The Wayback Machine -
Doctor Who - The Silurians - Monster Files
Welcome to the Silurian
Primeval Creatures - Silurian Scorpion
Silurian Prosthetics Demonstration - Doctor Who Experience - Wed 24th August 2011
The Silurian Period in NYS
Colour Silurian Overlay: How they Restored Doctor Who and the Silurians
Professor Saputello's Prehistoric Life-T.R. Hart - The Silurian Sea
Doctor who and the silurians clip 1
The Ordovician-Silurian Extinction Event
Primeval Creatures - Silurian Scorpion
Late Ordovician Mass Extinction (Ordovician - Silurian)


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Doctor Who - The Silurians - Monster Files
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:15
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Doctor Who - The Silurians - Monster Files

Doctor Who - The Silurians - Monster Files. Who - The Silurians - Monster Files
Welcome to the Silurian
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:26
  • Updated: 05 Oct 2013

Welcome to the Silurian

The Silurian, the shortest period of the Paleozoic, was still very important. The basic information regarding this period is here.
  • published: 05 Oct 2013
  • views: 16 to the Silurian
Primeval Creatures - Silurian Scorpion
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:01
  • Updated: 27 Jul 2013

Primeval Creatures - Silurian Scorpion

Show: Primeval/Series 2/Episode 5 Music: Primeval Official Soundtrack - Silurian Scorpion I don't own anything, all rights belong to their owners.
  • published: 16 Nov 2011
  • views: 5700
  • author: Eszterella Creatures - Silurian Scorpion
Silurian Prosthetics Demonstration - Doctor Who Experience - Wed 24th August 2011
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:12
  • Updated: 26 Jul 2013

Silurian Prosthetics Demonstration - Doctor Who Experience - Wed 24th August 2011

Doctor Who script editor, Gary Russell was transformed into a Silurian during a 2 hour live prosthetics demonstration by the Millennium FX team, eagerly watc... Prosthetics Demonstration - Doctor Who Experience - Wed 24th August 2011
The Silurian Period in NYS
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:27
  • Updated: 30 Jul 2013

The Silurian Period in NYS

This is a video made by a student of mine for an Earth Science presentation of the Silurian Period. Fantastic job Brynna!!
  • published: 10 Apr 2010
  • views: 3608
  • author: ssgrf Silurian Period in NYS
Colour Silurian Overlay: How they Restored Doctor Who and the Silurians
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:43
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013

Colour Silurian Overlay: How they Restored Doctor Who and the Silurians

This is Documentary I found on a Doctor Who DVD which showes us how the BBC were able to restore Black and white film copies of the Jon Pertwee years back to...
  • published: 24 Jul 2009
  • views: 12487
  • author: Thomas Rice Silurian Overlay: How they Restored Doctor Who and the Silurians
Professor Saputello's Prehistoric Life-T.R. Hart - The Silurian Sea
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:35
  • Updated: 26 Jan 2013

Professor Saputello's Prehistoric Life-T.R. Hart - The Silurian Sea

E cartoon - the Robot gives Professor Baffi a brief description of animals that lived in the seas of the Silurian Period.
  • published: 30 Jan 2009
  • views: 7050
  • author: T.R. Hart Saputello's Prehistoric Life-T.R. Hart - The Silurian Sea
Doctor who and the silurians clip 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:37
  • Updated: 22 Jun 2013

Doctor who and the silurians clip 1

A clip of the episode doctor who and the Silurians in which the doctor has reasoned with the leader, a silurian questions the leaders fitness to lead, and th... who and the silurians clip 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:34
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013


Silurian is a song about the Silurian geological period. As with my (John's) other geological timeline songs, this one was designed as a musical mnemonic to ...
The Ordovician-Silurian Extinction Event
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:25
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2013

The Ordovician-Silurian Extinction Event

This mass extinction, the first of five since the Cambrian Explosion, was the result of a bitter ice age 443 million years ago. Over 80% of species on Earth ... Ordovician-Silurian Extinction Event
Primeval Creatures - Silurian Scorpion
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:42
  • Updated: 01 Jan 2014

Primeval Creatures - Silurian Scorpion

From Episode 2.5 and Episode 2.7.
  • published: 01 Jan 2014
  • views: 31 Creatures - Silurian Scorpion
Late Ordovician Mass Extinction (Ordovician - Silurian)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:53
  • Updated: 18 Jun 2013

Late Ordovician Mass Extinction (Ordovician - Silurian)

Summary of the late Ordovician mass extinction running through the possible causes and some of the consequences on marine organisms.
  • published: 15 Mar 2013
  • views: 480
  • author: mkttaylor Ordovician Mass Extinction (Ordovician - Silurian)
The Silurians and the final solution - Doctor Who - Warriors of the deep - BBC
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:07
  • Updated: 04 Aug 2013

The Silurians and the final solution - Doctor Who - Warriors of the deep - BBC

Deep underwater in Sea Base 4, The Doctor and Tegan are taken prisoner by the Silurians. The Doctor recognises one of them as Icthar, who explains the nature...
  • published: 23 May 2013
  • views: 8975
  • author: doctorwho Silurians and the final solution - Doctor Who - Warriors of the deep - BBC
Fish of the Silurian Period
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:30
  • Updated: 20 Nov 2013

Fish of the Silurian Period

Many of the main groups of fish that we have today first evolved during the Silurian, along with many stranger types.
  • published: 20 Nov 2013
  • views: 6 of the Silurian Period

Doctor Who - The Silurians - Monster Files

Doctor Who - The Silurians - Monster Files.

