball right now than the Milwaukee Brewers. They have been able to have success thanks in large part to the entire roster stepping up big. One pitcher who is doing a lot better than anyone thought in fantasy baseball leagues is Kyle Lohse. The veteran has been able to get off to one of his best starts in his career as a dependable pitcher on the mound....more

Banana Muffins with Cinnamon Almond Streusel Crumble

In the mornings, we are super low-key. Ryan, luckily, doesn't have to be at work until about 9, so we usually drop him off at the TRAX line that takes him downtown between 8:15 and 8:30 every morning. This gives us plenty of time in the morning to get our runs in, watch some cartoons with our favorite little clone child, and get ready for the day....more

Day in the Life | May 2014

Lately the days have felt like they are rushing by....more

Mango & Tomato Turns 6!

Happy Friday and Happy 3 Day Weekend!I cannot believe I'm about to write this, but Mango & Tomato turns 6 years old this month. How crazy is this? I cannot believe what started with a tiny little idea has grown into something I can't imagine not having in my life ....more

Flat Kari's Adventures- Don't Make Me Eat Sushi

Every time I hear the term "Flat Kari", I get flashbacks to high school.Lets just say I was mammary challenged my entire life until I got pregnant the second time.Because the first time, the boobs didn't "take". I wasn't necessarily made fun of in high school.At least not to my face.But I was indeed all things Flat.Here is the back story:There is a book named Flat Stanley where basically a paper version of a child is mailed all over to have different life experiences.Last summer at my first blog conference, there was a Flat Sue passed around.Because Real Sue couldn't go.But Flat Sue had all sorts of fun adventures like getting drunk annnnnd getting drunk.So when I was unable to attend one of the rehearsals for Listen To Your Mother in April, I constructed a Flat Kari and mailed it to one of my co-producers so that I could "be" there.Without "being" there.I have to say, I was a little jealous of Flat Me.I was having fun!Eating spicy tacos!Hanging out with my homies!So when my friend Melissa suggested that I keep her going, I was excited!YES!I don't get to travel much so this is my way of living vicariously through the cardboard version of me!So the Flat Kari series was born!"I" am heading to places like California, India, New York, Finland and random places around the Chicago area.I get around!Not at ALL like high school Flat Kari.Because, hello, FLAT.My first visit was to Southern California to visit my friend Melissa, the brainchild of this whole thing:Greetings from sunny Seal Beach, California! Flat Kari has had an amazing time, having so much fun catching up with the Rogers ....more

Cooking Rice

There are many different ways to cook rice and so long as you’re happy with your method, then ...more

Shrimp and Black Bean Salad with Cilantro, Cumin, and Lime (Gluten-Free)

I love the combination of flavors in this Shrimp and Black Bean Salad with Cilantro, Cumin, and Lime (For Phase One Fridays I feature Phase One Recipes from the past that have been my personal favorites, and I love this Shrimp and Black Bean Salad with Cilantro, Cumin, and Lime....more

Craft Fail: DIY Sharpie Tie Dye

The idea of using Sharpies to tie dye seemed brilliant and the pictures on Pinterest were just spectacular. I’d been wanting to make derby shirts for the kids anyway so why not turn it into an afternoon Art project. I followed a few different sets of directions but here’s the gist of it.I colored my design on a cotton onesie.I used an eye dropper to drip rubbing alcohol onto it ....more