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Ginkgo Biloba The Hidden Dangers Beneath The Health Benefits
The Ginkgo's Secrets
What is Ginkgo Biloba?
Ginkgo : Unsanfte Medizin
Ginkgo biloba  - Delicious edible jade jewels  - 100% primitive ginkgo-nut-cracker :-)
Ginkgo - Faded Glory
Ginkgo Biloba, Fightts Memory Loss, Enhances Brain Blood Flow
Ginkgo - Baum der Liebenden
Ginkgo Biloba Geschichte um eine Pflanze 1/3
Ginkgo Biloba,el Árbol Luchador
How to prepare Ginkgo nuts
Para que sirve el ginkgo biloba - Propiedades y beneficios del ginkgo biloba


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Ginkgo Biloba The Hidden Dangers Beneath The Health Benefits
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:47
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Ginkgo Biloba The Hidden Dangers Beneath The Health Benefits

Free eBook Download Comprehensive Guide to Herbs In this video Dr Meschino explains risks and benefits behi... Biloba The Hidden Dangers Beneath The Health Benefits
The Ginkgo's Secrets
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:46
  • Updated: 14 Jul 2013

The Ginkgo's Secrets

Gingko expert Peter Del Tredici shares highlights about his favorite "living fossil" at the Arnold Arboretum: Ginkgo's Secrets
What is Ginkgo Biloba?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:18
  • Updated: 06 Aug 2013

What is Ginkgo Biloba?

Since active principles in Gingko Biloba have proved to enhance memory, stimulate circulation and enhance mental capacity, it is highly recommended for patie... is Ginkgo Biloba?
Ginkgo : Unsanfte Medizin
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:29
  • Updated: 03 Aug 2013

Ginkgo : Unsanfte Medizin

Ginkgo Unsanfte Medizin.
  • published: 13 Mar 2010
  • views: 1544
  • author: GlNKGO : Unsanfte Medizin
Ginkgo biloba  - Delicious edible jade jewels  - 100% primitive ginkgo-nut-cracker :-)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:33
  • Updated: 12 Oct 2013

Ginkgo biloba - Delicious edible jade jewels - 100% primitive ginkgo-nut-cracker :-)

[2013 10 12] Living fossil tree, coming from the deepest prehistory and from asia, splendid yellow foliage in autumn, strange leaves, beautiful and delicious seeds", awfully stinking juice from ripe fruits, medicinal properties (?), improbable orthography (also)... It's easy to be fascinated by Ginkgo Biloba. Let's examine and taste some Ginkgo "seed", although it's early in autumn. Materials ------------ - ginkgo fruits harvested in a nearby street, and let to ripen outside for a few days - stone saw : lustrated sandstone (~quartzite) - nutcracker : old dry ginkgo branch harvested in a nearby street (fallen from a bunch of shoots that are growing back from the stump of a ginkgo that had been cut down) - not primitive : oil (olive), metal pot, paper and electric hotplate [ I don't show a parallel experiment involving the juice (so disgusting ; don't remember having seen insects eating the "fruits"). I'm wondering (primitive ignorant's intuition) whether it would repel moulds and protect organisms against decay and all kind of insects. I've mixed the juice with some tree gum (cherry tree or almond tree gum). This gum is easily colonized by moulds, at least when water has been added and when it is still more or less liquid. We'll see later if the mixture (gum + ginkgo fruit juice) has interesting properties :-) The answer may be obvious for those who know butyric acid properties ? (something more to verify). ] [tags in descritpion : maidenhair tree gymnosperm Ginkgoaceae urban harvest urban foraging jade jewel árbol de los cuarenta escudos arbre aux quarante écus arbre aux mille écus nutcracker seed ]
  • published: 12 Oct 2013
  • views: 53 biloba - Delicious edible jade jewels - 100% primitive ginkgo-nut-cracker :-)
Ginkgo - Faded Glory
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:24
  • Updated: 22 Aug 2013

Ginkgo - Faded Glory

Music video by Ginkgo performing Faded Glory. ibid records
  • published: 22 Aug 2013
  • views: 18918 - Faded Glory
Ginkgo Biloba, Fightts Memory Loss, Enhances Brain Blood Flow
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:28
  • Updated: 20 Feb 2013

Ginkgo Biloba, Fightts Memory Loss, Enhances Brain Blood Flow

Donations can be given on the LINKS BELOW & thank you.;_button_id=V7BPKKHZSPDL2 http://www.gofundme... Biloba, Fightts Memory Loss, Enhances Brain Blood Flow
Ginkgo - Baum der Liebenden
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:50
  • Updated: 05 Jul 2013

Ginkgo - Baum der Liebenden

Tv Bericht über den Ginkgobaum.
  • published: 26 Aug 2008
  • views: 12639
  • author: GlNKGO - Baum der Liebenden
Ginkgo Biloba Geschichte um eine Pflanze 1/3
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:00
  • Updated: 26 Jun 2013

Ginkgo Biloba Geschichte um eine Pflanze 1/3

Ginkgo Film.
  • published: 13 Nov 2010
  • views: 1805
  • author: GlNKGO Biloba Geschichte um eine Pflanze 1/3
Ginkgo Biloba,el Árbol Luchador
  • Order:
  • Duration: 20:02
  • Updated: 31 Jul 2013

Ginkgo Biloba,el Árbol Luchador

El Dr.José L. Ayerbe produjo este documental acerca de los distintos aspectos del Gingko , botánicos, paleontológicos, histórico culturales, farmacológicos, ... Biloba,el Árbol Luchador
How to prepare Ginkgo nuts
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:29
  • Updated: 14 Jul 2013