Doc­tor Who - The Sil­uri­ans - Mon­ster Files
Doc­tor Who - The Sil­uri­ans - Mon­ster Files....
pub­lished: 26 Jul 2011
Wel­come to the Sil­uri­an
The Sil­uri­an, the short­est pe­ri­od of the Pa­le­o­zoic, was still very im­por­tant. The basic in...
pub­lished: 05 Oct 2013
Primeval Crea­tures - Sil­uri­an Scor­pi­on
Show: Primeval/Se­ries 2/Episode 5 Music: Primeval Of­fi­cial Sound­track - Sil­uri­an Scor­pi­on ...
pub­lished: 16 Nov 2011
au­thor: Es­zterel­la
Sil­uri­an Pros­thet­ics Demon­stra­tion - Doc­tor Who Ex­pe­ri­ence - Wed 24th Au­gust 2011
Doc­tor Who script ed­i­tor, Gary Rus­sell was trans­formed into a Sil­uri­an dur­ing a 2 hour liv...
pub­lished: 06 Oct 2011
The Sil­uri­an Pe­ri­od in NYS
This is a video made by a stu­dent of mine for an Earth Sci­ence pre­sen­ta­tion of the Sil­uria...
pub­lished: 10 Apr 2010
au­thor: ssgrf
Colour Sil­uri­an Over­lay: How they Re­stored Doc­tor Who and the Sil­uri­ans
This is Doc­u­men­tary I found on a Doc­tor Who DVD which showes us how the BBC were able to r...
pub­lished: 24 Jul 2009
au­thor: Thomas Rice
Pro­fes­sor Sa­putel­lo's Pre­his­toric Life-T.R. Hart - The Sil­uri­an Sea
E car­toon - the Robot gives Pro­fes­sor Baffi a brief de­scrip­tion of an­i­mals that lived in t...
pub­lished: 30 Jan 2009
au­thor: T.R. Hart
Doc­tor who and the sil­uri­ans clip 1
A clip of the episode doc­tor who and the Sil­uri­ans in which the doc­tor has rea­soned with t...
pub­lished: 13 Jun 2011
Sil­uri­an is a song about the Sil­uri­an ge­o­log­i­cal pe­ri­od. As with my (John's) other ge­olo­gi...
pub­lished: 30 Apr 2012
The Or­dovi­cian-Sil­uri­an Ex­tinc­tion Event
This mass ex­tinc­tion, the first of five since the Cam­bri­an Ex­plo­sion, was the re­sult of a ...
pub­lished: 29 Jul 2013
Primeval Crea­tures - Sil­uri­an Scor­pi­on
From Episode 2.5 and Episode 2.7....
pub­lished: 01 Jan 2014
Late Or­dovi­cian Mass Ex­tinc­tion (Or­dovi­cian - Sil­uri­an)
Sum­ma­ry of the late Or­dovi­cian mass ex­tinc­tion run­ning through the pos­si­ble caus­es and som...
pub­lished: 15 Mar 2013
au­thor: mk­t­tay­lor
The Sil­uri­ans and the final so­lu­tion - Doc­tor Who - War­riors of the deep - BBC
Deep un­der­wa­ter in Sea Base 4, The Doc­tor and Tegan are taken pris­on­er by the Sil­uri­ans. T...
pub­lished: 23 May 2013
au­thor: doc­tor­who
Fish of the Sil­uri­an Pe­ri­od
Many of the main groups of fish that we have today first evolved dur­ing the Sil­uri­an, alon...
pub­lished: 20 Nov 2013
Youtube results:
Sil­uri­an Makeover
Neill Gor­ton of Doc­tor Who mon­ster mak­ers Mil­len­ni­um FX turns Gary Rus­sell into a Sil­uri­an...
pub­lished: 24 Aug 2011
au­thor: SFX
The Sil­uri­an Plague Hits Lon­don - Doc­tor Who - The Sil­uri­ans - BBC
Un­able to reach a peace, the Sil­uri­ans re­lease a dead­ly virus in order to wipe out hu­man­it...
pub­lished: 07 Mar 2013
au­thor: doc­tor­who
Of­faly in the sil­uri­an pe­ri­od
Of­faly Ge­ol­o­gy videos by John Fee­han To com­ple­ment the re­cent pub­li­ca­tion of John Fee­han's...
pub­lished: 05 Jan 2014
Sil­uri­an Bor­der Mor­ris Ceilidh - Oc­to­ber 2011 - Rochdale Co­conut Dance and Miss Mcleods
One of the Sil­uri­an Bor­der Mor­ris­men's "Water Aid Ceilidhs" from Leigh and Brans­ford Villa...
pub­lished: 15 Jan 2014
photo: PIB of India
The  member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, Shri Digvijay Singh in New Delhi
Edit Headlines India
30 Apr 2014
New Delhi, April 30 ... Singh, 67, posted two tweets, acknowledging the relationship with the Rajya Sabha TV anchor. "I have no hesitation in accepting my relationship with Amrita Rai ... Rai separately posted ... ....(size: 1.0Kb)
photo: US DoD / Andy Thaggard
South Florida tornadoes: Could a Joplin-type twister hit here?
Edit The Examiner
01 May 2014
By now, you have probably seen the devastation in the Midwest from the latest tornado outbreak from what has been a hyper-active spring severe weather season. As of this writing, the death toll in Joplin, Missouri stands at 126 souls; making this the single deadliest event since modern record keeping began in 1950 ... These types of tornadoes generally comprise less than 1% of all tornadoes in any given season. This year is different....(size: 5.2Kb)
photo: AP / Gbemiga Olamikan
A car burns following a bomb explosion in Abuja, Nigeria, Thursday, May 1, 2014.
Edit New Straits/Business Times
02 May 2014
ABUJA. The death toll from a car bomb that exploded on a busy road in Nigeria’s capital rose to at least 19 overnight, police said Friday from the city that within days hosts an international conference. The bomb was driven near a checkpoint where traffic built up, located across the road from a busy bus station where a massive explosion on April 14 killed at least 75 people ... Six cars were burned up in the blast, he said ... headquarters ... ....(size: 3.9Kb)

