Widespread Slaughter Won’t Work

Tue, Jun 17, 2014, 10:18 pm   //   Tip Johnson

Dear County Council Members, I believe the slaughterhouse/packinghouse/slaughterhouse&packinghouse ordinance has gone from a bad premise to completely off the rails.  It pretends to offer what it can't provide…
Editor's Blog


Fri, Jun 27, 2014, 8:23 pm

Hillary calls Obama ‘incompetent and feckless’ in a boozy rant?

According to Edward Klein, best-selling author of “Blood Feud," Hillary complained to boozing buddies at a bistro near her Westchester home that, "That’s the story of the Obama presidency. No hand on the f–king tiller…Obama has turned into a joke…incompetent and feckless."

“Obama has treated Bill and me incredibly shabbily. And we’re angry,” she said.  Ooh!  Sour grapes?

Meanwhile, Hillary, pandering to pundits in advance of her presidential bid tells ABC's Diane Sawyer that "We came out of the White House not only dead broke but in debt."  Klein counters that "In fact, Bill Clinton has become the richest ex-president in our history. He's worth somewhere near $200 million."

Maybe it's time to consider thinking outside the R/D box with Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders as running mates in support of average Americans. Why keep trying the same thing and hoping for different results?

Tip Johnson


Thu, Jun 26, 2014, 10:36 pm

Pentagon Funds 'Terror Studies' to Dissect and Neutralize Dissenters

"…the military has commissioned U.S. universities to help it figure out how to deal with dissatisfied and, therefore, dangerous populations all around the world, including the United States."

"The goal of “terrorism studies” is “to find possible vectors of resistance, which are to be identified and eradicated, like a disease.”"  I guess that's a public health approach?

"The Pentagon wants to know why folks who don’t themselves engage in violence to overthrow the prevailing order become, what the military calls, “supporters of political violence.”"

They have to study that?  What's the object, to see how little they can get away with?  Seems obvious. Dissatisfaction is part of the happiness continuum.  There's been a lot of study of that lately and countries with better entitlements unsurprisingly rate better.  Basically, happiness grows as advantages are given and disappointment grows as advantages are taken.  Of course, it always depends on which end of the stick, but there remains a threshhold of marginal utility - why the melting pot could become a boiling pot.

It will be interesting to eventually collate the military/academic product of this initiative and see if they bow to their funding-master's global enemy paradigm or, as long as we're taking a public health approach, recommend systematically redressing social, political and economic inequities.

That's probably the best homeland security?

Tip Johnson

Something Fishy: Jobs and Herring

Thu, Jun 26, 2014, 12:10 pm

In a politically inflammatory alert, the Northwest Jobs Alliance asserts that "…Cherry Point industrial job base,…was the result of decades of careful thought and planning…" and that "We must have both… ...economic prosperity and environmental quality."  Notice which comes first?

So-called careful planning at Cherry Point wiped out more than half the herring production of all of Puget Sound.  That injected some serious imbalance on the environmental side of their equation.

NWJobs says that threatening or interfering with industrial job growth at Cherry Point will hurt "…our community's economy…" and that "…our schools and local cities would suffer from a decimated tax base and diminished services…", claiming, "Industry now carries much of the tax load."  Someone should check that fact. 

NWJobs says, "We reject the thinking that we can't have both economic prosperity and environmental quality."

Well, that policy has produced a lot more jobs but a lot fewer herring at Cherry Point.  How about if NWJobs proves they "…seek Balanced Community Solutions."  Restore the herring at Cherry Point before issuing permits for more pollution. The best environmental policy is always the best long-term economic policy.

Tip Johnson

The Slippery Slope

Wed, Jun 25, 2014, 12:23 am

Guess which country does the most good for the planet?

“To cut a long story short, I discovered the thing people most admired is the perception that a country is good. That turned out to be much more important than the perception they’re rich or beautiful or powerful or modern or anything like that. So then I wanted to know which countries are perceived to contribute the most to humanity — and which countries actually are good.”  Simon Anholt, winner of the tenth annual Nobels Colloquia Prize for Leadership in Economics and Management

The results

Tip Johnson

Bellingham set to join the NSA?

Sat, Jun 21, 2014, 9:38 pm

Over at Whatcom Hawk, Wendy Harris highlights the following development:

The city is gearing up to buy NSA-like software - and ballistic plates to augment their flak jackets.  Maybe they are expecting trouble?

Wendy says, "Domestic terrorist concerns are being increasingly redefined to justify spying on local nonviolent activists."

From the literature:

The software sought "...provides access to massive amounts of commercial data not previously available to (police).