How to prepare Ginkgo nuts

Rockland Forager, Paul Tappenden demonstrates what to do with ginkgo berries once you have gathered them. He shows how to extract and clean the nuts, then ex... to prepare Ginkgo nuts
Para que sirve el ginkgo biloba - Propiedades y beneficios del ginkgo biloba
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:19
  • Updated: 19 Feb 2014

Para que sirve el ginkgo biloba - Propiedades y beneficios del ginkgo biloba

Para que sirve el ginkgo biloba - Propiedades y beneficios del ginkgo biloba. Es una de las plantas más antiguas que se han utilizado en la medicina herbal y natural. Sin embargo, esta planta se sabe que crece sólo en partes de Asia, por lo que se utiliza en China en la medicina tradicional y la cocina. Afortunadamente los beneficios del Ginkgo Biloba ahora se están haciendo comunes en todo el mundo y las ventajas que puede aportar el consumo están siendo vistos por el mundo. Sin embargo, un gran número de beneficios del Ginkgo Biloba aún permanecen desconocidos y por descubrir. Éstos son algunos de los beneficios que debes conocer. Para que sirve el ginkgo biloba - Propiedades y beneficios del ginkgo biloba - Tomado por vía oral el Gingko Biloba se sabe que tiene propiedades que pueden ayudar en la mejora de los síntomas de la obstrucción de las arterias, como dolor en las piernas. También conocido como claudicación esta condición se ha estudiado en los laboratorios en el contexto de Gingko Biloba. Se ha encontrado que el consumo de 120 mg de la hierba en un día (repartidos en 2 a 3 dosis) durante unos 6 meses puede causar una mejoría significativa en la condición. Esto está en relación con el ejercicio regular y caminar a diario, algo que es bueno para todos. - La hierba puede ayudar a aquellos que han sido diagnosticados con demencia o enfermedad previa de Alzheimer. El consumo de Gingko todos los días ayuda a combatir los signos, como la depresión, la ansiedad de rendimiento, falta de concentración, confusión, mareos, dolores de cabeza, la distracción y más. Esto es porque una de las principales razones de reducción de la capacidad cerebral se ha reducido el flujo de sangre al cerebro. Y al ayudar a las arterias se dilatan y se expanden, la hierba ayuda a mejorar el flujo de sangre al cerebro. Para que sirve el ginkgo biloba - Propiedades y beneficios del ginkgo biloba - Si bien lo anterior son cuestiones graves que Gingko Biloba puede ayudar, también puede ser una gran ayuda en la gestión de mal de montaña. Algunas investigaciones han demostrado que puede ayudar en la gestión de mal de montaña, tan efectivo como los medicamentos recetados. - Temas regulares como el síndrome Pre Menstrual (SPM), el trastorno afectivo estacional (SAD) y la depresión también se ha sabido que se reduce con el consumo regular de Gingko Biloba. - Los beneficios del Gingko Biloba también incluyen algunos problemas oculares relacionados, como la degeneración macular, la retinopatía y glaucoma. - Enfermedad de Reynaud es una condición en la que se reduce el nivel de sangre a los pies y dedos de los pies. Con los vasos sanguíneos ampliados y la microcirculación, la hierba ayuda en el abastecimiento adecuado de sangre a las extremidades, por lo que es ideal para esta condición también. Para que sirve el ginkgo biloba - Propiedades y beneficios del ginkgo biloba - Algunos informes sugieren que el Gingko Biloba ayuda en la gestión de vértigo, algo que muchos necesitan para luchar dados los edificios de gran altura que todos usamos hoy en día. Los beneficios del Gingko Biloba trascienden los aspectos específicos mencionados anteriormente y pueden ayudar en mucho más. Mientras que los estadounidenses y los europeos han comenzado a entender la grandeza de esta planta, todavía hay mucho más por descubrir. Además de que siempre habrá la cuestión de los resultados de laboratorio demostrables en comparación con la información empírica que se ha ganado en los últimos años.
  • published: 19 Feb 2014
  • views: 910 que sirve el ginkgo biloba - Propiedades y beneficios del ginkgo biloba
Ginkgo Biloba - Remedios para Mejorar la Circulación la Memoria y la Concentración Mental
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:05
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

Ginkgo Biloba - Remedios para Mejorar la Circulación la Memoria y la Concentración Mental

Visite: Más Información Aquí: Encuentre Fácilmente Todos los (Remedios Caseros Populares y Naturales). -----------------------------...
  • published: 12 Jul 2013
  • views: 478
  • author: gestjam1974 Biloba - Remedios para Mejorar la Circulación la Memoria y la Concentración Mental
Las propiedades del Ginkgo Biloba, Conoce los beneficios del Ginkgo Biloba
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:07
  • Updated: 06 Mar 2014