Edit noodls
24 Apr 2014
The Society of Silurians, the nation's oldest press club, has chosen Rosa Goldensohn from the Class of 2014 to receive the Dennis Duggan Prize ... He died eight years ago, just when the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism was launching, and the Silurians established the annual award in his name for a CUNY J-School student....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit noodls
23 Apr 2014
(Source. Thomson Resources Limited). ABN. 82 138 358 728 ASX. TMZ Level 1, 80 Chandos Street, St Leonards, NSW 2065. PO Box 956, Crows Nest, NSW 1585. Tel. +61 2 9906 6225 Fax. +61 2 9906 5233. Web. ... The Havilah Project lies within the Silurian Hill End Trough and is believed to have strong potential for volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits also found in the region such as Lewis Ponds and Sunny Corner ... TMZ....(size: 13.0Kb)
Edit Stockhouse
22 Apr 2014
First Quarter Production and Realized Prices ... Facilities ... As has been previously disclosed, a coiled tubing unit has been moved to Chouech Es Saida to work over the CS-Sil-10 and CS-Sil-1 wells. The program for CS-Sil-10 is to shut the sliding sleeve over the Triassic TAGI sandstone, and test the deeper Silurian Tannezuft zone. On CS-Sil-1, the rig will install a velocity string and open up two deeper Tannezuft intervals....(size: 12.0Kb)
Edit noodls
22 Apr 2014
(Source. Serinus Energy Inc) 22.04.2014  Operational. Serinus Energy Inc. ("Serinus", "SEN" or the "Company") (TSX.SEN, WSE.SEN) is pleased to provide the following update for its first quarter operations. First Quarter Production and Realized Prices ... Note ... Facilities ... The program for CS-Sil-10 is to shut the sliding sleeve over the Triassic TAGI sandstone, and test the deeper Silurian Tannezuft zone....(size: 12.7Kb)
Edit noodls
18 Apr 2014
(Source. Bureau of Land Management - California State Office). U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT NEWS RELEASE ... Contacts ... The public comment period for the proposed Silurian Valley solar project has been extended ... A public comment meeting was held on March 27, 2014, to solicit comments from public agencies and the general public about their concerns and interests on the proposed Silurian Valley solar project. ....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit Business Wire
17 Apr 2014
Income from continuing operations attributable to Schlumberger, excluding charges and credits, was $1.59 billion—a decrease of 11% sequentially but an increase of 23% year-on-year ... Oilfield Services ... In Poland, Drilling & Measurements PowerDrive Archer high build rate rotary steerable system technology was used for BNK Petroleum in the Gapowo B-1 horizontal well to drill over-pressured Lower Silurian and Ordovician shales ... ....(size: 66.2Kb)
Edit Stockhouse
12 Apr 2014
The results of the evaluation builds on the data released by Squatex in it's press release dated November 15, 2013 (filed on   Paul Laroche, Chief Geologist with Squatex provides the following comments.  "The well revealed a reservoir hosted in the Silurian Sayabec Formation and consisting of a 10 meter-thick interval ......(size: 12.0Kb)
Edit Stockhouse
11 Apr 2014
The results of the evaluation builds on the data released by Petrolympic in it's press release dated November 15, 2013 (filed on Paul Laroche, a geologist with Petrolympic provides the following comments. "The well revealed a reservoir hosted in the Silurian Sayabec Formation and consisting of a 10 meter-thick interval of ......(size: 13.1Kb)
Edit New Scientist
01 Apr 2014
(Image. Landsat/USGS/NASA). WHAT a striking display of the greatest powers on Earth. layers of rock, stacked over millions of years, ripped apart by tectonic forces. This satellite image is of the Piqiang fault in north-western China ... Take, for example, the lower green layer, representing the moss blankets that thrived in the Silurian period....(size: 1.7Kb)
Edit noodls
01 Apr 2014
(Source. Bureau of Land Management - California State Office). U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT NEWS RELEASE. California Desert District Office. Contacts. Stephen Razo 951-697-5217; email. ... On Thursday, March 27, 2014, the BLM will conduct a public meeting to solicit comments from public agencies and the general public about their concerns and interests on the proposed Silurian Valley solar project....(size: 2.8Kb)
Edit The Times of India
01 Apr 2014
LONDON. The biggest mass extinction in the history of the world which killed off more than 90 per cent of all living species happened because of an act of microbial sex that caused a suffocating release of methane and carbon dioxide, a study has found ... "This would have made a very traumatic time in the history of life far worse ... "That suggests a microbial expansion ... The Big Five ... * Ordovician-Silurian (443m years ago) ... ....(size: 6.9Kb)
Edit Zap2it
26 Mar 2014
Former "Doctor Who" star Karen Gillan has a horror movie to promote and that took her all the way to Reddit, where she participated in her very first Ask Me Anything session, taking questions from just about anyone who has them. Naturally, a lot of the questions had to do with her time aboard the TARDIS, including that cameo return in "The Time of the Doctor." ... Gillan's movie "Oculus" is in theaters April 11 ... I would be a silurian ... ....(size: 3.3Kb)
Edit noodls
26 Mar 2014
(Source. Independent Resources plc) Independent Resources PLC. 26 March 2014. Independent Resources plc (AIM. IRG). Publication of Competent Person's Report on Ksar Hadada ... Key findings ... 107.9 million BOE ... The primary targets on the Ksar Hadada block are the Ordovician Bir Ben Tartar quartzites and the Silurian Acacus Sandstone, sourced by the basal member of the Silurian Tanezzuft Shale, which is the main source rock for North Africa....(size: 11.0Kb)