"It is the first incident intelligence tool to provide (911 switchboards) and first responders access to billions of commercial data records such as vehicle ownership, permits, property records, relatives, purchases, Internet and social media activities."

"Beware provides responders considerably more information about people, places and properties than what may be available to the 911 switchboards or found in local, state and/or federal criminal databases."

Read the agenda docs here and here.

The ballistic armor will stop high caliber rifle rounds.  That's something.

Tip Johnson


Wink and a Nod

Sat, Jun 21, 2014, 12:11 pm

Trader sues over skimpy $8.25 million bonus

Deeb Salem wrote about "a short squeeze involving derivatives linked to subprime home loans in 2007."

His comments became featured in a  Senate investigation of Goldman Sachs reaping massive profits by betting against the mortgage market as the housing sector tanked in 2006 and 2007.

"You just don't talk about such things in your job evaluations at Goldman."  Salem says his pay was docked as punishment for his comments. Yep, forgot to shut up, wink and nod.

Meanwhile, there is new data out on income inequality in the US.

Source of graphic

Robert Reich: Even business leaders realize income inequality is crippling the economy

Money talks.  Government listens.

Sat, Jun 21, 2014, 1:04 am

Public input missing from White House meetings on rail safety rules

If elections matter so much, why don't we allow campaign contributions only from registered voters?

We have long known that using atmosphere to combust carbon was stupid.  Now we know it is murderous, or genocidal.  Ask atoll nations.

Will we continue carbon subsidies at the expense of solar and wind?  Will we tax, credit and trade carbon credits and create another market casino?  Only carbon subsidies make carbon consumption viable. Let's move on.



Post-Crash Economics

Thu, Jun 19, 2014, 9:07 pm

Post-Crash Economics

Robert Skidelsky is a Professor Emeritus of Political Economy at Warwick University, a fellow of the British Academy in history and economics and a member of the British House of Lords.

He and others are redefining how we will think about economics - I hope.

According to an article by him in Project Syndicate, "Less noticed, because less obviously political, are today’s intellectual rumblings, of which French economist Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century, a withering indictment of growing inequality, is the latest manifestation."

"The deeper message is that mainstream economics is in fact an ideology – the ideology of the free market."

The links should keep thinking folk going for months.

Tip Johnson

Corporations Ain’t Gonna Do It

Thu, Jun 19, 2014, 7:59 pm

Here's what corporations and environmental regulators are up to: Wrecking the effin' food chain of the Salish Sea.  Excuse me, we live here and herring feed the salmon, so let's restore the herring populations before permitting more pollution at Cherry Point (and elsewhere).

Look what others are doing:  Several Nations Announce Massive Marine Reserves in the Pacific.

Here's what we are doing.  It's really up to us, not the permit writers or their destructor masters. Will we allow complete destruction?  It's not in our best interests!

Like us on facebook.  And then get busy.

You can get started here.

Tip Johnson

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Sins of Omission

Fri, Jun 27, 2014, 9:01 pm  //  Guest writer

In the Weekly, Tim Johnson left out three words in quoting Craig Cole - and his story misleads readers. Guest article by Sandy Robson.

1 comments; last on Jun 28, 2014

DOJ Grant Brings Confusion and Anger to City Council Meeting

Tue, Jun 24, 2014, 10:24 am  //  Dick Conoboy

The Bellingham Police Department wants to purchase "threat assessment" software with federal monies. Citizen comments were vehement and negative. City Council confused.

4 comments; last on Jun 25, 2014

Silvery Moon In Historic Fairhaven

Fine Jewelry from Northwest Artists

Widespread Slaughter Won’t Work

Tue, Jun 17, 2014, 10:18 pm  //  Tip Johnson

Wherein the failings of a bad policy framework are revealed

1 comments; last on Jun 19, 2014

Fireworks Ban in Bellingham in Effect as of 18 June

Tue, Jun 17, 2014, 7:53 am  //  Dick Conoboy

The possession and use of consumer fireworks are no longer permitted within the city limits.

1 comments; last on Jun 19, 2014

Herald and Weekly Withhold the News

Wed, Jun 11, 2014, 11:39 am  //  John Servais

Wyoming Senators and coal honchos were in Whatcom County June 10 - to hold a news conference with select reporters.

7 comments; last on Jun 20, 2014

Dawn Sturwold Retiring End of Month

Tue, Jun 10, 2014, 11:20 am  //  John Servais

Bellingham Hearing Examiner, Dawn Sturwold, retires in three weeks. Successor selection is hidden from all of us.

