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Friday Feb 21, 2014

MSNBC Live: Putin's $50 Billion Bust listed in Media Appearances

In which I go Red Dawn on Vladimir Putin

Friday Feb 14, 2014

MSNBC Live: No, Washington Is Not Broken listed in Media Appearances

My latest attempt to convince the world that stuff can and does get done in Washington.

Friday Feb 7, 2014

MSNBC Live: F'in The EU listed in Media Appearances

In which I discuss the merits of diplomatic profanity.

Friday Jan 3, 2014

MSNBC's Thomas Roberts: Can de Blasio Change NYC? listed in Media Appearances

In which I brave the New York City snowstorm to discuss the new mayor's shoveling technique

Friday Dec 13, 2013

MSNBC's Thomas Roberts: Boehner The Genius listed in Media

In which I speak the inconvenient truth about the House Speaker.

Wednesday Nov 27, 2013

MSNBC's Thomas Roberts: Supreme Court and Contraception listed in Media

On MSNBC's Thomas Roberts, I break down the latest Supreme Court developments regarding reproductive freedom.

Friday Nov 15, 2013

MSNBC's Thomas Roberts: The Grandfather Clause listed in Media Appearances

Today on MSNBC, I joined ThinkProgress' Igor Volsky and Voto Latino's Maria Teresa Kumar to discuss President Obama's move to tweak the grandfather clause in the Affordable Care Act.

Wednesday Oct 23, 2013

The DMZ: Dirty Laundry Edition listed in

On this week's edition of "The DMZ" on, Matt Lewis and me celebrate the end of the shutdown. Watch it below.

Thursday Oct 17, 2013

The DMZ: Open For Business listed in

On this week's edition of "The DMZ" on, Matt Lewis and me celebrate the end of the shutdown. Watch it below.

Friday Oct 11, 2013

CBC's Power & Politics: Debt Limit Debate listed in Media Appearances

On CBC's Power & Politics, I debate Heritage Foundation's Cameron Seward about the debt limit showdown. Video starts at 01:46:00 mark.