The Silurian is a geologic period and system that extends from the end of the Ordovician Period, about 443.7 ± 1.5 million years ago (mya), to the beginning of the Devonian Period, about 416.0 ± 2.8 mya (ICS, 2004). As with other geologic periods, the rock beds that define the period's start and end are well identified, but the exact dates are uncertain by several million years. The base of the Silurian is set at a major extinction event when 60% of marine species were wiped out. See Ordovician-Silurian extinction events.

A significant evolutionary milestone during the Silurian was the appearance of jawed and bony fish. Life also began to appear on land in the form of small, moss-like, vascular plants which grew beside lakes, streams, and coastlines. However, terrestrial life would not greatly diversify and impact the landscape until the Devonian.

The Silurian system was first identified by British geologist Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, who was examining fossil-bearing sedimentary rock strata in south Wales in the early 1830s. He named the sequences for a Celtic tribe of Wales, the Silures, following the convention his friend Adam Sedgwick had established for the Cambrian. In 1835 the two men presented a joint paper, under the title On the Silurian and Cambrian Systems, Exhibiting the Order in which the Older Sedimentary Strata Succeed each other in England and Wales, which was the germ of the modern geological time scale. As it was first identified, the "Silurian" series when traced farther afield quickly came to overlap Sedgwick's "Cambrian" sequence, however, provoking furious disagreements that ended the friendship. Charles Lapworth resolved the conflict by defining a new Ordovician system including the contested beds. An early alternative name for the Silurian was "Gotlandian" after the strata of the Baltic island of Gotland.

