
Historic Significance: May 9th 1944 Soviet army retook Sevastopol chasing out Nazi forces
May 9th is particularly important for the people of Sevastopol, Crimea. On that day in 194...
published: 09 May 2014
Historic Significance: May 9th 1944 Soviet army retook Sevastopol chasing out Nazi forces
Historic Significance: May 9th 1944 Soviet army retook Sevastopol chasing out Nazi forces
May 9th is particularly important for the people of Sevastopol, Crimea. On that day in 1944 the Soviet army recaptured the city from the Germans. Sevastopol saw some of the fiercest fighting of the war -- with thousands of Soviet soldiers losing their lives. RT's Thabang Motesi and Neil Harvey have more. RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com Follow us on Instagram http://instagram.com/rt Follow us on Google+ http://plus.google.com/+RT RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.- published: 09 May 2014
- views: 301

Surviving D-Day Omaha Beach 1944 (720P)
Omaha Beach | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omaha_Beach
Omaha B...
published: 29 Sep 2013
Surviving D-Day Omaha Beach 1944 (720P)
Surviving D-Day Omaha Beach 1944 (720P)
Omaha Beach | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omaha_Beach Omaha Beach is the code name for one of the five sectors of the Allied invasion of German-occupied France in the Normandy landings on 6 June 1944, during World War II. The beach is located on the coast of Normandy, France, facing the English Channel, and is 5 miles (8 km) long, from east of Sainte-Honorine-des-Pertes to west of Vierville-sur-Mer on the right bank of the Douve River estuary. Landings here were necessary in order to link up the British landings to the east at Gold Beach with the American landing to the west at Utah Beach, thus providing a continuous lodgement on the Normandy coast of the Bay of the Seine. Taking Omaha was to be the responsibility of United States Army troops, with sea transport and naval artillery support provided by the U.S. Navy and elements of the British Royal Navy. On D-Day, the untested 29th Infantry Division, joined by the veteran 1st Infantry Division and nine companies of U.S. Army Rangers redirected from Pointe du Hoc, were to assault the western half of the beach. The battle-hardened 1st Infantry Division was given the eastern half. The initial assault waves, consisting of tanks, infantry, and combat engineer forces, were carefully planned to reduce the coastal defenses and allow the larger ships of the follow-up waves to land. The primary objective at Omaha was to secure a beachhead of some five miles (eight kilometres) depth, between Port-en-Bessin and the Vire River, linking with the British landings at Gold Beach to the east, and reaching the area of Isigny to the west to link up with VII Corps landing at Utah Beach. Opposing the landings was the German 352nd Infantry Division, a large portion of whom were teenagers, though they were supplemented by veterans who had fought on the Eastern Front. The 352nd had never had any battalion or regimental training. Of the 12,020 men of the division, only 6,800 were experienced combat troops, detailed to defend a 53-kilometre-long (33-mile) front. The Germans were largely deployed in strongpoints along the coast—the German strategy was based on defeating any seaborne assault at the water line. Nevertheless, Allied calculations indicated that Omaha's defenses were three times as strong as those they had encountered during the Battle of Kwajalein, and its defenders were four times as many. Very little went as planned during the landing at Omaha Beach. Difficulties in navigation caused the majority of landing craft to miss their targets throughout the day. The defenses were unexpectedly strong, and inflicted heavy casualties on landing US troops. Under heavy fire, the engineers struggled to clear the beach obstacles; later landings bunched up around the few channels that were cleared. Weakened by the casualties taken just in landing, the surviving assault troops could not clear the heavily defended exits off the beach. This caused further problems and consequent delays for later landings. Small penetrations were eventually achieved by groups of survivors making improvised assaults, scaling the bluffs between the most heavily defended points. By the end of the day, two small isolated footholds had been won, which were subsequently exploited against weaker defenses further inland, thus achieving the original D-Day objectives over the following days.- published: 29 Sep 2013
- views: 131