Las propiedades del Ginkgo Biloba, Conoce los beneficios del Ginkgo Biloba

Las propiedades del Ginkgo Biloba, conoce aquí los beneficos del Gimkgo Biloba. En este vídeo descubrirás los secretos del Ginkgo Biloba. El Ginkgo Biloba es un árbol milenario originario de Asia. Las propiedades del Ginkgo Biloba son realmente increíbles para la salud y por ello, es muy utilizado. ***************************** Otro video relacionado de la serie hierbas medicinales: Suscribete a nuestro Canal (Subscribe): Encuentranos en FacebooK: Comparte nuestro video: ******************** El Ginkgo Biloba es una de las plantas medicinales más conocidas, originario de China, este longevo árbol se ha convertido en un pilar importante dentro de la medicina tradicional de ese país, y en las distintas ramas de la salud que usan la naturaleza a su favor. Pero ¿para qué sirve y cómo beneficia nuestra salud?, En este video te explicamos cuáles son las propiedades del Ginkgo Biloba y sus efectos sobre nuestro cuerpo. Videos relacionados: propiedades del ginkgo biloba propiedades del ginkgo biloba en capsulas propiedades del ginkgo biloba en cosmetica propiedades del jengibre propiedades del ginkgo biloba y ginseng contraindicaciones del ginkgo biloba efectos secundarios del ginkgo biloba propiedades del te verde propiedades del ginkgo biloba forte
  • published: 06 Mar 2014
  • views: 186 propiedades del Ginkgo Biloba, Conoce los beneficios del Ginkgo Biloba
  • Ginkgo Biloba The Hidden Dangers Beneath The Health Benefits
    Ginkgo Biloba The Hidden Dangers Beneath The Health Benefits
  • The Ginkgo's Secrets
    The Ginkgo's Secrets
  • What is Ginkgo Biloba?
    What is Ginkgo Biloba?
  • Ginkgo : Unsanfte Medizin
    Ginkgo : Unsanfte Medizin
  • Ginkgo biloba  - Delicious edible jade jewels  - 100% primitive ginkgo-nut-cracker :-)
    Ginkgo biloba - Delicious edible jade jewels - 100% primitive ginkgo-nut-cracker :-)
  • Ginkgo - Faded Glory
    Ginkgo - Faded Glory
  • Ginkgo Biloba, Fightts Memory Loss, Enhances Brain Blood Flow
    Ginkgo Biloba, Fightts Memory Loss, Enhances Brain Blood Flow
  • Ginkgo - Baum der Liebenden
    Ginkgo - Baum der Liebenden
  • Ginkgo Biloba Geschichte um eine Pflanze 1/3
    Ginkgo Biloba Geschichte um eine Pflanze 1/3
  • Ginkgo Biloba,el Árbol Luchador
    Ginkgo Biloba,el Árbol Luchador
  • How to prepare Ginkgo nuts
    How to prepare Ginkgo nuts
  • Para que sirve el ginkgo biloba - Propiedades y beneficios del ginkgo biloba
    Para que sirve el ginkgo biloba - Propiedades y beneficios del ginkgo biloba
  • Ginkgo Biloba - Remedios para Mejorar la Circulación la Memoria y la Concentración Mental
    Ginkgo Biloba - Remedios para Mejorar la Circulación la Memoria y la Concentración Mental
  • Las propiedades del Ginkgo Biloba, Conoce los beneficios del Ginkgo Biloba
    Las propiedades del Ginkgo Biloba, Conoce los beneficios del Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba The Hidden Dangers Beneath The Health Benefits

Free eBook Download Comprehensive Guide to Herbs In this video Dr Meschino explains risks and benefits behi...