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Well I can hardly stand the heightened state I'm in
Barely stay inside of my own skin
Can't believe the life I get to live
Can't conceive the joy I have to give
All because - because of You
Because You made me - made me new
I am not the frightened guy I've been
Barely stay inside of my own skin
Well I can hardly keep the pace and catch my breath
Barely tell my right foot from my left
Got a giant geyser in my heart
Blowin up but hopfully not apart
All because - because of You
Because You made me - chase the Truth
Not the timid guy I've always been
Barely stay inside of my own skin
Well I can see the dawn of brighter bold new days
See my troubles wilt and blow away
See us holdin' hands both black and white
See myself, attempting what is right
All because - because of You
Because You made me - wanna come through
Not the empty promise that I've been
Barely stay inside of my own skin
Jump, jump, jumpin' right out of
Jump, jumpin' out of my skin

We climb, climb 'cause somebody's cryin'
No choice, we trudge toward the voice
Now not a word but we're called to what we heard
Then come a ragin' sound
But we're gaining ground
By pushin' and climbin' and fightin'
Well we made it to the top
When no one thought we would
Reached the highest spot
Prayin' that we could
Now there's bliss that never stops
For just doin' a little good
They thought that we would drop
But we made it to the top
It's so still up here on the hill
No screams, not even in our dreams
What do we do? Can't we be put to use?
If we're the best why must we rest?
'Cause we were made for
Pushin' and climbin' and fightin', that's how
We made it to the top...
One little girl, one little boy
Let me save somebody, bring a little joy
See, I'm not used to letting You do that for me
Then You told me
You said:
"You made it to the top
When no one thought you would
You reached the highest spot
By askin' if you could
And no one has forgot
You did a world of good
The tears sure did drop

I was standing on the shoreline
Fishin' pole gettin' heavy in my hand
As usual catchin' nothin
the story of my life, the story of the man
Then some geezer in a schooner
Said "Son, take a look at the sky
Still time to get out where the fish are
Still time to find the gleam in your eye
You wanna catch a big one, you wanna be a hero?
You'll never get nothin' standin' over there
So strap yourself in and we'll sail away deep
You only reel' em in from the fighting chair"
It felt scary, kinda crazy, like things usually feel to
But it got me thinking I'm standin'
On the shoreline everytime there's somewhere to be
So I jumped up on his schooner
He straps me in, puts the pole in my hand
He said "Twillight is gonna get you head right
You're gonna feel clean, you're gonna make a stand
I felt somethin', somethin'
I started tuggin', tuggin'
Said "Brother, this is it, the only way you beat me is
if I up and quit!"
Well I ain't quit - well, not yet
In my daydreams, I drop my line in
They all swim my laughin' in my face
But I belive if I snag that one big fish
It'll makethe vision go away
We all have one good catch in us, one sweet day, one
perfect moonlight
Gonna sail out into the wind and I'll taste the salt
water on my face tonight
Wanna find love, wanna find home
Lookin' for peace is a hard, hard struggle
Strap yourself in to the fighting chair

Thanks for keepin' track of me
Thanks for givin' a hang about me
Thanks for sayin' that You love me
Thanks, just thanks
Thanks for lettin' me know You care
Thanks for always bein' there
Thanks for making me do my share
Thanks, just thanks
Can't thank You enough
I'm high from You liftin' me up
Thanks for sayin' what You said
Thanks for clearin' out my head
Thanks for givin' me hope instead
Thanks, just thanks
Thanks You left me who I was
Thanks You showed me what a smile does
Thanks You loved me just because
Thanks, just thanks
Thanks for cryin' when I bleed
Thanks for wavin' when I leave
Thanks for bein' what I believe

A puddle for a mirror, admirin' the dress
That is draggin' on the ground, so pleased with how she's
Put herself together: The plastic handbag, the two left
And the floppy hat she found in the garbage
She cleans off the dirt
And for a moment she forgets to hurt
She's the queen for a day
She holds her head high
Her crown is her hope
Her robe is her pride
Her spirit is strong
Today nothing's wrong
She's the queen for a day
Early next mornin' she watches her brother
Go off to school and wonders what it's
Like to water color or read from a book
That is not just pictures, and picture girls
Who never are hungry, have blankets and a bed
And in that picture in her head
With the floppy hat on and faith in her heart

I had an idea that I didn't have
Until You gave it to me
And boy, You gave it to me good
I had a lotta love that I didn't have
Until You gave it to me
Like everybody said You would
And you did
Now it’s my turn to give
Watch the love go ping pong
You to me, me to You, You to me
It goes ping pong
Me to You, You to me, me to You
So sing the song
Joyfully, from Ivory Coast to Zuider Zee
We go ping pong
Me to You, You to me, me to You
I got a big heart that I didn't have
Until You gave it to me
Until You showed me how to care
So many things that I didn't have
Until You gave 'em to me
Until You made me wanna share
Who I am
I knew I could - now I can
There's lots of love to go around