Ross Sisters - A Crazy Dance Video From 1944 (Watch After 1:00)
Ross Sisters - A Crazy Dance Video From 1944 (Watch After 1:00) - Ross Sisters Dance, craz...
published: 02 Jan 2014
Ross Sisters - A Crazy Dance Video From 1944 (Watch After 1:00)
Ross Sisters - A Crazy Dance Video From 1944 (Watch After 1:00)
Ross Sisters - A Crazy Dance Video From 1944 (Watch After 1:00) - Ross Sisters Dance, crazy dance videos youtube, you tube crazy videos, you tube dancing crazy, youtube crazy hamster dance, amazing and crazy videos youtube, crazy youtube videos 2014, crazy cat videos youtube, videos do crazy dance, crazy youtube videos 2014 MORE AMAZING VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/user/VitaminLTV Crazy Dancing WHAAAATTT - YouTube Uploaded by Chelsey Kokoski Alert icon. You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. ... CRAZY DANCER AT BABS PT 2 NOV 20 2010 ... Crazy Brake Dance - YouTube one of the best brake dance ever. watch this shit. ... You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video ... DEM CRAZY DANCE VIDEO pt. 1 - See how one SELECTOR FABULOUS fans shows off her SEXY DANCE skills to "DEM CRAZY"... If you ... Crazy FROG Dance on Talent show. Must SEE YouTube home. Sign in ... You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. Download it from Adobe. Crazy ... The Crazy Things We Do Official Music Video (Dancing ... These fellas are me drinkin' buddies. But they ladies say I look a bit more handsome than the lot of 'em. CRAZY DANCING GUY - You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. ... CRAZY DANCING GUY ... Check out Fail ... The Crazy Dancing Video - first Liberal Arts and Meta University. Winner of the 2012 Apeejay Student ... ScarredUncle Luke Crazy Dance Video Some videos from you tube that I found Funny!! Song is Scarred(Hydrolics) by Uncle Luke! three girls dancing crazy. ... This video is unavailable. Alert icon. You need Adobe Flash Player to watch ... Chris Koo - Crazy In Love Dance Cover YouTube home. Sign in ... You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. Download it from Adobe. Chris ...- published: 02 Jan 2014
- views: 2713

1944. Битва за Крым (2014) Документальный фильм
Название: 1944. Битва за Крым
Оригинальное название: 1944. Битва за Крым
Год выхода: 2014
published: 08 Apr 2014
1944. Битва за Крым (2014) Документальный фильм
1944. Битва за Крым (2014) Документальный фильм
Название: 1944. Битва за Крым Оригинальное название: 1944. Битва за Крым Год выхода: 2014 Жанр: Документальный Режиссер: Роман Сафронов 26 декабря 1943 года. Крым. Группировка фашистского вермахта только что отметила Рождество и на Новый год запаслась деликатесами со всей Европы. Попировать им не удастся. Морские десанты Красной Армии молниеносным ударом отбивают Керчь и Феодосию. Но что дальше? Дороги раскисли, подвоз снарядов невозможен. Образуется самый необычный фронт Великой Отечественной - протяженностью всего 16 километров, где сконцентрированы шестьсот тысяч человек и десять тысяч орудий. Другие интересные фильмы на канале: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4wCOXDNedFP3UGT8FT5CPgGHgf32A9YS- published: 08 Apr 2014
- views: 3420

Die Deutsche Wochenschau (1944)
Captured German War Film National Archives and Records Administration DIE DEUTSCHE WOCHENS...
published: 11 Sep 2010
author: nuclearvault
Die Deutsche Wochenschau (1944)
Die Deutsche Wochenschau (1944)
Captured German War Film National Archives and Records Administration DIE DEUTSCHE WOCHENSCHAU, NO. 699 War Department. Military Intelligence Division. (08/2...- published: 11 Sep 2010
- views: 173223
- author: nuclearvault

Поединок (1944) Полная версия
Создание сайтов http://rossiysky.ru/services/sites/ *** ***************************......
published: 02 Jun 2013
author: RVisionGorky
Поединок (1944) Полная версия
Поединок (1944) Полная версия
Создание сайтов http://rossiysky.ru/services/sites/ *** ***************************...- published: 02 Jun 2013
- views: 748
- author: RVisionGorky

Ист. Хроники: 1944 - Маршал Рокоссовский
Исторические Хроники с Николаем Сванидзе....
published: 28 Aug 2011
author: TheComradeRussia
Ист. Хроники: 1944 - Маршал Рокоссовский
Ист. Хроники: 1944 - Маршал Рокоссовский
Исторические Хроники с Николаем Сванидзе.- published: 28 Aug 2011
- views: 51614
- author: TheComradeRussia

Освобождение Севастополя: о событиях мая 1944-го рассказывает их участник
День освобождения Севастополя от нацистских захватчиков много значит для тех, кто был учас...
published: 09 May 2014
Освобождение Севастополя: о событиях мая 1944-го рассказывает их участник
Освобождение Севастополя: о событиях мая 1944-го рассказывает их участник
День освобождения Севастополя от нацистских захватчиков много значит для тех, кто был участником кровопролитных сражений. Корреспондент RT Нил Харви встретился с ветераном, который говорит, что никогда не забудет те страшные времена. Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=rtrussian RT на русском - http://russian.rt.com/ Vkontakte - http://vk.com/rt_russian Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/RTRussian Twitter - http://twitter.com/RT_russian Livejournal - http://rt-russian.livejournal.com/- published: 09 May 2014
- views: 301