Gink­go Bilo­ba The Hid­den Dan­gers Be­neath The Health Ben­e­fits
Free eBook Down­load Com­pre­hen­sive Guide to Herbs http://​www.​meschinohealth.​com/​books/​ginkg...​
pub­lished: 21 Sep 2012
The Gink­go's Se­crets
Gingko ex­pert Peter Del Tredi­ci shares high­lights about his fa­vorite "liv­ing fos­sil" at th...
pub­lished: 24 Oct 2011
What is Gink­go Bilo­ba?
Since ac­tive prin­ci­ples in Gingko Bilo­ba have proved to en­hance mem­o­ry, stim­u­late cir­cu­lat...
pub­lished: 17 Jan 2011
Gink­go : Un­san­fte Medi­zin
Gink­go Un­san­fte Medi­zin....
pub­lished: 13 Mar 2010
au­thor: GlNK­GO
Gink­go bilo­ba - De­li­cious ed­i­ble jade jew­els - 100% prim­i­tive gink­go-nut-crack­er :-)
[2013 10 12] Liv­ing fos­sil tree, com­ing from the deep­est pre­his­to­ry and from asia, splend...
pub­lished: 12 Oct 2013
Gink­go - Faded Glory
Music video by Gink­go per­form­ing Faded Glory. ibid records...
pub­lished: 22 Aug 2013
Gink­go Bilo­ba, Fight­ts Mem­o­ry Loss, En­hances Brain Blood Flow
Do­na­tions can be given on the LINKS BELOW & thank you. https://​www.​paypal.​com/​cgi-bin/​webs...​
pub­lished: 24 Dec 2012
Gink­go - Baum der Lieben­den
Tv Bericht über den Ginkgob­aum....
pub­lished: 26 Aug 2008
au­thor: GlNK­GO
Gink­go Bilo­ba Geschichte um eine Pflanze 1/3
Gink­go Film....
pub­lished: 13 Nov 2010
au­thor: GlNK­GO
Gink­go Bilo­ba,el Árbol Luchador
El Dr.​José L. Ayerbe pro­du­jo este doc­u­men­tal ac­er­ca de los dis­tin­tos as­pec­tos del Gingko ,...
pub­lished: 09 Jan 2012
How to pre­pare Gink­go nuts
Rock­land For­ager, Paul Tap­pen­den demon­strates what to do with gink­go berries once you have...
pub­lished: 22 Oct 2012
Para que sirve el gink­go bilo­ba - Propiedades y ben­efi­cios del gink­go bilo­ba
Para que sirve el gink­go bilo­ba - Propiedades y ben­efi­cios del gink­go bilo­ba. Es una de la...
pub­lished: 19 Feb 2014
Gink­go Bilo­ba - Reme­dios para Mejo­rar la Cir­cu­lación la Memo­ria y la Con­cen­tración Men­tal
Vis­ite: http://​www.​Mascoalba.​com Más In­for­ma­ción Aquí: En­cuen­tre Fácil­mente Todos los (Rem...
pub­lished: 12 Jul 2013
au­thor: gest­jam1974
Las propiedades del Gink­go Bilo­ba, Conoce los ben­efi­cios del Gink­go Bilo­ba
Las propiedades del Gink­go Bilo­ba, conoce aquí los benefi­cos del Gimk­go Bilo­ba. http://las...
pub­lished: 06 Mar 2014
Youtube results:
Top Notch Plants Episode 10: Gink­go bilo­ba
In today's video, we get to learn about the Gink­go Bilo­ba! If you don't have one of these ...
pub­lished: 22 Sep 2011
What is Gink­go and How to Har­vest Your Own
http://​bitly.​com/​TIge03 - Learn more about gink­go bilo­ba ben­e­fits and how to use leaves fr...
pub­lished: 28 Oct 2012
Our Gink­go Tree - Wis­con­sin Gar­den Video Blog 471
We saw our Gink­go tree drop­ping all its leaves today as the morn­ing sun broke through our ...
pub­lished: 14 Nov 2013
Propiedades del Gink­go Bilo­ba
El Gink­go Bilo­ba es un árbol mile­nario orig­i­nario de Asia. Las propiedades del Gink­go Bilo...
pub­lished: 26 Dec 2012
photo: AP / Sunday Alamba
Women attend a demonstration calling on the government to rescue the kidnapped schoolgirls of the Chibok secondary school, in Abuja, Nigeria, Tuesday, May 13, 2014.
Edit Mail Guardian South Africa
15 May 2014
Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan has ruled out the release of Boko Haram fighters in exchange for the freedom of more than 200 schoolgirls kidnapped by the militants a month ago. Britain’s Africa Minister Mark Simmonds, in Nigeria for talks about the international rescue mission, told reporters on Wednesday that he raised the issue with Jonathan during a meeting in Abuja ... International involvement ... Special powers....(size: 5.0Kb)
photo: AP / Sunday Alamba
People attend a demonstration calling on the government to rescue kidnapped school girls of a government secondary school Chibok, during workers day celebration in Lagos, Nigeria, Thursday, May 1, 2014.
Edit New Straits/Business Times
13 May 2014
MAIDUGURI (Nigeria). The leader of the Nigerian Islamist rebel group Boko Haram has offered to release more than 200 schoolgirls abducted by his fighters last month in exchange for its members being held in detention, according to a video posted on YouTube on Monday ...   ...   ...  . Some have managed to escape, but about 200 remain missing.   ...   ...   ...   ...   ... He appears confident and at one point even laughs.  ....(size: 5.3Kb)
photo: Creative Commons / Kenneth C. Zirkel
Memorial Hall, immediately north of Harvard Yard in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is an imposing High Victorian Gothic building. National Register of Historic Places. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Edit CNN
12 May 2014
By Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog Editor Follow @BurkeCNN. (CNN) - A Harvard club's plan to stage a satanic "black Mass" on Monday has drawn fire and brimstone from the Archdiocese of Boston and condemnation from the president of the Ivy League school. The Harvard Extension Cultural Studies Club will host the two-hour ceremony at the Queens Head pub in Memorial Hall in Cambridge, Massachusetts ... Francis X ... Filed under ... Home ....(size: 8.8Kb)
photo: AP
Miners carefully carrying a rescued friend hours after an explosion and fire at a coal mine killed at least 17 miners and left up to 300 workers trapped underground, in Soma, in western Turkey, late Tuesday, May 13, 2014, a Turkish official said.
Edit New Straits/Business Times
14 May 2014
SOMA. At least 201 people were killed and hundreds more remained trapped underground after an explosion at a coal mine in western Turkey, the government said today, warning that rescue efforts faced a race against time. The toll has risen rapidly since Tuesday’s disaster in the province of Manisa, when a total of 787 mineworkers became trapped inside the mine ... “I have been waiting for my son since early afternoon,” she told AFP ... ....(size: 4.9Kb)
photo: AP / Emrah Gurel
Riot police try to stop protesters who were attacking the Soma offices of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Justice and Development Party during his visit to the coal mine in Soma, Turkey, Wednesday, May 14, 2014.
Edit Chicago Sun-Times
15 May 2014
Updated. May 15, 2014 12.44AM. SOMA, TurkeyAmid wails of grief and anger, rescue workers coated in grime trudged repeatedly out of a coal mine Wednesday with stretchers of bodies that swelled the death toll to 274 — the worst such disaster in Turkish history. Hopes faded for 150 others still trapped deep underground in smoldering tunnels filled with toxic gases ... 274 died and 363 were rescued, including scores who were injured ... ....(size: 7.1Kb)