3 comments; last on Jun 11, 2014

Stay the Frack Out of Our Forearc Redux

Fri, Jun 06, 2014, 2:07 pm  //  Terry Wechsler

Part 2: Following Ken Oplinger to California, and Home Again

4 comments; last on Jun 19, 2014

The Road to Perdition

Sun, Jun 01, 2014, 12:39 am  //  Guest writer

A Venn diagram where coal, the Endangered Species Act, Republicans, and Wyoming’s Board of Education collide.

2 comments; last on Jun 02, 2014

Feint, Calumny, Solidarity

Wed, May 28, 2014, 3:15 pm  //  Guest writer

A perspective by guest writer Ellen Murphy reflects on the Whatcom Watch and the threatened law suit by Craig Cole.

22 comments; last on Jun 01, 2014

Extracting Profit and Destroying Experience: The Waterfront Plan

Tue, May 27, 2014, 1:23 am  //  Wendy Harris

Why was so little consideration given to the concept of developing the waterfront for eco-tourism?

5 comments; last on Jun 11, 2014

How Park Improvements Generate Heat

Mon, May 26, 2014, 7:51 pm  //  Wendy Harris

City park improvements have implications on the local and global scale.

2 comments; last on May 29, 2014

Montana & Wyoming to WA: Permit Coal Export Terminals… Or Else

Thu, May 22, 2014, 12:10 am  //  Guest writer

Wyoming is ready to try and legally force us to limit our environmental scoping for the Cherry Point coal terminal

4 comments; last on Jun 17, 2014

The Trojan Slaughterhouse and the Scrivener’s Errors

Sun, May 18, 2014, 11:57 pm  //  Wendy Harris

Reckless rezones and far-fetched explanations result in more slaughterhouses and meat packing plants

3 comments; last on May 20, 2014

Who Filed for Charter Review Commission?

Sat, May 17, 2014, 2:34 pm  //  Riley Sweeney

Riley takes a closer look at the Charter Review Commission candidates

2 comments; last on May 21, 2014

Bellingham’s 2013 Water Quality Report: The Facts But Not the Truth

Tue, May 13, 2014, 5:04 pm  //  Wendy Harris

Bellingham's annual water quality report indicates that city hall's propoganda machine is going strong

1 comments; last on May 14, 2014

Stay the Frack Out of Our Forearc

Sun, May 11, 2014, 2:20 pm  //  Terry Wechsler

Part 1: Introduction to the Bellingham Basin’s Potential for Fracking, Earthquakes, and Earthquakes Due to Fracking

3 comments; last on May 14, 2014

Riley scoops Herald - again

Fri, May 09, 2014, 10:02 am  //  John Servais

The Political Junkie for Whatcom County - that would be Riley Sweeney - has Overstreet not running for reelection in the 42nd.

1 comments; last on May 13, 2014

An Imminent Threat

Fri, May 09, 2014, 6:10 am  //  Terry Wechsler

Why Washington must step in and assume lead agency status in Skagit County for the Shell crude by rail proposal.

6 comments; last on Jun 21, 2014

The Whatcom Republicans’ Huge PCO Advantage

Tue, May 06, 2014, 5:52 pm  //  Riley Sweeney

The value of a Precinct Committee Officer . . .

1 comments; last on May 07, 2014

‘Legislative Sausage” or “Slaughter this Ordinance”

Mon, May 05, 2014, 3:34 pm  //  Tip Johnson

Wherein the gyrations of the bid for widespread county slaughter are exposed.

2 comments; last on May 07, 2014

Move To Amend - Persons vs Corporations

Thu, May 01, 2014, 10:21 pm  //  Guest writer

Move to Amend is a national movement to amend the U.S. Constitution and define persons as people and speech as not money.

7 comments; last on Jun 02, 2014

SweenyPolitics:  Fleetwood files against Ericksen

Wed, Apr 30, 2014, 8:20 am  //  John Servais

Riley posted this morning that Seth Fleetwood has decided to challenge Doug Ericksen for state senate in the 42nd District.

1 comments; last on Apr 30, 2014

Planning or Development Commission?

Mon, Apr 28, 2014, 6:28 am  //  Dick Conoboy

Every Bellingham Planning Commission member has ties to development or development-related businesses.

4 comments; last on Apr 30, 2014

“Friends and Neighbors”?

Mon, Apr 21, 2014, 1:59 pm  //  Terry Wechsler

A closer look at Whatcom County's industrial "stewards of the environment."