Johnny grabbed his coat and ran
Bridget's left to wonder why
Johnny doesn't understand
Not every moment's "Do or die"
She said: "Sometimes, you just go along
And sometimes you re-write the song
And sometimes you just disagree
But Johnny how can you not see:
"No you - no me
No water - then there's no sea
Without your love - I cease to be
No you - no me"
Johnny lands on foreign shores
Eager to be born anew
Walks into an old book store
And the clerk says: "I've got a tale for you
About a man who sets off for Nepal
To seek the meaning of it all
His teacher said: 'Child, here's the key:
You must bow to God and say faithfully:
No You - no me
No water - then there's no sea
Without Your love - I cease to be
No You - no me' "
Johnny said: "This God, He reminds me of someone
If I were to crave Him - I'd probably crave Him like
Someone I left behind...
Bridget! Have I lost my mind?
Johnny makes the journey home
Prayin' Bridget still may care
Sees thru the window she's alone
When he reaches the door, she's standing there
He said: "I prayed to this God that I met
Who listened awhile, then led me here, n' said
'Tell her what you told me'
Bridge, I had to leave to see:
No you - no me
No water - then there's no sea
Without your love - I cease to be

My thirst for the things of this earth
Isn't quenched by diamonds and pearls
One Man lived the life that I want
He's the One they said ruled the world
Though He only wore a crown of thorns
And He never owned a thing
I wanna live like a king, I wanna live like a king
And my decree it will ring: "Love will rule everything"
I wanna live like a king
This King did the strangest of things
He befriended the sick and the poor
There was no one too wrong, too right
Too black, too white for Him to love
He built no walls, left no unopened doors
Well now I could croon a million other tunes
There's just one I wanna sing:
I don't wanna be Him
Just wanna be like Him
Don't wanna make anyone else be
Anything else they don't wanna be
There’s just such power
Healing power
In every word that He said
In every deed that He did

Saw a movie where a guy
Kills another guy, twice
Don't know if I can forget about it
Saw a guy finish a fight
With a butcher knife, slice
Pretty sure I won't forget about it
Is it OK If I say?:
My heart is not a junkyard
My mind is not a dump for all the gunk around
My spirit's not a junkyard
No, it's Holy Ground
Saw a photo on the net
Can't believe that I've seen
Don't know if I can forget about it
Two kids were playing in some dirt
That will never come clean
Wish to God I could forget about it
No one's safe till we all say:
Wanna keep, keep the temple clean
Gotta keep, keep the temple clean
Tryin' to keep, keep the temple clean
How do I keep the temple clean?
Vicious rumor went around
Wrecked my Uncle John's life

I need to call Your Name
I need to cry in vein
I need to hide in shame
I need to, I need to
I need to know this bliss
I need to not resist
I need to feel like this
I need to, I need to
But I don't need a picture
No I don't need a picture
No I don't need a picture
To see Your face
To see Your face
I must walk just like you
I must talk just like you
I must learn what to do
I need to, I need to
I must try not to fall
I must climb every wall
I must do nothing at all
I need to, I need to
Seems like any moment I'll know what to do
Seems like any time I'll be standing with You
Seems like any moment my chance will be true
Seems like any moment, seems like any moment
I have to dream out loud
And have what You're about
I'll have to empty out
I need to, I need to
I need to scream with the light
And tear path of might
I need to do You right

When my earthly home is torn down
There's a new place that I'll land
I'll be welcomed into the house not made with hands
When the temple my soul dwells in
Returns to dust and sand
I will move into the house not made with hands
In the house, in the house
Ev'ry school child understands
You get to live again
In the house not made with hands
When I was young and bold and reckless
I said: "I'm an invincible man
Who in the world needs a house not made with hands?”
But when you've spun all of the bottles
And kicked all of the cans
It's mighty good to see the house not made with hands
There were days when I gave up hope
Thinkin' I don't stand a chance
Of ever walkin' into the house not made with hands
Though they were times I lost my rhythm
And my feet just wouldn't dance
Now I believe I'll waltz into the house not made with
All the good times I believed that
The whole world watched me dance
They're forgotten in the house not made with hands
So when I've come to the completion
Of all my silly plans
We'll be laughin' in the house not made with hands
In the house, in the house
Ev'ry school child understands
You'll see some long lost friends

My people come from Ireland
The folks are mighty proud
They say being an Irishman
There's a lot shout about
We're braggin' on the Emerald Isle
Like that's colour that's all our own
If we thought about it a little while
Surely we'd have known
There are forty shades of green
Forty shades of green
Well the Irish one may be the one you've seen
But there're forty shades of green
There's green grass in Africa
Verdant are the German hills
How 'bout the colour Uncle Sam
Put on them dollar bills?
And the kiwi fruit in New Zealand is as
Green as it could be
And there's a slice of the Italian flag
That don't look like pizza to me
There are forty shades of green
Forty shades of green
Well the Irish one may be the one you've seen
But there're forty shades of green
There's nothing wrong with Irish pride
Nothing wrong with English pride
Nothing wrong with selfsatisfied
But how about: I'm on your side, I'm on your side
I been to Holland, England, France and Sweet Ontario
Still haven't been to Ireland
But if they'll have, I'll sure go
Well I've seen the green around this world
And everywhere we had a ball
Just goes to show it must be so, that
The same guy made us all
There are forty shades of green
Forty shades of green
Well the Irish one may be the one you've seen
But there're forty shades of green
Blue kinda green, brown kinda green, yellow kinda green
Short kinda green, tall kinda green, narrow kinda green