Edit IMDb
15 May 2014
... Downs as “Fig” and “Stick,” Zak McDowell as “Hedge,” Addie Zintel as “Pine,” Brooke Wolloff as “Maple,” and Alex Trugman as “Ginkgo....(size: 1.1Kb)
Edit Business Wire
15 May 2014
SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(NASDAQ. AMZN)—There’s a new way to keep kids entertained—and engaged—all summer long. Amazon today announced the premieres of its first-ever original kids series coming exclusively on Prime Instant Video ... Alice Wilder. Dr ... ... The talent behind the characters includes Christopher Downs as “Fig” and “Stick,” Zak McDowell as “Hedge,” Addie Zintel as “Pine,” Brooke Wolloff as “Maple,” and Alex Trugman as “Ginkgo.” ... ....(size: 14.7Kb)
Edit noodls
15 May 2014
(Source. Amazoncom Inc) Introducing Amazon's First Three Original Children's Series. Tumble Leaf, Creative Galaxy and Annedroids Coming Exclusively to Prime Instant Video This Summer ... Tumble Leaf coming May 23. Creative Galaxy coming June 27 ... Dr ... The talent behind the characters includes Christopher Downs as "Fig" and "Stick," Zak McDowell as "Hedge," Addie Zintel as "Pine," Brooke Wolloff as "Maple," and Alex Trugman as "Ginkgo." ... (noodl....(size: 7.8Kb)
Edit The Examiner
14 May 2014
Are you worried about the fact that you are not as young as you use to be or as active in your bedroom? If so, you are not alone. Erectile dysfunction affects many men of all age groups ... However, one product that is on the market now and causing quite a stir. You should read about it for yourself and discover all that it can do ... What is VigRX Plus? ... Ginkgo Biloba works to improve your erections and treats symptoms of impotency ... Advantages....(size: 8.3Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
14 May 2014
, May 14, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue.. Global Anti-Aging Products Industry. http.// ... Allergan Inc ... I ... Ginkgo Biloba II-75 ... Aloe Vera, Echinacea, Garlic, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, ... Segment for Aloe Vera, Echinacea, Garlic, Ginkgo Biloba, ... Aloe Vera, Echinacea, Garlic, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng,....(size: 43.7Kb)
Edit The Washington Post
12 May 2014
Loudoun County. These sales data, recorded by the Loudoun Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue, were provided by Lender Processing Services. For other residential real estate transactions, go to ALDIE-BRADDOCK ROAD AREA. Aldie Rd., 39195-Dorsey T. Furrow to Aldie Road Corp., $505,000. Byrne Meadow Sq., 24664-Van Metre at Mercer Park condos to Nikki H. Rodriguez, $302,835 ... Hobbs, $735,000 ... Ginkgo Terr ... ....(size: 8.9Kb)
Edit The Sidney Herald
07 May 2014
Tree species that were available included Royal Red Norway Maple, Varigated Norway Maple, Autumn Gold Ginkgo, Ironwood, Regal Prince Oak, Greenspire Little Leaf Linden, Showy Mountain Ash, Spring Snow Crab and Hot Wings Tatarian Maple. ....(size: 1.3Kb)
Edit noodls
07 May 2014
(Source. City of Boston, MA) ... Species on the inbound side include two Tilia cordata measuring 5 inches dbh, two Acer rubrum measuring 3 inches dbh, two Syringa reticulata measuring 3 inches dbh, one Gleditsia tricanthos measuring 3 inches dbh, and one Ginkgo biloba measuring 4 inches dbh.                      ... distributed by ... (noodl....(size: 2.4Kb)
Edit Lexington Herald-Leader
06 May 2014
Crews worked Monday to remove 59 ash trees from downtown Lexington and replace them with 55 ginkgo biloba trees ... ....(size: 0.7Kb)
Edit Lexington Herald-Leader
05 May 2014
A crew from The Tree Man used Ginkgo trees to replace some of the 59 ash trees removed from ......(size: 0.5Kb)
Edit U~T San Diego
01 May 2014
If it all goes according to plan, Michelle Dougherty will take her art exhibition on the road as the curator of a unique traveling collection. not paintings or sculptures, but small, sculpted trees ... She said she was drawn by “the increasing levels of complexity.” ... She still has that specimen, a ginkgo biloba — not the most prestigious of her collection, but her original companion all the same ... “I just had to know everything, all at once....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
01 May 2014
Download image. Research and Markets Logo. DUBLIN, May 1, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- ...      (Logo. http.// ). Synthetic biology defined as the synthesis of artificial or natural components in order to form new artificial living system by re-molding existing biological elements ... and the U.K ... Key Topics Covered.  ... Evolva SA Exxon Mobil Corporation Ginkgo Bioworks GeneWorks Pty Ltd ... ....(size: 3.8Kb)
Edit noodls
30 Apr 2014
... OTC drugs segment made 30.0%; Motilak (Domperidone; ATC «Alimentary tract and metabolism»); sales in the OTC drugs segment made 15.3%; Vitasharm and Vitatress (ATC «Vitamins»); sales in the OTC drugs segment made 3.2%; Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo biloba; ATC «Medications for the treatment of urogenital organs»); sales in the OTC drugs segment made 0.8%....(size: 6.1Kb)

Ginkgo is a genus of highly unusual non-flowering plants with one extant species, G. biloba, which is regarded as a living fossil. The most recently described new species (fossil) is Ginkgo huolinhensis.

The Ginkgo is a living fossil, with fossils recognisably related to modern Ginkgo from the Permian, dating back 270 million years. The most plausible ancestral group for the order Ginkgoales is the Pteridospermatophyta, also known as the "seed ferns," specifically the order Peltaspermales. The closest living relatives of the clade are the cycads, which share with the extant G. biloba the characteristic of motile sperm. Fossils attributable to the genus Ginkgo first appeared in the Early Jurassic, and the genus diversified and spread throughout Laurasia during the middle Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. It declined in diversity as the Cretaceous progressed, and by the Paleocene, Ginkgo adiantoides was the only Ginkgo species left in the Northern Hemisphere while a markedly different (and poorly documented) form persisted in the Southern Hemisphere. At the end of the Pliocene, Ginkgo fossils disappeared from the fossil record everywhere except in a small area of central China where the modern species survived. It is doubtful whether the Northern Hemisphere fossil species of Ginkgo can be reliably distinguished. Given the slow pace of evolution and morphological similarity between members of the genus, there may have been only one or two species existing in the Northern Hemisphere through the entirety of the Cenozoic: present-day G. biloba (including G. adiantoides) and G. gardneri from the Paleocene of Scotland.