3 comments; last on Jun 25, 2014

Action Alert for Tonight: Waterfront Wildlife and Habitat Threatened

Mon, Apr 21, 2014, 11:43 am  //  Wendy Harris

The public needs to support city council and request that a waterfront habitat assessment include terrestrial species and habitat connectivity.


Water, Water Everywhere, but ...

Sat, Apr 19, 2014, 2:57 pm  //  Terry Wechsler

or How Not to Plan for Future Generations' Water Needs

11 comments; last on Jun 26, 2014

Charter Review and District Only Voting

Thu, Apr 17, 2014, 10:40 am  //  Riley Sweeney

A simple explanation of the Charter Review and analysis of District only voting


Roosevelt Neighborhood Pleads for Left Turns

Wed, Apr 09, 2014, 9:07 am  //  Riley Sweeney

City pushes for Alabama Street improvements, residents speak out

3 comments; last on Apr 14, 2014


Sun, Apr 06, 2014, 4:29 pm  //  Guest writer

By Christopher Grannis: Wherein despite every effort and expense, citizens cannot make the City follow the law or work for neighborhoods

2 comments; last on Apr 07, 2014

Killer Industrial Jobs or Long-term Job Killers?

Sun, Apr 06, 2014, 12:52 pm  //  Terry Wechsler

Why commenting on the EIS for Comp Plan revisions for Cherry Point means demanding an EIS in the first place.

5 comments; last on Jun 25, 2014

Anatomy of a Development Part XII - Citizens Win Against University Ridge

Wed, Apr 02, 2014, 6:00 am  //  Dick Conoboy

Ambling University Development Group pulls out. University Ridge will not be built.

12 comments; last on Apr 06, 2014

Tell County To Expand Scope of EIS Review for Plants and Animals

Tue, Apr 01, 2014, 1:27 pm  //  Wendy Harris

Please help us protect county wildlife by ensuring that the scope of the EIS review is adequate. A sample scoping letter is included.


Public May Comment On EIS Scoping For County Comp. Plan Until April 7th

Mon, Mar 31, 2014, 2:23 am  //  Wendy Harris

The public has a week to comment on the scope of issues reviewed under the EIS.


My State of the Lake Report for 2014

Fri, Mar 28, 2014, 1:32 am  //  Wendy Harris

On March 26, 2014 the city and county provided their update and assessment on the status of Lake Whatcom. This is mine.

2 comments; last on Apr 01, 2014

County Considers Purchasing Toxic Property

Wed, Mar 19, 2014, 10:32 am  //  Riley Sweeney

Riley digs into the county's plan to buy the county morgue

3 comments; last on Mar 24, 2014

Propaganda Replaces Public Information:  An Analysis of the Lake Whatcom TDML Process

Mon, Mar 17, 2014, 12:52 am  //  Wendy Harris

The public is not provided with a proposed plan or adequate information prior to the annual "state of the lake" meeting

4 comments; last on Mar 18, 2014

Mobile Slaughter

Sat, Mar 15, 2014, 1:11 pm  //  Tip Johnson

Wherein there's a crackdown on growing plants, and plans to let slaughter run free

2 comments; last on Mar 16, 2014

Fukushima Radiation Found In Canada

Fri, Mar 14, 2014, 10:47 am  //  John Servais

Fukushima radiation has been found 20 miles from Whatcom County farmland along the Fraser River in British Columbia.

1 comments; last on Mar 17, 2014

Is ALEC Jr. Coming to Whatcom County or Bellingham Soon?

Wed, Mar 12, 2014, 8:28 am  //  Dick Conoboy

The infamous American Legislative Exchange Council plans to send its spawn to cities and counties throughout the U.S.

1 comments; last on Mar 24, 2014

Rep. Vincent Buys Appears to Break State Fundraising Laws

Tue, Mar 11, 2014, 11:24 am  //  Riley Sweeney

Riley catches State Rep. Vincent Buys for soliciting funds during session


County Hires GPT Permit Lead as Senior Planner

Mon, Mar 10, 2014, 10:51 am  //  Riley Sweeney

Riley digs into an unusual hiring decision at the County Planning Dept

1 comments; last on Mar 10, 2014

Whatcom Watch Editor Resigns

Sun, Mar 02, 2014, 3:22 pm  //  John Servais

The editor of the Whatcom Watch, Richard Jehn, has resigned effective today. Chalk up a victory for Craig Cole and Pacific International Terminals.

8 comments; last on Mar 05, 2014

Relevant Documents to Libel Threat

Tue, Feb 25, 2014, 9:29 pm  //  John Servais

The full text of Craig Cole's threatening letter of libel against the Whatcom Watch. And the emptiness of the threat.