Everthing good in me, is You
Everything I should be, is You
All the unbridled glee, streaming through
Everything good, is You
All of this hope I have, is You
Where I go whem I'm sad, is You
What You say is automatically true
Everything good is You
Everybody's searching for the truth
We say it isn't clear
Hardly ever near
Barely even here
But here it is
Everything strong in me, is You
All that belongs in me, is You
With wisdom that is old you make me new
Everything good is You
Everybody has to let it out
Say what they really feel
What they can't conceal
Why they need to kneel
Well You are why
Cause everything leaves me cold, but You
Everything makes me old, but You
The only story I've been told that I know is true
Is everything good, everything good
Everything brave in me, is You
Everything saved in me, is You
All the love that comes crashing through

That's my boy - he's wearin' number twelve
It was such a shame, last Tuesday's game
He didn't do so well
On the other team, number nine is his best friend
Well win, lose or draw, I pray they'll be friends in
the end, so
Ev'rybody clap for ev'rybody
Ev'rybody cheer for ev'ryone
Ev'rybody clap for ev'rybody
Yeah, yeah, the game is won
Han Joong Kim - Lateesha Valentine
Different churches, different schools, different eyes
Well they fell in love, and the families had a heart
But what you give in love they say has a way of comin'
back, so
Winston Woods - he votes Democrat
His gal Megan Quinn's Republican
She don't go for that
But one horrible day somethin' happened
That made their differences seem so small
And they said "Love stands a chance if we're all for
one and one for all", so
Clap for Coach Terry, Coach Mark, Miss Gail, Cara and
Evan & Liam & Javier too
Rocky & Kevin & Ryan & Michael,
I betcha Taylor scores at least two
There's Peter & Tim & Grant and don't forget
Edgar, what a shame he moved away!
Hector, Miguel, Jose and Caleb
I love to watch those guys play so

I ran from my house
All the way to Your house
I swear I don't care, sunshine or rain
Nothin' could make me slow down on the way
Nothin' could stop this pull You have on me
You got me doin'
A hundred smiles an hour
A thousand times a day
There's a million volts of Your power
Coursin' through my veins
May it always be like this
For all of the rest of my days
If I’m a fool, well
I really don't care who we tell
See I make no excuse, I beat no retreat
I just let this soul be a slave to these feet
And I'm a slave who knows that He is free
That's why I'm doin'
A hundred smiles an hour...
I'm at your front door
So show me what I'm here for
See I'm still not sure, I just know I cry
When folks say that You are the look in my eye
I'm cryin' and singin' "Glory be"
Look at me doin'

There's a buzz across this nation
You can feel it shake the walls
Like Jimmy Stewart when he yells:
"Hello Bedford Falls!"
People wanna reach each other
N' build the trust up brick by brick
Well the right stones and the right mortar
Will make it stick
Sayin: "I love you" always works
It gets 'em every time
"I love you" is what you do
If you wanna see 'em shine
What you do becomes true
So "I love you" is what I do
For thee and me and mine
We look for hip new ways to say it
Something not so status quo
But straight as it is I find it says what
Folks need to know
It's a cliche for a reason
It's a soaring, glorious thing
No voice on Earth can reach the notes
These three words can sing

I revel in days of abiding great joy
Bestowed upon me by that one little boy
Well it's true that it smarts when he shouts in my ears
But the silence hurt more before he was here
Well he laughs til he cries as we flail on the floor
And he pleads with me "Stop!", though he knows there'll be more
With an innocent whimsy he hasn't lost yet
Then he leads me to wisdom I'll never forget
When he says "Now Daddy, you tickle yourself"
And I say: "If I could I'd get to it
But it only tickles when you do it"
Now that my bonnie boy has grown into a man
I am left all alone here with these idle hands
So they reach up to You who've been Father to me
And they're craving the joy that Your touch always means
I say this in not the most reverent terms
And pray You won't misconstrue it
But it only tickles when You do it
...and then the Lord speaks...:
"I am God, I am happy in heavens above
I've had eons and ages of Myself to love
Still I found it amusing to see Adam come
And the earth did seem greener, and brighter the sun
Well I may try to hide this from even Myself
But clearly you always knew it
That it only tickles when you do it

It's my turn, it's not your turn
It's my turn, get outta my way
It's my turn, go on complain
I'm comin' through anyway
And don't ask me why I'm like this
But lately I'm wonderin' if
It'll come to pass
That the last shall be first
And the first shall be last
And then the voice say:
"Here's the way it oughtta be:
'You then me then you then me'
I pray one day we'll all agree
And take it 'you then me then you then me'
Life could go you then me then you then me"
That's my food, don't touch my food
That's my wine, don't spill a drop
Or I'll whack you across your face
And drop you out of the human race
See I got me the urge to kill
But I wish we could take a pill
So we'd all cool down
And we'd talk like the Man who was
Born back in Bethlehem town
I betcha He'd say:
I coulda sworn I was here first
Well if I'm not the best, hey I'm sure not the worst
No not me baby
It's your turn, it's not my turn
It's your turn - well let's just say
We'll trade off - here let me light
And pass the peace pipe down your way
Well try it, it could be good
And what if some day it should
Really come to pass
That the last shall be first
And the first shall be last