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Oh jeez
You got me hollering please
Where does it all come from anyway
Do I really want this to stay
It must have been right
I'm a fool
Are you gonna be here when I die
Does it make a difference
If I lie
And ??? is just something that
You gotta do
Is something that you do and (?)
Is this really gonna stay

Striking down the enemy
Fighting hand to hand
Troops are thrusting onwards
Time to take command
Ready to devour
On the attack
Bodies lie dismembered
Maimed, killed, and hacked
Draw fast, cut first
Live hard, die hard
Feel the point of the blade
Lunging like an animal, killing all in sight
Going for the throat, living for the fight
In a bath of bloodshed, mixing with the sweat
Crawling through the barbwire, put it to the test
Fight, fight fight
Fight, fight fighting the war
Fight, fight fight
Fight, fight fight
Gung-Ho, Gung-Ho, Gung-Ho
Gung-Ho, Gung-Ho, Gung-Ho
Raging on the warpath, storming through the town
Blowing it to pieces, killing all around
Stand in our way, if you've got the balls
In a hail of bullets, your nailed to the wall
We wait out the day, we burn in the sun
We move in by night, and kill everyone
Show no emotions, have no regrets
Made to take pain, no fear of death
Draw fast, cut first
Live hard, die hard

On a field of red one gold star
Raised above his head
Raised above his head
He was not like any other
He was just like any other
And the song they bled
Was a hymn to him
Awake my little one
The seed of revolution
Sewn in the sleeve
Of cloth humbly worn
Where others are adorned
Above the northern plain
The great birds fly
With great wings
Over the paddy fields
And the people kneel
And the men they toil
Yet not for their own
And the children are hungry
And the wheel groans
There before a grass hut
A young boy stood
His mother lay dead
His sisters cried for bread
And within his young heart
The seed of revolution sewn
In cloth humbly worn
While others are adorned
And he grew into a man
Not like any other
Just like any other
One small man
A beard the color of rice
A face the color of tea
Who shared the misery
Of other men in chains
With shackles on his feet
Escaped the guillotine
Who fought against
Colonialism imperialism
Who remained awake
While others slept
Who penned like jefferson
Let independence ring
And the cart of justice turns
Slow and bitterly
And the people were crying
Plant that seed that seed
And they crawled on their bellies
Beneath the giant beast
And filled the carts with bodies
Where once had been their crops
And the great birds swarm
Spread their wings overhead
And his mother dead
And the typhoons and the rain
The jungles in flames
And the orange sun
None could be more beautiful
Than vietnam
Nothing was more beautiful
Than vietnam
And his heart stopped beating
And the wheel kept turning
And the words he bled
Were a hymn to them
I have served the whole people
I have served my whole country
And as I leave this world
May you suffer union
And my great affection
Limitless as sky
Filled with golden stars
The question is raised
Raised above his head
Was he of his word
Was he a good man
For his image fills the southern heart
With none but bitterness
And the people keep crying
And the men keep dying
And it's so beautiful
So beautiful
Give me one more turn
Give me one more turn
One more turn of the wheel
One more revolution

Nelly: I saw you yesterday, your eyes all a-glazed, oh no.
Was it too much for you to take?
Did you want the pain to go away?
K'naan: Yeah, I'll take it.
I knew I had to leave that trash on my sleeves;
Got caught up in the streets,
I couldn't really breath.
Oh, no {Oh, no}
So, then I took a gun,
Looked up into the sun,
The tears began to run,
Remembered when I was little one (Oh, no)
That day, the mist in the morning
Made me feel like I was alone and
My soul in-a started swelling
Was it you, behind me, calling?
That day, the mist in the morning
Made me feel like I was alone and
My soul in-a started swelling
Was it you, behind me, calling?
Are you going away? Are you going away?
Are you going away? Are you going away?
Nelly: Remember?
K'naan: Remember there was that one summer you went away to school?
Nelly: My parents got a new job and I had to change schools.
K'naan: And there was that one time you went away to camp?
Nelly: Letters everyday until I got back.
K'naan: But, you said 'I'll keep in touch' but my life got too rough.
Nelly: You were always so touched.
K'naan: Well, I guess I had enough.
Nelly: That day, in the misty morning
Was it you, behind me, calling?
Remember when we used to swing in the lawn and
sing that song 'till one of us would fall
Together: Lalalalala, etc.
Are you going away? Are you going away?
Are you going away? Are you going away?
Are you going away? Are you going away?
Are you going away? Are you going away?
Are you going away? Are you going away?
I think I saw you on the bus today
I think I felt you in the wind today
I think I saw you in the street today
I think I felt you in the trees today
I think I felt you in the rain today
I think I saw you in the grocery store
I saw you in the back of the cab
I saw in the back of that cab
Anyways, guess I'm going away.
Guess I'm going away (Bye bye)
Guess I'm going away.

Lately I'm feelin' kinda broken
Like a man that swerves through the world
And I ain't got no explanation
And if I did, know I'd sound absurd
But I can't change a thing
No matter what I do
You don't care what I say
I can't hide the pain anymore
Oh, I'm going away
Just a need a way to keep the rain out
And land with my both feet on the ground
But everytime I go to stand up on my own
You come along, come along and then you knock me down
But I can't change a thing
No matter what I do
You don't care what I say
I can't hide the pain anymore
Oh, I'm going away
So maybe I'd break out for the mountains
Maybe I'd be south bound to Mexico
When you comin' beggin', pleadin' you said, "Baby please don't leave"
Well I made up my mind, I made up my mind it's time to go
I can't change a thing
No matter what you do
But you don't care what you say
I can't hide the pain anymore

Sixty miles or six hundred.
The shadow of the pines
Or the sunny station wagon.
We're looking at the map
And we're laughing and we're going.
I hope some other time
I won't care so much about
Being understood as I do now.
I will leave myself and go away.
I would like to follow you away.
Would you let me take care of you?
I would like to sing you a song in the morning.
Walk you to the car when you're going
Where you're going.
And then some other time
I wouldn't care so much about
Being understood as I do now.
I would leave myself and go away.
I would like to follow you away.
Walk you to the car when you're going
Where you're going.
I wouldn't care so much about
Being understood as I do now.
I would leave myself and go away.
I would like to follow you away.
Seeing you I know what is right
And what is true.
Oh I see the way I want to be.