Débarquement de Normandie - 6 juin 1944 : Documentaire COMPLET
Documentaire sur le débarquement de Normandie du 6 juin 44. Il est difficile d'imaginer lo...
published: 31 May 2013
author: imineo 2nd Guerre Mondiale
Débarquement de Normandie - 6 juin 1944 : Documentaire COMPLET
Débarquement de Normandie - 6 juin 1944 : Documentaire COMPLET
Documentaire sur le débarquement de Normandie du 6 juin 44. Il est difficile d'imaginer lorsqu'on les contemple, que ces paisibles plages de Normandie ont ét...- published: 31 May 2013
- views: 9373
- author: imineo 2nd Guerre Mondiale

Les archives couleurs le 6 juin 1944 (1)
Des images inédites et en couleurs qui retracent tous les évènements relatifs au 6 juin 19...
published: 24 Aug 2011
author: Benjamin Boom
Les archives couleurs le 6 juin 1944 (1)
Les archives couleurs le 6 juin 1944 (1)
Des images inédites et en couleurs qui retracent tous les évènements relatifs au 6 juin 1944 ; des plans secrets à la préparation militaire à la fois massive...- published: 24 Aug 2011
- views: 45939
- author: Benjamin Boom

Zweiter Weltkrieg - Vormarsch der Alliierten 1944
Zweiter Weltkrieg - Vormarsch der Alliierten 1944
Der Vormarsch der Wehrmacht kommt im vi...
published: 30 Aug 2013
Zweiter Weltkrieg - Vormarsch der Alliierten 1944
Zweiter Weltkrieg - Vormarsch der Alliierten 1944
Zweiter Weltkrieg - Vormarsch der Alliierten 1944 Der Vormarsch der Wehrmacht kommt im vierten Kriegsjahr zum Erliegen. Leningrad und Moskau sind für die Deutschen nicht mehr zu erreichen. Der sowjetische Widerstand ist nicht zu brechen und eine Niederlage ist auch hier abzusehen. An allen Fronten ist die Wehrmacht in der Defensive. Grossbritannien und die USA beliefern die UdssR auf dem Seeweg mit Kriegsmaterial und Nahrungsmitteln - und die Rote Armee wird immer stärker. Das deutsche Afrika Korps muss sich nach einer britischen Grossoffensive unter Feldmarschall Montgomery zurückziehen - gegen Hitlers ausdrücklichen Befehl. Amerikanische Truppen landen in Nordafrika, und nachdem die dort stationierten französischen Soldaten zu ihnen übergelaufen sind, vertreiben die Alliierten die Deutschen von afrikanischem Boden. Daraufhin rückt die Wehrmacht auch im unbesetzten Teil Frankreichs ein, wo die letzten Reste der französischen Kriegsmarine sich im Hafen von Toulon selbst versenken. Nachdem Churchill und Roosevelt sich auf das Ziel einer bedingungslosen deutschen Kapitulation verständigen, beschliesst Stalin, den Kampf um Stalingrad zu seinen Gunsten zu beenden. Die deutsche 6. Armee unter General Paulus wird eingekesselt, vernichtend geschlagen und weitgehend gefangen genommen. Die Panzerschlacht bei Kursk endet mit einer Katastrophe für die Wehrmacht. Die USA landen zusammen mit den Briten auf Sizilien und rücken nach Süditalien vor. Der Rest des bisher verbündeten Landes wird nun von Deutschen besetzt, der "Duce", Benito Mussolini wird abgesetzt, interniert und von deutschen Fallschirmjägern wieder befreit. Hitler muss jetzt die "Festung Europa" verteidigen. Diese Dokumentation zeigt, wie sich das Blatt zugunsten von Hitlers Gegnern wendet und die einst unbesiegbare Wehrmacht eine Niederlage nach der anderen hinnehmen muss.- published: 30 Aug 2013
- views: 22

1944-01-20 - Video - DWS 698 - Abwehr eines US Bomberangriffes am 11. 01. 1944
Ausschnitt aus der Deutschen Wochenschau Nr. 698 vom 20. Januar 1944: Flak- und Jäger-Abwe...
published: 16 Jun 2013
author: 1DeutschesLand
1944-01-20 - Video - DWS 698 - Abwehr eines US Bomberangriffes am 11. 01. 1944
1944-01-20 - Video - DWS 698 - Abwehr eines US Bomberangriffes am 11. 01. 1944
Ausschnitt aus der Deutschen Wochenschau Nr. 698 vom 20. Januar 1944: Flak- und Jäger-Abwehr eines US-amerikanischen Bombenangriffes am 11. Januar 1944. Chro...- published: 16 Jun 2013
- views: 73
- author: 1DeutschesLand