I know there's water- because I'm thirsty
I know there's food- because I'm hungry
I know there's love- because love is all I wanna do
And I know that you're out there- because I
Long for you
Because I long for you
I know there's air- because I'm breathing
I know there's light- because I'm seeing
I know there's truth- because I believe it to be true
And I know that you're out there- because I
Long for you
Because I long for you
Because I long for you
You know I long for you
I need you to be there- I know you must be there
I know you share what I share
I know you care 'cause I care
I may be wrong- but I ain't never ever seen the proof
So I still believe that you're out there- because I
Long for you
Because I long for you
Because I long for you

I wrote a "d" when I meant a "b," now I'm stuck with the "d"
(That's what erasers on pencils are for)
I tried to think my thought with "d," but it doesn't come out like me
(That's what erasers on pencils are for)
How come I do this everytime?
I s'poze it's prob'ly not a crime
That don't stop it drivin' me outta my mind
I hate when this happens, I hate when this happens, well
Mama better look here
I made some mistakes, I'm afraid I'll make more
'n she says: "Darlin, when those fears appear
That's what erasers on pencils are for"
I introduced my friend to Bruce, but I called him "Brent"
(That's what erasers on pencils are for)
I'd put the blame on my poor brain, but I don't know where it went
(That's what erasers on pencils are for)
I thought I could but now I know
I'll never be some perfect Joe
But it's so hard to just let go
I hate when this happens, I hate when this happens, well
Mama better look here
I made some mistakes, I'm afraid I'll make more
'n she says: "Darlin, when those fears appear
That's what erasers on pencils are for"
I feel so lowly, so bottom-of-the-bowl-y
So next-to-nearly none
But you won't see me at no pity party
That's a table set for one
Erasing mistakes is supposed to be fun
I've been a loser (That's what erasers on pencils are for)
Been so uptight
I've been so foolish (That's what erasers on pencils are for)
Lo these many days & nights
How come I do this everytime?
Mother, Father this is my crime
I bet it's drivin' you outta your mind
I betcha hate when this happens, you hate when this happens, you say
Darlin' better look here
You made some mistakes, I'm afraid you'll make more
Well I promise, when those fears appear- I will help you
(That's what erasers on pencils are for) I'll be with you
(That's what erasers on pencils are for) I'll forgive you

Met her on a Sunday
The third day of May
Tried not to show her
I was swept away
By her giddy girlish laughter
Long raven hair
And the way that she barely seemed to care
And I love and admire her still to this day
So I have to say
If I could
God done good
God done good
God done good
God done good
He made a promise
Said He would
God done good
Tried to have a baby
Tried and we tried
Couldn't make it happen
Cried and we cried
Searched for an answer
Prayed and we prayed
Then one day it happened
From far-far away
Baby boy came and changed our lives
We cried and we cried
Cause we understood
Got no money
Got no fame
Got no title before my name
Got food and water
Brick and wood
Got love and laughter
God done, God done good
Watch our baby sleeping
Peaceful and calm
Look at those eyelashes
So graceful and long
He will be a prize for some lucky girl
And a gift of laughter to a cold lonely world
And will wink at the sky
And will kneel, and will cry
And will cry

A veil of sparkling white soothes and bathes me in the light
It fills me with the suns and visions of the ancient ones
Descend to me, and soothe my disarray
And so it's done
Hear my words Avalon
Fields are swaying like dancers in the moonlight
Rivers filled with dreams
Unbroken and still promising
Descend to me, and soothe my disarray
And so it's done
Hear my words Avalon
Warm inside
Open the way in
Float into the night
Embrace what's to be
Warm inside
Open the way in
Float into the night
Embrace what's to be

Breathe deep
Bracing and strong
Coming alive
Take back all that is lost
Honor your pride
Time stops
Silence is now
Moving around
Hands raised
Fading to black
Fall to the ground
From within
You'll begin to rise
Feel the rise
Breathe deep
Wind down
Reach back
Hear the sound
You will see
From within
You'll begin, feel the rise
Feel the rise
Feel the rise
Feel the rise
That which is like
Unto itself is drawn
That which is like
Unto itself is drawn
That which is like
Unto itself is drawn
That which is like
Unto itself is drawn
Feel the rise
Feel the rise
Feel the rise
Feel the rise
That which is like
Unto itself is drawn
That which is like
Unto itself is drawn
That which is like
Unto itself is drawn
That which is like
Unto itslef is drawn