Que pena que no est¨¦s t¨²
para que vieras que mar
que agua tan m¨¢s azul
y sus olas...
Que pena que est¨¦s tan lejos
y t¨² te pierdas este amanecer
ay! Que pena, si supieras c¨®mo est¨¢ Canc¨²n
yo s¨®la
con tantas olas, Ay! que vienen y van
y yo sola, yo sola
como la luna, como el sol, como el mar,
eeel mar...
Claro que extraño tus besos
y tu manera de amar ... aah, aaah!
tu mirada, tus palabras, tus caricias,
tus sonrisas, pero est¨¢s aqu¨ª
sin tus ojos, sin tu boca, sin tus manos, sin tus cosas
y el mar frente a mi... Canc¨²n y yo.
Que pena que no est¨¦s t¨²
para que vieras que mar
que agua tan m¨¢s azul
y sus olas...
que pena que est¨¦s tan lejos
y t¨² te pierdas este amanecer
ay! Que pena, si supieras c¨®mo est¨¢ Canc¨²n
yo sola
con tantas olas, Ay! Que vienen y van
y yo sola, yo sola
como la luna, como el sol, como el mar
eeel mar...
Claro que extraño tu cuerpo
pero gracias a la mar
y a las olas que me miran, que me atraen
que me abrazan
que me besan y me hacen ir
que me atrapan, me conducen, me seducen
me desmayan
cuando vuelvo en si... Canc¨²n y yo
me seducen, me desmayan
cuando vuelvo en si... Canc¨²n y yo

I'm going away
But I promise to return some day
But if I don't I promise to remember you
And let us share a drink
so that we can remember
The way things were when friends were here together
Cause our lives are made of memories
And they're all we can take with us
When we leave this place we're in
And as you travel through this world
May your path be long and stony
And may it lead to the most amazing view
I'm going away
But I promise to return some day
But if I don't I promise to remember you
And as you nurse your glass of whiskey
And look out onto the skyline
Think of me and remember the way we were

They don´t know
(They don´t know)
what we got
(what we got)
till its gone away and hmm
(gone away and hmm)
cuz they don´t know(they don´t
know) were we´ll go´
(were we we´ll go´)
till its gone away and hmm(gone away and hmm)
I got a lot of doubt, that i´ll be running out, that should be running
so why don´t you just take it away from me
Take it away frome me yeah
don´t know we´re going out
but i can´t go without
and I am slowing down
so why you don´t just take it away frome me
take it away frome me (yeah)
cuz i´ve been lost
you know my love
I never thought, she would give up
and i´m all by myself
this time,this time
ah ah ahh
cuz they don´t know(they don´t know)
what we got(what we got)
till its going away and hmm
(going away and hmm)
cuz they don´t know(they don´t
know) were we´ll go´
(were we we´ll go´)
till its going away and hmm(going away and hmm)
Yea Yo!
I´m in a different world and i got to get out
cuz shes down and now and that´s not
what i missing enought
friger than it´s cold
like I´m living in the blizzard wow
how can I get back from this place
that have ones found
with in my mouth I´m loosing time
I must move on and pain ugh,
picture how i feel it not than i will drove aline
she was more than mine
but i have to let her go
cuz when you love everything
that you won´t
you must know that there´s no control
so I say a little bit of my own
dignity and I write this song
hopefully she will hear it own
every station that she knows
it´s almost over
and i will show her
what it means to be away
frome somewones that should be closer
They don´t know
(They don´t know)
what we got
(what we got)
till its going away and hmm
(going away and hmm)
cuz they don´t know(they don´t
know) what we got
(what we got)
till its going away and hmm

Please don't forget me,
I'm going away
I'm taking a taxi to Kentucky
Where they don't need to know all about me,
I just need to feel safe.
I've got a thousand sweaters and shoes and paintings to hide.
Skeletons in my bed.
Don't ask where I'm going.
I'm going away
I'm going my way
Finally it's my time
to be lonely, and lost, unloved and I can't wait.
Don't forget what I said.
don't forget my letter.
Every night I pray for you.
I don't got no religion,
Isn't it that something
I'll miss those days?
I saved that bottle,
It's now 10 years aged
I've got some bibles I could sell for money
And a pair of fresh shaved legs
Won't you baby come with me,
I've got extra space
In my car, in my heart, in my mind
Look there's the passenger seat
by the postcards you gave (Don't know where I'm going)
I'm going away
I'm going my way
Finally it's my time
To be lonely, and lost, unloved and I can't wait.
Don't forget what I said,
Don't forget my letter
Every night I pray you
I don't got no religion
Isn't that something
I'll miss those days?
But he said, "Slow down, slow down
Think it over, we've all got wretched closets
But silly girl pride kills more than aids lately."
I said, "Come on
I've thought it over
I don't wanna die here
I have no desire to get married"
I can't race the others anymore,
No, I must learn to race myself.
I'm going away,
I'm going my way.
Finally it's my time
To be lonely, and lost, unloved and I can't wait
Please forget what I said (I'll find my way)
Please forget my letter.
Every night I pray for you,
I don't got a religion
Isn't that something
I'll miss those days?
I, I'm not going halfway (i'll find my way)
I, I
Every night I pray for you,
Don't believe in heaven
Or that it could be a happy place.