16 comments; last on Mar 20, 2014

Action Alert for Tonight: Waterfront Wildlife and Habitat Not Being Protected as Promised

Mon, Feb 24, 2014, 4:33 pm  //  Wendy Harris

We were led to believe the city would review waterfront wildlife and habitat connectivity. It turns out that the city intends to focus only on nearshore fish.


Wendy Harris on Citizen Journalism

Sat, Feb 22, 2014, 1:16 am  //  Wendy Harris

Accepting the Paul deArmond award of citizen journalism on Feb 7, Wendh Harris gave this speech. We think it deserves its own post.


Craig Cole Threatens Libel Suit

Wed, Feb 19, 2014, 5:48 pm  //  John Servais

Craig Cole, the local contact for the proposed Cherry Point coal port has threatened the Whatcom Watch with a libel lawsuit.

6 comments; last on Mar 20, 2014

Do Changing Liquor and Marijuana Laws Affect DUIs

Mon, Feb 17, 2014, 8:26 am  //  Riley Sweeney

Riley digs through court data and discovers the real impact of privatization and legalization


Bellingham Seeks “Flexibility” To Sell Wholesale Rural Sewer Services

Sun, Feb 09, 2014, 10:35 pm  //  Wendy Harris

The mayor wants to amend a city law to increase flexibility for a GMA provision that should be used rarely, if ever at all.

3 comments; last on Feb 11, 2014

The Hidden Costs of Costco

Sun, Feb 09, 2014, 3:36 pm  //  Wendy Harris

Costco imposes indirect costs on our community that are as real and tangible as road construction expenses.

1 comments; last on Feb 13, 2014

Reid Boiler Works Burns Down

Sun, Feb 09, 2014, 10:13 am  //  John Servais

The old empty Reid Boiler Works industrial building in Fairhaven burned to the ground Saturday night.


Panem et Circenses - Why I Did Not Watch “The Super Bowl”

Mon, Feb 03, 2014, 6:30 am  //  Dick Conoboy

Professional and even college sports have morphed into a circus of corporate greed and the fleecing of the public.

3 comments; last on Mar 01, 2014

Have You Exceeded Your Right To Information?

Sat, Feb 01, 2014, 1:35 am  //  Wendy Harris

Filing a public record request could land a citizen in jail under a proposal reflected in a Herald opinion article.

2 comments; last on Feb 03, 2014

Wendy Harris Receives deArmond Award for Citizen Journalism

Wed, Jan 29, 2014, 7:18 am  //  Guest writer

Tim Johnson writes about the first recipient of the Paul deArmond Citizen Journalism award, Whatcom County writer Wendy Harris.

3 comments; last on Feb 08, 2014

Anatomy of a Development Part XI - The Doldrums at University Ridge

Mon, Jan 20, 2014, 6:14 am  //  Dick Conoboy

The developers of University Ridge have been silent since shortly after the hearing examiner's decision on 23 October last year. Will they walk?


The Marijuana Bowl

Sun, Jan 19, 2014, 9:39 pm  //  John Servais

Super Bowl ... Weed Bowl ... This bud's for you ... Bong Bowl ... Marijuana Bowl ... whatever. It is on!

1 comments; last on Jan 20, 2014

Port’s Alternative Marina Analysis a Scam

Tue, Jan 14, 2014, 3:19 pm  //  Guest writer

Do we actually need to say that we, as citizens, want accurate information from government officials?

1 comments; last on Jan 14, 2014

City too Poor for Power Pennies or Discrimination?

Fri, Dec 27, 2013, 5:00 am  //  Guest writer

Guest writer Barbara Perry writes about Bellingham Parks refusal to allow motorized wheel chairs to recharge at public electrical outlets.

6 comments; last on Jan 03, 2014

Port Memo Addresses Marina Fraud Allegations

Fri, Dec 20, 2013, 4:56 pm  //  Wendy Harris

A Port of Bellingham internal memo tries, but fails, to justify changes in cost estimates for alternative marina sites.

5 comments; last on Dec 22, 2013

Lummi Influence Over the Waterfront Planning Process Continues to Grow

Tue, Dec 17, 2013, 1:21 am  //  Wendy Harris

Army Corps advised DOE that it will not issue a waterfront permit without Lummi approval

2 comments; last on Jan 13, 2014

Gary Jensen Not Running for State Senate

Mon, Dec 16, 2013, 1:30 pm  //  John Servais

Ferndale Mayor Gary Jensen has decided not to file for the 42nd state Senate seat currently held by Doug Ericksen.

5 comments; last on Dec 24, 2013


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