Немецкие снайперы / Scharfschutze (1944)
Год выпуска: 1944 Страна: Германия Жанр: Документальный Продолжительность: 01:08:35 Перево...
published: 16 Feb 2011
Немецкие снайперы / Scharfschutze (1944)
Немецкие снайперы / Scharfschutze (1944)
Год выпуска: 1944 Страна: Германия Жанр: Документальный Продолжительность: 01:08:35 Перевод: Профессиональный (одноголосый) Режиссер: Учебный фильм командова...- published: 16 Feb 2011
- views: 264969
- author: UPRAVLENIE
Youtube results:

German WW2 Newsreels: JG 26, Rommel, Night Fighters, Panzers & more - 1944
During World War 2 German combat cameramen were celebrities for a good reason. These clips...
published: 26 Apr 2013
author: ZenosWarbirds
German WW2 Newsreels: JG 26, Rommel, Night Fighters, Panzers & more - 1944
German WW2 Newsreels: JG 26, Rommel, Night Fighters, Panzers & more - 1944
During World War 2 German combat cameramen were celebrities for a good reason. These clips are from the "Die Deutsche Wochenshau" newsreel series. Of course,...- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 2186
- author: ZenosWarbirds

Oscar® Winners in 1944
Newsreel highlights from the 16th Academy Awards in 1944 including Jennifer Jones (Best Ac...
published: 09 May 2014
Oscar® Winners in 1944
Oscar® Winners in 1944
Newsreel highlights from the 16th Academy Awards in 1944 including Jennifer Jones (Best Actress, "The Song of Bernadette"), Paul Lukas (Best Actor, "Watch on the Rhine"), Katina Paxinou (Supporting Actress, "For Whom the Bell Tolls"), Charles Coburn (Supporting Actor, "The More the Merrier") and producer Jack Warner (Best Picture, "Casablanca").- published: 09 May 2014
- views: 43

Iron Front Liberation 1944 D-Day Movie - The Landing HD
Software: Iron Front Liberation 1944 D-Day DLC (Editor) Fraps Magix Video Deluxe Company o...
published: 29 Dec 2012
author: CryTeK090
Iron Front Liberation 1944 D-Day Movie - The Landing HD
Iron Front Liberation 1944 D-Day Movie - The Landing HD
Software: Iron Front Liberation 1944 D-Day DLC (Editor) Fraps Magix Video Deluxe Company of Heros Music: Medal of Honor Casualties of War Medal of Honor Dogs...- published: 29 Dec 2012
- views: 17643
- author: CryTeK090

Battle for Warsaw - Warsaw Uprising 1944
The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 was the greatest and bloodiest military operation undertaken b...
published: 06 Nov 2013
Battle for Warsaw - Warsaw Uprising 1944
Battle for Warsaw - Warsaw Uprising 1944
The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 was the greatest and bloodiest military operation undertaken by any resistance movement in the Second World War. There were two uprisings in Warsaw and they are often confused. The first was the largest Jewish uprising of the war. In the spring of 1943 hundreds of Jewish fighters ferociously fought the German army in a desperate attempt to stop the final deportation of the remaining 60,000 Polish Jews from the Warsaw ghetto to the extermination camps. The second uprising - and the subject of this programme - mobilised thousands of Polish freedom fighters against the Nazis to liberate their capital city in the summer of 1944. The battle lasted two months and the Germans were soon saying they had seen nothing like it since Stalingrad. But at Stalingrad the Germans had faced a professional army with air support. In Warsaw they were confronted by an underground army -- the Armia Krajowa - some 40,000 irregular volunteers led by a handful of professional soldiers, supported by children and civilians. Himmler called it the hardest battle he ever fought. It has also been described as the single largest atrocity of the war. At its end, around 200,000 men, women and children of Warsaw were dead and more than 80% of the city was destroyed. The Poles had resisted from the start of German occupation. A vast network of clandestine organisations soon sprung up along with an underground army whose activities ranged from sabotage to intelligence (the Polish contribution to allied intelligence gathering was massive). These liaised with the Polish government exiled in London. In the summer of 1944 the tide of war turned and the Germans were in retreat on all fronts. The Soviet Red Army advanced into Poland and was fast approaching the outskirts of Warsaw. They called on the Poles to rise. The Germans ordered all males in Warsaw between the ages of 16 and 60 to report to build defences. The time seemed ripe for the Poles to act and the Polish underground army command gave the order for the uprising to begin at 17.00 on the first of August 1944. 'Battle for Warsaw' traces the fateful 63 days when, abandoned by their allies, the Poles fought on alone- published: 06 Nov 2013
- views: 11