What the hell is going on?
Somethings wrong with this picture
And I'm thinking it might be you
When we started off it was all ok
But slowly I started to notice
What you say isn't always true
Why did I go and waste my time
With a girl who was not all mine
Guess i hoped that we'd come through
Coz I like the idea of you
I'm going away
Didn't you see this coming
Now, you want me to stay
But I know you've been running round
What else can I say?
Shouldn't have stayed in the first place
Now I'm going away
We never had much fun anyway
What's a nice guy supposed to do?
Don't bother trying to deny it
I think you've lied quite enough already
So this chump is up and moving on
I've wised up and now your times up
Cos the last thing I need is you
So watcha gonna do
There is one thing I'd like to know
What's it like being such a ho!
What are they gonna think of you
When there's no one you haven't screwed
I guess this is goodbye
Don't say I didn't try

Lookin out my window,
Looking down the road.
I would like to go, far away,
Away from this place.
I wanna see the world,
Before I die.
Before too many years go by, I've got to go,
Before I get to old.
Cuz I'm goin away and I'm leavin today,
And I won't be back for a while.
Gettin on a train, a bus or a plane,
I'm gonna leave this place in style.
But before I go I just want you to know
That although it hasn't been very long.
We'll meet again together my friend,
And we'll laugh and we'll sing this song.
Friends will leave you and they will say farewell.
And you can never tell, just why they go,
You don't know, you don't know.
I want light music to softly hit my ear,
You know I've been waiting for years
To take a chance, and to dance, with the wind.
So I'm goin away and I'm leavin today,
And I won't be back for a while.
Gettin on a train, a bus or a plane,
I'm gonna leave this place in style.
But before I go I just want you to know
That although it hasn't been very long.
We'll meet again together my friend,
And we'll laugh and we'll sing this song.
Cuz I can't be tied down
Sittin in a on-horse town.
I've got to know, who I am.
I pray for you all the time.
You'll always be, on my mind.
And I hopw you understand.
That I'm goin away and I'm leavin today,
And I won't be back for a while.
Gettin on a train, a bus or a plane,
I'm gonna leave this place in style.
But before I go I just want you to know
That although it hasn't been very long.
We'll meet again together my friend,
And we'll laugh and we'll sing this song.

Going AA
You lied to me,was it something,out of my life
domestic flight.
In every states,i see your face,may take half
my life,i won't turn back.
From east to west,north to south
we're going across America.
Coast to coast,the highway knows
we're going across America.
Jazz and swing,the music sings,
we're going across America.
Rock and blues,my soul approves,
we're going across America.
Always in sight,those city lights,
someday i might,stay there one night.
Red white and blue,those are my moods,
which fifty states,hiding you in.
From east to west,north to south,
We're going across America
Coast to coast,the highway knows,
We're going across America
Which town is this town,motown or my town
I'm going across America
Soul and funk,i'm on the hunt
I'm going across America
What time is this time,ragtime or fun time,
I'm going across America
Jazz and swing the music sings
I'm going across America
Metal in fusion,swimming in confusion
I'm going across America
Rock and blues,my soul approves
I'm going across America
Lakes and plains,back on the train
I'm going across America
Smokies to the Rockies,
state lines and farmlands
I'm going across America
From east to west,north to south,
We're going across America
Coast to coast,the highway knows,
We're going across America
words by Eric JL Birnbaum
aka Didorion

I'm going away
But I promise to return some day
But if I don't I promise to remember you
And let us share a drink
so that we can remember
The way things were when friends were here together
Cause our lives are made of memories
And they're all we can take with us
When we leave this place we're in
And as you travel through this world
May your path be long and stony
And may it lead to the most amazing view
I'm going away
But I promise to return some day
But if I don't I promise to remember you
And as you nurse your glass of whiskey
And look out onto the skyline

Is that the moon I see, over there in the West,
Or the head-light gleam, C&O; express?
I know she's gone, What ever I say,
it won't be long 'til I make up my mind
And Go away.
Is that the sun coming up on the eastern shore,
Or just the coal bed glow behind the firebox door?
I know she's gone, whatever I say,
But it won't be long 'til I make up my mind
And go away.
Did you see that fool he can't hear the whistle
Blind old man caught out on the trestle.
Can't go up and he can't go back,
Train kept coming brushed him off the track.
Other storms may blow and the wind may rise,
Still I long to go where the fast mail flies.
I know she's gone, whatever I say,
But it won't be long 'til I make up my mind
And go away.

On a field of red one gold star
Raised above his head
Raised above his head
He was not like any other
He was just like any other
And the song they bled
Was a hymn to him
Awake my little one
The seed of revolution
Sewn in the sleeve
Of cloth humbly worn
Where others are adorned
Above the northern plain
The great birds fly
With great wings
Over the paddy fields
And the people kneel
And the men they toil
Yet not for their own
And the children are hungry
And the wheel groans
There before a grass hut
A young boy stood
His mother lay dead
His sisters cried for bread
And within his young heart
The seed of revolution sewn
In cloth humbly worn
While others are adorned
And he grew into a man
Not like any other
Just like any other
One small man
A beard the color of rice
A face the color of tea
Who shared the misery
Of other men in chains
With shackles on his feet
Escaped the guillotine
Who fought against
Colonialism imperialism
Who remained awake
While others slept
Who penned like Jefferson
Let independence ring
And the cart of justice turns
Slow and bitterly
And the people were crying
Plant that seed that seed
And they crawled on their bellies
Beneath the giant beast
And filled the carts with bodies
Where once had been their crops
And the great birds swarm
Spread their wings overhead
And his mother dead
And the typhoons and the rain
The jungles in flames
And the orange sun
None could be more beautiful
Than Vietnam
Nothing was more beautiful
Than Vietnam
And his heart stopped beating
And the wheel kept turning
And the words he bled
Were a hymn to them
I have served the whole people
I have served my whole country
And as I leave this world
May you suffer union
And my great affection
Limitless as sky
Filled with golden stars
The question is raised
Raised above his head
Was he of his word
Was he a good man
For his image fills the southern heart
With none but bitterness
And the people keep crying
And the men keep dying
And it's so beautiful
So beautiful
Give me one more turn
Give me one more turn
One more turn of the wheel
One more revolution
